SSA #6 Story Discussion ** SPOILERS **




Thought we could use a thread about SSA6 that wasn't about "it's here" or "and other stuff on the market" or "and new powersets" but just about *the story* and the big reveal.

Sister Psyche is dead.

So... Who Will Die? Isn't just about Statesman, but about Sister Psyche, too. And who knows... maybe more. Characters in and out of the Freedom Phalanx are now dead. More to come?

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I thought it sucked. I think someone on the dev team has been reading too many George R.R. Martin books. Here is a hint, I am not a fan of him, or his books. Give me Jim Butcher any day of the week over Martin and his weird NEED to kill off his characters.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



A lot depends on how they're viewing this arc, from a literary standpoint. If this is a stand-alone novel, then part 7 is going to be focused on defeating Wade, which doesn't give you the scope to kill off another big-timer without trivializing it to squeeze it in. If this is meant to be the first book of a series, however, then Wade doesn't need to be defeated, and we have more room for blood-letting.

"Trust me, it worked in the Simpsons." - Calash



Lets backtrack across the whole map. Nothing will happen.



A friend pointed out we now know who the mysterious hero in white and red is, but I just noticed there are 2 well known heroes absent from the image. If we go up against Wade in the final part, will Manticore sacrifice himself?

So how do you want to be done? Medium, Well or Extra Crispy?
@BW. The REAL @BW.... oh alright, @Catheram
Honourable United



Originally Posted by Black_Wildfire_EU View Post
If we go up against Wade in the final part, will Manticore sacrifice himself?
Don't bet on Manticore dying. There have been some strong indications that he will be around after this SSA is over. If you have beta access (i.e. if you are VIP), the thread may still be accessible in those forums but I haven't looked in a while.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



Heh. It's amazing the freedom phalanx has been around as long as they have, considering how fast they're dropping now.



If BABs wasn't in that picture I'd say things didn't look good for the odds on favorite to die before WWD launch.

When do we start the redside purge?



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
So... Who Will Die?
Apparently every character that Jack Emmert's created. At first I thought the whole Statesman thing wasn't such a big deal, he is the figurehead and all that, but Psyche too? Wowzers. Batmanticore doesn't need to do any more team killing, really. I get it, he's teetering on the edge of vigilantism, and the lead develo-... err, head of the Phalanx, Positron, is going to have some natural conflict with him. But we already had that aspect with him and Statesman, because States had that stubborn old guy mentality to him. Why did we need to bring in Penelope to fill an identical roll that Psyche did? Was she too hard of a character to write, so much that you needed the extra aspect of rookie hero that needs to prove herself to round out a character? More importantly, where the hell has Citadel been during all this? Oh, right, having absolutely zero significance aside from, "hey a robot."

Hopefully part 7 makes more sense of this, and maybe chimes in what the heck the patrons and Recluse have been up to aside from sending Mako off to get in barfights.



I continue to like the way the story is progressing, but the gameplay was terrible and almost entirely filler.

Mission One: You learn of a ritual that can help Sister Psyche, and you go to beat up a bunch of Carnies. Pretty standard mission here. You find Penny Yin, who was indeed the hero about whom everyone was speculating in the funeral picture. You rescue her and she tags along. She seemed to hold her own and she's a potent ally if you're running a more support oriented character.

You get to the end of the building and find Vanessa DeVore. Just when you're talking to her, Malta attacks. I think it's four waves of ambushes and it's much better than the alignment mission with Frostfire where Malta attacks, because each wave seems to be triggered by the defeat of the preceding one.

If I had one complaint it was that a malta officer said: "We've got reports of a super hero incursion, take precautions!" when everyone knows they call us MH-1s.

Mission Two: Go to an instanced Portal Corps map, talk to Akarist. A couple groups of Nemesis attack and you have to defeat them to end the mission. This mission did nothing to advance the story, and it was clearly just there to draw things out.

Mission Three: Wow. It's an escort mission/glowie hunt in Orenbaga. That is PAINFUL. You weave your way through the tiny winding tunnels, with Penny and Sister Psyche tagging along, clicking on a couple glowies (which are, fortunately, pretty easy to find). Meanwhile, Penny must have learned aggro management from her buddy Fusionette, because she was picking a bunch of fights we could have avoided. When I finally got to the end of the map and entered the portal, it took me to an ENTIRELY NEW ORENBAGA MAP and I had to go all the way through that one too.

We finally get to the ritual site, a voice tells us that Mister Wade is going to kill us, so it's BACK through Orenbaga to find the assassin, only this time there's a bunch of Rularuu inside. So we go back through the halls, squish the assassin (she was an Elite Boss level soul mage, as near as I could tell, but she imploded, so I don't really have any idea of what her powers were.) She told us that Psyche had already been dealt with and she was there to kill us. So it's back through Orenbaga again to return to the ritual site.

