Dev Chat Highlight, June 23




Just thinking with the 20-26ish range of First Ward (I rewatched the chat. Black Scorpion said it's 20-25/26ish), that's about the same as Imperial City and Neutropolis. Outside of Nova Praetoria, most of the zones cover about a five level stretch. It means, for one thing, you've got a lot less of a chance of blundering into an outdoor mob that's seven levels above you.

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
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Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
Lvl 20-24 is nothing for all that content, enemy groups, etc in new zone.
I was expecting 20-30 at least, we got Mother's hospital, Diabolique's tower, Sorcerer Selene, Carnival of lights... Too much I think?
Especially since there's a glut of newer content in the 20-25 range. Mercedes Sheldon, Nance, Roy Cooling, Vincent Ross, Dean MacArthur, Darrin Wade, Jenni Adair.

There was already plenty of new stuff in the 20s level range, especially the low to mid 20s.

I don't recall 30-35 getting non-TF content for a while and any 50 content as been mostly Trials and TFs. And it goes without saying there's still no real solo Incarnate path or content.

Needless to say, I'm more than a little disappointed they spent resources for a new zone, enemy groups and content that will be out-leveled in 5 levels. In a level range that frankly didn't need more new content right now. In Praetoria, so soon after players were supposed to be 'exiled' from there to Primal Earth. While solo players are still getting the shaft with the endgame.




Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
The Silver Samurai? Nah, it's already been asserted in this very thread that that sort of thing is not in Western comics.
Silver Samurai uses a normal looking sword for what a samurai would use. A Cloud type sword just looks asinine.

And yes, I'm done. Maybe.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
In theory both. In practice I'm not actually sure precisely what they did. I just know there are a couple of options available to them.

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
-VIP's will not be able to ride free players as mounts
Thanks for the heads-up. With the Devs choosing not to implement such a needed feature into the game, it shows how out of touch with the game they really are.

No sense paying them anymore. Going to cancel soon as I post this.



Originally Posted by VanCorp View Post
Thanks for the heads-up. With the Devs choosing not to implement such a needed feature into the game, it shows how out of touch with the game they really are.

No sense paying them anymore. Going to cancel soon as I post this.
Blame the players on Virtue. Have you any idea what they'd do with a /mount command?

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
Blame the players on Virtue. Have you any idea what they'd do with a /mount command?
You owe everyone some mind bleach!

Concerning the two handed weapon, depending on what I see from it when more info get released (And if I return to playing the game for other reasons I will not being up here), then I will be tempted to re-roll my Brute that currently uses a War Hammer (War Mace).

Sounds very smashy.........I like smashy!

Credit goes to FrankyT49 for animated avatar

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Dunelm Group: "OOOOORRRAAAAH!"



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
Silver Samurai uses a normal looking sword for what a samurai would use. A Cloud type sword just looks asinine.

And yes, I'm done. Maybe.
This I agree with in 99.9% of cases.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
Blame the players on Virtue. Have you any idea what they'd do with a /mount command?
I play on Virtue. Sadly, I have accidentally encountered that of which you speak.

I have never been mentally the same, since . . . .



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I've gone since Issue 3 seeing costumes that would have been improved by mashing the "Random" button. Through all the waves of, as mentioned, "Onoes, it's going to be City of nero/archers/anime/this/that/theother."

Know what? Better to just worry about yourself. If you "see the stupid things," as you put it, you won't see them for long. They'll keep passing by, or you can leave the team (or they can,) and it's not likely you'll see them all so frequently that it'll make one whit of difference.

Leave it as a molehill.
As I have thought about this more, my initial reaction of "Holy $#!^" that looks stupid, has waned.

Also, I too have had many a lame costume cross my path. It bothers me for a bit, and then it passes. So, ultimately, it will be the same with this... unless it turns out that the faith I have placed in the Dev team comes to something and they end up making this set cool.



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
Silver Samurai uses a normal looking sword for what a samurai would use. A Cloud type sword just looks asinine.

And yes, I'm done. Maybe.
Then maybe how about Korvus, in a "western" comic from "Marvel" in a very popular title, namely the X-Men.

