NCsoft is NOT our enemy




Enemy or not Tony, I can not allow myself to give NCSoft money again. I agree with Coyote, they no longer care about western gamers. I feel my money would be better spent else where.

More than anything, they way this was handled was horrible. I am sure the person you met from NCSoft was nice. There are a lot of nice people working at crappy companies.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Sure, NCSoft have done a lot for us; but last Friday, our good buddy snuck up behind us, and stabbed us in the back.

Whilst the point you have made is well proven, they still did what they did to us, end of.

Thats how I see it, anyway.



Your dad gives you a puppy. You grow up with the puppy. Your puppy grows into an adult and is your constant companion. He is still in the prime of his life and he's your best buddy. Then your dad drags him out behind the woodshed and kills him.

Why? Because he wants to put an addition on the house and the money he will save on future vet bills and food will help out a little bit.

Oh yeah, your dad is a great guy for getting you that puppy isn't he? Everything is all peaches and gravy because he let you keep the dog for 8 years before he decided to kill it.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Avatea used to be one of our community reps; she was lucky, she was able to relocate to the US and work with the Paragon Studio's people for a while, but for the rest? Unemployment.
I would like to correct something for you on this... Avatea was *already* on the move over to City of Heroes when the shake up happened (seeing as she was at that point in time the CM for Tabula Rasa). Martin Kerstein was also able to move over to the US. There are a few others that i can remember who still managed to stay with the company one way or another, although not necessarily for CoX... there were some who had moved over to Lineage 2, others got picked up for Aion.

Annoyingly for the EU side, it was a case of "if you can move, and the studio wants you, you can stay" (For the community team that is). Creative Concepts (Spaff, Rockjaw, Aero) were let go as a group. The GM's and support staff were slashed, and you had to "justify your place" to stay on. And then don't forget that the EU offices also had some development running as well (Which is why Bridger was let go)

You will notice that this is the time when the *studios* and not NCsoft became directly responsible for managing their community teams. This change also coincided with the leadership change up of NCSoft West.

((Little known fact for you guys out there: At least in the EU offices, you *didnt* just do CM work for MMO's. YOu had a lead CM, and then you had your backups. Both Ghostraptor and Kerensky have stepped in to cover Avatea for CM work on TR when she was out of the office... under the new scheme, there would be no-one unless they were already on the CM team for the studio)).



"Hrm, my shoulder has been kind of sore lately. I think I'll hack off one of my legs and see if that helps."

Logic. NCSoft does not haz.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
If a dog that has previously been pleasant and friendly suddenly starts growling and biting, my attitude toward that dog will immediately change.

I will still have my memories of the dog when it was more amenable, but my attitude toward it will be driven by current behavior, not nostalgia.

The past is gone, and NCSoft are presently destroying my online home.

If they want my good opinion they must radically revise their current behavior.
Hmmm, so you're saying NCSoft has a case of rabies? Sounds about right.

I like that analogy and everything else you stated.

I only hope the dog can be cured and not put down. Dang.

Tony, thank you for spearheading this, we need a leader, I'm happy you were hero enough to step up

Certified: Altaholic as defined by Memphis_Bill since 2005

Coming to you from a galaxy far, far away...



I agree. NCSoft has been a good shepherd for the game.
But, as all shepherds know, eventually some of the sheep get eaten.

I'm sure this wasn't a decision they've come to easily or with little forethought.
Unfortunately, at the end of the day, they're a company that's in the business of making money. They're obligated to their investors and The Bottom Line.

Smaller, wholly owned companies can sit there and operate break-even year over year. But when you're beholden to investors, you pretty much HAVE to show a REAL profit.

I know this for a fact.

My company spent several years operating hand to mouth. We're doing a lot better now, but we can still get away with SOME modicum of shooting from the hip. Because it is a privately owned company and the owners are ALL outright fans who want to see the game continue.

For us, it's all monopoly money. We get to go to cons for, essentially "free", we get lots of nice swag, still waiting on the swooning fangirls though... If we ever actually see a dividend I'd be stunned.

We DO make money. We're a multi-million dollar company. But any profit is reinvested into growing the company or sitting in the bank, guarding against a "rainy day".

For public companies with "investors", well... The rules are COMPLETELY different.

They want to see a return on their money. Period. They don't care that "Game X is the raddest thing since nuking the magnetosphere!" They want to see their money grow. Otherwise they'd put it in the bank.

