SSA #7 Story Discussion ** SPOILERS **




Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
I thought it was very interesting that Michael's reactions were mentioned in Prometheus' dialog. I had figured he and Christy were throwaway NPCs, like every other merit vendor. It seems to be hinting at something more - I'd guess they're members of Prometheus' organization, whatever that is, and members important enough that their reactions to Prometheus' words are worth mentioning.
They're part of his organization - he says so earlier on.
Taskmaster Gabriel in DA also seems to be one of them, going by his angelic look and name.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
They're part of his organization - he says so earlier on.
Taskmaster Gabriel in DA also seems to be one of them, going by his angelic look and name.
God officially confirmed to exist in CoH-verse.
I'd joke about the devs are favoring Christianity but after having more Classical Mythology shoved down our throat than cigarettes in a "gentlemen"ing spy's mouth, this is like the Devs looking into Ancient Incan mythology. Or correcting Crotoa so it properly displays Celtic myth. (Seriously, Bres was not a ******* hero to the Tuathua. He considered himself a Formian more and tried to kill everyone with Balor)

Edit: wait a second. so "damn" is okay" and so is "god" but "*******" is too much? Or does the really believe I am invoking the name of god to smite them and hope to block this?

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



I remember it offhandedly being mentioned that DJ Zero was an incarnate, but I guess by Prometheus' description he's an ascended one as well. Interesting.



Originally Posted by Player D View Post
OK at the risk of sounding egocentric. I'm kind of annoyed my character didn't even get an honorary invite to join the FP but Penelope Yin got invited. As far as I'm concerned my character saved the world through 7 episodes. And NO, Freedom Phalanx Reservist don't cut it, cuz I already had that LOL.
Given how everyone pretty much defers to your character by the end of the arc, I'm guessing the Phalanx didn't offer because they figured it was beneath you.

Anyway, just finished Blue Side. Thoughts:

Definitely a very epic conclusion to the storyline, and it tied things up nicely. I especially liked the throwback to the Warburg story with the missiles. Nice symmetry that I wasn't expecting to see.

The spelling and grammar errors still bug, but the story was enough to make me not mind quite so much this time around.

Moon. So awesome. When I saw that zone, I was ecstatic. Plus- and I haven't seen anyone mention this- the graphics for Rulu-Wade (hate that name). Granted, I've only seen Rularuu in the Orobouros Incarnate mission, but I don't recall him having all the sparkly-shiny goodness to him.

Ghost Widow was tougher than Rulu-Wade- or pretty much anything else in this one. She killed me two or three times. Recluse and I wiped out Rulu-Wade in no time flat. I guess Wade was easier in this episode than the last because two incarnates double-teamed him?

All in all, pretty satisfied.

Questions that the ending raises, though:

1) Lady Grey was pretty surprised that both Statesman's and Psyche's powers left Wade and disappeared. States, I could see- went back to the Well. Psyche's? Maybe she isn't dead after all?

2) Who broke Marshall Blitz out of jail? First thought was Malta, but I suspect they'd have said it was Malta if so. Some new mysterious group. Who, and what do they want him for.

2a) No Blitz, no missiles in Warburg. Will it become Happy Fun Land Zone now?

3) Haven't done redside yet, but I'm wondering if Wade gets phased out after you run it? (Probably not, since the spot he occupies in your contacts in Sharkhead is supposed to- timelinewise- take place well before you run this mish.)

Great job, devs! (Let's just tighten up those spelling issues). I expect the lessons learned and tools built developing this arc will only serve to make the next SSA even tighter!

Also, Golden Girl- those are some nice pics! I especially love the flying with the Earth in the background ones.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Edit: wait a second. so "damn" is okay and so is "god" but "*******" is too much? Or does the really believe I am invoking the name of god to smite them and hope to block this?
You can take the Lord's name in vain and you can curse, but you can't get the Lord to curse.

There are limits, duh.

But, once you ascend, then you can do your own ******* cursing.

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Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
... Basically, when you want the world to actually be saved send Vanguard not FP.
Pancaking "A," right, man.

Could it be otherwise? Less picky recruiting, twice the recruiting pool, international legal mandate, and actual taxpayer support. With Statesman dead, Freedom Phalanx is an anachronism, pointless. If they want to even matter, the Phalanx and the Vindicators ought to just uniform-up in the candy-striper suits and become Longbow Wardens, gain some actual numbers and actual organization and actual legitimacy. (And they call ME a vigilante?)

With Statesman dead, can we finally admit that the Citizens Crime Fighting Act was an incredibly bad idea?



