SSA #6 Story Discussion ** SPOILERS **




Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
Eh I'm just saying, the wait for the Shield set after it appeared on the Romans was...what...four months?
And the wait for dual Pistols to become available to players was about a two years when thugs MMs got them and then another four before they got their own powerset?

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I kinda think that intercepting an assassin before they get to the room where their target is is a way better thing to do that waiting for them to arrive
The text was at best ambiguous. The first thing that gets said isn't about Psyche, it's about the PC, and how Wade is annoyed that you're still around. I immediately assumed (correctly, as it turns out) that whoever this random assassin was, they were here for me and not SP. A bizarre disembodied voice from somewhere deep in the halls of Oranbega also didn't speak "male" or "female" to me, so I was trying to figure out why Manticore immediately assigned it a gender, and spent a good thirty seconds pivoting around him to make sure there wasn't anything that would mark him as the real assassin. Turns out I was right about that, too, only in a way more emo way than I'd figured.

What gets said is basically (paraphrasing) that the individual is there to make sure Psyche meets her fate. Not that the assassin is there to kill Psyche. That wasn't said, and it wasn't what I assumed. So, no. Wandering off after a random trash-talking minion when I have the "target" herself in my sights makes no sense. You can't protect what you can't see, and given his behavior thus far in the story, I have no reason to trust Manticore to get the job done.

And while we're at it, are we to assume that Psyche broadcasted her death, at least to our character? Because the player sees what's in the cut-scene, but the character doesn't, necessarily. And if my character DOESN'T see what happens, coming back and seeing the emotionally unstable Manticore on his knees and Psyche with an arrow through her DOES NOT elicit a comforting pat on the shoulder. I promise.

Deep breath. Okay.

Things I liked:

Penny. She's fun.
Penny's power sets. They're interesting.
The re-skinned office map. Always like to see more of those.
The splash screen. Totally awesome, made me wish it had been released on Valentine's Day.

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Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
And the wait for dual Pistols to become available to players was about a two years when thugs MMs got them and then another four before they got their own powerset?
I don't think having 3 attacks that are barely animated compared to gunkata particularly counts. If anything, Thug MMs were the testbed for trenchcoats.

Also, I don't see where Penny's powers would get used. We already have Mind Control, and I doubt they'll do a full on revamp of that. Fortunatas are a sub-branch of the least played archetype, so I highly doubt they'll get an update either (that, and they can't even use anything but the default set of claws - even Soldiers get alternate rifles and maces). It's not entirely surprising though, a few of the signature characters have had their own unique stuff for a while now. Synapse has his cool super speed animation, Manticore has the teleport arrow, Statesman had that thunder ground punch thing, I'm pretty sure Black Scorpion is unique model all together, Recluse has a few unique attacks, etc.



Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing View Post
Hey, Lady Grey? Remember the last time every single member of the Freedom Phalanx died, and you just popped in and rezzed everyone, even fixed it so Positron was no longer suffering from the condition that kept him trapped in his armor? Yeah, one more rez please.
Dark Watcher did the rezzing, not Lady Grey. (Though she IS a dark/dark defender, so she should be able to do it herself anyhow.)

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
Dark Watcher did the rezzing, not Lady Grey. (Though she IS a dark/dark defender, so she should be able to do it herself anyhow.)
She would have done it, but she got faceplanted from splash damage on that one mission where you rescue her from the Vanguard Sword.

In Camazotz all are equal. Everybody is the same as everybody else.



Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
Also, the whole "WADE WAS NEVER GOING TO SET ME FREE" thing made zero sense, as Wade wasn't the true source of the problem and aside from a magical macguffin oranbegan artifact the player never sees, wasn't connected to this arc at all.
That "WADE WAS NEVER GOING TO SET ME FREE" is not Psyche talking... that's the splinter of Aurora in her mind. Wade had been stringing her along, offering to give her control of Psyche's body, and never mentioned he'd been planning on killing her all along.

(Dork-cred attention to detail - the color of the speech bubble at that point is Aurora's, not the green/white of Psyche's.)


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Originally Posted by Lewq View Post
Of course, I hope the devs realize that every psychic player now wants all those wonderful attacks too. :P
This. I don't play psi, but I would roll one for them.

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



Man, we can't leave these Phalanx losers alone for a second, can we?



Honestly, the more of these that are released the less excited I am about trying them out. I might if the stories were more rewarding..but for now I just rush the first SSA for a "free" merit each week.



Originally Posted by Vox Populi View Post
Man, we can't leave these Phalanx losers alone for a second, can we?
I swear, they've been sitting their handing out Task forces for so long they've forgotten how to hero.



They're losing to a guy who doesn't even have a proper supervillain name. And he wears the same goatee/ponytail/trenchcoat combo that geeks think make them look cool but never does. All he needs is a replica Highlander sword.

This could be the best written arc in the game and I still wouldn't take the guy seriously.



