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  1. Could not agree with the OP more. It would be nice to have a lvl playing field when it comes to the TF vs. SF ratio. Not only that, but it would be nice if everything that was coming out wasn't co-op. I just can't imagine all there heroes and villains working together all the time like they are now.

    I understand they want to keep it even when they add new content, but they break they have been willing to break the rules when it comes to blueside but not the other way around. They revamped posi (it was new content with new badges with the old available in oro), then they revamped the praetorian arcs, and now they have given Penelope Yin a new TF to replace Sister Psyche.

    You can say all you want that these arent "new" TF/arcs ,because they replaced something that existed, but that's simply isnt true. Because the old versions are available in oro the total amount of content blueside is increased along with adding new badges. Beyond the "it's just replacement content not new" argument, in the big picture it's the Devs putting time and resources into blueside without putting the same effort into the corresponding side, and that is not parity by any means.

    Redside seems to be almost an afterthought as it stands now for new content. The co-op content that comes out almost always takes a "heroic" stance, and don't allow villains to be villains and the DFB trial makes no sense for villains to do and just seems "thrown" at them.
    I really hope that some of the new focus they are putting on Recluse means some real villain content coming up instead of more "let's work together just this once.....again >.>"
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    Actually destroyed or just killed?

    Apparently, he's one of the main baddies you face in the new Night Ward zone in i23. The zone is supposedly tucked in between the realms of the living and the dead. Maybe he really WAS killed and simply refuses to cross over?
    In Tina's arc it just says he met his end at the hands of the DE, and you no longer encountered him in any of the praetorian PI arcs.

    I also have to wonder about praetorian Infernal (who shouldn't exist anyway because Infernal is already from another dimension). Maybe he will be in Night Ward somewhere.
  3. I don't understand I thought Shadowhunter was destroyed by Praetorian Hamidon per Tina's post GR arc??

    Did they retcon a retcon?
  4. I just went to First ward for the first time on my MM and started the intro arc given by the Doorman. I went through the first 3 missions just fine. After you return to Meredith she gives you a mission to speak with Mistress Nadia. The waypoint fails to switch to Nadia, it stayed at Meredith. I went to Nadia thinking the waypoint was just bugged, but she wont speak with me and I couldn't continue on in the arc any further normally. I was able to go back to the doorman and auto complete the current mission and it then gave me the Talk to Nadia mission again. This time the waypoint was on Nadia and she would talk and continue the arc normally.

    I switched over to another toon in the same lvl range and it produced the same result.

    It looks like you can't start the FW arcs without auto completing after the "return to Meredith" mission.
  5. Brynstar

    Just not fair!!

    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post

    Clearly, this is set up that you don't earn the extra Emps til you talk to him first, then he keeps track of your progress.
    I would hope you don't have to talk to him first to start tracking progress. If it is they need to intro him to you as a contact or uninformed peeps will be missing out.
  6. Brynstar

    Just not fair!!

    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    Actually there are very, very few instances of things being retroactively rewarded like that. Your example of Task Force Commander (an accolade badge being added later in the game) being one of the few.

    I understand your attempt to equate the TF Commander badge to something like this but you are talking apples and oranges. As I point ed out a given character may have already run the new DA arcs ANY number of times prior to today. That information was not kept anywhere in the game so no "retroactive" reward can be given for that. Checking to see if a given character has the new DA arc badges can't be used for this - sorry.
    We got badges for completing each arc so yea there is a tracker in place to know that we've done them once, and there is a week cooldown on the reward so the most anyone could receive is 4 since it's only been live for 2 weeks, but that besides the point

    I'm not asking for 100 emps, I just think the devs could have used the badges to implement having completed the arcs once and granted the players the 2 emps.

    If you have only done 1 or 2 of the arcs on a toon so far it would be nice that they show up as being completed with the Taskmaster.

    I'm not asking for the world, but its a little strange to complete an arc yesterday then have this Taskmaster tell you that you haven't. I think the system was just poorly implemented
  7. Brynstar

    Just not fair!!

    Originally Posted by AcceleratorRay View Post
    When Reward Merits were added, you weren't granted merits for each Story Arc
    and Task Force badge you had.
    No but when TF commander was added I was granted it, I didnt have to do them over again. I'm asking for something completely different. I didn't ask for 8 extra threads for each repeatable i've done since I22 dropped. I'm just asking for credit for the arcs that have been done so far.

    The 2 Emps are a reward for having completed the arcs, which was done. I don't think it's unreasonable to get credit for having already completed them the first time.

    There are plenty of instances where rewards have been granted retroactivally. I don't understand why it wasn't considered in this case.
  8. Brynstar

    Just not fair!!

    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    And there were other badges added later that did not give retroactive rewards simply because there was no counter in effect at the time until the badge was put in.

    You got the rewards due you the first time you went through it. *Now* there is an additional reward *from this point on*.

    No one has been cheated out of anything.
    I disagree. I got the rewards for completing each arc when I went through them and this reward was added for completing them all with a week cooldown. When they have added additional rewards for completing things in the past, we have gotten them without doing them over again.

    TF commander was added in issue 7. If you had the badges required already you didn't have to do them again you just got the accolade when you logged in.

    I never said I was cheated out of anything, I just think it's poor form for the devs to not have included that in the implementation of the additional reward.
  9. Brynstar

    Just not fair!!

    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Tell you boss that from now on, all your raises must be retroactive otherwise, HE'S LAME!!!1!!!1!
    In the past when they have changed things, such as lowering badge requirements, you got the badge once the patch took effect. I fail to see how this is any different.

