SSA #7 Story Discussion ** SPOILERS **




Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
It also established Wade as a mass murderer. After it was all said and done, I googled "How large a crew does a USA battleship hold?" and I learned that 1500 was a reasonably round number. There were five ships out there as I recall, which means that Wade "melted" around 4500 able seamen.
Your math's a bit off. The number dead is around 7500.

EDIT: Wait...was it established that there were five ships total...or there are five ships you had to climb? Because there's another ship floating *above* the Island if you look for it, which could make it SIX ships. Six ships, fifteen hundred a piece....

9000 lives.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



I also felt the first two missions were pretty boring.

Oh look, its the itf cave AGAIN, I really dont think I will be able to find my way to the top. I think that would have been better at night, with the rain effect and the flood lights on.

The shadow shard map..again! I'd love to see how many people actually fight their way to the death star, instead of just flying across. Whatshisname, the guy in red, looked cool though.

Third mission was totally awesome. Maybe it needs a note about being ABLE to walk along the ships though? Im sure a lot of people will just fly up and miss the coolness of bouncing around the boats. Also had some trouble with the ambushes, in a team. If everyone is not on the boat, they split up and get lost. Rather annoying.

Also sad the Malta tanks didnt fire But wtf, tanks, when they have huge walking robots? I'll take the robot thanks.

Last mission..penny did nothing for me either, never saw her. I understand we are meant to be uber and stuff..but..the fight against him was just too..bland. Oh look, a sack of hp, pop lucks and attack. Fun but nothing new. Maybe some gimmicks were needed, other than just 'blow up his 3 oversized toys' and he becomes gimped.

The screen shot of his bio..Classic! The sad part is it doesnt even really surprise me. Just like how during the cutscene, the npc contacts still have their yellow circles at foot level. Come on guys!

Overall though, it was definately the coolest.



Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
Your math's a bit off. The number dead is around 7500.
Doh! I knew that...



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
Doh! I knew that...
Ergh. Now it's been pointed out that the joke in my edit doesn't work out so well. A friend told me they think it was five ships in the stack, plus one floating above, *and* the sunk one Mako checks out.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



It's been a long time since I didn't feel like a chump at the end of a WWD. The last time was #1. (#2 was delayed blast chumping. Could've stopped the whole plot *dead* there.)

The mission mechanics need some work, but since I was using my tanker standing in the beam wasn't an issue.

It was nice not having the blood of yet another hero on my hands from circumstances/cutscenes/idiotballs beyond my control. Basically, when you want the world to actually be saved send Vanguard not FP.



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
Basically, when you want the world to actually be saved send Vanguard not FP.
Based on various characterizations of Vanguard throughout the game (whether it be from contacts, badge details, or history plaques), is this really surprising? At one point it's indicated that Vanguard was the only organization to retain any cohesion during the First Rikti War.

Yeah, so much for the various governments of the world or the UN. The entire thing was run by a mysterious, allegedly-ancient British noblewoman and her hand-picked soldiers.

At this point I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Nemesis is Lady Grey.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



Scirocco's comment about "Arachnos being the most organized group chasing Wade" made me sort of cough and be like "Yeah, I'm sure."

Otherwise, it was nice to see that the conclusion was sufficently heroic and not so grimdark.

...So, is the next SSA going to have the heroes give the villains a proper return thrashing?

Pretty please?



Originally Posted by Issen View Post
...So, is the next SSA going to have the heroes give the villains a proper return thrashing?

Pretty please?
The beta leak suggests that some of the Freedom Phalanx problems will continue

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



It wasn't a bad ending, all in all. And, yeah, the special maps made me sit up and go "Woh....dude."

Ironically enough, Ghost Widow was actually the hardest fight in that. Gods DAMN, who lets her hold straight through Unyielding? She needs a few more punches, methinks...

Even though I'd probably get lambasted for drawing something related so closely to canon, I'd even be tempted to do a small comic of my character and his team running through that, especially him talking to Scirroco and Recluse. That fitted nicely. And then having Chief and Recluse laying the double slam down on Rula-Wade. That WAS satisfying

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
Your math's a bit off. The number dead is around 7500.