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
The only possible way I can see myself "forgiving" the writing-slash-railroading we see in SSA 6 is if somehow Sister Psyche is now mind-riding Justin/Manticore ... so that even if her original BODY is dead, just like Mother Mayhem's was/is, Sister Psyche is still very much "alive" in mind and spirit, and just merely in need of a willing "host" body to continue living in (like both Aurora Borealis-es on Primal and Praetoria). Of course, that would be a really *WEIRD* thing to have happen to Justin/Shalice, where they wind up being united in mind, body and spirit like that ... but it's not IMPOSSIBLE given the way things are turning out.
I'm actually kind of on board for this idea. Of course, I'm also on board with the idea of Psyche jumping into Darrin Wade and jacking up his plans during the grand finale. I was discussing that notion with a friend, and suddenly realized that if that did happen, then Psyche would be stuck in Wade's body. Cue the yaoi fans making disturbingly happy noises and running off to draw PsyWade/Manticore fan-art. But wait! She just has to unlock the right option in the Market, and then she can just go to the tailor and change the body to female!

Then my friend suggested that, instead, Manticore could just swipe a few Tilmanrora clones from the "Minds of Mayhem" trial for Psyche to puppeteer around. I instantly got the mental image of Justin Sinclair, wearing about half of a tuxedo, lying in a humongous bed with a harem of a half-dozen PraetorPsyches, holding a glass of champagne and talking about how unbelievably awesome his sex life is now that he can have seven-ways and still be completely faithful to his wife.

His insufferable smirk and jaunty pose would almost certainly look a lot like this:

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Justice Machine
Level 50 Empathy/Dark Defender
"Together we shall rule Paragon City ignoring the broadcast spam leetness from the crapulous scrankblappers. Good luck fools." - raucity, speaking for Defenders who've had enough from the "plz h341 m3" crowd.



You know we are just taking it on faith that the person inside the redside contact is the piece of Aurora. If I was a clever 80 year old psychic I would trick a villain into helping me find a new body (Tyrka). I think Sister Psyche pulled a bait and switch and she is inside Tyrka and Wade only got Aurora's powers (which could make him fail in the end). Also being inside Tyrka's body would put her in a perfect position to screw up Wade's plan at the last minute. It's convenient that Tyrka/aurora had "some things to take care of" before she would meet up with you and return your kindness.

Just a thought......

Level 50s: to many to remember at this point



I have this horrible feeling that at the end of Part 7 we will (probably through some MacGuffin) beat the powers out of Wade to the point where he surrenders, only to have Manticore pull a Green Arrow, shooting Wade right in the temple to avenge his wife. Oh yeah, and avenge Statesman, too.

@Glass Goblin - Writer, brainstormer, storyteller, hero

Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Thought we could use a thread about SSA6 that wasn't about "it's here" or "and other stuff on the market" or "and new powersets" but just about *the story* and the big reveal.

Sister Psyche is dead.

So... Who Will Die? Isn't just about Statesman, but about Sister Psyche, too. And who knows... maybe more. Characters in and out of the Freedom Phalanx are now dead. More to come?
I think the Freedom Phalanx is very incompetent so if they are killed off it allows room for growth.



Two things here...

Sorry to see Sister Psyche go, doublely so since she had to die by Manticore's hand.

However, man do I really want Specialist Greer's mask as a costume option. So bad ***!

Originally Posted by GlassGoblin View Post
Only to have Manticore pull a Green Arrow, shooting Wade right in the temple to avenge his wife. Oh yeah, and avenge Statesman, too.
Pfftt... If I were Manticore, I think my last words to Wade would be; "Ever wonder what it would feel like to be strangled by your own intestines" right as I pulled out a dull splintered wooden spoon as a cutting implement.

I wouldn't get in Mantocore's way.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
You don't know that. The same objection was leveled on the Joker in The Dark Knight: his plans seem to require omniscience. But actually, few people bothered to ask what would have happened if things *hadn't* gone according to the plan. The Joker absolutely *loves* chaos: if things had not gone to plan, he would have just changed his plan so that it did. What if he wasn't arrested and taken to the police station? Then he would have gone there and surrendered. He didn't actually have to *count* on being arrested: there were lots of ways he could have gotten there fully under his control. The fact that he got arrested was itself probably a glitch in his plan.

Same with Wade. Its not just possible but likely that his plan involves dozens or hundreds of contingencies mapped out over years, and for every one we see there's dozens that are just sitting around unused because it didn't go that way. That's what makes a good planner: someone who anticipates every possible alternative and creates a contingency for it. So that no matter what happens, it looks like that was what was anticipated all along.

Jeez I do that for my job and the stakes aren't nearly as high for me as "cosmic level superpowers." If that was the payoff at the end of any of my projects, I would have more contingencies than Wade.

See also: magician's force.
I think you hit the nail on the head there though,'s possible but not likely that his plan has contingencies. But seriously, for the sake of credibility and just internal story consistency, the only way his plan works is because the story says it does.

Statesman dies not because he has an amazing plan, but because, as was stated ad infinitum, he somehow loses the power of common sense and walks into an obvious trap even the most neophyte hero could see coming. That's not even player knowledge factoring in, that's how a character of reasonable intelligence would see things. The same goes for this scenario; the only reason you draw off someone is so that the actual plan can go ahead.

