NCsoft is NOT our enemy




Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
In the short term I think a lot of attitudes will depend on how their next statement reads - i.e. where they lay out the 'detailed timeline' for the shutdown, how accounts paid past November will be handled, and so on. I'm kind of surprised there hasn't been one already, but it'll make interesting reading when it does come.

In the long term it will all depend on whether they are willing to even discuss giving up the IP.

I just wish we'd get some more solid information about why they decided to do this. I've no doubt it'll come out eventually, but if NCsoft care at all about their PR it's surely in their interest to say something - if only to avoid the most negative rumours and theories spiralling out of control.
This is exactly what I'm waiting to see. A lot of ill feelings will be eased with some fearless honesty, and understanding. If NC is willing to do this, I'm willing to forget how they've generally stood in the shadows while Zwill was breaking the news on Facebook and the main page.

If NC is not going to bury COH forever, I'm willing to forgive.

As for your mission, Tony V - I wish you luck.




Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Nonono. You don't seem to understand.

My company is a corporation. It's no more (or less) even than the next randomly sampled corporation.
I'm sorry! I wasn't exactly clear myself. I meant to say that it's large corporations that I dislike and distrust. Indeed, the bigger and more complex they are, the more wary I am of them!

Conversely, I really like small companies. Especially ones run by families.



Sorry, but seeing as how NCSoft decided to pull the plug on City of Heroes as far as I'm concerned they are the enemy.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
Sorry, but seeing as how NCSoft decided to pull the plug on City of Heroes as far as I'm concerned they are the enemy.
They're an enemy we're trying to negotiate a peace treaty with to seccure the handover of our territory, so right now, having the safetys off is fine, but fingers should be kept away from triggers.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I know people at Arenanet and they were just as shocked by this as the rest of us. Did they take their time with Guild Wars 2, yes. But they are nitpickers for quality and that should be appreciated. They could have shoveled out Guild Wars 2 early, but chose to wait until it was, indeed, ready.

NcSoft made some risky business decisions, not Arenanet. They made a big aquisition and didn't retool Aion for the American audience (we hate grinding.) Closing Paragon Studios to shovel money at Aion, here, is a huge mistake and will probably cost them in the long run. The MMO market is not what it once was because of online support in many games that aren't MMOs. This takes away part of the dynamic of what made MMOs unique. It's not NcSofts fault, entirely. And hating Guild Wars 2 will only hurt our efforts even more because, if that game fails, NcSoft will shut down another truly remarkable company that also listens to its playerbase. I, for one, do not wish to see that.

There is also the possibility that Arenanet could convinve their publishing arm to allow them to take CoH under their wing. Please, as TonyV stated, let cooler head prevail.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
that clown was completely full of it when he posted here, I doubt he's changed his spots.

Nethergoat, remember how once I said the fact we agreed on something was a sign of the end of the world?

*looks around* Yeah, that.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



When a company goes rabid, and discontinues my world. That makes them the enemy. Anyone who acts in only they're own interest, even when doing otherwise wouldn't hurt them is inherently your enemy.

If the only thing that they will listen too is this then I will cry it to the mountains.

"Not One More Penny"

If all you care about is the bottom Line NC Soft I can assure you this is going to effect it.

Anyone who fires my friends (and yes anyone I would buy a beer for no questions asked is a friend), and ends my online home without a good reason, is my enemy.

If all I can do to hurt that enemy is vote with my wallet in the end, then that is what I will do. NC Soft has 87 days from now to rescind this decision, open source the game, or sell it to another developer, or they will never see a penny of my money again, and until those decisions are made they will not see any of my money either.

I know your trying to be peaceful in this. And heaven knows I signed the petitions and made the phone calls and wrote the letters, however TonyV, I will only be so kind to one who would make me they're enemy.


Currently protesting on Freedom in perpetuity...

"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
They're an enemy we're trying to negotiate a peace treaty with to seccure the handover of our territory, so right now, having the safetys off is fine, but fingers should be kept away from triggers.
This seems reasonable. You don't have to like them, and you don't have to support them in any of their other products. You can even wish for their heads placed on pikes at the end of your driveway as a warning for other software publishers to not cancel your favorite titles*, but that sort of thing is probably best expressed privately rather than being directed at them: alienating them doesn't give them any reason to make them more likely to help you get what you want.

* - hypothetical example only for illustrative purposes; this poster does not condone trophy displays that would bring about the interest of local law enforcement and does not support this method of protest.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



TonyV, you may be spearheading efforts to save CoH, but you aren't our spokesperson or our leader. Trying to defend NCSoft and make it out to be some noble corporation is ignorant both of the history and nature of corporations, but is also irreflective of the manner in which NCsoft chose to shut down our game. You claim NCSoft did this unwillingly - well yes, I'm sure they did. But it was not for any love of the game or loyalty to its players. NCSoft may have realized that the game wasn't turning much of a profit, and chose to invest money in an alternate project for which it had greater aspirations. Never forget that NCSoft is a corporation. It exists to make money. Your flowery, stupendously ridiculous speech to the contrary, there is no reason to suspect that NCSoft ever did anything for this game that wasn't specifically and solely designed to turn a profit. Unlike Paragon Studios, NCSoft chose to be an inhuman, soulless corporation without care or regard to the players of the game. Ample evidence exists for this in the manner in which they chose to shut us down without warning or stated reason.