It turns out that the ritual was booby-trapped and it was all a ruse to supercharge Psyche and force Manticore to kill her. That was actually pretty neat, and whatever complaints I have about these arcs, it's not the cut scenes. Unfortunately, the resolution had nothing to do with the hoops I jumped through to get there. We could have cut out the second mission entirely and huge swaths of the first and third and still had the same story.

I usually run my Hero-aligned toons through a SSA as soon as it's released for the free alignment merit, but I don't think I can bear to bring myself to slog through this one again.

In Camazotz all are equal. Everybody is the same as everybody else.



Yeah, I wasn't too impressed with that felt like the shoe-horning in there. No guards, no Longbow escort, heck not even Wyvern. This is Manti's damn WIFE, and they didn't think to bring Numina or any of the other magic savvy Heroes along? What the hell were Montague and the Midnighters doing, having a tea break?

I wasn't too ticked with Part 5, personally. Despite the many gripes it got from some, it did work albeit with a little lack of polish in places.
This wasn't part 5. This It started off promising, and then fell flat on its face. Badly.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I thought it sucked. I think someone on the dev team has been reading too many George R.R. Martin books. Here is a hint, I am not a fan of him, or his books. Give me Jim Butcher any day of the week over Martin and his weird NEED to kill off his characters.
Different strokes I guees. You can never read too many GRRM books. He doesn't "NEED" to kill off his characters; he's just not scared to do it.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Originally Posted by Doctor_Minerva View Post
Mission Three: Wow. It's an escort mission/glowie hunt in Orenbaga. That is PAINFUL. You weave your way through the tiny winding tunnels, with Penny and Sister Psyche tagging along, clicking on a couple glowies (which are, fortunately, pretty easy to find). Meanwhile, Penny must have learned aggro management from her buddy Fusionette, because she was picking a bunch of fights we could have avoided. When I finally got to the end of the map and entered the portal, it took me to an ENTIRELY NEW ORENBAGA MAP and I had to go all the way through that one too.

We finally get to the ritual site, a voice tells us that Mister Wade is going to kill us, so it's BACK through Orenbaga to find the assassin, only this time there's a bunch of Rularuu inside. So we go back through the halls, squish the assassin (she was an Elite Boss level soul mage, as near as I could tell, but she imploded, so I don't really have any idea of what her powers were.) She told us that Psyche had already been dealt with and she was there to kill us. So it's back through Orenbaga again to return to the ritual site.
I haven't run it yet, but that just sounds really unpleasant. I assume you ran it hero side, maybe it won't be that bad villain side (since villain side I could see you potentially not needing to escort her), but eh, I wouldn't put it past them.

it was all a ruse to supercharge Psyche and force Manticore to kill her.



Does anyone know Manticore's Hero/Villain kill ratio?



Haven't played it yet, but I understand it's Manticore who pulls the trigger? If so, Totally called it.

Yeah yeah, I guessed wrong on Statesman (but for the right reasons). I doubt they'll kill Posi Sue off at this point.

I still think a latent Malaise psi-timebomb would have been more plausible than some ritual though. Shrug.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Thought we could use a thread about SSA6 that wasn't about "it's here" or "and other stuff on the market" or "and new powersets" but just about *the story* and the big reveal.

Sister Psyche is dead.

So... Who Will Die? Isn't just about Statesman, but about Sister Psyche, too. And who knows... maybe more. Characters in and out of the Freedom Phalanx are now dead. More to come?
Well I figured States was the big death but not the only death. If anyone perishes in part 7 then it gets too trivial. Of course there is still the question of Who Will Stay Dead ?

States is set to be purged from the majority of the game with ish 23, will Sis Psyche TF get renamed now?



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
States is set to be purged from the majority of the game with ish 23, will Sis Psyche TF get renamed now?
Penelope Yin Task Force is the obvious choice, sub in one psychic for the other, even if the level range creates continuity problems with Faultline. Still leaves the question of who takes over Statesman's though.



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
Does anyone know Manticore's Hero/Villain kill ratio?
Well, he killed Statesman who was immediately brought back to life, so that doesn't count.
He thought he killed Protean but didn't, so that doesn't count either.
And then there's Sister Psyche now, who may or may not count in the long run.

I'm not recalling any others, but going by his track record I think Sister will probably be ok, just slap on a few bandages.

A circle forms, everybody comes round
Just to hear the incredible sound
Of a genius smashing expectations

- Jonathan Coulton



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Yeah, I wasn't too impressed with that felt like the shoe-horning in there. No guards, no Longbow escort, heck not even Wyvern. This is Manti's damn WIFE, and they didn't think to bring Numina or any of the other magic savvy Heroes along? What the hell were Montague and the Midnighters doing, having a tea break?

