All Things Character Art




Hi Dink,
THanks for this new thread.
Here are some things I would like to see added to the costume creator:
Jungle Lord loin clothes and Jungle Lady bikinis - plain, leopard spot and zebra stripe versions
Fur trimmed robe for males - emperor's robe (think of it as something like a retooled Witch's Bolero for the guys)
Deep V shirt/top for men
V-neck T-shirt for men
An acutal long hairstyle for men, akin to the gals' Real Glam style.
More masks like the Jester Mask, that actually look like masks and not painted on - I would especially like to see a bird beak mask similar to this.
A swashbuckler's shirt with puffy sleeves for both sexes
Sashes for both sexes
I'd like to see the Olympian guard texture applied to boots and gloves so we can have a cohesive look.
A Tabard for the upcoming chainmail set
Scale mail tights - top, bottom, gloves and boots
A blindfold without barbed wire going over the top of it
BP Shamaness styled wait capes for the ladies
More facial hair options, including sideburns/muttonchops, a horseshoe moustache (I'm thinking like WWF's Rick Steiner's 'stache), and stubble.
A clothing set that looks like it's made from plants/vines for Elf/Fairy heroes
Dragonfly wings (I know we have Insect WIngs already, but I'd like a set that looks sleeker, more Dragonfly-like)
Circlets and bracers for men
Hoods that could work with capes to look like cloaks - for both sexes
A Hoodie/street level costume set
Actual trenchcoats, like Rosarch and Dr. Occult wear.
A turban, both modern and old-timey (Like Sargon the Sorceror's headwear)
More briefs options for men - leather, chainmail, scale mail, metallic, Barbarian bikini
Metallic tank top for men, like the gals' Metallic dress top but turned into a tank top
Metallic T-shirt
High collars, like Dr. Strange's
New breastplates to go over chain mail, tights, etc.

Thanks for your consideration



I'll take this opportunity to beg, once again, for the Legacy Chain helmet, shoulder pads, and at least one of the chest details (the one that matches the shoulder pads) to be added to the Carnival of Light costume pack, since virtually every male member of that order wears one or more of those pieces, and about a quarter of the female members wear at least one.

Also, I agree with PsyFox above that we need a turban. Two turbans, maybe, one with and one without a giant gem in front, for the psychics. We also need at least one fez, because fezzes are cool.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
My big want is non-normal thickness body parts.

skeleton body parts - only bone thick
Originally Posted by Major Deej View Post
1. Quivers. No, they don't have to be asymetrical; align them down the spine, vertically. A variety of quivers would be nice too (Native American, tech, mutant, elvish, etc.). I don't care about the arrows or animations drawing issues; I wantz me quivers!
Just wanted to add a +1 for these two requests. So... +0.5 each or something.

Anyway, I'd also like to put forward a suggestion for a Sports-themed pack of pieces.
A variety of possilities include:
American football helmet.
Ice-hockey masks (both styles).
Visor for the tennis, golf or poker enthusiast.
Football shoes (aka cleats) and/or running spikes.
A new selection of skirts and shorts based on basketball, tennis,(shudder) sumo, etc.
Baseball jersey.
Cricket shinpads (extra bonus for bat weapon too).
Chequered pants - cause golfing requires no shame.

I'm sure there are other obvious options I've missed out.

Keep up the excellently fantastic work, thanks for listening!

Justice Hunter, 50 Inv/SS Tank

Slenszic, 50 Sword/Energy Stalker

MA Arc IDs: 1355, 2341, 2350



This is something small, simple and relatively easy that I've wanted for years:

A zipped version of the Biker jacket along with unzipped versions of the Racer and Leather jackets.




Wait, I change my mind. Bomber Jackets can wait.

What we really need is hair.

Lots and lots of hair.

Long hair, medium hair, short hair.'s so weird. We have so many styles of hair and yet have such a narrow selection of hair. At the same time.



Some of the more simpler things (I think >_>) that I'd like to see is...

Various "Tights" options" made into "Tops with Skin" options.

Buckled Leather, Patent Leather, ect, those tight options that aren't available with a Top with Skin option. Could be done in a tanker style and just remove the sleeves.

Shorter skirts.

The Tank Top made into a Shirt category option full and belly shirt versions. Would be nice to have the strap options.

Small Padded Gloves for Males/Huge.

New Domino Masks that don't look like they're painted on. Actual masks! Would love to have a white eye with glow option with them, but if they just narrow around the eyes and not leave skin exposed, that may be good enough to just use an aura with them for the same effect.

Spiked Collar kept in the Shoulder option, but also put into Detail 1 option.

Imperial Dynasty with Skin option given multiple color selection. Doesn't have to be all, but would be nice to not be stuck with yellow.

