All Things Character Art




new bandoliers. grenade bandoliers, knife bandoliers, gas grenade bandoliers. Like what the goldbrickers have
More back pack options. The sack of money would be cool, with a money falling out aura?
Let animal and robot heads wear hats without forcing hairstlyes on them. Make the tin crown a head option as well as a hat selection.
More stances. But dont tie them to travel powers like ninja run, just give us a toggle that costs no end and gives no movement bonus but makes us run like a ninja/beast/bulky human/etc
a new vanity fly travel power that turns you into a sky raider sky skiff or long bow chaser(reskinned)
A new wing option where it is like a beetle? where when you are not flying it is a closed hard shell, but when you fly it opens up and the wings are underneath it like this

Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.



I know this might sound silly but for Halloween we collect Statesman and Lord recluse Halloween masks (The sheep plastic kind held on with a elastic band) and Back street brawler gloves. I'd love to actually be able to where them as a costume peace. And some Pratoren equivalents would be good to.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I would like to have some sport shoes where the socks do not go all the way to the knee.
This is something I've wanted for a long time. Pretty much all of our footwear in this game is knee-high boots, with the exception of one or two shoes. The only way to approximate shoes is to use boots under long pants, but that's limited. I'd really like to see a whole collection of "Shoes With Skin" where we have a low shoe, possibly with a low sock, and then a section of the lower leg's skin showing. This could even be a brand new body type so we can pick the skin texture inside the shoe. That way, I can be a rock monster wearing trainers.

I don't think this would need new technology, just work making new parts.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
Just remember that the body is mirrored so whatever is one one side will be on the other ^_^
Does this apply to textures* too? I'll double-check when I get home, but it seems to me that there's a couple textures - Blast and Straps, IIRC - that aren't mirrored from one side to the other.
*It strikes me that "texture" might not be the right word. I'm referring to the selection under the Tights selection (or other part) which determines how Color 1 and Color 2 are applied to an otherwise plain costume piece.

The reason I ask this is that I've wanted one texture for tights forever, and it seems like it should be as simple as a costume piece can get. However, if the mirroring applies to textures as well, it explains why I can't have it.

As always, please forgive the horrible MS Paint edit.




Originally Posted by DaemonHeld View Post
Say what? This is the first I've read about this.. after doing a quick search came up with nada.. Just the retro pack. Didn't see anything about an alien pet..?

Do you happen to have a link to this?

At the Player Summit panel where the work on the costume set was first started, some of David's concept art included a little green blobby alien - like the brain slugs from Futurama - perched on the head (presumeably a hat), and on the shoulder (like the cat and panda shoulder pets). Sorry, I don't have a link. Those were OLD posts, and would take a fair amount of digging to locate.




Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
At the Player Summit panel where the work on the costume set was first started, some of David's concept art included a little green blobby alien - like the brain slugs from Futurama - perched on the head (presumeably a hat), and on the shoulder (like the cat and panda shoulder pets). Sorry, I don't have a link. Those were OLD posts, and would take a fair amount of digging to locate.
Thanks for the reply.. I'll see if I can dig a bit more..


Sharing kindness is kindness doubled; a burden shared is a burden halved...

I am not bigoted for race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, or age... I do, however, have a big problem with stupidity, and stupidity knows no boundaries.



Originally Posted by DaemonHeld View Post
Say what? This is the first I've read about this.. after doing a quick search came up with nada.. Just the retro pack. Didn't see anything about an alien pet..?

Do you happen to have a link to this?




I'm just gonna re-post 3 things I've asked for in various other threads.

First: Would it be poosible to use Robotic Arms in conjunction with sleeveless jackets, robes, and trenchcoats? I've got a few characters who would love to be able to combine them together.

2nd: Freakshow costume parts or just robotic bits in the same jury-rigged style they use.
Examples with picture links:
This guys shoulder pad (and maybe his jacket too)
Arms and jaw plate (though the arms would probably need to be altered so an actual hand can go on it)
Meat Doctor backback for Crab Spiders
The shoulder/neck rig from the Stunners. If the arcing electricity could be done as well it would be fantastic
And this. All of it

Granted it probably isn't feasable to just port all of these over to players, so parts in the same style would be awesome too. And if new parts are developed the Freakshow could get a graphical update as well.

3rd: I have a character that's supposed to look like a Fake Nemesis. Unfortunately he doesn't. Some Fake Nemesis parts would be epic.



Originally Posted by treboreleets View Post
I'm just gonna re-post 3 things I've asked for in various other threads.

First: Would it be poosible to use Robotic Arms in conjunction with sleeveless jackets, robes, and trenchcoats? I've got a few characters who would love to be able to combine them together.

2nd: Freakshow costume parts or just robotic bits in the same jury-rigged style they use.
Examples with picture links:
This guys shoulder pad (and maybe his jacket too)
Arms and jaw plate (though the arms would probably need to be altered so an actual hand can go on it)
Meat Doctor backback for Crab Spiders
The shoulder/neck rig from the Stunners. If the arcing electricity could be done as well it would be fantastic
And this. All of it

Granted it probably isn't feasable to just port all of these over to players, so parts in the same style would be awesome too. And if new parts are developed the Freakshow could get a graphical update as well.

3rd: I have a character that's supposed to look like a Fake Nemesis. Unfortunately he doesn't. Some Fake Nemesis parts would be epic.
Everything in here is brilliant.



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Does this apply to textures* too? I'll double-check when I get home, but it seems to me that there's a couple textures - Blast and Straps, IIRC - that aren't mirrored from one side to the other.
*It strikes me that "texture" might not be the right word. I'm referring to the selection under the Tights selection (or other part) which determines how Color 1 and Color 2 are applied to an otherwise plain costume piece.

The reason I ask this is that I've wanted one texture for tights forever, and it seems like it should be as simple as a costume piece can get. However, if the mirroring applies to textures as well, it explains why I can't have it.

As always, please forgive the horrible MS Paint edit.
Ok basically the texture map (all the geometry flattened out and placed on a texture for the artist to paint on) is the same for each half of the body. It's an old trick for saving on file size/adding more detail. One half is mapped, then the other half is aswell, but flipped and laid over the first half. When the texture is applied, as only half of the geometry is painted, its mirrored on the opposite side.

What I would LOVE is to have many of the tights textures remapped to be a full torso and arms/thighs/feet/forearms rather than just half and mirrored.




Ok, while I think about it;

-'Longbow' tights pattern. This would be a direct copy of the tights pattern all Longbow wear, with the baked in Freedom Phalanx system. If you look, ALL the NPCs already use the exact same pattern, with the exact same two-colour system. I see NO reason that can't work for PCs.

-The Longbow helmet, seen above on Wardens.
-Longbow chest detail, i.e. the grenade bandoleer worn by Sergeants/Nullifiers.
-Longbow Jetpack.
-'Longbow' belt that includes the hip pouches as well as the belt itself. Basically the 'Stealth' belt, with a bit extra.

Again, I can't see any way those parts can cause problems, given they already obey all PC rig rules as it is...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I really really really wanna see the lift on the two cape ban.
It's not 2004 anymore, people have better computers, I'm sure we can handle it. It used to be possible before, and there were no issues then...

That would open up wings + bolero robes (again).
And be able to give us the Loincloths!

I also wanna se big paw gloves, or as a claws weapon (or both).



I have two requests:

1. a glow option for the circuitry pattern
2. Mother Mayhem's boots




Posted these in the various other previous incarnations of this topic, but here they are again.

"Generic" and asymmetrical tights and other assorted things. Couple of examples I have come up with -

Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
In the last pic, I think it would be a neat idea to add something like reflective bits/metallic appearances to parts of tights - such as the stars for example.

Elemental stuff - I know we got the Fire and Ice pieces, but I personally would like something a bit more fiery and icy.
Fire, ice and energy
The fire, ice and rock one is a base and then add on type effects/armor similar to the current fire and ice sets.

I do like how some of the art work for gear/costume in games like Aion and Tera look and I think it would be awesome to have a pack or packs in CoH that have costumes with a similar flair.
Fantasy type stuff

And lastly, I did this one a while back and I know we're getting the new bots stuff, but I still like this one.
Stealth armor

deviantART page




Talons of Vengeance costume bundle.
Specially with the hood with hair costume piece.



Originally Posted by Razorstrike View Post
I too would like to see something like the fourth mockup - I really would like to see a set of costumes with an Alpha Flight look and feel with symbols from the CoH chest emblem set incorporated into the patterns.

And add me to the list of those who still want to see the discussions about super-hero and golden age outfits bear fruit. I would like to get to the point where mask textures and colors match tights finally.

Mr Energon

Confirmed altimaniac.



Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
Statesman and Lord recluse Halloween masks (The sheep plastic kind held on with a elastic band)
I wonder if they could manage an aura that looks like a cheap plastic bag to cover the Hamidon costume salvage.

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Remember: Guns don't kill people; Meerkats kill people.



My wish-list isn't long...

- Return our ability to use wings with the wedding pack tails jacket... We could do that for a long, long time after the pack was released, but the option was removed without explaination or warning earlier this year.

-Likewise, return the ability to use wings along with the bolero coats. When the Magic pack was new, we could do so. (I know. I still have a winged character wearing the Witch version-) That option was removed a few days after the pack went live.

-Give us the Circle of Thorns "mage bits"... The more ornate gloves, the longer kilt piece, the belt and the goofy hat. My semi-reformed Death Mage would be a happy dude. Which is sort-of scary in its own right. o_0

- The ever-begged-for Peacebringer sashes. Please. There's absolutely no good reason for us not to have these after so long. (I'd also add a request for the PPD Awakened Division's tights pattern to that...)

- The Rulushin's "feathery bits". We have no feathery bits in the costume creator, and that's a sad state of affairs for those of us who play bird-things.

... and really, that's about it. 'Like I said, my list is short.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



First, there were only chest and legs.

Then came the gloves and boots.

Now, it's finally time for the Shiny Tights to be available for masks.


They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Ah, I found something else I wanted.

New collars and chokers across all body types, priority on just a plain version. Having only the spiked one sucks.



Again, I'll second Sam's perpetual request for a more muscular female texture.

Long hair for male characters. And by "long" I mean past shoulder length, at the very least.

Long updo hairstyles for female characters that aren't cutesy or have a million doodads in them. I'd like something like a simple high ponytail without the cheerleader bangs, a single long braid, or Seven of Nine's hairstyle. Basically, I want my long-haired characters to be able to wear a cape without dealing with clipping or getting a haircut.

More options using the trenchcoat rig for both genders. Robes would be nice.

Can we finally get those loincloth thingys that Sister Solaris and a bunch of the Dark Astoria NPCs have? Obviously performance isn't enough of an issue to prevent giving them to minions in an NPC group, so why should it prevent players from having them?

The foot shape you guys are currently using for high heel costume pieces (The one used for the Barbarian heels, the Pocket D sandals, Witch Heels, etc) is neither realistic nor attractive. Seriously, you need to rethink how you design high heeled shoes. The old-school "stiletto" and "thigh-high" feet aren't realistic either, but at least they look ok. The new ones aren't realistic and look downright fugly.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Can we finally get those loincloth thingys that Sister Solaris and a bunch of the Dark Astoria NPCs have? Obviously performance isn't enough of an issue to prevent giving them to minions in an NPC group, so why should it prevent players from having them?
Yeah, kind of funny isn't it? Almost every talons and knives of vengeance NPC has a double cape rig and players often run DA content at high spawn settings, and yet what really lags systems isn't the cape rigs, it's the Talons' ridiculously awesome and showy powers like ash fall and meteor.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Yeah, kind of funny isn't it? Almost every talons and knives of vengeance NPC has a double cape rig and players often run DA content at high spawn settings, and yet what really lags systems isn't the cape rigs, it's the Talons' ridiculously awesome and showy powers like ash fall and meteor.
Yeah, this makes the "performance issue" argument make even less sense. We can't wear a trenchcoat with a cape but they keep making powers flashier and more graphics-intensive. Wha?

(And incidentally, I don't consider ash fall and meteor "awesome," I consider them evidence that the dev team must have a serious case of new shiny-itis if they've already forgotten the mass cheering that went up when the IDF and Malta smoke missile gfx were toned down.)

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
The body (Tights) and some faces (Clockwork). Anything that is it's own Geo may or may not be symmetrical depending on the UV layout. We can make asymmetrical pieces ie: belts but again, anything tight is mirrored.
I think if Dink is going to bother reading this entire thread, we should at least open up the dev digest and read what she's said in it. There are already several requests for Asymetrical tights just since this quote. :/

Also +1 for more jewelry
Lots of magic/tech/science can lean on small items carried like rings and pendants.