Originally Posted by Zombieluvr View Post
Ghost Widow was tougher than Rulu-Wade- or pretty much anything else in this one.
EBs are just EBs, glorified Bosses... except when they're Dark. Ghost Widow and Nosferatu and Madame of Mystery. Seriously debuffing you and healing themselves. And what's your Negative Energy protection at?

The only non-Dark that comes close to being such a PITA is Silver Mantis because she has huge -Def debuff, auto-hit damage patch, and lots of self-heal (Dull Pain) and enhanced Defense (Unstoppable, Temp Invuln)

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Originally Posted by Zombieluvr View Post
Lady Grey was pretty surprised that both Statesman's and Psyche's powers left Wade and disappeared. States, I could see- went back to the Well. Psyche's? Maybe she isn't dead after all?
I'm extremely suspicious about her death - there are several ways she could have survived, and I think she has quite a good chance of making a return at some point in the future.

Originally Posted by Zombieluvr View Post
Also, Golden Girl- those are some nice pics! I especially love the flying with the Earth in the background ones.
I was going for the Superman look

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Issen View Post
...So, is the next SSA going to have the heroes give the villains a proper return thrashing?

Pretty please?
Isn't that what the rest of the game is for?

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




The finale was very enjoyable! I'm glad to see all of the beautiful new resources in the game, from the Rularuu artifacts to the Moon Zone, and the floating ships. Freedom's been good to the playerbase in the form of so much new content so quickly.

I only played through the hero arc, but it was great to see Lanaruu acknowledging the character's help during the task force. It's little touches like that which add more than you'd think to the whole.

Did we ever establish what happened to those NPCs that were "vanished" by Rula-Wade? I had assumed they were just destroyed at the subatomic level, but the Arachnos patrons were vanished, too. Was there an explanation given villain-side for that, and for why the player and Lord Recluse were able to resist Rula-Wade's banishing? At the moment I'm just marking it as a player moment of badass.

Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
God officially confirmed to exist in CoH-verse.
God's also mentioned in a journal during Dark Astoria. It's one of the more heartbreaking but inspiring parts of the arc if you think about the significance the entry has to the journalist.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




A friend and I did WWD7 tonight on our +3 Inv/SS Tank and +3 Rad/Rad Def. I had heard from a friend who did it earlier that the last fight was disappointingly easy and we wanted an epic conclusion to the story, so we ran it up to +2/x6.

Mission 1: Back to Cimerora. It turns out that a +2 Ghost Widow and her horde of x6 is a challenge, in fact moreso than Wade-a-ru (or whatever his name is). Obviously the difficulty was a good choice!

Mission 2: Back to Warburg. Was disappointed that the tanks didn't fire and laughed out loud when Black Scorpion bit it because of the explosions. No, I didn't try to save him.

Mission 3: My jaw dropped and I gasped when I entered this mission and saw the sky ladder of battleships. The final fight was anticlimactic because of the NPCs. I could have played tiddlywinks and it wouldn't have changed anything.

Mission 4: Half an hour to find Scirocco. Gosh, that was fun. Not.

Mission 5: Heroes in spaaaaaaaaaaaaaace! Space at last, thank you devs, we are in space at last! We spent 20 minutes taking screenshots in various poses and from various angles with the moon and earth as backdrop. The fight against Rularuu was fun, because we declined the villains' help. It was epic. I never saw Penny or this hypothetical bubble at all.

Press Conference: Finally I'm the hero, because after mission three I was feeling rather sidekickish. Again. Penny's spot on the FP should be mine! I was heroing when she was learning how to put on makeup.

All the errors.... Seriously, it's time they used a handful of trusted players to play test, proofread, and give feedback. It's such a simple thing and would result in a more polished product.

I'll be repeating this arc just for the last mission, and to play Battleship. I'll speed the rest.

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It was OK. Scenery was the best part. I expected Wade-a-lulu there to be more of a fight. And yeah, some of this was just sloppy and felt rushed. But it sounds like they know that and arent' in a rush to put out something like this this fast again. Hopefully they'll go in and fix and fill in stuff. I doubt it, given their history, but I can hope.

So when do we get the space station?

Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.



I enjoyed this whole arc overall but it was just little things in the 7th arc that really niggled me. The action and overall plot were alright but I'm one of those players that appreciates it when the Devs have gone all out to flesh out the back-story so I always right click>info and try to read a Bio or text about an object etc. When I check the Tanks the text that came up was: "This mainframe computer needs to be destroyed." Um... but its a tank?

Then in the next mission with Rula-Wade I checked his bio during the fight to be greeted with "INSERT BIO HERE" and on the artifacts "TEXT" which was not only lazy but I'm astonished that QA didn't pick up on those things. They just take some of the immersion and believability away from the whole thing.

