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Would invisible heads/body parts be possible?

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Originally Posted by Dink View Post
Just remember that the body is mirrored so whatever is one one side will be on the other ^_^
But I take it this only with the body? I ask because we have the cyborg options, and now the Imperial belt that is asymmetrical.

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Originally Posted by Radiac View Post
I would like to see different types or teleportation effects, like disappearing in a puff of smoke (your choice of smoke color), emerging from a portal (in the ground or thin air), disappearing by turning into a tightly bunched group of birds/bats/leaves/etc that then fly apart and dissipate. I would like to see a jetpack as a costume option instead of a temp power, but I would want it to look different from the ones we have now (the new retro space set accomplishes that I suppose, but that hasn't been rolled out yet). I'd like to see some more wrist band options. That's all I can think of for now.
I can't remember how long ago this was, but I remember some dev or GM in Atlas Park around Ms. Liberty at one time or another using this variant teleport that involved being swallowed by a "pink blob" and getting spit up elsewhere.

Of course, to my discredit I never got a screen of it, but I swear it happened. Maybe it was Zwill having fun? I can't say for sure.



Originally Posted by QuarriosSoul View Post
I can't remember how long ago this was, but I remember some dev or GM in Atlas Park around Ms. Liberty at one time or another using this variant teleport that involved being swallowed by a "pink blob" and getting spit up elsewhere.

Of course, to my discredit I never got a screen of it, but I swear it happened. Maybe it was Zwill having fun? I can't say for sure.
Sounds like Mot TP.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
But I take it this only with the body? I ask because we have the cyborg options, and now the Imperial belt that is asymmetrical.
I think that only applies for Chest, Leg, Glove (when robotic arm is not selected) and Boot options.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Sounds like Mot TP.
It looked more like a blob or a wad of gum than a evil pirahna plant. Maybe that could have been just a precursor to the whole thing, though.



Originally Posted by QuarriosSoul View Post
I can't remember how long ago this was, but I remember some dev or GM in Atlas Park around Ms. Liberty at one time or another using this variant teleport that involved being swallowed by a "pink blob" and getting spit up elsewhere.

Of course, to my discredit I never got a screen of it, but I swear it happened. Maybe it was Zwill having fun? I can't say for sure.
Mirror Spirit TP. Fight'er in the Scirocco patron arc and you'll see it.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



The body (Tights) and some faces (Clockwork). Anything that is it's own Geo may or may not be symmetrical depending on the UV layout. We can make asymmetrical pieces ie: belts but again, anything tight is mirrored.

Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
But I take it this only with the body? I ask because we have the cyborg options, and now the Imperial belt that is asymmetrical.



Okay, I gotta ask: in what kind of bizarro world does it make sense to put the reply in front of the quote it's replying to? It creates a moment of "What the heck are you talking about... OH! I see. It would've made more sense had I saw that first."

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Okay, I gotta ask: in what kind of bizarro world does it make sense to put the reply in front of the quote it's replying to? It creates a moment of "What the heck are you talking about... OH! I see. It would've made more sense had I saw that first."

Is this better

Sorry bout I will post under from now on ^_^



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
Is this better

Sorry bout I will post under from now on ^_^
Yes, much better, thankee.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Okay, I gotta ask: in what kind of bizarro world does it make sense to put the reply in front of the quote it's replying to? It creates a moment of "What the heck are you talking about... OH! I see. It would've made more sense had I saw that first."
Counter-intuitively, that's how Hotmail handles its reply stacking. Each new e-mail is typed up at the top of the stack, with all of the rest of the conversation being below so you have to start reading from the bottom if you want to get the full continuity. Well, you have to start reading from the bottom of the stack of messages, but you still have to keep going to the top of the actual message since English texts write top-down.

That said, I don't disagree with you, just because that's how these forums are structured, and that's what the system suggests by default. It's what we're used to seeing.

And that's my esoteric comment for the thread.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



DINK! Dink Dink Dink!

... okay, -1 point to me for lame Spaceballs reference, sorry.

What I'd like to see is Short Boots.

We have knee boots galore, and for females we have thigh boots; what we don't have are boots that end below the knee. I understand that the lower leg and the foot are one 'thing' on the models, but I don't see why we couldn't use the same sort of approach as the sneakers have and just color-match the bit 'above' the boot to the rest of the outfit.

