NCsoft is NOT our enemy




Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
That was a Troll post if I have ever seen one. People like this are the ones inciting so much anger on these boards.
(shrug) It's a brand new forum account specifically for trolling. It happens.

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Originally Posted by CatMan View Post
Can you think of one example of a game they closed which they have sold off?

Put like that I can agree with your reasoning, even if it does seem pointlessly petty and even cruel. It's nice to think that if they're serious about refocusing on asian markets they'd be willing to consider selling off a property that has been proven to have no impact there... but... well, we shall see.



Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post

Put like that I can agree with your reasoning, even if it does seem pointlessly petty and even cruel. It's nice to think that if they're serious about refocusing on asian markets they'd be willing to consider selling off a property that has been proven to have no impact there... but... well, we shall see.
That is the only reason I reasoned that way: it fits their current pattern. Trust me, I would love it if NCSoft sold the rights to Paragon or someone else, but it does not mesh with their prior history.

CatMan - some form on every server

Always here, there, and there again.



Originally Posted by HI IM A UNICORN View Post
You're yet to explain how you differ from anyone else in being any more important for the bosses at NCSoft. Considering your real life job is so un important that you've found it actually 'worth it' to devote time away from it for the good of a made up, pixelated world.
Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
(shrug) It's a brand new forum account specifically for trolling. It happens.
And it knows there's no moderation going on so it'll keep at it as long as it can.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by HI IM A UNICORN View Post
You're yet to explain how you differ from anyone else in being any more important for the bosses at NCSoft.
Um. Why should Arcanaville have to prove she's any more important to NCSoft than anyone else? Where did this standard come from? Do you think it's some kind of put-down to say she's not important to NCSoft?

It's sorta like if I was discussing politics, and you ran up and said "Oh, yeah, well you aren't any more important to President Oboma than anyone else, so just shut up, what you have to say doesn't mean anything!"

A person's level of economic "importance" is really irrelevant to whether the points they are making are right or wrong.

Originally Posted by HI IM A UNICORN View Post
Considering your real life job is so un important that you've found it actually 'worth it' to devote time away from it for the good of a made up, pixelated world.
So you are saying that Arcanaville has admitted her job is unimportant because.... she has chosen to have a hobby.

By that logic: Warren Buffet plays bridge pretty fanatically, therefore his job is unimportant.

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Originally Posted by HI IM A UNICORN View Post
Its sad that the minute someone slaps on a lil bit of an attitude round here you guys immediately see it as trolling. Seriously is hilarious you all need to get a grip and start going out into the real world more often. Maybe the closure of this game will do your mental and social well being some good!



Originally Posted by HI IM A UNICORN View Post
You're yet to explain how you differ from anyone else in being any more important for the bosses at NCSoft.
I never said it was. Although I'll bet a year's salary its more important than someone that feels its appropriate to call themselves HI IM A UNICORN

Considering your real life job is so un important that you've found it actually 'worth it' to devote time away from it for the good of a made up, pixelated world.
The game isn't made up. I suppose I have to be the one to explain this to you, but City of Heroes was a real game. We didn't all make it up. There was actual code and everything. Its still functioning if you need evidence it actually existed.

There are a lot of people whom I know but I have never met in person. My only interaction with them has been through email and text messages. They are not made-up ASCII people, they are real people. The people who played this game are real people, with real interests. Those interests include a real game, in the real world.

I have no need or desire to explain my professional responsibilities to you. You're nobody that I care enough about to do so. However, if you believe that the sunset of the game provides you an opportunity to take pot shots at people, find an easier target. Because I have no problem taking your little bit of attitude and shoving it so far up your little bit of *** that it finds itself embedded in your little bit of brain.

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Originally Posted by HI IM A UNICORN View Post
I think if I cared for anyones view on my attitude it would have changed from the first post. Keep trying to get under my skin, its endearing at best.
If you cared you would post under your real account. Now I'm putting you ignore to save time. I won't waste it on someone who can't even be real about who they are.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Originally Posted by HI IM A UNICORN View Post
Its sad that the minute someone slaps on a lil bit of an attitude round here you guys immediately see it as trolling. Seriously is hilarious you all need to get a grip and start going out into the real world more often. Maybe the closure of this game will do your mental and social well being some good!

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
When the game closes, I am really going to miss Arcana's posts.



I agree, but I do have to admit to a certain level of amused fascination with watching this play out... mostly due to the fact that it's a laughably one-sided fight, intellectually speaking.


On topic:

TonyV, while I have a great deal of respect for your roots and dedication within the greater City of Heroes community, I strongly disagree with the majority of your post. With sadness, I will also echo the sentiments of several posters before me and say that I'm disappointed in the message of this thread and frankly, a little resentful.