I'm disappointed I had a harder time taking down AV Ghost widow than I did Rula-Wade. I think he absolutely needed to be an AV (maybe even a 53 AV?) if your option was set to allow AVs. I'm also really disappointed I didn't see him using States or Psyche's powers - wasn't that the entire justification or killing those two? And if he didn't use them and doesn't have them after the event... where the heck are they now? No explanation at all there.

Having said that I really enjoyed the mind-blowing events like floating battleships and going into spaaaaaaaaaace and I think there's a metric TONNE of potential for the future there.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Don't forget the ones underwater Mako was investigating. (Also, those aren't battleships. They're destroyers. Still... I think they generally were agreed to be Arleigh Burke-ish... 303-323 a piece.

Not that it makes it better, mind.
Yeah, covered that in my correction. Ah well, probably better that it doesn't add up to an old meme anyway.

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Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Edit: wait a second. so "damn" is okay" and so is "god" but "*******" is too much? Or does the really believe I am invoking the name of god to smite them and hope to block this?
nothing new, that's how it is on television too



They should add a room where you can see wade in vangard! :3 I mean grym and that one weird alien dude from the shining star club have multiple locations, as well as some of the new lowbie vill contacts (doll face is in mercy and port Oakes). Wade could still be in shark and have him in vangard place too. Or have it change that IF you do the arcs he vanishes from shark to vangard. And if you haven't he could still be in shark.

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So Rularuu was kept alive by Silos because he needed Wade to release him and merge with him to kickstart the return to power of the Shadow Shard which inturn causes our incarnates to be called into power against this foe who, while fighting against, we will gain even more power along our incarnate path and discover some magic needed to be able to fight the coming storm in space before they reach earth.
We needed a new space platform to ready ourselves within space and now Rula-wade has provided us with an entire island in space, without this space island our defence against the coming storm would be far less effective than it would be.

We have now experienced and started the path to unite the world in one against a common enemy, a united front that will be needed to defeat the coming storm. All of this was made possible because Silos saved Rularuu's life.

The man is a genius.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Liked the last mission's visual look and feel.

Of course, the last boss not having a bio was lol.

It wasn't as bad as SSA6 was. It still had the whole godawful, "LOOK LOOK PENELOPE YIN, SHES JUST SO AWEEEESOME" crap going on though.

Glad it comes free with the subscription, if I'd -paid- for this crap, I'd have been upset.



Originally Posted by Soul Storm View Post
I'm also really disappointed I didn't see him using States or Psyche's powers - wasn't that the entire justification or killing those two?
Well, within the storyline it was.

This arc has introduced some great graphic advances, but it was, shall we say, not exactly a shining moment for the story writers. Here's to better things overall with the next arc.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Actually that stuff was added when I22 went live. Not 100% sure where it was spawned from, I don't think anything else has said there's a level above Incarnate. Maybe Diabolique? Dunno.
Well, I finally did find the part that opens up this dialogue branch: I believe it's after Praetor Duncan's arc because Diabolique does blurt out that Mot is close to becoming a Well on its own as you fight her. I'd thought that the information was contained in the redacted DD intro arc.

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Someone over there just fundamentally does not get it and doesn't want to.
Oh, they probably do, I just think that they enjoy your posts.

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Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
Mission 4: Half an hour to find Scirocco. Gosh, that was fun. Not.
There was a red-star way-point on my map when I ran that mission. It didn't show in the mission bar up top, but when you opened the map, it was there.

Noticed it there on both toons that I ran the arc with.

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Originally Posted by Everfree_Fire View Post
What happens if you get smacked with the Apocalypse Beam?
I got smacked from full down to about 30% health on my Claws/Dark Stalker.

It's survivable, and probably resistable, but I'd hate to get hit by it while surrounded by overseers.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
To be honest, knowing what I now know about Prometheus, I would probably spend my time finding a less murderous way to transcend Wade's accomplishment and slap Prometheus silly. My main character's origin story is that she was a pawn created to be a weapon against the Rikti. Hero or not she would not willingly be a pawn to Prometheus against Battalion without exploring other options. And I've seen no evidence that Prometheus is smarter than I am, which means he's shown no evidence of being smarter than my character either.

Perhaps Wade had the right idea, but was just a major shmuck about it.
That requires the writers to be smarter than you, instead of going with the story that basically has Prometheus being smarter and stronger.

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I was okay with the way SSA1 concluded. Maps and enemy wise I was very pleased. From an "epic" ending feeling... Meh? It had some of the right elements but didn't really have the world saving feel somehow.

Overall (so the entirety of SSA1) the story was excellent, the maps and tile sets we saw were awesome, I felt important in the scheme of things and the progress was good.

A few new plots were lined up with new NPCs and old NPCs making a comeback.

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