Big swords aren't limited to just those strange "anime" and "manga" sources. I would also advise you to look up the Odinsword. Perhaps the MOST ridiculous gigantic sword in comics

Oh, right...

To use the "realistic" argument when we have in western comics a guy with robotic armor, War Machine, with the ability to fly and unload with a 20mm Vulcan Gatling gun on his shoulder, and still stay aloft(!) is a specious argument indeed.

Why is is that we accept superheroes with gigantic hand canons that are supposed to pass for firearms but a gigantic sword doesn't?


If you're argument is that Marvel, DC and western comics don't use gigantic swords or characters use "realistic" weaponry it's a very bad argument.



I have no problem with the large weapons, as long as it keeps the anime-types from complaining they aren't represented enough in this game, because I truely expect the next complaint to be that there need to be larger eye options and the ability to translate mission text into Japanese.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
I have no problem with the large weapons, as long as it keeps the anime-types from complaining they aren't represented enough in this game, because I truely expect the next complaint to be that there need to be larger eye options and the ability to translate mission text into Japanese.
Yes, please!

Then I can point. And laugh.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I just want a REALLY big two handed hammer, they're always my weapon of choice in certain games (Great Mauls, Super Sledgehammers, whatever, just a big old hammer for smacking things with).

Or something like this:

Since using something like that is based ENITRELY around momentum...more in the sense of once you get going it's very hard to stop (unless it wraps around your own neck and twists your head does happen with Goblin Fanatics...)

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



If the following has been mentioned yet, my apologies:

I'm throwing my hat in for one very important big-weapon request: Longbow/Arachnos trooper. Just lug the dude around by the ankle, then when it's clobbering time, wheeeeeee!

Later on,

Mostly Pinnacle, with scattered alts on Liberty, Freedom, and Justice.

I had a great time playing with you!



Looking over the archived Ustream for the bits I missed.

The New Tutorial
-Meant to be dynamic and action-driven, rather than burying you under a wall of text
-The New Tutorial is shorter than the old ones, but some of the mechanics and such are spread out over story arcs lasting up to level 20.

Redesigned Atlas Park and the new sewer trial are supposed to be amazing.

The low level sewer trial apparently features some new mechanics.

Trial fights again both the Praetorian and Hamidon forces. Both are after a secret that "Once uncovered would shatter the world of Praetoria pretty much permanently, and the goal of the trial is to get to that secret before it's too late."

(I want to be the first to throw out a Hamidon/Cole lovechild.)

Zwillenger thinks that the Underground Incarnate trial is the most visually stunning thing in the game he's ever seen.

First Ward, the new co-op zone is located in Praetoria, and is acessed from Underground Imperial City, Talos Island, and Cap du Diable.

Diabolique's Tower is, in part, inspired by the building from the end of Ghostbusters.

There is an homage to the "Are you a God?" line in upcoming Incarnate content.

First Ward used to be the major region of Praetoria, the bayside city center, but was devastated by the Hamidone Wars.

Was hit by massive natural disasters by the Hamidon.

First Ward was decided to be not worth saving, and stricken from the roles. Was placed under the charge of unofficial members of Cole's forces. There is no official oversight.

Mother Mercy hospital in First Ward. I haven't seen this anywhere else. So forgive me if it's been shown before. It's the headquarters of PRaetor Tillman and her forces.

First Ward is a very diverse area.

A lot of things pushed to the margins of Cole's empire wound up in First Ward.

The Carnival of Light are not the Resistance, but are Resistance aligned. They are the combined forces of the mystical and magical forces that are good guys, essentially.

They take some visual cues from the Carnival of Shadows, but also the Midnight Squad and the Legacy Chain, as they've gone through major events in the Praetorian timeline that forced them to band together.

Zwill hopes that lore enthusiasts are taking notes (Hi Zwill!) because "This is some juicy knowledge right here."

On the documents First Ward has the subtitle of "Praetoria's Dirty Little Secret."

Not all Seers make the cute, the the ones with an Eldritch Horror headcrab infestations are the ones that have been experimented on and slipped out of control. The group of headcrab coiffed Seers is called the Awakened. Their storyline is going to be dug into.