In this scenario, NCSoft is like a supposedly loving husband telling his wife to pack her things and GTFO after some decades of marriage so he can have a skinny young blonde in his bed; and you are claiming the man only did it because he has special needs that must be met.

In short, please keep your nonsense to yourself. Trying to save CoH is one thing - I think it's a pretty hopeless battle, myself - but do shut up about what you clearly don't know or understand. It's insulting to us.

... Welp. Guess the Anger is back at last.



This is really doom.



NCSoft is not our friend. NCSoft is not our enemy. NCSoft is not a bean counter, or a back stabber, or any of those things. NCSoft is a company. Its a building and some masthead. NCSoft doesn't have feelings, doesn't make decisions, can't be reasoned with or argued with.

NCSoft is a container of people. Some of those people probably wanted City of Heroes to go on. Some of those people wanted City of Heroes to end. That's probably always been true. On Friday, the latter group got what they wanted.

But while those people may deserve our antipathy, there are lots of others who don't. NCSoft is an easy target for anger, but its also a completely unfeeling target for that anger. NCSoft won't care if we're angry. NCSoft won't care if we boybott the company. NCSoft won't notice if the world ends tomorrow.

The important thing to understand is that while a certain amount of corporate-directed anger is understandable, its rather like hating Korea, or Earthlings.

Someone at NCSoft gave us a chance when not many others would have. Someone at NCSoft gave us the resources to expand the game beyond our expectations for five years. Those people may still want to see the game continue. They don't deserve our spite. Maybe some bean counter at NCSoft made this call. Then again, maybe this was not a financial decision at all: I've seen many corporate restructurings happen for political reasons more than financial ones, and political fights often have the most corporate bystander casualties.

Maybe someone at NCSoft could help us save the game. Hate NCSoft as an abstract entity, but remember that people make decisions, and NCSoft is composed of lots and lots and lots of people. As I've said for over eight years about Paragon Studios, NCSoft is not a Hive mind. While you hate the abstract entity, remember the people that exist within it.

I find the guy responsible for the shutdown, and he and I will have some words. Anyone who knows me in the real world, and has seen me in meetings, knows they will be interesting words. I'm definitely not known for being discrete. But I won't lob bombs at people I don't know for a crime I don't know they committed. That goes for the people behind Aion, the people behind Guild Wars, and even the suits at NCSoft. NCSoft is an easy target and I catch myself doing it as well, but NCSoft is not a thing that cares if I'm angry, and its not something I can extract revenge on. NCSoft is a thing on paper that doesn't care if it even exists or not.

People are the important thing. The developers and community people at Paragon are the important thing. The players of City of Heroes are the important thing. And for good and for bad, the people at NCSoft are the important thing. And the most important thing is to protect the innocent people while we punish the guilty people. Not burn an entire building down to catch a couple of twits.

That's should be the City of Heroes way. Except for Villains, but the devs hated villains anyway.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



[QUOTE=TonyV;4379773] I have a crazy conspiracy theory that they were actually doing us a favor. Disclaimer: This is speculation, so please don't link back to this post as proof of anything. Bear with me here.

Sorry Tony V. Props to you and what Titan is trying to do but... Your speculation is the equivalent of the kid playing in a mountain of feces shouting "There has to be a pony in here somewhere!"

The truth is closer that on a Friday afternoon a bomb was dropped and the Rikti won. Paragon Studios: wiped out, CoH: irreparably harmed (best case) or gone (probable case). It did not have to happen this way but it did... and I'm well aware of the corporate entity responsible.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
In short, please keep your nonsense to yourself. Trying to save CoH is one thing - I think it's a pretty hopeless battle, myself - but do shut up about what you clearly don't know or understand. It's insulting to us.
Speak for yourself, not for the rest of us. "It's insulting to us."



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Speak for yourself, not for the rest of us. "It's insulting to us."
Judging from the rest of the thread, I'm not alone in my sheer disbelief regarding this feeble (and rather narcissistic) attempt to persuade CoH players not to be angry at NCSoft.

I literally felt less clean having read it.



This is really doom.



While I am not a rabid burn NCsoft down type I as a consumer have a right to be angry. There was a right way to go about this and they did the opposite. No one had an inkling this game was on the chopping block...not even the devs. They were still working on issues and costumes and powers up until the day the rug was pulled out from underneath them. The reason why so many people are angry is because no one saw this coming.

Now I am not the active boycotting type but I will not give money to s company that behaves in this manner.

"I believe there's a hero in all of us, that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride, even though sometimes we have to be steady, and give up the thing we want the most. Even our dreams." Aunt May SM2

i dreamed a dream, but now that dream is gone...good bye Paragon



NC is neither an enemy, nor a friend. They're a company, one that has made its share of good and of poor decisions (lately).