You're adding more and more new tight options, loving those!

New short options! Cut off jean shorts!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Less generic superheroes.

More awesome modern culture.


Also my Naginata for Staff Fighting. And more Eastern-inspired costume pieces. If not only because they're absolutely gorgeous. Imperial Dynasty was really good, but I want to see more elegance!

... Also an armored skirt.



I'd also like a texture for the current pleated skirt model that was smoother, and didn't look like rougher openweave material.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Kheprera View Post
Oooh, somewhere else to pitch my ideas! *grin*

Here we go:

Egyptian Set:
Animal Heads usable with the Nemes cloth (the Egyptian Hat under Hats)
Jackal, Cobra/Snake, Vulture beast heads
The Red and White Crowns of Egypt
The Blue War Crown
Vulture Crown (for women)
Skirts, the shendyt
Tops with folded cloth/heavy pleats
Jeweled belt several varieties of Egyptian clothing styles
Collars and Pectorals
Sandals (without wings!)
Braided hair
Underarm Wings
Yes please.

That above, a thousand times that.

I have been asking for Egyptian stuff since the beginning of the game.

At a minimum I think an Egyptian set should have the shendyt, and the blue (or whatever color) circle thing around the shoulders. I like the Egyptian "hat", and chin thingies we already have.

Of course all of the above would be awesome too.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



Some very simple reuests here;

1) HD versions of all the current hairs and faces for Male, Female and Huge. The current legacy hair, and to a lesser extent faces, look so. Damn. OLD. It hurts!

2) More hair, especially for Male/Huge, but Female does need some help there too. And more faces that are on par with the Retro Sci Fi Male faces and the Bio-Luminescence and Organic armour faces. i.e. HD faces.

3) No more trying to use Normal Mapping on faces! I.e. the Steampunk faces and the Halloween faces. They look terrible and dive headfirst into the Uncanny Valley. Please, leave Normal mapping for costume parts where it works. Stop using it on faces!

That's it for me, other than keep up to the standard of parts you've been throwing out lately, Dink, they rock =]

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I'd like to see some sort of advanced military/special ops pack. Basically every model that the Malta/Knives of Artemis group has, unlocked for player use. Hell, you don't even have to make new meshes; just unlock the existing stuff for player use. There is a distinct lack of military gear in this game.



Male sashes, please.

Thank you.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Can we get more mask or cowl-type options that have "depth" to them? I've got a super with what's supposed to be a classic-looking head-covering cowl, but you can still see his ears. The cowl didn't cover them, it just changed their color.



Hey Dink,

No pictures for this really but I will try to be descriptive.

First a... question/request. Think you could take a look at the way "boots" work with females, specifically those boots with knee pads and other protuberances they always seem over-sized whenever I try to use them on most females as if the lower portion of the leg is much larger than the thigh in circumference.


Could we see some love put to hoods, Outside of the one from the magic-bundle most hoods have 2 colours but the secondary isn't used. Anyway I am getting tired of my characters being bald when wearing a hood (hood 1 and 2). Would it be possible to add some geo inside the hood (especially for females) that simulates long hair behind tucked back inside the hood? it could then use the second unused colour to colour the hair. I use for reference the pic of the Magdalenia from earlier.

Straps/Webbing, loose hanging belts, bandoliers with pouches around the thighs and upper arms. The stealth chest detail is a good start but I would like to see more holsters in other places.

One thing I have wanted for a while now have been more top-with-skin options that shows off my characters belly, sure its not the best for defence, but this is a comic universe and if I have a character with some sort of supernatural defence, what do i care about an exposed midrift. What im thinking of are pieces/themes that cover the top half of my characters body, we have all these options showing off bare shoulders, chests and neck but little in the reverse. Think old versions of the witchblade armour.

I also agree with the earlier post that we could use some more "cross" symbols in the game for costumes, just because Greek is the theme of the day with CoX doesn't mean other religious symbolism needs to vanish. Magdalenea, Avengalyne, Spawn, Artifacts: Rapture, Hellraizer... there are lots of comics ranging from "real-world" through to angel-and-demons-walk-among-us that could serve as inspiration.

I would also ask for the classics, more tops-with-skin metal variations, sybil style loin cloths and other "waist-capes" hair for hats that rather than removing the entire hair geo just take away a potion so the hat fits and conversely bald options for some hats so bald people don't suddenly grow hair when they put there cover on. How about "trimmed" detail options for all those costume pieces that don't have a second colour option like for Eden or V deep top.

Anyway I could go on but I'm sure others will cover what i forget.. Thanks for reading.

- Raith



I don't have a request for a new costume, but I do have a request for a bug fix.