    You get 2 Emps each time complete all the arcs from DA (cooldown taken into account). I completed all the arcs from DA once I should qualify for the reward.
  10. Brynstar

    Just not fair!!

    No it says right in the text from him either doing them from the contacts or through Oro counts.
  11. Brynstar

    Just not fair!!

    So I just logged in to DA on a toon that just finished the last arcs yesterday and go to find the new contact that will grant you 2 emps for finishing all of the arcs, only to discover it doesn't count if you have done the arcs prior to him being added??????

    Seriously that is beyond weak!!!

    You're telling me the system can't look into my badges and see all the arc completion badges and grant everyone who has you know DONE them already and grant the 2 Emps?

    I'm usually very forgiving and understanding of a lot of things, but I'm pretty disappointed in this.
  12. I did pretty well:

    48-50 on my Widow
    8-22 on my WM/Shield Scrap
    20-32 on my Dark/Psi Dom
    24-30 on my dark/MM Blaster
    25-30 on my Beam/trap Corr
    47-50 on my Earth/Fire Dom
    18-24 on my elec/EA Stalker

    Had lots of fun. Did 3 Moonfire TFs, a Manticore, a Numina, 6 DFBs and a DiB as well. It was nice to see a ton of peeps on.
  13. You know we are just taking it on faith that the person inside the redside contact is the piece of Aurora. If I was a clever 80 year old psychic I would trick a villain into helping me find a new body (Tyrka). I think Sister Psyche pulled a bait and switch and she is inside Tyrka and Wade only got Aurora's powers (which could make him fail in the end). Also being inside Tyrka's body would put her in a perfect position to screw up Wade's plan at the last minute. It's convenient that Tyrka/aurora had "some things to take care of" before she would meet up with you and return your kindness.

    Just a thought......
  14. It's a good thing Sister Psyche can't just mind ride out of her body and inhabit another one....... Oh wait she can!! I highly doubt she is dead.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MayorOfAngrytown View Post
    Go Titan/EA and never look back.

    So much win; so much AoE.

    Whirling Smash == Footstomp for scrappers. Seriously. Cannot go wrong with this combo.

    Early levels are little slow as /EA has some of the most expensive toggles in a non-damage aura defense set, so before you get Energize and Energy Drain you'll be chugging blues.

    Once you hit 35 though it's just rediculous fun.
    Please do some research before you post something like this. All the EA toggle are .26 end per second which is an average end cost for a defensive toggle and shared with like 15 other toggles among all the other armor sets.
  16. Gotta agree with Jay here. Ice blast is one of the better blast sets. Great ST dmg, ok AoE dmg, good secondary effects and some control.

    Bitter Ice blast has better range than many of the other high dmg blasts and has some great side effects. BIB is one of the best overall ST ranged attacks in the game.

    I'm also not sure why this is in the I22 beta forums.
  17. Vigor is also particularly good on dark Miasma toons. The heal portion helps the heal and the servant's heal, End redux is extremely useful, and the accuracy is helpful in most of the powers as well.

    Also almost all of the incarnate powers benefit from Heal, end redux and accuracy, but none of them benefit from +rech.

    I can also see vigor being good in Time manipulation. I find the set somewhat end heavy even with chrono shift and the set has 3 different heals that can benefit from it.
  18. I don't know that I would support a sorcery blast set, but what I would support would be a wand/staff blast set similar to what the Carnival of Light uses. It could have several different models and the blasts be tintable as well.

    I don't see this breaking any more origin boundaries than has already been done with BR/DP/AR.

    It could be added across all 3 blast ATs and open up development of future weapon models as well.
  19. It looks like the % to proc did go up, but it's only in the long version of the powers if you click it in the create tab.

    The math is wrong on tier 4 spectral radial, it was 6% and a 250% increase should be 15% not 12.5%.
  20. The Spectral Interface chance to immobilize has been increased by 250% at all tiers.
    The Cognitive Interface chance to confuse has been increased by 200% at all tiers.

    Did these actually increase or are the descriptions not updated? They still show the same % to proc as previously.
  21. I've done just fine without it through 50 lvls. If my build opened up a little bit I might take it for another basilisk mule, but the -regen is so low it wont do much more on top of Time Crawl. The -heal has it's uses, but I can stack blind so quickly I don't really need another hold to stack against bosses.
  22. Did anyone happen to notice that Sorceress Serene's profile shows her as being an Autumnal Control/Autumnal Assault Dominator.........
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
    I have to second (or third or fourth) this - I just wasted an SSA run on my L16 brute because they pulled this but didn't give you any warning in game - there goes one villain merit that character can never get. I used to like running the first SSA a couple of time in the teens as part of my levelling routine - but now I will wait until 20 at least.

    Really bad change with no real purpose other than to screw folks over if they don't realize it - since you get NO warning from the contact that you can't get the better rewards.
    Yea I agree with this as being a pointless change that punishes toons in the actual range of the first arc. If you want across the board parity you shouldn't be able to buy Amerits from Fort trident/Crucible until you have confirmed your hero/villain alignment as well.

    I would really like some sort of reasoning from the Devs on this change.
  24. More to add to the list:

    Regen being nerfed...... each time.

    Accuracy being nerfed each issue.

    Dark Melee having lower accuracy than all other sets.

    A complete and total lack of Dual Archery/Dual Trick Arrow Sets.

    ..... and most of all this game going to the Americas!!