SSA #6 Story Discussion ** SPOILERS **




Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
You could wipe out most of the Phalanx and most players wouldn't really have a feeling one way or the other. That's just kind of their problem, they're not so much characters as they are cardboard cutouts. We never interact with them, 95% of the time in game they're just tag along NPCs that spout 2-4 lines of dialogue. The other 5% they're TF contacts for missions that really don't involve them in any way, so they're just the figurehead saying "Go do this, it'd probably be bad if it isn't stopped". The SSAs are one of the few times we're really getting to see any kind of character development in game with them.
Well put. Faultline and Fusionette are ten times the characters any in the Freedom Phalanx are.

Edit: Exception would be Positron and to a lesser extent Numina thanks to the Mortimer Kal Strike Force. They get some fleshing out there. Still, not that much.



Originally Posted by Judas_Ace View Post
If anything, Penelope is the Mary Sue - Most powerful, special relationship with existing characters, focal point for much of the Praetorian stuff. She's been simultaneously put on a pedestal and shoved down our throats since the moment she showed up.
Pretty sure that's hyperbole.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
I wouldn't call either character a Mary Sue,
Who are you and what have you done with Venture?!

Originally Posted by Judas_Ace View Post
If anything, Penelope is the Mary Sue - Most powerful, special relationship with existing characters, focal point for much of the Praetorian stuff. She's been simultaneously put on a pedestal and shoved down our throats since the moment she showed up.
We had to save Penny from the Rikti. We had to save Praetorian Penny from Mother. And she didn't save Sister Psyche.

So... there's nothing Mary Sue-ish about her at all.

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Originally Posted by SlyGuyMcFly View Post
Well put. Faultline and Fusionette are ten times the characters any in the Freedom Phalanx are.
Shhhhhh. You're going to give the Devs ideas and they've already got the taste of blood.



Hey, Lady Grey? Remember the last time every single member of the Freedom Phalanx died, and you just popped in and rezzed everyone, even fixed it so Positron was no longer suffering from the condition that kept him trapped in his armor? Yeah, one more rez please.

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Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
Shhhhhh. You're going to give the Devs ideas and they've already got the taste of blood.
Don't talk about Black Pebble that way (and especially not when he's eating a lunch that was bought for him!).

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Come to think of it, if Wade stole Psyche's powers like he did Statesman, wouldn't that mean that her mind riding schtick be completely wiped out?

Granted, it's possible that she put herself in another body before it all went down hill, but that would be a one way ticket.

And in retrospect, it being a world where superheroes are pretty much 50% of the population in Paragon, and super science is near common place, if Psyche did transfer her mind before she lost her powers, then they could just clone her a new body.

Hell, Cloning is common place in Praetoria, and with the numerous psychics in the city, chances are there'll be one that can carry her over to the clone. Being a mutant, I'm not sure if the same DNA signature would carry over so she;d get her powers back, but for a woman who wants kids, that might not be so bad in her eyes.

Hell, if she has no powers by then, I'm sure Manticore can train her in the ways of the Badass Normal (Apologies for those who are lost in the luring vortex of this link. It had to be done)



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
Shhhhhh. You're going to give the Devs ideas and they've already got the taste of blood.
Crap crap crap where's the delete button >.<



Originally Posted by TsumijuZero View Post
If Wade used the remaining pillar to take Psyche's powers, thats a bit of a big thing to stash in the Orenbegan tunnels without the Circle thinking "ooh our pillar's back!"
The obelisk was nowhere in sight when Statesman died, either. Its direct presence doesn't appear to be necessary, contrary to the first obelisk's appearance in WWD1.

Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Hardly anything in the arc actually dealt with his demise. Life just went on for everyone else as we blissfully ignore the fact he died not too long ago. I only ran this as a villain, but you'd think that your character's street cred would soar, considering A. you're at the scene of the crime, and B. I doubt Darrin Wade came out to the public and said "I did it! I killed him!"
I don't think anyone's ignoring Statesman's death. Long-term fallout know, time. The most immediate consequences of his death, an escalating crime wave, is just beginning. Your street cred could be soaring, or at least your infamy could be, considering that Vanguard is probably going to ask for your help to defeat Wade in WWD7 via Infernia even though you did have something to do with Statesman's death.

