2044 -
Quote:That also exists in CoH. Report someone ebough times as spammer and they get chat banned and can't use any type of communication aside for going up to people and use /afk message.When someone first told me about this "feature" I assumed they simply misunderstood. Because no one could possibly be dumb enough to put this sort of feature into the game.
I was wrong.
For those unaware, in CO there's an auto chat banning system where if you are petitioned more than X number of times by other players, the game will auto silence you from chat. I think from *all* chat. For a long time. It was meant to allow players to self-police RMT sellers.
Which in and of itself is prone to abuse, but that abuse can lead to your own account being banned if you do it too much.
And then they went F2P.
Remember all the debates we had here about how important it was to be careful about what free players could do, what premium players (who didn't sub but bought something at least once) could do, and what VIP subs could do? In CO, F2P players can petition towards auto-banning.
The rest is left as an exercise for the reader. PS: I have eight F2P City of Heroes accounts. -
offensive passives were ouperomed by other alternatives last time i played.
anyway is there a guide how to link? -
at least serverlist and forum merged before the game ended.
While i have dislike for some of you for various reasons i hope you are able to find new jobs swiftly.
Will kind of miss this game. Even if the game got boring this was one i could always return to. -
Quote:Afaik Kat didn't get any codes. they were pm'ed out randomly to people that they felt like on the list submitted to them where people with pm access could ask for one if they overlooked it. Thats why i have an issue with Zwillinger nonchalant saying "my bad?" several months later. Idgaf about the code myself, its the principle.Hey TRT, I wanted to chime in about this.
I don't know if its legal to talk about this but (and I forget where I read this- either the PvPEC boards or the PvPEC GP site). Part of the issue with the T-shirts for U2BG was that people were requesting XS or 4XL t-shirts which Paragon Studios (idk if they were called that back then) didn't even have access too. I don't know what ended up happening but I'm sure communications broke down.
The champion league, Bud told me (while we were still both on Sporks) that he was pulling all the prizes and telling paragon studios that he didn't want any swag for the event. That is why if you look at the rules now on the GP site there is no mention of prizes nor were any of those "full sets of pvp Ios" given to team captains after the 2nd week.
When I talk about lack of support I'm talking about when I was leading PvPEC and was told "no we can't get you any swag". We then went almost 4 months with no communication with that rep, we couldn't add anyone to the hidden PvPEC forums nor remove people who had left/quit. The fustration was tremendous, and I was personally funding all the events with my own "swag", this actually was a common practice for PvPEC, the leader prior to myself would actually buy time cards or DVD box sets and offer them as prizes, because there was a lack of support from the devs at that time.
So to go from that to what we have now, where I could talk to Avatea or Z and get 20 codes with no issues is amazing. For Kat to get the, idk, 30+ codes he got is unheard of.
As far as the t-shirts: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.asp...9114598&Page=1 -
I dont understand why its necessary. Its not like issue #62 of a comic stop existing just because its on #367
i keeps switching between full vip access and no access. this account is not subscribed so im confused.
Quote:Calm down.I'd think my post answering another post talking about travel suppression as a whole as if there wasn't two different levels of it made that obvious enough, but, yeah, I forgot this being the Internet you can't expect people to remember what the topic is about unless there's a direct quote. Mea culpa.
Quote:You were asked about it in game as well. As for not answering on other forums i can understand that. But can you blame someone who cant really contact you in matters like these since they have no access to pm's?I wasn't backed into a corner, it's simply the first time I've noticed a comment about it.
I don't dodge around an issue I've got an easy solution for. If I don't notice something, that's different than being evasive.
Please don't expect answers to questions asked on other forums about official game matters. I focus my primary attention to the official forums. -
Quote:GL with that. Go with 1v1 and 2v2 and 3v3 perhaps. I doubt you will get enough people for 8v8 anymore.Regarding PvP,
Zwill, you think we can set up an event?
I was thinking 1v1, 2v2 and 8v8. Have each server hold one of these, and then have the server champs battle it out with each other.
i remember a few years ago that this was held as a 1v1 event, but since there are no more PvPReps, these events are not being planned.
If needed, i can volunteer as one of the helpers. -
Quote:You have no clue what you are talking about.Stop hating on Zwill please.
If i have an issue that something isn't working correctly i tend to take action. I look at what i can do on my end to fix it, if not, i send a petition, if that doesn't help, i ask to go higher up in CS rank. If that doesn't help, i'll voice my opinion and frustration on the forums.
The fact that CS is pretty darn helpful and willing to go the extra mile meant that so far out of the real big issues i had, only a few made it to the final stage tells me a lot. And one made even the best of GM's heads spin, and did their best trying to help me. Spending a few hours with me in game going over all my stats, writing said stats down and making sure that QA would know what to look for, means that they care. It wasn't something they could fix, like fixing 'Sending Tells'.
Zwill isn't Quality Assurance, nor is he a Customer Support Rep who can look at your issue and help out. He'll do the best he can, but do not blame him for something he can not help that you yourself should have been fighting for since you 1st encountered this issue.will is a great Community Rep, the bridge between the players and the Devs, the one who actually made it easier to see what is going on with the team.
. -
Having competed in tournaments of other games payouts is a huge issue for me. Doesnt matter if its a coffee mug or money. Its a matter of principle.
You dodging it here and on another forum where you got asked about it in a polite way sends the wrong signals. Why would i want sponsorhip of anything if it wont happen.
Simply giving the e-mail link then could have helped alot but here we are and people who was promised rulu-shin codes still havent received them. And you had to be backed into a corner before you responded. -
Quote:This could have been said months ago when the issue was brought up.If you don't have direct access to PM's, you can always send an email to cohcommunity@paragonstudios.com.
Quote:And he keeps dodging.Even with community rep backing it failed. There are people havent received codes for the last league an a lot of people cant get one since they only distribute the codes via pm's so people with premium accounts wont get one. When people try to talk to Zwillinger about this he just dodges the the issue entirely.
Hell there are people in u2bg who still havent received their t-shirts and other stuff they were promised for winning.
What happened to the stuff promised for the Champion pvp league? I mean i can understand not wanting to be associated to anything with Budweiser involved but still. -
Quote:Not so easy to ignore their actions. Sure the words can fall on deaf ears, but the actual pvp griefing isn't easy to ignore. You would think that since rewards are on a 5 minute timer once a person respawns/hosps and ventures out...the same people would leave them alone for oh..say..maybe 5 minutes? But no.. they like to team gank you and then "scream" obscenities. I gave up on pvp about a year or so ago when it became apparent the civility and maturity was never going to rebound to a decent level. So while many pvpers love to blame Castle/Issue 13 for the decline of pvp...they may also want to look at their "community" for being as pleasant as a venereal disease. Just saying....
You are not entitled to anything.
Cant multiquote since im on my not so smart phone. -
Quote:Im probably less sensitive than others but i dont think i have ever seen macskull trash talk anyone but poned.Flat out hilarious post Mac. Even more so because you claim to 'move on' from trash talk..yet every. single. time I have seen you in RV..you are talking trash. Every time. Sure this was awhile back, so who knows, maybe you turned 13 in the interval, but please... tell it like is. Pretty sure I remember you droning many times to..to some people that is 'legit' but to most, lame lame lame.
Also if you are going to point fingers make sure you haven't stalked a person irl and and aired personal affairs in rv broadcast.