EDIT: Wait...was it established that there were five ships total...or there are five ships you had to climb? Because there's another ship floating *above* the Island if you look for it, which could make it SIX ships. Six ships, fifteen hundred a piece....

9000 lives.
Don't forget the ones underwater Mako was investigating. (Also, those aren't battleships. They're destroyers. Still... I think they generally were agreed to be Arleigh Burke-ish... 303-323 a piece.

Not that it makes it better, mind.

Originally Posted by JKPhage View Post

My BIGGEST beef with all the SSA's though, and please let me know if I'm the only one who has trouble with this: The dialogue moves TOO FREAKING FAST. I literally stood through half the Rularuu ambush in the floating ship mission trying to catch up on the dialogue and didn't really get caught up until halfway through the third wave, so I missed all the action. If you're going to cram that much dialogue into a mission you need to pace it better, or make the ambush waves/enemey spawns/crazy events wait until all the dialogue has popped. In the past I've been forced to endure a fight that I had no idea why it was happening, then had to read back up the chatlog to find out what the hell just happened. Please work on this devs?
Didn't worry about it *because* of the chat log - but I have a tab specifically for NPC chatter for stuff like this.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
It also established Wade as a mass murderer. After it was all said and done, I googled "How large a crew does a USA battleship hold?" and I learned that 1500 was a reasonably round number. There were five ships out there as I recall, which means that Wade "melted" around 4500 able seamen.
As a nitpick, I don't think those are battleships. Still should be a hefty number, though.

Originally Posted by Lurker Hunter View Post
As for the plot, it really bugged me the gushy way they dealt with Wade. "All I wanted was freedom and knowledge! Come on! Waaaaah!" Note that it wasn't his motives that bothered me, just the way he whined about it at the end.
That's not how they 'dealt' with Wade, that's par for his personality: whining when he's losing.

At least, it was.

61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



Talk to Prometheus after completing the arc and choose:

"I have earned the right to know more about the Well" then...

"Care to explain to me why you never told me I could ascend to become a "Well", Prometheus?"

Lots of new dialog about Ascension.

Mini rant: Also lots of the blue jack*** pushing you around. Seriuosly Dev's, the thing I hated about playing red side was the way NPC's talked down to you like you were dirt and threatened you and here we are, godlike incarnates and there's an NPC that talks down to us like we're dirt and threatens us. It isn't fun and it isn't good storytelling. I'm at the point I don't even want to read the storyline you've put a lot of time and effort into writing if you have an NPC like this tell it.

It is better to ask forgiveness than permission.



Well, I have two complaints.

1) The bit at the end with the information about "Where are they now?"
I'm sorry, but when that bit started, I was seeing:
Daniel Simpson Day - Whereabouts unknown.
Senator and Mrs. John Blutarski - Living in Washington, DC.
Greg Marmalard - etc......

2) What? Vanguard has a rocket to send me into space?

Aside from those nitpicks, I loved it.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Kobolt_Thunder View Post
Talk to Prometheus after completing the arc and choose:
I have earned the right to know more about the Well.
Actually, that part has been there for a while.
I'm thinking that got put in at the same time as Minds of Mayhem, maybe.

Care to explain to me why you never told me I could ascend to become a "Well", Prometheus?
Lots of new dialog about Ascension.
And that's new. I'll have to check that out.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Kobolt_Thunder View Post
Talk to Prometheus after completing the arc and choose:
  1. I have earned the right to know more about the Well.
  2. Care to explain to me why you never told me I could ascend to become a "Well", Prometheus?
Lots of new dialog about Ascension.

Mini rant: Also lots of the blue jack*** pushing you around. Seriuosly Dev's, the thing I hated about playing red side was the way NPC's talked down to you like you were dirt and threatened you and here we are, godlike incarnates and there's an NPC that talks down to us like we're dirt and threatens us. It isn't fun and it isn't good storytelling. I'm at the point I don't even want to read the storyline you've put a lot of time and effort into writing if you have an NPC like this tell it.
Actually that stuff was added when I22 went live. Not 100% sure where it was spawned from, I don't think anything else has said there's a level above Incarnate. Maybe Diabolique? Dunno.

As for the other point: The story doesn't assume you're an incarnate because it's for the 40-50 range, so (even tho most won't) lowbie heroes can still run it, so it can't assume you're an incarnate, unlike Dark Astoria which is 50+ only. So you're 'famous' but not necessarily 'godly'



So... my thoughts...