All villain groups in First Ward are explored in the story arcs.

Zwill: Looking over all the art, "I figured our motto for First Ward: "We Got Tentacles.""

Black Scorpion: "We've got tentacles. Luckily all the tentacles wrapped around buildings are dead. Because after all, Empire Cole defeated the Hamidon. Right? RIGHT?!"

Other devs express their rather eye-winking, shifty postured consent.

BS: "The tentacles are dead, but they might not exactly stay that way..."

Zwill: "Dun dun dun!"

The Seed of Hamidon is an in-zone giant monster, it is a mothership-colonizer for the Hamidon. It is sent in to test the defenses if the first ward and to see if it is ripe for colonization for the Terrarian Plague. It drops viral seedlings/probes/spores.

It is a new type of GM rather than just pile on it, you have to take down the podlings in zone and then damage the mothership.

You can be well outside of the city zone and see the Seed floating around the buildings in First Ward.

BS has been bothered for awhile that you could be in zone for hours and not see the GM's. It's impossible to miss the Seed.

Serene Sorceress and the snake peoples are members of a faction dubbed the Talons of Vengeance. War Witch is relieved that she FINALLY got her Praetorian version.

The deb team seems to keep bringing War Witch back just so they can kill her some more.

The Talons have a connection to the Furies of mythology. There is a relation to the Well of the Furies.

Some confusion as to if the dev team works off of a storyline dartboard, golden tablets they found buried (and possibly having Protean translate them with his face hidden in a hat), or have story pieces attached to items that a tank of manatees fetch.

Zwill: "Cole bless the Manatees."

Personally I think they receive them through divination from the entrails of forum moderators and the less visible members of the Community Relations team.

The flame path aura in the screenshots is the Blazing Path Aura. The blue energy one is called Streak. They are a part of the Paragon Rewards Program, the thing replacing Veteran Rewards.

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
Blame the players on Virtue. Have you any idea what they'd do with a /mount command?
The same thing that Unionites do with /teabag?

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
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Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
I just want a REALLY big two handed hammer, they're always my weapon of choice in certain games (Great Mauls, Super Sledgehammers, whatever, just a big old hammer for smacking things with).

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I'm a little disappointed that polearm/staff melee isn't the powerset mentioned. But titan weapons still sounds cool, although I would like to see a few realistic weapon models thrown in with the huge anime-style swords and other weapons. Perhaps a true zwiehander or two handed claymore? Perhaps make one of those the "vanguard version" with glowing blade?

Perhaps give us something like this?

Or this?

Or how about this? Anyone think an oversized glowing Vanguard version would rock?

Bear in mind that these weapons ARE considerably bigger than the hand-and-a-half swords that the current broadsword set uses.
Throwing in some more lifelike huge blades along with the great big anime/hulk-style stuff would definitely give us more options- those who want the hulk look can have it, while those who want something a little more realistic can have some goodies too.

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Originally Posted by dougnukem View Post
No free player mounts!!?!?!?!?

*rages and throws stuff around room*





Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
I just want a REALLY big two handed hammer, they're always my weapon of choice in certain games (Great Mauls, Super Sledgehammers, whatever, just a big old hammer for smacking things with).

Or something like this:

Since using something like that is based ENITRELY around momentum...more in the sense of once you get going it's very hard to stop (unless it wraps around your own neck and twists your head does happen with Goblin Fanatics...)
To be fair, Night Goblins aren't known to be that keen on self preservation.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Diabolique's Tower is, in part, inspired by the building from the end of Ghostbusters.

There is an homage to the "Are you a God?" line in upcoming Incarnate content.
I am not going to lie, I made this face after reading that.

Also the answer is yes, It in the Ghostbusters rule book.

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
To be fair, Night Goblins aren't known to be that keen on self preservation.
Yeah but there's just so many of them...damn short green blighters...they just keep coming!

An yeah I would be immensely happy, enough to distract me from my temporary slightly doomish mood, if we get a huge ball and chain as a weapon option.

Though I know, chances are low.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!