So how long before they spill the beans for the new dom stuff?
Nothing yet...
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
Probably not for a long time. It's obvious that priorities lie with Melee sets.
I wouldn't expect anything 'til i22, at least. We know of three different melee sets that are in the queue, so to speak, for release. I have a feeling that whatever new sets are coming for Dominators, they'll probably be a feature-piece for the next issue (possibly as a Time Manipulation-equivalent one free set).
My wild guess would be that at least hints will come within weeks, and whatever-it-is will come out with 21.5. If they intended a longer wait I would have expected them to proliferate Illusion instead of giving Doms nothing this round of proliferation.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
Yeh the 3 melee set thing was a bit of a surprise.
Having said that, all 3 sets look great and honestly the staff-fighting set looks crazy good.
I really like the idea of AR/Archery/DP sets for Doms. I think some awesome concepts characters would come out of it. Well, maybe not DP, long activation times in that set, plus activation times in control sets period.
OOOoooooo....sorry random thought just exploded. A "natural" kind of blast set maybe. Bow or gun(s) for range and the melee strikes (hand to hand, maybe weapons). I like that thought.
Protector: Tulare 50 Inv/SS/EM-ph1x3r 47 Bots/Traps
VIP: VIC-29(Traps/AR) - Corinth(Grav/FF) -Wrecka(Claws/SR)
My wild guess would be that at least hints will come within weeks, and whatever-it-is will come out with 21.5. If they intended a longer wait I would have expected them to proliferate Illusion instead of giving Doms nothing this round of proliferation.
Regarding Illusion, having played through some of the First Ward stuff now and seen some of the Carnival of Light in action, I noticed that their powers looked like they could have been taken from a Light Assault set. Which then got me thinking, maybe they were working on a Light Control set to go along with it and that's what Dom's were getting instead of Illusion. I know they've said that they'll eventually proliferate all sets but I'd rather imagine Light Control/Light Assault instead

You'll see a gravity control revamp before any new control set, I'll wager.
I also will wager the new set will be available for purchase only.
Please buff Ice Control.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
You'll see a gravity control revamp before any new control set, I'll wager.
We know powersets are in the works for Doms, but there was no mention of improvements to current powersets. Plus, given that there were many improvements to other sets in Issue 21, if there were going to be improvements to Gravity I'd have expected them to have happened then.
... but that's probably me being cynical cause of how long Gravity's needed improvement and not gotten much of it.

I never got around to playing a gravity control character so I actually don't know what's wrong with it. Are the specific problems really... specific and common knowledge?
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Trust the computer. The computer knows all.
Still looking for Dark Control and Doms would be a great AT for that...
Probably not for a long time. It's obvious that priorities lie with Melee sets.
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Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
Would be cool to get illusion, how cool would it be to have a "Time Control" set? or a "Dark Control" one. No idea how they would work i just think it sounds cool.
I never got around to playing a gravity control character so I actually don't know what's wrong with it. Are the specific problems really... specific and common knowledge?
For example where other sets get more varied control powers (Seeds of Confusion & Spore Burst in Plant Control), Gravity Control gets Lift and Propel, which are really single-target attacks with a knockback component. Lift is kind of useful (it casts fast and deals decent damage), but Propel takes forever to animate, and just sucks.
Not only that but the "special" controls it does have (i.e. outside of the immob, AoE immob, hold, and AoE hold that are common to control sets) are not great. Dimension Shift is truly terrible. Wormhole is cute, but it's somewhat situational, has issues with aggro (it aggros things before it resolves so if you cast it while you're in range, you get hit), takes a long time to cast, and is very annoying on teams if people don't expect you to use it. You also don't get it until level 26. It's held up by the fact that you can fire it without Line of Sight (so you can hide behind map geometry) and that it's the only AoE foe teleport in the game, which is cool.
Gravity is really only worthwhile AT ALL because of Singularity which is (I think) commonly regarded as the best control pet in the game as it spams holds and lift and has a sweet repel field that you can hide in.
Singy Also makes a Great Tank much like Animate Stone but a bit better at holding aggro and not running out of end like Animate Stone does.

Probably not for a long time. It's obvious that priorities lie with Melee sets.
Its amazing the last couple of ranged sets they have created have been lackluster to say the least. Yet it seems each melee set they make just keeps getting better and better. I guess we know where their priorities are.
(sarcasm) Yeah because you know melee characters have such a short list of primaries to choose from. (/sarcasm)
Its amazing the last couple of ranged sets they have created have been lackluster to say the least. Yet it seems each melee set they make just keeps getting better and better. I guess we know where their priorities are. |
As for what next? I would say Dark Control and Dark Assault are low hanging fruits that dont need too much art involvement. Ironically think due to technical reasons, it would be easier to do an all new Dark Control than port Illusion (think the issue is on Domination doing next to nothing for that set.)
I would love to see a Kinetic Assault set (and also a Kinetic Blast one, animations in that melee set can easily be used for ranged attacks.)
Also would love to see some form of Trick Arrow based control set, main issue with the design of such a set would be overlap for controllers and Trick Arrow. But a Trick Arrow Control edition + a katana/archery hybrid "Ninja Assault" set would be darn cool, biggest issue being weapon redraw times.
It'd be neat if they just revamped Gravity control.. but I doubt it. If it is an all new dominator only thing my money is on Illusion control. I bet it will be different from the controller set though. I can see dom's having more hard control to be affected by domination and not as many pet/distraction tools. Dark control/assault would be too easy and they could have done that with the other round of proliferation.
A kinetic or time control set would be neat. Time stop + damage component? Sure I'll take it. Distortion Field with a harder control affected by domination? That too!
Dark control wouldn't really be as easy as people think, because it's part of that horribly tangled web of Dark themed sets.
You can't* steal (many) powers from Dark Miasma for it, because eventually Controllers will get Dark Miasma. You can't steal too many powers from Dark Blast or Dark Melee, cause many of those powers are likely to go into Dark Assault.
That doesn't really leave that many powers to cobble Dark Control out of, so really they DO have to build the set from the ground up.
*You could steal all the powers you wanted, but that just means when you get around to proliferating DMiasma to Controllers, or building Dark Assault for Doms, that you've got to make just as many new powers now as you did before, so that saves exactly Zero time.
Edit: Not to mention that I'd prefer Dark Miasma get ported to controllers with as few tweaks as possible (though I do expect Fearsome Stare to drop to Mag2 and get a longer recharge). If we're going to get Dark Control as a "new set" than damnit I want a New Set, not just the same powers put into a different order.

Just checking with you guys to see if there was anything else said about what doms are going to get later on since they did not get squat for issue 21.
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!