NCsoft is NOT our enemy




Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
From my recollection NCSoft has promised no timeline on when they will have a refund announcement. The assumption was that they will get a plan together in a few weeks. Considering both the global corporate NCSoft website as well as the NA NCSoft games site still list CoH as a current game in the stable makes it seem more like it was a snap last minute decision (or someone remembered at the last minute and called Paragon to drop the hammer) rather than a coordinated effort with the best face they could put on it.
The idea that they fired 80 people and left tens of thousands of angry players "homeless" on a whim, with no real plan in place for what happens after that, does not make me more sympathetic to NC Soft.



Seriously. That's NOT the kind of decision you make out of the blue without ticking off a LOT of paying customers. If their PR guys didn't warn them of that, they need to be fired.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Seriously. That's NOT the kind of decision you make out of the blue without ticking off a LOT of paying customers. If their PR guys didn't warn them of that, they need to be fired.
When it's ~40% of ~5% of their income they may just not care. When some non-zero percentage of that ~40% will still give them money through other games they really have no incentive to care about what amounts to a rounding error.



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
When it's ~40% of ~5% of their income they may just not care. When some non-zero percentage of that ~40% will still give them money through other games they really have no incentive to care about what amounts to a rounding error.
It doesn't just look bad to current customers. It makes them look bad to POTENTIAL customers as well, which are often actually more valued than current customers by a company.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



I don't post much. Never have. But I have been here since pre-order beta. IMO yes, NCSoft is the enemy. As of now they are my mortal enemies. They are Korean businessmen and they don't really give a rat's as* about a primarilly American played game that is not producing large profits for the corporation. Especially when so many of us are perfectly happy to go on paying for an NCSoft product such as GW and GW2. I WILL NEVER spend another penny on an NCSoft product. Does this hurt them? No, of course not, I fully realize my little flyspeck of money meant nothing to them in the grand scheme of business. But it makes me fell better anyway. If enough people felt the way I do then the company might at least have felt it. No more than a flea bite of course, but at least it would made them scratch the itch.

So all of you folks that wish to keep feeding your corporate overlords feel free to do so but please don't insult me by telling me that the people responsible for breaking the best toy I've ever had in 61 yrs of life are not my enemies.



I understand what you are saying, but to use a CoH Analogy to me there Alignment has changed. To me they ARE the Villains, not strictly cause they no longer want City of Heroes, in fact that part I am okay with and completely understand what makes them Villainous to me is the manner in which they handled it. Most of the time when a company decides to shut down a game or sell it off they have a press conference or news release that is accompanied by a trickle effect where you get a patch or two to help wrap things up before the lights go dark. In this case it was delivered more like coming home to an eviction notice.

It is for THAT behavior that I demonize NCsoft.

All they would have to do is show that care about the players at all. An apology for they handled things, telling us directly they are interested in selling CoH to another company. Other things that don't help is things like unwillingness to give refunds to people who bought months of Sub time at once that extend past when the game will be shut down and only offering to transfer the game time.

I am sorry this changes nothing, at this point in time if CoH dies (baring something like NCsoft trying to sell CoH but no one being interested) I will not be buying any more NCsoft products. I know that my not buying there products probably won't hurt them. Heck even if every CoH player decided to the same as me it probably wouldn't hurt them a ton. Would it be nice if it hurt there profits enough for them to feel it? yes! However that is not the ONLY reason I have decided this. It comes down to I have a limited amount of money and I choose not to spend it on products by a company that I feel doesn't care about its consumers. To me I feel like okay so IF I do buy GW2 are they gonna pull this same crap with that in 8 years where they decide they want to focus on pretty pretty princess dress up games and the only notice we get is a message on the site saying we have 2 months till they take away the game with no real explanation? I am not willing to give them that opportunity again.

Again I understand the business part its not where they want there focus, but the way they handled the shut down was callus and harsh and I am not down with that.



Forget Mitt Romney et al

maybe Tonyv should run for president and save America!

Get away from that computer once in a while!

Opinions are like bottoms, we all have one, and they usually stink.




I'm sorry, but I disagree with you Tony. I have a mountain of respect for you and the Herculean efforts you are taking to save our beloved game, and I sincerely hope it is saved, but NCsoft is now the enemy for their atrocious actions towards the CoH player community and Development team of Paragon Studios. As a result, if they decide not to sell the game to another developer so that it can continue, they will have lost my future business (and from the hundreds of posts I've been reading around the Internet) and that of a large segment of the MMO player community. They will not ever get another dime from us, and the word will spread that they are an MMO killer. I sincerely hope that one day in the near future they go out of business for their horrendous treament of their former customer base.

Founder/Leader of the JUSTICE F0RCE



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
A very long and quite eloquent post about the good things NCsoft had done for us
That was then this is now.



I will agree to part of this. NCSoft is not my enemy.

I honestly do not care whether they continue to exist or not. They stopped taking my money on August 31 and they don't have any other products I care to purchase.

At this moment in history they mean as much to me as any of the restaurants that I no longer go to, or the gas stations I don't stop at, or any of the hundreds of businesses that I do not spend my money at.

No, they are not my enemy. Right at the moment, they ARE the only people who can keep the game alive. And, like or not, if we have any chance of saving this game, we have to continue to associate with them.

We do not have to like them. We do not have to agree with them, We do not have to give them any slack because of what they have done in the past. We do have to deal with them.

Keep making noise. Keep the word going around. Do not let them dictate what the news sees. Keep up the pressure and make this enough of an embarrasment to them that the only way to make it stop is by becoming open minded enough to release the game to interested parties.

I do not care if they admit their foolishness. I do not care if they become the laughingstock of the gaming industry. I do not care if they go out of business or become the biggest success story ever.

I do not care because they are not my enemy, and after November 30th, they will cease to be a part of my life.

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.