But at that juncture, even knowing this, I do as I'm bidden (because the story simply won't advance if I just exit the mission) and the killing of Psyche ensues. That's not advance planning or contingency planning, that is the plot demanding (not suggesting, not even remotely trying to fool me) that I take this course of action.

The Joker in Dark Knight doesn't come off as omniscient to me because his plan is entirely unpredictable, and relies on his assumptions about human nature more than anything else. And more importantly, his plan fails because of those assumptions. If you then take that logic and apply it to Wade, this means then that he has somehow been able to totally and correctly understand your character, their motivations and what they would do down to the letter. Despite the fact that by the time SSA #1 starts, you're a random factor. I'm willing to accept a master planner, what I'm not willing to accept is the very level of omniscience you yourself have mentioned.

Asking me to buy into a story conceit about Wade that he has all these contingencies and backup plans are long as the conditions for them occurring are just as reasonable as the plan itself. But even then, we're presented with knowledge only Wade has, despite there being pre-existing groups who do and should have the knowledge already; we have solutions to situations like the removal of Statesman's powers handed to us with Miss Liberty with the dubious caveat that 'only those who want to come back can be summoned' whilst never once questioning if Red Widow does; and lastly, we see characters acting frankly out of character and abandoning reason when the logic gap is so obvious it becomes apparent that the plan (such as it is) is reliant far more on such psychological weaknesses in the Phalanx that if they were actual people, they'd be stood down from active service because of them.

These things have nothing to do with Wade's supposed level of planning and far more to do with absolutism in the story. It's totally unrealistic for me to sit here and say for example that Manticore had no other option but to kill Psyche, but because the story says so, I'm forced to accept it. If there were no other options, if Wade had considered all the possibilities, then why can I sit here and come up with at least half a dozen totally plausible alternatives on the fly? At some point I need to stop being an apologist for the story and view it as it is, not as I wish it should be or construct reasons for how it would be. That is not my job.

It's as I said before about the story: if you as the viewer/reader have to start filling in the gaps so that the story works, then the story isn't working to begin with.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
I think the Freedom Phalanx is very incompetent so if they are killed off it allows room for growth.
What does that say about US, though? The contacts might be thinking, "You know, we called you on six different occasions, and now three heroes are dead. You can go ahead and sit the rest of this out. We're thinking maybe we'll give Blast Furnace a chance instead..."

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Well they did say statesman be out of the game for good for the other who die, maybe they will bring them back to life, who no's. I did like them kill Psyche, she is hawt and one my favorite heroes in this game. If they going to kill off other Characters then they going to need to revamp all of TF of the Freedom Phalanx.

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Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing View Post
What does that say about US, though? The contacts might be thinking, "You know, we called you on six different occasions, and now three heroes are dead. You can go ahead and sit the rest of this out. We're thinking maybe we'll give Blast Furnace a chance instead..."
Haha true.

I think the shift that needs to happen is the player has to thwart Wade at some point regardless how prepared he is. I look forward to finally being a wall he can't drive through, because right now I feel like a minor speed bump to this guy who once upon a time I worked with smuggling artifacts with. :P



Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing View Post
What does that say about US, though? The contacts might be thinking, "You know, we called you on six different occasions, and now three heroes are dead. You can go ahead and sit the rest of this out. We're thinking maybe we'll give Blast Furnace a chance instead..."
Unless the contacts were planning on promotion through attrition. "Hey, this guy's got quite the friendly casualty rate and I really would like to move up the hero ladder... Say buddy, we got this situation with this hero...."



Late to the party, so I just want to post my thoughts after having run it:

-Due to Penelope Yin's juvenile portrayal, despite apparently having "grown up," I no longer think she will be inducted into the Freedom Phalanx. Maybe the Vindicators, but that's it.

-I predict Sister Psyche returns in the 7th and final chapter, considering we haven't heard anything about content involving her being removed from the game, and to have to do that task for her and Statesman seems a little far-fetched for the Dev team to tackle.

-I think Manticore will go full Vigilante, if only temporarily.

-I have to agree with any sentiments about the Freedom Phalanx being plain foolish. The logic in how this one played out made no sense.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
Due to Penelope Yin's juvenile portrayal, despite apparently having "grown up," I no longer think she will be inducted into the Freedom Phalanx. Maybe the Vindicators, but that's it.
She'll be in the Freedom Phalanx

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Haven't read the entire thread, so I am not sure if this has been tossed out, but...

I'm kind of thinking that Wade might kill the entire FF, take all their powers and then fight us with them. In the end, when he is defeated, the powers drain out of him, returning to their original owners, reviving them.

Just a thought.

Est sularis oth Mithas



Originally Posted by Doctor_Minerva View Post
If I had one complaint it was that a malta officer said: "We've got reports of a super hero incursion, take precautions!" when everyone knows they call us MH-1s.
I've fought numerous Malta and never noticed that.

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Farewell is like the end
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