Mission 1: I hate Ghost Widow with a passion.

Mission 2: Oh, yes. Now I remember why I haven't done the Shadow Shard Arcs.

Mission 3: Love the visuals. Love the dialogue (Well, hero side. Villain side gets very little.) Mako actually does something other than whine! Wow!

Mission 4: Black Scorpion is not the worst ally we've ever had. (I'm looking at you, Lady Jane...) But his suicidal charge at the HIGHLY EXPLOSIVE Tanks meant that in both runs I did, he failed to live past the third tank group. As a result, I must nominate him for the most useless ally we've been saddled with in a long time.

Mission 5: SPAAAAAAAAAACE! And why are none of the others targeted by the Apocalypse beam? I feel very put upon. Fortunately, I came with plenty of greens... Also, did anyone actually tell Recluse and the Patrons no? I'm curious if you actually can end up doing this one solo... but not so curious as to actually try myself. (At least, not with the characters I was using.)

'Mission' 6: The Hero side epic walk was nifty. The Villain side fight with Manticore was... pathetic. We've beat him how many times over the course of this arc alone? I want to say four times before this point, but I could be wrong. Either way, what did he hope to accomplish here?

So, in final tally... Statesman and Sister Psyche are dead (with their powers possily absorbed into Rularuu, but I'm not sure if that would actually make a difference to such a being.) Malaise is dead. Wade is a near-vegetable that is likely to be a guest of the Vanguard for the foreseeable future. Marshal Blitz is MIA, but we know where he isn't - in Warburg. The Evil Aurora is still tooling around in Tyrka's body. Posi's been nominated to take over the Freedom Phalanx, but I notice it didn't say he's accepted that role yet. Penelope has... in the most boggling reveal of the arc... been inducted into the Freedom Phalanx.

So what does the future hold? Who will take over the Statesman Task Force, and the Sister Psyche Task Force? (Huh... those are both in Independance Port... Maybe a zone-revamp of IP is in the next Issue?) Will Darren Wade be replaced in Sharkshead, and - if so - by whom? Will Penelope Yin be replacing Malaise in the Scirocco Patron arc and the Lord Recluse Strike force? (And if so, I'd like to go on the record of saing 'OWW!' right now. She was not an easy fight, at all.)

So, not a bad ending. What's next for the SSA?

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



Here's a breakdown of Prometheus's new dialog with his dialog in white and player dialog in yellow:

I have earned the right to know more about the Well.

Care to explain to me why you never told me I could ascend to become a "Well", Prometheus?

I have kept nothing from you, because what you suggest is simply not an option available to you. Ultimately, it is I who bear the responsibility for those who ascend among humanity, and there are very few who have ever been deserving of such an honor. You are not among them.

However, since you have learned of ascension, I see no harm in explaining it further.

The events surrounding Darrin Wade are like many others I have borne witness to in the past. A being of great power, feeling constrained by the 'well' to which they are tied, strives to break their link to it. They seek to link instead to that which provides a 'well' with its potential. To achieve this, however, requires a great amassing of power from outside the 'well'.

This very often brings those who wish to ascend into conflict with their own kind, with their 'well' and with those like me who are charged with watching over the 'wells'. This is because the individual who does ascend no longer needs to draw upon their 'well'. They become engines of their own power and creativity. They are their own potential. They become as powerful as any 'well' could ever be in their own right, and in the process, potentially diminish their original 'well' and those who still remain connected to it.

In the past, I have generally acted against such actions amongst humanity, because so very few have been worthy of this honor. However, in the case of Darrin Wade, a singular opportunity presented itself which would allow you to prove how far you have come on your own path.

What sort of power does an “ascended” wield?

Those who have become like a 'well' have the ability to create whole worlds out of their very thoughts. They can make dimensions of their own design, setting the rules by which their world will exist. They can create entities to serve them, or isolate themselves in a peaceful silence. In this way, they are freer than the 'wells' which are linked to a species, for their continued existence is dependent only on themselves, not the survival of the species. This makes them quite dangerous, and is the reason why my organization watches all attempts to 'ascend' in this way closely.

