NCsoft is NOT our enemy




Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
The Elephant in the Room isn't NCSoft. It's not another game. It's Nexxon.
It's possible Nexon has something to do with it. Haven't heard much in lieu of their plans except the partnership was to leverage each other's strengths. Nexon is good with casual F2P games but not with big mmo games...NCSoft has the mmo expertise but not so much with F2P and with hopes for co-developing games.

Sounded like Nexon wanted big mmo IPs instead of destroying them but who knows what happens in their meetings...can't find specifics relating to CoX.

From Nexon's 2Q 2012 shareholder letter
In early June, we became the largest shareholder in NCsoft through the acquisition of 14.7% of the outstanding shares. This strategic relationship brings together NCsoft’s strong pipeline of IP and our leading international publishing platform and free-to-play expertise.

By becoming NCsoft’s biggest shareholder, we believe the agreement opens the door to future commercial relationships, such as co-development of games and leveraging NCsoft’s IP in international territories. We are currently in active dialogue with NCsoft’s team regarding a variety of mutually beneficial opportunities.
The elephant in the room may well be a game but it probably would be Blizzard's Diablo3 which was mentioned as a reason for the partnership since it exhibited a local threat having big success in Korea as well as other foreign threats like league of legends.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I wouldn't mind McDonalds removing Chicken McNuggets from the menu if they didn't also say the reason was that they were going to make chickens extinct.
Time to wrassle up some chicken DNA.

I'll get the turkey baster.



I am not angry at NCSoft...I was in the beginning, but I can see why they did what they did.

I am very thankful to them for allowing CoH to even exist in the first place. I got 7+ years of entertainment out of CoH and made some friends along the way.

I even purchased GW2 on Saturday so I could stay in touch with some of my friends who are now playing that instead.

Am I sad that CoH may be shutting down..absolutely. I love CoH and have never found anything even remotely as enjoyable in an MMO. But I am not going to fault NCSoft for making a business decision; especially when I am not aware of the reasoning (nor would I probably understand it fully since I am not much of a business person...I mean hello I am a therapist.. I deal in feelings).

I am hopeful that CoH will continue in some way, but also fearful that any resurgence of the game will leave a cloud of doom over it...kinda like waiting for the other shoe to fall. Until something is definite I see no reason to dwell on the situation. Others (TonyV specifically) are doing what they can to help save the game and I applaud him for his efforts; especially in light of some of the comment sin this thread. People may not agree with his viewpoints on NCSoft, but damn people sure are negative and spiteful towards him...all while he does everything he can to save the game.

Best wishes to you are a hero to me.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Or they could not close or sell anything, cut costs first not all the jobs and any chance of bringing games back.



Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
Time to wrassle up some chicken DNA.

I'll get the turkey baster.
I'll get the brain bleach.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I pre-treat. Otherwise I'd have to stop typing sometimes.



I mentioned this to a friend and he pointed out that there's a pretty reasonable explanation, which is that large companies will sometimes:

1. Borrow a lot of money to buy a smaller company.
2. Transfer the debt to that smaller company.
3. Pay themselves large bonuses.
4. Somehow make it someone else's problem.

I didn't really follow the details. But apparently, one way to handle a thing like this would be to shuffle some logical paperwork debts to a subsidiary, then fold it because it's obviously not viable with all that debt.



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
I mentioned this to a friend and he pointed out that there's a pretty reasonable explanation, which is that large companies will sometimes:

1. Borrow a lot of money to buy a smaller company.
2. Transfer the debt to that smaller company.
3. Pay themselves large bonuses.
4. Somehow make it someone else's problem.

I didn't really follow the details. But apparently, one way to handle a thing like this would be to shuffle some logical paperwork debts to a subsidiary, then fold it because it's obviously not viable with all that debt.
Vulture Capitalism. But I don't believe that is what happened in this case.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I never trusted them. And to be fair, they never asked me to trust them.

But, and I know this will sound hollow, if I had stayed away from NCSoft, I would have never gotten to play City of Heroes. I would have never gotten to know the developers at Cryptic and Paragon Studios. The same shmucks that did this thing today were the gatekeepers to some wonderful things I wouldn't have traded away. Had I known in 2004 this was coming in 2012, I would have still gladly signed up and paid my money.
I might well have. But in 2004, ncsoft did not have quite the same track record of abruptly killing games off. Nor had they decided to not contact me at all about the money I paid them for a service they are not going to provide.

But Paragon Studios itself is proof that a company like NCSoft can contain people worth knowing, worth working with, worth taking a chance on.
Yeah. But also that it doesn't obviously help to take that chance on them -- because ncsoft can just yank the plug whenever. And that's sorta the thing; there are lots of things out there that I think are worth taking chances on. I bought into Rift fairly big early on because I liked their attitude, and same with TSW, and I'm happy with both of those. So far.

I don't know any of the developers of Aion. I don't know any of the developers of Guild Wars 2, at least to the best of my knowledge. I didn't really care for Aion much when I tried it, and I've only had literally a couple hours of playtime with GW2 so far and it was sketchy for me. But if someone at Paragon told me they knew so and so working on GW2, he's a good guy, give him a chance, and give the game a chance, I would probably do so.

I'm not asking anyone else to. I'm just admitting what I would do.
Yeah. Thing is... I have a hard time enjoying an MMO-type game if I have low confidence in the publisher to keep it running. Especially if I have low confidence in them to give explanations or warning. (I can handle change, grudgingly; I cannot cope well with unexplained change.)



Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
What if NCSoft was playing both sides of the fence; making money from their legitimate subs and micros while being the controlling entity of the RMT rings?
Then they would be Chinese and not Korean.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Then they would be Chinese and not Korean.

You're really cracking me up today, Arcana.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



My 2 cents:

I'm not going to boycott NCSoft. I won't tell people not to buy from them. I won't be adding to the flame posts hoping for them to get malignant tumors. There's no real point in it. At the end of the day, it's a business decision, and they're a business.

However, I do demand a level of service, and if I see it's not going to be there, I won't be doing business. The service being provided during this shuttering isn't one I find professional. Of course I'm not going to like being told the games gone, but that's not my sole reason for deciding not to do business with NCSoft anymore. It's the handling of the shuttering and the fact that I have unpaid time that I doubt I'll see a refund on.

If a company has any inkling that they can end a game as fast as they're ending this one, they shouldn't be selling 12-month subscriptions and telling me its a deal. They certainly better not offer me their equivalent of in-store credit. If I wanted to purchase their other games, I would have already done so. A refund is in order, and if I don't see one, then I've been burned on the deal. And if you're getting burned, it's not wise to put your hand back on the stove.

So I don't wish ill for NCSoft. I won't want business with them, but I don't hope they burn and crash. I don't hope they do well either. They're just a non-issue to me. I think Tony V has his heart in the right place with this thread. Let go of the hate, folks. It's not going to do much for you. If the game can't be saved, then try to make your last memories with it good ones.

Ok, my 2 cents turned more into a dollar. Sorry.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
NCSoft is the lovely person we married who then cheated on us and finally left us, taking all our stuff with them. Good then does not equal good now, if you know what I mean.
NCSoft is the person who, when we were about to default on our mortgage, swooped in, bought us a new house, got us a big screen TV, asked us to invite all our friends over, then locked us in and set it on fire.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
NCSoft is the person who, when we were about to default on our mortgage, swooped in, bought us a new house, got us a big screen TV, asked us to invite all our friends over, then locked us in and set it on fire.
A TV! And FIRE?!

(Yes...I do like like blasty types, and fire too)



Originally Posted by HI IM A UNICORN View Post
This has to be the dumbest thing i've read in this entire thread. No offence but being a number cruncher on an MMO doesn't translate to anything in the real world. I don't think a millionaire korean business owner is going to give two ***** what the person who invented 'arcanatime' on a stupid game has to say anyway. peace out *****
That was a Troll post if I have ever seen one. People like this are the ones inciting so much anger on these boards.

Types of Swords
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No, I think he honestly believes Arcana is strictly a net-dwelling AI.

Which is kind of awesome, if you think about it.

Of course, I know better; she's a sapient dolphin. Everything fits.



This seems very important to you. Do you want to talk about it?



Originally Posted by HI IM A UNICORN View Post
Every time I have something to say thats slightly realistic and not as delusional as all of you I get called a 'troll' be serious with yourself. You guys have COMPLETELY lost it, NCSoft is a business they are never ever going to care about a 10k customer base when they have millions in other areas. They're not going to save this game themselves or do anything to help anyone else in doing that because it serves NO interest to their business. Get a grip, all of you.

Just because someone says something you don't like doesn't instantly mean they are trolling, you just see it as trolling as its uncomfortable for you to face a lil bit of truth every once in a while.
Perhaps, but what do you gain by stating it? Serously, I thought I may have been just taking it out of context, then I looked at your post history. Under normal circumstances you would have been banned by this point.

Also Arcana is a female, not a male.

Types of Swords
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Originally Posted by HI IM A UNICORN View Post
Every time I have something to say thats slightly realistic and not as delusional as all of you I get called a 'troll' be serious with yourself. You guys have COMPLETELY lost it, NCSoft is a business they are never ever going to care about a 10k customer base when they have millions in other areas. They're not going to save this game themselves or do anything to help anyone else in doing that because it serves NO interest to their business. Get a grip, all of you.

Just because someone says something you don't like doesn't instantly mean they are trolling, you just see it as trolling as its uncomfortable for you to face a lil bit of truth every once in a while.

The problem is, it's not so much WHAT you're saying it, it's HOW you're saying it. A small modicum of real tact can take one a long way.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



I'm not surprised.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Originally Posted by HI IM A UNICORN View Post
Just because someone says something you don't like doesn't instantly mean they are trolling...
But when they go out of their way to be an *** hole when they say it, it does make them a troll.

Especially when it appears you've made your forum account just in time to act like an *** hole.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Originally Posted by HI IM A UNICORN View Post
I don't really care.
I think we both know that's not true.



Originally Posted by HI IM A UNICORN View Post
Keep trying to get under my skin, its endearing at best.
And at worst?

But I'm not trying to get under your skin. You've taken a fairly extreme stance on an issue, and you respond preferentially to the more extreme replies to your statements. It's fairly obvious that you do care; if not about the issue at hand, then certainly about the act of provocation.

But I think you also care about the issue. Why is that, Unicorn?



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
NCSoft is the person who, when we were about to default on our mortgage, swooped in, bought us a new house, got us a big screen TV, asked us to invite all our friends over, then locked us in and set it on fire.
Where's the goat's roflcopter?!

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.