I'd like boots that look like boots, dagnabbit. Hiking Boots, Floppy Leather Elf Boots, Moccassins, etc. Boots-that-do-not-cross-the-shin. Short boots.




Originally Posted by Dink View Post
Is this better

Sorry bout I will post under from now on ^_^
Meh, over, under, IDC. What is important is that you are responding, which means so far that you are doing a very good job. If you actually answer the questions from my first post I will praise your name to all I come across.

When you give us a list of what the tech limitations is, I will then repost my list and remove what is not possible.

A few things seem to have become clear so far though. Listing this to help you out.

We all want a sash for male and huge models.

We all want raised masks. Like the ones I posted, and the general domino masks. We are all pretty tired of the painted on look.

Lastly, we all still want the NPC parts that we do not have. I think most if not all of us are understanding to the lack of signature NPC items, but we feel we should get the costume parts of the common street mobs.

Now if someone disagrees with the above, please let it be known.

Now for my part, I will accept "Black Pebble will shoot me." as an answer to my questions about the missing CoT items and the Black Knight costumes. It just means I will have to start PMing him.

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The one thing I've always wanted to see was chest details (icons, emblems, what have you) as back details.



Originally Posted by QuarriosSoul View Post
I can't remember how long ago this was, but I remember some dev or GM in Atlas Park around Ms. Liberty at one time or another using this variant teleport that involved being swallowed by a "pink blob" and getting spit up elsewhere.

Of course, to my discredit I never got a screen of it, but I swear it happened. Maybe it was Zwill having fun? I can't say for sure.
what you were seeing was probably the animation for mirror spirits teleport

she uses a unique animation for teleport and is to my knowledge the only NPC which has a unique animation for teleport



Originally Posted by Sofaspud View Post
DINK! Dink Dink Dink!

... okay, -1 point to me for lame Spaceballs reference, sorry.
It wasn't lame. Spaceballs FTW!

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
Is this better

Sorry bout I will post under from now on ^_^
Speaking of under, I missed seeing you this past weekend at the Pummit.

I was looking forward to you being there and getting a chance to see you again.

I was disappoint.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
  • I personally am a huge fan of the little kitten on the shoulder that females get, while i am not sure if we are getting that little green alien in the retro pack anymore it does want me to ask if there will be future additions to this section as a shoulder option.

Say what? This is the first I've read about this.. after doing a quick search came up with nada.. Just the retro pack. Didn't see anything about an alien pet..?

Do you happen to have a link to this?


Sharing kindness is kindness doubled; a burden shared is a burden halved...

I am not bigoted for race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, or age... I do, however, have a big problem with stupidity, and stupidity knows no boundaries.



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
Wow, there are some great ideas here! I will have to go through this thread and make a list of stuff that is feasible. Some of the requests in this thread are not feasible due to technical limitations.

Hey Dink,

What we need is to see a list with a rating for all our suggestions of say "Feasible", "Not-Feasible" and "Tech-Restricted" it might help to narrow the field for further suggestions.

Also with categories like that I think you avoid people expecting it to possibly someday maybe make an appearance over a yes/no/too-difficult-right-now system.

- Raith



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
The body (Tights) and some faces (Clockwork). Anything that is it's own Geo may or may not be symmetrical depending on the UV layout. We can make asymmetrical pieces ie: belts but again, anything tight is mirrored.
So *that's* why we can't do 50/50 face option on the body? Is it something that can added to Baggy options, or is that also problematic?

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



Originally Posted by MatrixDragon View Post
An aura that creates a few <a href="" target="_blank">floating orbs</a> above the character.
* Or spinning around the head like ioun stones in D&D.

Example from a Sims 2 mod I did below...

* Speaking of my Sims 2 mods, how about a giant eyeball for a head or tentacle arms like Lord Woot (or in the latter case my forum image). The hands just extend from the wrists as tentacles, they aren't actually animated individually. Hmm... I suppose this may offend some peoples sensitivities.

* I presume the "legs" from a gorgon are out, but I'll mention it. More reasonably, how about her face or chestpiece?

* And related to those legs, just the head from a snake would be cool.

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Remember: Guns don't kill people; Meerkats kill people.