What you describe… it sounds like Rularuu, actually.

Quite observant of you. Indeed, Rularuu is an example of an individual who managed to become a 'well' unto himself... though I will note that he did so without my knowledge. How he managed to achieve it while remaining beneath our notice for so long remains unresolved.

Prometheus stops speaking, deep in thought. You can tell this mystery troubles him deeply. After a moment, he begins speaking again.

Rularuu is not even the only such entity with which you are acquainted. There are a very few others who have 'ascended'. Most of them use their power wisely, either eventually coming to believe that they can aid another species in its growth and serving as their 'well', or working to create places of security, serenity or service for the good of the multiverse.

Most of them? You mean there are “renegade” ascended?

There are indeed. Occasionally, one of those who seemed worthy was... misjudged, or as with Rularuu, an unworthy circumvented the system. Those wretched deceivers use their power to further their own agendas or grow their own power, some of them daring to even try to control that to which they are linked.

Such 'renegades' are a threat to the multiverse, and we see to it that such threats are neutralized. When such a threat appears, it frequently gives rise to a war which dwarfs any conflict with which you are familiar, even that in which you are currently engaged.

You can see, then, why control over such monumental power is so carefully monitored and sanctioned by my organization.

Why have you been hiding this from me?

Prometheus's face hardens in response to your charge. When he speaks, you catch notice of him glancing back at Michael, who appears to be watching his reaction intently. Whether it is in support of him, or in judgement, you cannot say for certain.

I have hidden nothing from you. Have I not explained this to you now, when you first asked me about it?

Remember, I am the one guiding you along a path in which you control the Well without bringing its control or our judgement upon you. I have presented you with the path that keeps all of us alive and us in control of the Well.

If others have told you of the path to ascension as though it were a real option, then you must understand that they were mistaken. I... we... simply will not allow any further ascensions amongst humanity while its fate remains so uncertain.

Your options remain unchanged from our earlier conversations. You can only choose to serve the Well, or you can choose to use it as a tool for your own ends. That is it.

I fail to see how you have the right to deny me anything, Prometheus.

The tension between you and Prometheus is palpable. You can feel a simmering anger emanating from him, but he remains firmly in control.
I do not deny you anything. I simply will not permit anyone to entertain any thoughts of ascension while the very fate of humanity is on the line. Be you hero or villain, focusing on such a lofty endeavor now is selfishness of the highest order.

I have devised this plan, guided you through it, so that humanity will stand the best chance of defeating Battalion and you will have the best chance of retaining your freedom from the Well. If I had believed that any of you, regardless of whether you were capable of ascending or not, would achieve equal or better results, I would have taken that course instead. That this displeases you is understandable, but my goal is victory against Battalion. The truth of the matter is this: you are not capable of ascending at this time, and even if you were, it would do more harm than good.

Know this: when Battalion comes, many will fall. Were all of those who would fight them ascended, then their power would be added to Battalion's should they fall. For an Incarnate, however, the power would return to the Well and allow another to take on the mantle.

Make no mistake about this. I would rather have you dead and your power returned to the Well, than vanquished and your power absorbed by our enemies.

I would still like to have known this option existed.

You still do not understand, do you? You still think that pursuing ascension at this time is an option!

Let me then illuminate you: should you attempt to abandon my plan and try your hand at ascension before the time is right, our association will be ended.

Should you truly wish to pursue such madness, then you will have to find your own way to defeat Emperor Cole. You will have to make your own path to defeat Battalion.

If you survive that, then you will be alone while you struggle to retain all the power you have acquired from the Well, because that wretched fool will try to take it from you should you try to leave him. No assistance from me shall be forthcoming when that confrontation occurs.

And finally, when you emerge from your battle with the Well, know that you will be considered a 'renegade', and that I will come to destroy you.
I would really rather it not come to that. For all the inconvenience and aggravation you cause, I have come to enjoy our deliberations.

Why do I get the feeling that time will never be right with you?

Prometheus grins broadly and breaks out into a hearty laugh. He then leans in closer, in such a way as to prevent his statement from being heard by Michael.

You are like an impetuous child! Let me be more direct then!
I will not allow any further ascensions while I have a say in the matter. And, should you attempt to do so before I permit it, our paths will cross one final time. When that day comes, you will submit to my judgement or I will bring a force to bear upon you unlike any you have ever imagined.