The Tech Helm, under Full Helmets, looks like it has a dent in the middle of it, as shown here:


Also on Steam



~ Masks with geometry, with a variety of face patterns. Both a smooth porcelain looking mask, and a metal looking one like Doctor Doom, but changed to avoid copyright issues. They should have all the face options.

(An oni mask would be cool too.)

All these masks would need to be allowed under hoods. Right now I can't use the oni mempo with a hood.

~ Sleeveless trench coats that allow all arm options. Basically for coats you have a separate sleeveless category so all large gloves and arm pieces can be used. Trench coats, however, bundle sleeveless options under one category and that category doesn't allow all the arm pieces because of clipping issues if you have sleeves. Either just allow all the options, ignoring clipping and let players decide what looks good, or have a category for sleeveless trenchcoats like jackets gets.

~ At least one energy staff with glowing ends.

~ You know the magic pack collared cape? I want a version without the large collar. Keep the mantle part that covers the shoulders. Have a small collar and a no collar version.

~ A few suits of magical/arcane/ancient armor.

~ More suits of tech armor with glowing bits. I can't get enough of those.

~ A full head motorcycle helmet.

~ More glowing patterns that overlay the character like the victorian aura, but with different patterns. Make them also have glowing eyes. In fact, add the option for glowing eyes to victorian.


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563



Originally Posted by Moonlighter View Post
~ Masks with geometry, with a variety of face patterns. Both a smooth porcelain looking mask, and a metal looking one like Doctor Doom, but changed to avoid copyright issues.
Maybe a Nemesis faceplate?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



How about under the different ARMS category, we get ones that are just SKIN. This would allow for a sleevless shirt, in every current armor/ pattern type, or one full arm exposed, while the other keeps the body armor/ pattern type.

So Upper Arms: Muscular
Full Arm: Muscular

--Obviuously it would keep the exact skim colors selected for the body as well.

Also, how about EYE MASKS in the Details 1 category!
Somthing with a bit of thickness, some could be fancy, or just solid, or different material types.
They could come in 2 options:

Option 1: Eyes showing
Options 2: Eye openeing tint/ colorable. (This gives us an awesome white eye cover/ black mask look!)



Originally Posted by Raith View Post
Could we see some love put to hoods, Outside of the one from the magic-bundle most hoods have 2 colours but the secondary isn't used. Anyway I am getting tired of my characters being bald when wearing a hood (hood 1 and 2).
I always thought a good idea would be to have some long strands of hair eascaping from the hood.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



What I would really love to see is a handblaster glove option (something like Black Scorpion has). It the last missing part for a perfect power armor.



I would like to see updates to the way the categories are separated in the costume creator.

My thoughts on the matter as well as some discussion are here:

This primarily boils down to wanting costume parts to be proliferated more widely by category, and desiring some unnecessary categories to be collapsed together.

I would also love to see all the lists in the costume creator reordered by part type, alphabetically (eg, in head Detail 1, all eyewear in alphabetical order, then all headwear in alphabetical order, then all facepieces in alphabetical order, etc.). The more these lists grow the less and less easy it becomes to FIND anything. It's especially bad in parts that have no apparent logic to their order, like Shoulders, Gloves, Belts, and Boots.

For a specific request I'd like to see copies of the Gunslinger female costume belt and corset without stripes.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I always thought a good idea would be to have some long strands of hair eascaping from the hood.
And the ToV get that in First Ward if I am not mistaken.

Hats with long hair for men, or braided hair. I would love to use the Conical hat and have braid behind it.

Like I said, it is very brave of you to take up this topic. Costumes is a passion for a lot of people in this game.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Things I want:

Black Knights armor costume set: With different asymetric shoulder and belts options, and whole armor.

Talons of Vengeance costume set: Daggers, Swords, Hoods, Hoods with hair, War make up, metallic corsets, Gorgons hair, scales texture, bracers, talons metallic boot...

Long updated hairstyles for both male and female.

Gunslinger female need a couple of add-ons, like basic thight boots with no spurs or laces, and basic corset and waistcape without strips.

Pocked D Party pack II, with tight ripped jeans, short ripped jeans, t-shirts, necklaces, earings, sneakers, more modern civilian clothes...



All the teeshirt options for males are skin tight and tucked in. I'd like to see baggier, untucked tee shirts that hang down below the waist line.

Some more regular street shoes would be nice as well. I like the current sneakers just fine, but I'm not so much a fan of the knee socks that are constantly attached to them, and it'd be neat to get some new alternatives.

An 80s rat tail hair style would be amazing as well. (Yes, I'm serious. No, I'm not holding my breath.)

I got the image above from Google, and I'm kinda wondering if that kid in the picture might actually be me...

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!