It was all about you gaining a new minion that promises they won't backstab you, and fighting some random villains as I think I lured Psyche into a trap? I didn't even really know, considering you don't bump into her at all until the very end, when she's already trapped.
Wade's Xanatos gambit made the heroes put Psyche into his trap. You're tracking down the heroes to make sure that the trap doesn't blow up Aurora-Psyche before Psyche dies. And really, that's all that WWD6 is about redside.

61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



2 words:

Psychic Melee!!!!



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Who are you and what have you done with Venture?!

We had to save Penny from the Rikti. We had to save Praetorian Penny from Mother. And she didn't save Sister Psyche.

So... there's nothing Mary Sue-ish about her at all.
Sorry, but being the Damsel in Distress doesn't disqualify a character from being a Mary Sue, in fact it's a pretty common characteristic of one.



Wait... who's mary gonna sue?

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Thelonious Monk



I look forward to each of the SSA's. It reminds me of the days when I would purchase comics off the shelf. Even knowing that States was going to die I looked forward to part 5 and more - enjoyed it. I looked forward to part 6 and was not disapointed. Sista P died too? omg! Now, I can't wait another month for part 7!

My biggest complaint is probably that Yin's costume is kind of lame

Otherwise - keep 'em coming!

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And just cause you don't like it, don't mean it ain't no good" - Suicidal Tendancies



Originally Posted by TheDeepBlue View Post
I don't think anyone's ignoring Statesman's death. Long-term fallout know, time. The most immediate consequences of his death, an escalating crime wave, is just beginning. Your street cred could be soaring, or at least your infamy could be, considering that Vanguard is probably going to ask for your help to defeat Wade in WWD7 via Infernia even though you did have something to do with Statesman's death.

Wade's Xanatos gambit made the heroes put Psyche into his trap. You're tracking down the heroes to make sure that the trap doesn't blow up Aurora-Psyche before Psyche dies. And really, that's all that WWD6 is about redside.
Having now done the redside version, I gagged on the bit at the end about how "the press isn't sure what to make of you" and how you might be able to turn this to your advantage by being the one to defeat Wade and use the ensuing public acclaim to further your schemes.

As a villain, I killed Miss Liberty in cold blood. I'm pretty sure the press knows exactly what to make of me. And seriously, when have Dr. Doom or the Joker or even Lord Recluse given a crap whether or not the public loves them?

34 heroes,
20 villains, Victory, Justice, Infinity, Virtue, Triumph, Exalted -- some more active than others



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Yeah, not buying it.
You wouldn't buy it unless it actually happened in reality, and then it would be obvious rather than unrealistic.

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Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
Wait... who's mary gonna sue?
Everyone. People are always calling every NPC a Mary Sue.

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Originally Posted by Finsplit View Post
Having now done the redside version, I gagged on the bit at the end about how "the press isn't sure what to make of you" and how you might be able to turn this to your advantage by being the one to defeat Wade and use the ensuing public acclaim to further your schemes.

As a villain, I killed Miss Liberty in cold blood. I'm pretty sure the press knows exactly what to make of me. And seriously, when have Dr. Doom or the Joker or even Lord Recluse given a crap whether or not the public loves them?
Well, it worked for Lex Luthor and Killface.

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Originally Posted by TheDeepBlue View Post
Wade's Xanatos gambit
Fellow troper!

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Villains of Infinity: Psychotron - 50 FM/FA Brute, Operative Gerald - 50 Arachnos Widow
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Played Blueside:

It was a total thrill taking part in "The Penelope Yin Action Hour: Guest Starring the player character who will never be as awesome as me!"

Also good to know that animation/art time was apparently taken up with making her custom Psionic Thunder God/Psychic Claw/Master of the Urineball AT.

Cause you know, there's not enough time for stuff for players, but we can give an NPC like, 5-6 new unique powers. ((I will rescind this criticism if these new powers are eventually made for players, but they're so over the top, I doubt they will be.))

Also, somehow, us curing Sister Psyche was planned for by Darrin Wade and he was able to steal SP's powers, even though he's not really a presence in this arc at all up until the last mission.

Also, Manticore apparently has his specially prepared MURDER ARROW because, wtf, that thing was ridiculous. (Also, as a TA, he had a bajillion non-lethal options.)

Also, "Justin, my powers are killing you and all of PARAGON!" while we see Sister Psyche "seeing" this all happen, but Manticore just kinda stands there and shrugs and feels nothing, and there's no fallout mentioned by Greer in the wrap up dialogue. It'd be hilarious if it turned out she was hallucinating.

Also, the whole "WADE WAS NEVER GOING TO SET ME FREE" thing made zero sense, as Wade wasn't the true source of the problem and aside from a magical macguffin oranbegan artifact the player never sees, wasn't connected to this arc at all.

The second mission seemed like it was scripted through "Mad Libs" "Meet ___ at ___" "Stop ___ from kidnapping ___!" Thats the only way meeting Akarist at Portal Corp and stopping Nemesis from kidnapping him makes any sense.

The first mission, you have Vanessa Devore offer you advice if you hold off the Malta group attacking her (Yes, this makes sense somehow?) and then after you do so, if you try to arrest her, she pretty much "LOL CYAs" you and ports away. Leaving me to wonder... if she could just port away why sit there during the malta ambush and help the heroes at all?

Overall, this particular SSA was just bad. And I feel bad saying that, as I know a lot of work gets put into these things, but it was just a perfect storm of utter garbage.



I guess Manticore was carrying around his Idiot Ball arrow.

Heroes of Justice: Geratron - 50 FA/FM Tanker
Villains of Infinity: Psychotron - 50 FM/FA Brute, Operative Gerald - 50 Arachnos Widow
Rogues of Exalted: Peanut Butter Fairy - 50 FM/FA Brute



Originally Posted by Geratron View Post
Fellow troper!
I stay away from that site as much as possible. It makes me crabby and critical of everything.

61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
Played Blueside:Cause you know, there's not enough time for stuff for players, but we can give an NPC like, 5-6 new unique powers. ((I will rescind this criticism if these new powers are eventually made for players, but they're so over the top, I doubt they will be.))
It is possible, keep in mind that NPCs have been used to show off a powerset before it was made available to the players in the past.

NPCs are testbeds for these things just to see if they work usually.

Shield set first appeared and was NPC only and a couple of months later it was available to players, the wolves in the Haunted House event were a test of the 4 legged skeleton and now we're getting beast mastery for Masterminds.

I wouldn't be surprised if Yins unique powers were opened up to the playerbase in six months to a years time.

If they're considered 'over the top' then perhaps they might be Incarnate abilities, her PBAoE Psi damage knock up could be a Psi damage judgement for example.

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Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
It is possible, keep in mind that NPCs have been used to show off a powerset before it was made available to the players in the past.

NPCs are testbeds for these things just to see if they work usually.

Shield set first appeared and was NPC only and a couple of months later it was available to players, the wolves in the Haunted House event were a test of the 4 legged skeleton and now we're getting beast mastery for Masterminds.

I wouldn't be surprised if Yins unique powers were opened up to the playerbase in six months to a years time.

If they're considered 'over the top' then perhaps they might be Incarnate abilities, her PBAoE Psi damage knock up could be a Psi damage judgement for example.
That seems like an aweful long wait time for the #2 voted melee set, when we have the very distant 3rd place as per votes melee set. :/

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The BrandX Collection



Eh I'm just saying, the wait for the Shield set after it appeared on the Romans was...what...four months?

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