Nasty things happen to companies, and company officials, who ignore this tenet.

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Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
NCSoft are nothing but a bunch of bean counters. They provided the cash to run the game, but they're just enablers. The ones who ACTUALLY did all you say, are the dev team. Starting with Cryptic and ending with Paragon Studios. THEY are the ones who deserve respect. More so now because although we got knifed in the back, THEY got shot in the face.

Hey. Don't knock the guys doling out the cash. They're just as important as the guy with "the vision" or the guys doing the grunt labor.

Except they're the guys putting their OWN money where other guys' mouths are. It takes a fairly solid set of cojones to do that sort of thing. Even if most of the hierarchy is counting coins.

I'm not saying be lovey-dovey with them and throw oodles of cash their way "just because".

But at least be willing to give them the respect they deserve.

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NCsoft has pulled some gross moves before so I don't think they're the friendliest as a corporation, so the general reaction is understandable. Personally, I'm pretty mad at them because of how drastic and radical their moves were. I also worry about what happens next because they've been real spiteful about things such as Dungeon Runner's case (holding onto IP etc. despite closing it).

Eugh. So yeah, I have some distaste for them. I'm honestly not for defending them as "good" because I'm pretty sure another company could have handled ownership of CoH better. I think protesting and tellin' 'em we're mad is fine as long as it's not threatening (I doubt anyone has done that but just in case!) We are mad, better be honest about it. ...Yeah, I'm biased...

What I will say that if we're nasty to them it's not gonna help them cooperate. Yes, being mad is part of it and will show something but we do want them to cooperate because they still have some holds on CoH and we would like them to cooperate... so yeah, we need them on our side 'cause they still have control.

I don't think boycotting or giving them a Bad Image is counterintuitive though, that's more likely to make them rethink than be even more spiteful, 'cause the public's involved and that'd be something they'd care more than getting revenge on us. I dunno though.

I drew this for my friend Ninja Earl. I aspire to be a concept artist.
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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Smaller, wholly owned companies can sit there and operate break-even year over year. But when you're beholden to investors, you pretty much HAVE to show a REAL profit.
Thank you for reminding me why I generally dislike and distrust corporations.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Really? Because when I met Katie at the Player Summit, she sure didn't seem like a bean counter to me. When she was singing karaoke with us, weirdly enough, I didn't see any knives being surreptitiously plunged into any rib cages.

Like Soylent Green, NCsoft is people. They have thoughts, emotions, plans, needs and wants, just like everyone else. Why are they specifically in the gaming industry instead of some other more lucrative industry? Obviously because gaming and the gamer culture means something to them beyond mere dollars and won. Dehumanizing them as "a bunch of bean counters" is insulting, and I really hope that the community steps it up a notch.

Okay, maybe Soylent Green is a bad example. I'm working on a total of around eight hours of sleep for the past three days and trying to at least pay nominal attention to my day job while I type this, cut me some slack.
All I can say to this:


I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



They may have had no choice but NCsoft have done no favours to the MMO genre, the lack of trust I show towards MMO's will not allow me to subscribe again. They have cast a big black cloud above the MMO industry and now most pro gamers will be looking over their shoulder before investing a long length of time into a specific game with the prospect of something like this looming over them.

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Smaller, wholly owned companies can sit there and operate break-even year over year. But when you're beholden to investors, you pretty much HAVE to show a REAL profit.

I know this for a fact.

My company spent several years operating hand to mouth. We're doing a lot better now, but we can still get away with SOME modicum of shooting from the hip. Because it is a privately owned company and the owners are ALL outright fans who want to see the game continue.
Semi-OT, but you work for a game company Hyper? Now that the forum rule against naming other products has crumbled away, you mind sharing? I'd like to support your company's product.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
Nice build



Tony, sounds like you're in the bargaining phase of grief.

I doubt very much the outcome will be different whether or not we talk nicely about NCSoft.

Heartbroken I lurked a lot but I'll miss you all

Alpha Team sg, Pinnacle server
Black Citadel vg



Originally Posted by Alexis_NA View Post
Tony, sounds like you're in the bargaining phase of grief.