I wasn't too ticked with Part 5, personally. Despite the many gripes it got from some, it did work albeit with a little lack of polish in places.
This wasn't part 5. This It started off promising, and then fell flat on its face. Badly.
IMO, the point of the first 2 missions was to show that in the wake of Statesman's death, every villain group out there is gunning for Paragon, correctly believing that the hero forces are in chaos. There was no help because everyone else was fighting elsewhere.

I must say I am impressed with how thorough Wade was in planning this out. He uses the first obelisk as a test, realizes the target has to be dead to prevent the feedback loop. He pals up with Malaise, goads him into taking on Psyche, which leads to her being taken out of the larger picture and sets up her fall. He knows the hero's will look for a way to boost her power to stop the Aurora fragment, so he researches himself, finds out about the ritual and sets up the obelisk there to drain her power when we are forced to take her out. Tho, I did get a laugh when the Aurora fragment realized that Wade had set her up as well.

Course, I do wonder if Sister Psyche is completely gone or not. While Wade may have used the Obelisk to take her powers, that doesn't mean he took her consciousness too. Could she have pulled a last moment 'body ride' and thrown her mind into Manticore or someone psychically attuned? If so, if Wade is killed and her power freed, she may be able to regain her power, if not her body.

PS - Loved Penny's powers. I like how she had some focused attacks but still had those big powerful screen-shaking blasts that Praetorian Penny has. It goes a long way towards backing up the powerful psychic rumors about her. Of course, I hope the devs realize that every psychic player now wants all those wonderful attacks too. :P



I ran this a few hours ago and two words popped into my head as soon as the cutscene started (and it does look nicely filmed, at least):


She's using mental powers, and unless I missed some key part of City Lore, the general rule is 'knock out the psychic, knock out the psychic attacks'. There's zero reason to kill off Psyche aside from to make Penny Yin the new uber-psychic.

For me, this was just your generic mission runs (why were the Nemesis even there? I didn't get Part Two at all; it was just padding) with a 'shock twist' cutscene at the end. I actually /slapped Manticore as soon as I ran back to him because his big pancaking mantle was obviously cutting off the flow of blood to his brain.

I'm not afraid to say that I've been spending more time playing other games of late than CoH because the quality of the writing in these arcs just turns me off. I feel like there's no faith in putting my character on the spot to even have the illusion of affecting events, so I'm either too late or in this case two maps away so I can't do anything about the outcome.

It's really, really hard for me to be invested in the story or even feel like I'm important at that point. I pretty much expect another big scripted event to wrap up SSA #7, and this 'book'. Bring on Volume 2 and hopefully a lift in quality.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



I felt a little bad going to fight Penny, and then the fight started and I didn't feel so bad. She was holding me right handily, and I have 9.3 hold protection. Killed that pet of hers and then really started putting a hurting on her. Her powers were awesome though, maybe Psionic will become an Epic archetype in the future, I would love some more Epics. Wade's over- preparedness is really straining my suspension of disbelief though. I never really liked the villain knows every little thing you'll do and you're only furthering his plan no matter what you do.



Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
Penelope Yin Task Force is the obvious choice, sub in one psychic for the other, even if the level range creates continuity problems with Faultline. Still leaves the question of who takes over Statesman's though.
Well, the way it's working out now, every member of the Phalanx has to give out a TF. Since Penny's pet already has Phalanx group tag on it (and for other reasons, we know she's in), she's most likely going to be giving out the Psyche TF from now on.

I don't see them giving the fan-created contest winner Statesman replacement status, so BABs will likely get recruited and hand out that one, and the player addition will probably give out a new TF.



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
(why were the Nemesis even there? I didn't get Part Two at all; it was just padding)
Nemesis was just making sure his, err, Wade's, totally all Wade's, plan worked.

Using two-bit punks in your Xanatos gambits can have a high failure rate if the punk has any actual free will in the matter.



Originally Posted by Android_5Point9 View Post
I don't see them giving the fan-created contest winner Statesman replacement status, so BABs will likely get recruited and hand out that one, and the player addition will probably give out a new TF.
There is alot of evidence that supports Positron becoming the new leader and very little supporting that it would be BaBs, other than that they shared powersets.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Well I figured States was the big death but not the only death. If anyone perishes in part 7 then it gets too trivial. Of course there is still the question of Who Will Stay Dead ?

States is set to be purged from the majority of the game with ish 23, will Sis Psyche TF get renamed now?
There's no reason (the real) Aurora couldn't take it over. The days are long gone when, mechanically, contacts could only do one thing at a time (train you or give you a TF, not both).

Sister also appears twice in the LRSF and States once... wonder what they're going to do with that.

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