We may never know many of the factors that went into the decision to cancel City of Heroes. We don't know what NCSoft's intentions regarding the future of the IP are, or what the future will bring for the game or this community.

What we do know is how the decision was carried out.

Quite a few players invested heavily into the game prior to its cancellation, even as recently as a week before the cancellation. It's not a stretch to say this was done mostly in good faith: faith that, with our ongoing support, the game would continue to exist, and we would be making investments into our future enjoyment for the game.

I can deal with a beloved and celebrated game going offline after years of service. I've been through that twice before. What we as a community cannot, and should not abide is NCSoft's sudden and complete betrayal of that legacy in how they chose to send the game off.

The layoff of the Paragon Studios staff and cancellation of all on-going products, with no previous warning and sales continuing up to the day of the announcement, was, frankly, dishonest and treacherous. They owe us, both as customers and as a community that has poured our hearts and souls into the game for years, more than that. We deserved at least some form of warning of intent prior to cutting sales off cold, and we deserveadditional information on what will happen to our investments in unused points and subscription time.

As of this moment, we've had neither of those... so NCsoft may not be your enemy, but I can assure you, there are a number of posters that feel differently.



Originally Posted by Kenji_Naginata View Post
As of this moment, we've had neither of those... so NCsoft may not be your enemy, but I can assure you, there are a number of posters that feel differently.
Quite true. I think calling NCSoft an enemy is overboard. But as to what they are: they not our friends or even, as many of the CoH/V community and staff view themselves, family. In the pecking order of NCSoft games, we are obviously on the low end.

edit to add: If they were an enemy, this conversation would not be taking place on these forums and all our access to CoH/V would have ceased to exist last week. An enemy seeks to destroy. Words are powerful, but the misuse of them diminishes their truth and impact.

CatMan - some form on every server

Always here, there, and there again.



Originally Posted by CatMan View Post
Quite true. I think calling NCSoft an enemy is overboard. But as to what they are: they not our friends or even, as many of the CoH/V community and staff view themselves, family. In the pecking order of NCSoft games, we are obviously on the low end.
To be fair, I wouldn't really say I consider them an "enemy," either. As Arcanaville pointed out in an above post, such enmity is wasted for the simple fact that NCsoft is a corporation.

As a customer, however, I feel that NCsoft's gross mishandling of the situation has completely annihilated any goodwill or trust I was willing to extend to them. Since anger will accomplish nothing, my only remaining recourse is to avoid making that same mistake with them again.

I'll continue to hold out a certain degree of naive hope that something will come along and resolve the issue, but even a miraculous stay of execution isn't likely to preserve the "spirit" of the game once the devs have moved on to greener pastures.

Talk about a downer ending.



Hi Everyone,

It has been a long time since I've posted anything, and most of you probably have no idea who I am. I've been largely absent from the community for the last couple of years because RL has demanded it. I've been with this game since one of the later waves of open beta, and I have a great many very fond memories associated with it.

I understand everyone's displeasure and rage that they've just gotten the news that something they care about is on its deathbed, when just recently it seemed so healthy and happy. I don't want to see this game end, and if I had a few spare million dollars laying around, I'd buy Paragon and keep it going. Alas, I'm not that wealthy, but I am willing to do what I can to save this game. Being angry with NcSoft for this move will do nobody any good, and will only hurt our chances of fixing this problem. We haven't heard any statements from NcSoft yet, so we don't know their side of the story. Some time very soon, there will be a press release with explanations and consolations and placations and all sorts of other -ations.

Until that time, all I can do is voice my support and love of this game and its development crew. If some hero comes in and saves this game I will rejoice, and if not I will mourn. Regardless of what the final verdict is, I will continue to support the cause as well as NcSoft.

To the rest of us who care about this game: Hate never helps anything. Hope never hurts anything. Never give up. Never surrender. Being a hero means finding hope in hopelessness, and fighting for a cause you believe in, no matter how dire the situation.



Originally Posted by Kenji_Naginata View Post
To be fair, I wouldn't really say I consider them an "enemy," either. As Arcanaville pointed out in an above post, such enmity is wasted for the simple fact that NCsoft is a corporation.

As a customer, however, I feel that NCsoft's gross mishandling of the situation has completely annihilated any goodwill or trust I was willing to extend to them. Since anger will accomplish nothing, my only remaining recourse is to avoid making that same mistake with them again.

I'll continue to hold out a certain degree of naive hope that something will come along and resolve the issue, but even a miraculous stay of execution isn't likely to preserve the "spirit" of the game once the devs have moved on to greener pastures.