They're also extremely unlikely to be swayed in any constructive way by anger, venom, boycotts, or threats. While I personally have no plans to give them money again, after the disgraceful way they handled Paragon Studio, neither of those facts is helpful to this conversation.

They're also not a huge media company with an audience of tens of millions across North America; i.e., the sort of corporation that might be in a position to feel an impact from massive Facebook protests, Twitter campaigns, and so on. There are too few of us and too few people aware that NCSoft exists, for that kind of thing to be effective.

Being polite and positive may not help our cause either, but at least it won't hurt.

Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.



Originally Posted by FlyingCodeMonkey View Post
They're also not a huge media company with an audience of tens of millions across North America; i.e., the sort of corporation that might be in a position to feel an impact from massive Facebook protests, Twitter campaigns, and so on. There are too few of us and too few people aware that NCSoft exists, for that kind of thing to be effective.
You've got a point. If only we could get a significant number of Korean gamers to sympathize with us, that might give more weight to the issue for them.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
but they also still will be forever associated with whatever that thing might be that they created and grew and then, when the time was right, wisely spun off to flourish on its own. And holy crap, when that came to pass, people would be incredibly happy and full of gratitude.
That really is crazy; I think it's a bit of a stretch to describe what happened as "wisely spun off". NC don't have a great track record with previous games (I went to read some of the comments on youtube videos for TR/AA/dungeon runners at the weekend; they were very samey).

The analysis someone linked makes a lot of sense of their behavior. I don't necessarily like it but it makes a great deal of sense (I know nothing of the guy's record just saying that 2% down from 18% of revenue would make this more understandable). They aren't my enemy but the way they've dealt with this makes it really unlikely I'd ever deal with them again. No emotion involved in that statement. I'll wait and see what they will do about all those VIP subs that are set to run past 30th Nov; I'd have expected any company that knew what it was doing to have that sort of info released at the same time as they announced closure.

Synaesthetix:if your mum wasn't already dead I would go kill her for bringing
you into the world



Yeah, I don't think our tone matters much one way or the other -- but we don't want to make ourselves look like nutjobs, either. NCSoft made a business decision of the kind that employers all across the world make every day. NCSoft could have handled it better, but if there's an aggrieved party, it's not the players; it's Paragon.

There really isn't any way NCSoft could have altered their approach to the game's closing to be more fair to the players; we got three months' notice. Paragon's staff were hit with an ambush-style layoff on the eve of a holiday weekend (and believe me, I know how much that sucks), and we can and should express our sympathy for the developers who've brought us all so much joy over the years, but as far as we players are directly concerned, we got about as much as we had any reasonable cause to expect.

So although I'm not totally on board with everything Tony said in his first post, I have to echo the Arcanester here: let's try to moderate the anti-corporation vitriol just a tad. It may not end up doing us any good, but our best hopes do lie with business of one sort or another.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
Nice build



I'll give them until Friday before I get nasty. My husband knows that when I'm still angry and yelling or arguing I can still be reasoned with. When the talking stops is when I'm at my most dangerous.

I'm still talking.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
Judging from the rest of the thread, I'm not alone in my sheer disbelief regarding this feeble (and rather narcissistic) attempt to persuade CoH players not to be angry at NCSoft.

I literally felt less clean having read it.
Well, speaking for the silent majority, we are sick and tired of the moronic scorched earth policy that some people are taking. We are hereby declaring our intent to continue to support NCSoft and buy even more NCSoft products.*

(*Not really speaking for anyone. But the NCSOFT EBIL chorus is, in fact, moronic.)



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post

Sure, from an outside view, it can seem detestable. But you want to be paid for your time and effort right? You don't work for free do you? Investors don't go into an investment looking to get nothing out of it or, heavens forefend, lose money.
It is worthwhile to also consider those investors. Many of them might well be pension funds or mutual funds. This means people's retirements are banking on these investments making enough return so as to be able to live on the proceeds. If the company does not make a worthwhile profit, it is their responsibility to find a way to do that. If it means they have to cut things to enable profitability, so be it. That is their duty to those who actually own the company, the shareholders.

I'm quite upset about this game being on the chopping block. However I really don't fault NCSoft since as TonyV stated truthfully, they have thrown plenty of cash at the game at times when I would have assumed it was due to be put out to pasture in maintenance mode.

It would be nice if it gets saved somehow, but I'm not going to hold my breath on that. Things come to an end. That is the nature of reality.

Too many alts to list.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
HERE we go!

EDIT: Also: Using silly terms meant to diminish and/or offhandedly dismiss your opponents' points of view with intentions toward sarcasm and humor, when your main argument is presumably that we should not be demonizing a game publisher by making sweeping generalizations of them, is perhaps a bit both counterproductive and ironic.



Interesting how the belief that NC is a monolith that will be unaffected by anything we do goes hand in hand with calls to treat them kindly and think well of them.

**** those ********, I hope their company dies a horrible death from corporate Ebola and they find themselves evicted from their HQ with a cheery "Sucks to be you!"

Oh dear, where are my MANNERS.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Is it too late to Ragequit?

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt