All Things Character Art




May as well bring up that I'd still like to see Decorated Military Formal proliferated to Huge and Female.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



I have a request. I'd love (love love love) for their to be a Warworks Costume Set. Here are some links to Paragon Wiki.

BCUs, ACUs, and 9CUs use similar costumes.

Hey Vicky You're So Fine, You're so fine you... OW MY SPINE.

Unlikely, but I would love to be able to have a fake Warwalker with abnormally good posture. Maybe as a Costume Power.


You can fake this, sort of, with existing Clockwork parts. I'm not asking for the weapons, but rather the armored clockwork pieces (which look much more sturdy than the skeletal look we currently have), and the face details. The skull like face of an ACU would make me very happy.



Thanks for making this new thread, Dink! I'll dive right in.

1) A long standing pet peeve of mine is the removal of the Skull Belts from Male models in the Jacket and Sleeveless Jackeets. Huge and Female DO have a mix-matched list of them and I would LOVE to see the list consolidated and spread out equally across all three body types.

  • Fanged Skull
  • Small Skull
  • Lone Skull (especially this as it has no belt wrapped around the waist so less clipping through jakets - it just has the buckle part).

All three would be of use and I could finally reroll a character that has been stuck with losing his Skull belt each time I go to the tailor (it's grandfathered in right now).

2) I would also love to see the Corn Row hair style ported over to Female models.

In the same vein I would like to see more dreadlock options (long) and a revamp of the old dreadlocks (same geometry but cleaned up textures).

I would love to see all hair styles get redone with better textures but a legacy option remaining so we can pick and choose which we want to use (new or old) for each style.

3) I LOVE the new Retro Sci-Fi faces and would really enjoy seeing that same tech/style used in revamping the old legacy faces - but also keeping those old faces as options so players can enjoy either/or. Faces like number 10 for Females - I would die happy if that had the Retro Sci-Fi love applied to it.

4) I would really like to see new textures for the old costume parts - in particular, a new version of the Metal under Tops with Skins on Female models. I would like to see it cleaned up, the bugs with the seams not matching fixed and a new texture detail added to give the chest area more definition like you see in the newer chest pieces (Heart Plus, Tank Top, Witch Lace, etc.).

In general I'd like it to be as the Face request - all the old textures remapped and cleaned up (including tights like Eden, Baroque, etc.) and give us the option to use the new one or the legacy one.

5) I'm a bit turned off by all the metallic textures introduced to the game lately. I have a hard time using such (otherwise) great costume pieces like the Zeus helm or the Imperial Dynasty armors because of that pre-tinted metallic sheen. While I see the use in having them, I would dearly love having a variation on them that has the more matte textures so they can match better with existing pieces. As you can see, the trend with me is more options. Having the same piece have a menu option under it in the tailor that allows you to pick basic and metallic would be groovy. An old school example of that is the Spiked Buckle belt - it has a Basic option and a Metallic option and it is heavenly to have that choice. While I wish the newer pieces could have that implemented, if not then I really hope that going forward we have those options upon release of these new sets/pieces. Ideally though - please go back and do variations of Zeus, Tartarus, Imperial Dynasty, etc.

6) I would like to see Trench Coat added to the Jacket and Sleeveless Jacket category, especially since the new Cyberpunk Trench Coat is supposedly going there? No need to keep these separated I would hope.

My Corner of DeviantART

The Queen's Menagerie



the ability to have the chest detail appear on our right arm/shoulder like a tattoo on skin or an insignia on a uniform



My number one want is a bird beaked mask..similar to Blue Falcon .

Thigh high boots for Men, i'd love a swashbuckler style but regular would work as well.

Amulet on a headband. More head bands and arm bands in general. Specifically technological looking wrist bands that look like you might have buttons to push on them.

Classic Dungeon Crawl Arc ID: 2232-"A satirical look at your average dungeon"
Down the Rabbit Hole Arc IDs: 24346 24397-"Rescue a little girl from an insidious dream invader."



Hi Dink, can I call You Dinky?, any Way here my Idea.

1- Dinosaurs Bundle pack

2- Dragon Bundle Pack- we got a couple of them on Virtue and they want to look like better Dragons.

3- Animal Bundle Pack two- Deer/stag, Rodents- (Mouse,squirrel, Racoon, Rats so on) Apes, Boars and Pig, Goat, Rams, Hoarse and Bears.

4- Space Marines Bundle Pack

5- Medieval Fantasy Pack- Armor with Dragon Symbols, Gothic Armor Etc

6- Fantasy Creatures Pack- Trolls, Goblins, Dwarfs, Gnomes, Orges and Orcs

7- Ocean Sea Creatures Pack- Sharks, Hammer heads, Sting Rays, Etc, Costume Parts Fins for hands, back or ears, Fish tail's, Gill's

8-Aliens Bundle Pack- Why Aliens, the Coming Storm is coming soon, we have to fight them soon. might as well Seduce Green Woman and fight them in Style.

9- More Titan Weapons Pack and Staff Fighting Weapons.

10- Demonic Creatures pack- Demon and Monsters form Hell, The Abyss and Hades

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



adding this to my list.

There we go, Dink. You're thread's been linked in the hub.

Click here to find all the All Things Art Threads!
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Oh and another one I've been wanting - a Glow map (like what you find on the Resistance Gloves) applied as an option for all Chest Emblems and some of the more deserving Tights Patterns. Like say the Electricity, Magic or Circuitry. These would be options in addition to the legacy ones.

Would also like to see a variation of the Organic Armor face made without the Organic Armor.. hehe what I mean by that is the awesome detailing on it (eyelashes, etc) and the glowing eyes. The old school glowing eyes face we have under Supernatural Faces (#11 I believe) is.. really old and doesn't have the same newer technology for glows like the Organic Armor face.

My Corner of DeviantART

The Queen's Menagerie



First, players need the Cimeroran soldier haircut. Male and female!

Second, some expansion of the "Tactical" costume pieces.

Headset ear option left (the headset that Crimson and Viridian have as an ear option on the left side)

Headset ear option right (same as above, only on the right side)

Bullet proof vest chest detail (A chest option similar to the roman chest pieces)

Dual shoulder holster chest detail (A chest detail with a holster under each shoulder)

Single shoulder holster-right chest detail (chest detail with a holster under the right shoulder)

Single shoulder holster-left chest detail (same as above, on the left side)

A dual/right/Left holster belt option

Combat boots w/knife (left/right/dual options)

And the following weapon customization

Carbine for Assault rifle (updated M16 model to fit with the current design trend of the rifle)

Tomahawk for Battle axe (Gotta throw a bone to the Black ops fanbois with a tactical tomahawk)

Ka-bar for Katana/Broadsword/Ninja blade/Dual blades (there has been a lack of knives in this game for a while, the Ka-bar would be a perfect addition, allowing for a stylized size while remaining true to it's roots)

And finally for Dual Pistols, versions of the tactical pistol with the Silencer chopped off, the scope chopped off, and both chopped off.

Clipping be damned!

Murphys Military Law

#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.

#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.

#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.



-Shirt options for males, like females have. The tights option shirt looks too 'thin' most of the time compared to newer models
-Textured superhero masks
-I second the request for a bomber jacket in the game
-More trench coat options (not so much a different look, I just want different textures)
-More headgear options, like headphones, or a bluetooth looking device on the ear, or a headset of some kind. There's sort of a few options for some of those already, but they look really odd and don't work most of the time.
-Tights of some kind that have glow lines highlighting it, like some of the new armors have. It has the potential to look cool

-And this is just a personal request, but I'd like to see the Pocket D costume pack return to the market. It didn't really have much to do with Valentines Day, and I wasn't able to afford it at the time. I came back to the game as a VIP about a week ago and I'm still mad that I missed my chance for the hair and shirt options.

Edited To Add: Also, I'd love some more underwater themed options. Like a seashell top, a scale looking shirt, scale boots/legs. In a perfect world, I'd ask for a tail, but I know that'd be impossible.
And a cape like the one in the magic pack, but without the collar.



CoH group themed sets, but made universal. More like Circle of Thorns, less like Carnival of Light. ((Unless ya make them masks and sash for mens, please!))

This way you can utilize the resources for updating old enemy and ally groups to keep the game fresh while also giving players more options.

Imagine the Hellions or Skulls revamped using the tech of the Carnival of Light Masks as options. New masks that can be used by a wide variety of player concepts across the gender lines.

COMING SOON: A new Epic that will change the way you see Arachnos...
Brought to you by @Equation



Let's start with the obvious. SASHES FOR MALES!

Then: Jodhpurs, Sam Brown belts, pith helmet, Hawaiian shirts, tye dye shirts.

Thank you so much.

P.S. Pretty please?!

Something witty and profound



Some love for the monstrous legs

  1. There are so many great costume combinations that are just not available due to the heavily limited pants options if you pick monstrous legs.
  2. Why can't you pick monstrous feet without having to pick the entire leg?

Some sort of organic, slimy character options
We have the the great splice cape, and nothing that looks great with it, we have the slime aura and not enough to go with it, etc... UGT shows there are some great options...

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
More supeheroes.

Less generic geek culture.
The unhelpful bit here is the 'More Superheros' bit; it is, shall we say, somewhat too broad. Do you mean more 'tights' textures? More overlay pattern for 'tights'? Masks with definition & geometry? Cowls? More options for Capes? (like chest detials on capes, or differnt mantles).

Also: while I'm here; I'd just like throw my support behind Sam's mucles-for-the-female-model campaign. Seriously, if there is somthing that is genuinely 'Superheroie' that has gone un-delt-with for too long, this is it.



As another note, I REALLY want a whole row in the color palette selection dedicated to shades of brown. what we have right now is incredibly limited. As a message to Dink; Is that actually possible at this stage?

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



Hello Dink, First I want to commend you on being brave enough to start one of these threads. You are the 3rd to do so now. I hope you have even more success than the last two.

1. I would like to get the rest of the CoT costume items were denied.
A: The Big hat,
B: The long skirt (and other skirt variations)
C: The various glove/gauntlet options
D: The spiky back detail.
E: The Cool thorn belt with the glowing gem in the center.

David let it slip that they were all designed by Jay on the player rig, which left us wondering why we didn't get them. Many of us have even stated that we are willing to pay for a second pack that has the missing parts. If we can not get the items, I would like an honest answer of why. Stating they were only build for one character rig would really stink after what was done with the CoL set being released for the female rig only.

In all honesty I would request they be ported to all the rigs (Huge, Male, Female) and be released in a second pack that we pay for. This I hope would justify the work.

2. The Black Knight Armor. Not part of it, but all of it. Even if it can only be released to the models the items are on in game (I know Dark Templars are huge, Most are male, I have seen all of the parts on one female I am pretty sure) I would still like to see it released, and then added to if possible. Yes, I am willing to buy this as part of a pack, most of us who have left feedback in the beta have stated we would buy it in a pack. You have no idea, I want these costume items so bad it is painful.

3. A Sash for Huge and Male. Really, my martial arts themed characters are begging for this. Please please give us a sash already. We have been begging and waiting since Kheldians were put in the game. Really, I want the Tsoo version more than any other version in the game.

4: Rularuu versions of the melee weapons that do not have one.

5. The Roman Gladius that Broad Sword can unlock to also be unlockable for Dual Blades.

6. More Custom weapons in general. Take a summer intern and make him/her do nothing but make weapons all summer.

7. This is a personal one to me. David was iffy about it because it involves religious icons, they are already in the game though. So that ship has sailed imo. I want a mask option like the dudes are wearing in this image. Maybe make a version that allows for the chest details to be displayed on it. I mean I could see a mask like that with the Hand Print on it being cool too.

8. Quivers, Scabbards, Sheaths, and holsters for our weapons. Most of those I get the team wants to do in a dynamic manner where the correct item is shown when not in use. I respect that. Bows only use arrows, Arrows all have feathers of the same kind, all a quiver needs to show is a bunch of arrows with feathers sticking out. We really don't care for it to also hold the bow, we just want the arrows in it.

9. Samurai Back Flags. Both a single and a double version.

10. Item porting. For example I would really like to use the warrior belt with the tight chest option. I would like to have Cyborg arms with the sleeveless robes and jackets. If it can be moved and shared in a location, than it should be.

11: All of the Tsoo costume items. Their hat is much nicer than ours. Basically I would like to have, and would pay for every item seen in this picture.

There is a lot more. This is actually the simple list.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



1. Quivers. No, they don't have to be asymetrical; align them down the spine, vertically. A variety of quivers would be nice too (Native American, tech, mutant, elvish, etc.). I don't care about the arrows or animations drawing issues; I wantz me quivers!

2. Kheldian Sash. Personally I like the sash ALOT. I'd like to have cloth and metal sheen variants, as well as long cape-flowing like lengths (think Phoenix costume sash).

3. More weapons styles/themes. I know these aren't particularly 'costumes', but still we need more styles of weapons for Assault Rifle, Staff fighting, Titan Weapons, broadsword, mace (especially this one!), and handguns.

4. Arachnos costumes ported as NORMAL, free options.

5. Jetpack set. We need a variety of different jet packs as backpacks that have the flame animation each time we activate fly or hover.

6. High Rez faces and hair. It's time to get more faces and hair fixed up.

7. Update existing older costume patterns/sets to high rez with texture. Speaks for itself. We werer told this was in the works, but haven't seen this happen hardly at all.

8. Combined fiery aura and trail aura. I like the idea of BEING on fire and leaving a TRAIL of fire at teh same time ala Human Torch.

9. Add more full helmets. The old ones are...old. tech, mechanical, sci-fi, etc.

10. Cape styles. Like to see a few more types of capes...and fix the cape that has the techy-looking honeycomb pattern on it...REMOVE THE (tacky) WRENCHES!

Thanks for doing this Dink! All respect to you if you can even mette out one of these.



I'd like some more insectoid parts:
* A chitinous claw hand styled after the three fingered robotic claw.
* Old school bug head and arm(s) like in the original black and white Fly

* Modern "realistic hybrid" bug parts ala the more modern Fly 2

I'd also like to see the monstrous foot styles remade as boots for non-monstrous legs: I believe only insectoid has an option like this now, where the monstrous robot foot in particular would be a nice option for a "normal" leg.

And of course as always I'd like to see every face detail option copied to every face detail category so we can pick 2 or 3 similar region options like horns with glasses or cigar with beard.

Want better looking NPCs Contacts? Check out this NPC Contact/Trainer/Etc Revision Thread and Index
Remember: Guns don't kill people; Meerkats kill people.



Originally Posted by William_Valence View Post
And finally for Dual Pistols, versions of the tactical pistol with the Silencer chopped off, the scope chopped off, and both chopped off.
Those already exist. The Tactical Sidearm is nothing more than a black Automatic with a scope, silencer and laser sight that's not tintable. There already are Automatics with just a scope, just a silencer, just a laser sight, scope and silencer, scope and laser sight and silencer and laser sight. I don't know if they're available to Thugs Masterminds, but they're available to Dual Pistols Blasters.

Originally Posted by jfp2004 View Post
-Shirt options for males, like females have. The tights option shirt looks too 'thin' most of the time compared to newer models

-And this is just a personal request, but I'd like to see the Pocket D costume pack return to the market.
Men already get shirts. They only have one model in that category, and it belongs to the Pocket D Valentine's Day pack, which is no longer for sale. I agree with you that it should be made available again and that more shirts should be added. I'm just saying the category already exists, so adding to it shouldn't be as much trouble as creating it.

Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
Some love for the monstrous legs
  1. There are so many great costume combinations that are just not available due to the heavily limited pants options if you pick monstrous legs.
  2. Why can't you pick monstrous feet without having to pick the entire leg?
I've been trying to bite my tongue and just stick to my original suggestion, but I have to add to this.

Monstrous legs need a LOT of help. They need Tights With Skin textures for the upper legs, they need more mechanical lower legs, they need lower legs that look like digitigrade shoes and boots, they need more details that look like clothing ornaments on the digitigrade feet. I imagine the easiest solution would be the standard "foot" guard that's just a metal plate which covers the front of the foot from the digitigrade heel to where the digits rest on the ground. I know the Techbot had some artwork of digitigrade boots somewhere around his machine that I've been trying to get him to post, but so far I've had no luck.

I'll extend the monstrous suggestion with something Frozen Fire suggested in David's old thread - creating animal heads via regular head face details. Specifically, it should be doable to create "snouts" which can mount on faces exactly like gas masks do now. In fact, people have been using gas masks to make penguins, chickens and foxes for a long time now. If they can use gas masks to get a damn good approximation, I'm sure actual snouts can't be that far off. In fact, the Samurai Set mouth piece which looks like a snarling fanged mouth is already usable to create substitute mouths that look remarkably real if done right. This can allow us to have what I've always wanted - antrhopomorphic animal heads with hair and hats. The standalone animal heads are great, but they're very uncustomizable and they don't have humanoid hair to go with them.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Major Deej View Post

10. Cape styles. Like to see a few more types of capes...and fix the cape that has the techy-looking honeycomb pattern on it...REMOVE THE (tacky) WRENCHES!

Thanks for doing this Dink! All respect to you if you can even mette out one of these.
I agree with this - not that they're tacky per se but they do get in the way of some of my costume themes. An option without them in addition to keeping the one we have now would be aces.

And yes - omg yes - the Tsoo stuff is so amazing, I know not the robes but the top in the female Zyphoid posted? /drool

My Corner of DeviantART

The Queen's Menagerie



Not sure what category this falls under, but I'd love to see some sort of aviator gear. A bomber jacket, fur lined hat with dangling straps (and maybe goggles), and maybe just some more genetic "pulp" pieces would be wonderful.

For a more short term thing, I think male and huge have a Resistance head option that's a leather aviator-ish cap, but female player characters don't. No idea how much work that is to be ported, but figured I'd mention it as well.



I'm going to throw my weight behind the idea of the muscular female models, just as I did in the last thread. I'd also like to side with Xanatos and see more golden and silver aged superhero bits.
More tights, tight patterns, masks, higher rez models for all of the 'basic' hero parts that came out when the creator did . . .
And I'd also throw a vote in for a hairstyle something like Reed Richards, and several other notable male characters, with one main colour, and then another at the sides, so it can be used as a 'salt and pepper' look, or for more mature, aging characters.



One thing I'd like to see which would help iron out the incongruity between the high level of new art assets compared to old "legacy" assests:

  • Have all of the old legacy Faces redone with Normal Mapping (but keep the legacy ones as an option!)



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Those already exist. The Tactical Sidearm is nothing more than a black Automatic with a scope, silencer and laser sight that's not tintable. There already are Automatics with just a scope, just a silencer, just a laser sight, scope and silencer, scope and laser sight and silencer and laser sight. I don't know if they're available to Thugs Masterminds, but they're available to Dual Pistols Blasters.
Not really, but I can see why you'd think that. The easiest way to tell, is that the Tactical Pistol has no hammer, ironsights, beaver-tail (At least I don't think so, it's smaller than the Auto pistol, so if it does it's in the hand), and is smaller than the Auto with a different texture.

To get an Idea what the difference between the two would be, compare a MRI Desert Eagle to a Beretta Px4.

Then make them Low-rez so you have to squint to tell them apart

Murphys Military Law

#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.

#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.

#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.