Talk about a downer ending.
A whole bunch of this.

I've been a gamer since video games were only text. Pen and paper RPGs before that. The sad truth is that it seems like the entire gaming industry has been completely taken over by the bean counters. You can still find art amongst all the garbage but the stink of greed isn't something we can escape.

All we can do is stop giving money to companies we find making decisions with which we don't agree.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Kenji_Naginata View Post
To be fair, I wouldn't really say I consider them an "enemy," either. As Arcanaville pointed out in an above post, such enmity is wasted for the simple fact that NCsoft is a corporation.

As a customer, however, I feel that NCsoft's gross mishandling of the situation has completely annihilated any goodwill or trust I was willing to extend to them. Since anger will accomplish nothing, my only remaining recourse is to avoid making that same mistake with them again.
Well put. That's pretty much how I feel about it; we've had a few people who sneer and jeer at anyone saying they're going to boycott NCSoft, especially those who say "a boycott won't change anything."

But really, this is all the boycott boils down to. Taking your money elsewhere. Voting with your wallet. We might not affect NCSoft's profits significantly since we're a financial drop in the bucket compared to their current star titles, but we might have a more signifcant impact in our efforts to save the game. Other people might look at this situation and think twice before giving NCSoft their money.

But the most important thing is, our money is going to other things we feel more comfortable supporting.



Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
We might not affect NCSoft's profits significantly since we're a financial drop in the bucket compared to their current star titles, but we might have a more signifcant impact in our efforts to save the game. Other people might look at this situation and think twice before giving NCSoft their money.

But the most important thing is, our money is going to other things we feel more comfortable supporting.
Ironically, their actions indicate they don't care about our money spent on CoH/V. If CoX is a losing proposition financially then removing the game from their plate, regardless of the loss of our money we were willing to spend on the game comes out as a positive for them. If the net of money spent by players and the cost to keep the game running is a loss, and a loss possibly not made up by income from other games, then it boils down to cutting losses to preserve the greater whole.

Corporations are nothing in and of themselves. What makes them anything are the people that run them. Paragon is a company made up of people we like, NC Soft is made up of people we have come to not like given how they have treated us as customers. The distinction between a company and the people that run the company is merely legal and on paper. I know for some that is hard to accept, but it is the way it is.

While hating NCSoft may be a feel good it is essentially hating the people the people that run the corporation, but that hate is meaningless either way: ones emotions are better directed somewhere else and for better purposes than to hate people trying to make money.

CatMan - some form on every server

Always here, there, and there again.



Catman, you're still talking about hate while we're talking about money. It's not hate that has caused me to walk away from Bioware games. It's not hate that will keep me away from NCSoft games. It's nothing more than me, as a consumer, choosing to put my entertainment dollars elsewhere.

To do otherwise is to reward companies that make bad decisions and that would be illogical.

A corporation, as you state, is a legal concept. It was a person or group of persons that choice to lay off everyone at Paragon and kill this game. I see no reason to continue supporting that person or those people financially.

Be well, people of CoH.



Did we ever find out how much revenue City of Heroes + Paragon Studios brings in after expenses, if any? I know CoH was still bringing in several million bucks. All the expenses incurred from supporting the studio and the game couldn't be more than that, could it?



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
A corporation, as you state, is a legal concept. It was a person or group of persons that choice to lay off everyone at Paragon and kill this game. I see no reason to continue supporting that person or those people financially.
I was only mentioning hate as some others were including it in the discussion. I also agree with you 100%: I see no reason to support NCSoft anymore (actually, that support started to die with Tabula Rasa and Exteel's closure). Why should I trust them with an investment of my time, money, and emotions when they treat said investment in this way.

CatMan - some form on every server

Always here, there, and there again.



Ya know what else? I'm gonna choice to make sure that I proofread anything else I post tonight because choicing otherwise sounds like a bad idea.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by HI IM A UNICORN View Post
Its sad that the minute someone slaps on a lil bit of an attitude round here you guys immediately see it as trolling. Seriously is hilarious you all need to get a grip and start going out into the real world more often. Maybe the closure of this game will do your mental and social well being some good!
Oh man, I am SO glad I found out how to use the ignore function. People like you REALLY needed more discipline as a child. Off you go then! To the list with you! Shoo, troll! Begone!

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Catman, you're still talking about hate while we're talking about money. It's not hate that has caused me to walk away from Bioware games.
Out of curiosity, what did Bioware do?

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Out of curiosity, what did Bioware do?
ME3's ending and rolling over for EA far too often. Also... Dragon Age 2 was pathetic.

Be well, people of CoH.