We’ll see about that, someday. Until then, let’s talk about Cole.

It is better to ask forgiveness than permission.



Originally Posted by TheDeepBlue View Post
That's not how they 'dealt' with Wade, that's par for his personality: whining when he's losing.
Honestly, that specific part threw me as well. Nowhere is it established that he sees this quest of his being about "freedom" in any real sense: its about achieving ultimate power. So its a bit weird to cry out "is it so wrong" because if he's crying out to a hero player, the answer to "is it so wrong to become a murderer to achieve ultimate power" is yeah, and if he's crying out to a villain player, the answer to "is it so wrong to become a murderer to achieve ultimate power" the answer is no, which is why I'm stomping on your weasel face, and if its just to the universe itself, then the answer to "is it so wrong to become a murderer to achieve ultimate power" is "I'm sorry, your call cannot be completed at this time, please check the number and try your whine later."

In other words, he should not expected understanding from a hero, mercy from a villain, or anything from a universe he just tried to use a cheat code to.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Kobolt_Thunder View Post
Here's a breakdown of Prometheus's new dialog with his dialog in white and player dialog in yellow:
To be honest, knowing what I now know about Prometheus, I would probably spend my time finding a less murderous way to transcend Wade's accomplishment and slap Prometheus silly. My main character's origin story is that she was a pawn created to be a weapon against the Rikti. Hero or not she would not willingly be a pawn to Prometheus against Battalion without exploring other options. And I've seen no evidence that Prometheus is smarter than I am, which means he's shown no evidence of being smarter than my character either.

Perhaps Wade had the right idea, but was just a major shmuck about it.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
In other words, he should not expected understanding from a hero, mercy from a villain, or anything from a universe he just tried to use a cheat code to.
He's kinda desperate at that pont - we're wrecking his carefully laid plans, and it sounds like he's trying to buy time.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by OneWhoBinds View Post
So, not a bad ending. What's next for the SSA?
Freaks, Talons and super Trolls - among others

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
Bah to Rula-Wade. Wade-laruu sounds better.
I thought it would be fun to call him "Wa-luude".

I also claim credit for the press conference. I mentioned a couple of months back in a thread about being heroic that we never got to speak to the press ad do press conferences. Whether it is true or not, I am choosing to believe a dev saw that and ran with it.

Est sularis oth Mithas



That was fun!

That's all I have to say.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



To be honest, knowing what I now know about Prometheus, I would probably spend my time finding a less murderous way to transcend Wade's accomplishment and slap Prometheus silly.
So, business as usual then. The Well, as presented to us from the start, is nothing any sane, ethical person would have anything to do with. Now we're seeing Prometheus as being just as bad, which really was hinted at from the start. This is just more of the sadistic GMing we've had to deal with from the start, ranging from the initial endgame advancement option requiring your character to stick Devouring Earth substances in his body (what could possibly go wrong!) to the much-requested flashback system being tied to an obvious Nemesis plot to the UGC system being a product of known, obvious villains. Someone over there just fundamentally does not get it and doesn't want to.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



I thought it was very interesting that Michael's reactions were mentioned in Prometheus' dialog. I had figured he and Christy were throwaway NPCs, like every other merit vendor. It seems to be hinting at something more - I'd guess they're members of Prometheus' organization, whatever that is, and members important enough that their reactions to Prometheus' words are worth mentioning.

It's also worth noting that you have a second option at the end, instead of "Why do I get the feeling that time will never be right with you?":

Originally Posted by Prometheus
Very well, Prometheus. We'll continue with your plan.
Prometheus smiles as his body noticeably relaxes. You notice Michael's eyes arch momentarily, as though this was not the outcome he expected.

Very wise, my friend. I can assure you that I am simply trying to give us the best chance for victory in the battles to come.

Should you prove up to the task of defeating Cole and the Battalion, then you will already have the power of the Well at your fingertips. From there, you will be able to grow humanity across the multiverse into the great power it was always meant to be.

After victory is achieved, you may discover that you do not need ascension. However, if your interest in such matters has not waned by that point, we may be more amenable to assisting you on that path.