I'd like to see some of the big cape mantles such as what statesman, reichsman, imperious etc are wearing. The only big mantle we ever got was the vampire and high collar. I like how the above npcs capes just drape over the shoulders down to the chest, etc.

Make it so number one, engage!

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



I would like to see more shorts like the boxing shorts from paragon rewards. The difference is I would like to be able to put the tights designs on them. Thai Boxing shorts and MMA shorts are all notoriously flashy. With Street Justice being so popular, it seems this would be a good idea.

I would like to have some sport shoes where the socks do not go all the way to the knee.

Jewelry like amulets would be nice.

I would really like to see monstrous versions of the organic armor gloves (both styles). Really I would like to see Monstrous versions of all of the glove options in the game.

I would like to see more chest details that have a complementing back detail. The enforcer, imperial defense, Valkyrie, Vanguard, and Preatorian CW chest details are good examples that need armor on the back to complete them. They look silly in a lot of cases just hanging off of our chest. Where as the Samurai. Roman, and Celestial Armor chest detail also have armor that covers the back of the character.

This may could be fixed by adding those details to the Armored Category, that way it looks thicker and like actual armor. At best though I think that is a band-aid solution. It would be better if a back item were just created to go with the items above.

This is not really a costume request, but more of a policy request. Please let us decide when something clips too bad to use. I have seen clipping used to make some really cool costumes. Also it seems odd to hold anything back because of clipping after releasing the High Collar cape, because that cape clips with every shoulder option in the game, and many hair styles. The clipping is just already there.

Again, please let me be clear for myself, and my RL friends. We are willing to pay for these costume options. Some of us are willing to pay for these things on multiple accounts. Example, I am getting ready to buy several costume bundles for my Son's account. I have a friend who I want to buy some swords for (you guys need to get to that gifting items thing).

All of the costume items I have posted in this thread are options I am willing to spend my paragon points on. Even if they are packs that continue or complete packs already released, like the missing CoT items. Yup, I would buy a second CoT pack, in fact I make sure there is always at least 1k points on my account just in case something like the rest of the CoT items is a surprise release.

Even in all this typing, and all the typing I am sure to yet do in this thread there are still only three items at the top of my list.

#1. A sash for male and huge characters. I would prefer one like the Tsoo, but at this point would take about any sash.

#2. The Black Knight Armor from Night Ward. The lobster tail helm is at the top the list of things I want from that pack. I could go in order, but I am rambling enough as it is.

#3. The missing CoT items. Especially the Belt, Gauntlets, and the long skirt. From what I am told all the crazy kicks from MA can be done with long skirts on. I think demo edit was used to prove that. I beat up 20+ death mages a day, I am sure I can find those items in my size.

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the number 1 thing I'd like to see is Asymetrical skirts.

I like asymetrical options in general such as some of the sholders and arms.
Other things id like to see is general costume Pattern/Style proliferation:
-- MORE hipcapes they are awsome.
(A large bow(without other stuff), the coven bussle,
any cape (feathers,leaves,strappy, fringe,translucent,)
(I could so see some hipcapes also in tails for people who want a belt with them.)
--Western Corset/Bussle with NO STRIPES
-- More corsets (spiderweb corset maybe)
--Western Bustle without Apron...Apron without bussle
--mix and match corset looks
(western corset with steampunk or steampunk corset with tied/buckle options)
--different sholders for the bolero
( flowers,leaves,roses, lace,spiderwebs,Witchwing)
--different patterns for bolero
(bridal, shineymetalic(danceparty set),barbarian tied/strap)
--different patterns for barron jacket
(witch,imperial dynasty,ornate)
--Id like to see Shirts and Jackets with Patterning options
(a bolero with tigerstripes or lines,)
( Barron jacket with celtic or blend)
(Uniform top with flowers or tacky pattern (Hawaiian shirt!!))
--Circle of thorn skirt/kilt with different patterns
(leaf like the sholders, various bolero/jacket patterns, maybe a more subtle or asymetrical vertion of it)
-- swim suit bottoms that better go with bridal,excess(plus),club,angelic(plus).
-- a "with sleave" option for tight and with skin
(could just add various sleeve and Bare arm option to robotic arm costumes)
-- fox pattern to wolf head and maybe make the wolf head about 30 % bigger or scalable it looks tiny especially on girls
--Coyote travel power but as a FOX and maybe make it colourable