I doubt very much the outcome will be different whether or not we talk nicely about NCSoft.
To add on - it's better if we make other people outside the company react than directly the company. They're gonna care a lot more about potential and current customers than they are our community. Yes, we want them to care, but we kinda have to push ourselves into their line of sight. I'm all for trying to contact them though, 'cause we need any exposure at all possible. (I hope this made sense)

I drew this for my friend Ninja Earl. I aspire to be a concept artist.
Taimatsu-maru Fire/SS tank Grapes. Plant/Kin troller Blood? Healer/Emp/BR fender | more...
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My opinion:

NCSoft retained unprofitable Aion because it's an eastern hemisphere game with eastern hemisphere jobs at the expensve of profitable COH because it's a western hemisphere game with western hemisphere jobs and . It would have made more sense to shutter Aion. They didn't.

They could have given the staff notice and treated them with respect. They didn't.

They could have given the customer base notice so as we didn't spend money on PPs we'll not use. They didn't.

I am grateful that NCSoft gave us City of Heroes. I am angry about their recent actions and I have a right to be. My decision to boycott stands until the death sentence against COH is rescinded and everyone at Paragon Studios gets their jobs back with an apology.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Originally Posted by Alexis_NA View Post
Tony, sounds like you're in the bargaining phase of grief.
It's still better than than the raving hordes who are stuck in the anger phase.



Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
NCSoft retained unprofitable Aion because it's an eastern hemisphere game with eastern hemisphere jobs at the expensve of profitable COH because it's a western hemisphere game with western hemisphere jobs and . It would have made more sense to shutter Aion. They didn't.
Maybe, maybe not.



Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
My opinion:

NCSoft retained unprofitable Aion because it's an eastern hemisphere game with eastern hemisphere jobs at the expensve of profitable COH because it's a western hemisphere game with western hemisphere jobs and . It would have made more sense to shutter Aion. They didn't.
More sense to shutter Aion? Your opinion is completely lacking in business acumen.

Edit: Your dumb sig graphic has put you on the ignore list. Enjoy!



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
More sense to shutter Aion? Your opinion is completely lacking in business acumen.

Edit: Your dumb sig graphic has put you on the ignore list. Enjoy!
Sheesh, give a girl 30 seconds to fix an image will you? After I updated my sig I saw it was too big and changed it. Apparently not fast enough.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
More sense to shutter Aion? Your opinion is completely lacking in business acumen.

Edit: Your dumb sig graphic has put you on the ignore list. Enjoy!
Eh, noscript/scriptblocker takes care of dumb sig graphics. Like that guy misusing George Carlin so egregiously.



Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
Sheesh, give a girl 30 seconds to fix an image will you? After I updated my sig I saw it was too big and changed it. Apparently not fast enough.
It's still humungous... But no biggy. Right click, ad-block, done.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Ghostmaker View Post
I don't know if this has been posted, but I found this:

It's bitter, and unpleasant... and most likely why Paragon and Co* got the axe. Sigh.
I didn't trust or accept most of UnSub's reasoning when he was playing and posting here, I'm not going to start now. Sure he played for 5years, but he was a consistent Debbie Downer for at least 3 and a half of those, and has made it clear he's had an axe to grind in his blog ever since.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
More sense to shutter Aion? Your opinion is completely lacking in business acumen.

Edit: Your dumb sig graphic has put you on the ignore list. Enjoy!
I know this guy won't see it, but if anyone wants it here is NCSoft's Q2 report (requires PDF download):

Quote from report: AION was weak due to scaled back in-game item sales.

COH/V didn't merit a single specific mention like that. Box sales of COH were low compared to Aion's, but didn't result in a loss like Aion did. That's what I'm basing my opinion on. I play both games, it's not like I'm hating on Aion..

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
Thank you for reminding me why I generally dislike and distrust corporations.
Nonono. You don't seem to understand.

My company is a corporation. It's no more (or less) even than the next randomly sampled corporation.

This isn't about "corporations". It's about the manner in which any given corporation is run. Mine has the luxury, due to affable owners, of being able to run a loose ship (one of our newest products suffered a THREE YEAR delay, during which time INDUSTRY people were doing "Shut up and take my money!" at us).

For companies beholden to profit-oriented ownership, the rules are going to be different. It's not "evil". It just "is".

Sure, from an outside view, it can seem detestable. But you want to be paid for your time and effort right? You don't work for free do you? Investors don't go into an investment looking to get nothing out of it or, heavens forefend, lose money.

Now, if you still want to be all "Ebil Corporations! RARGH!", go ahead. I'm just saying it has no place here.

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