Dev Chat Highlight, June 23




So glad that they didn't make staff melee. Can't imagine the boredom. Now railroad sign melee, that's some good ****.



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post

-Two handed melee weapons set is dubbed Titan Weapons
-Not just huge broad swords, but several kinds of large weapons
-Starts out slow and builds 'momentum' which uses faster and faster animations
That, is the stupidest thing I have ever seen added to this game.
Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
For the sake of my sanity, please don't let these be anime wannbe over the top type swords. I will punch a kitten. Think of the kittens devs.
Agreed. Also, I will double the number of punched kittens for the same reason.
Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
Anime Heroes are Still Heroes.
Nope. This game is clearly based on Marvel/DC-styled heroics... with but a rare few exceptions.



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
Did you see the concept art at the top there? One of them's a freaking giant sword and another is a railroad crossing sign. I can't imagine at least some of them not being over the top anime weapons.
I actually thought they were unrelated and just an image to put on there. I wasn't thinking those would actually be them. It slowly dawned on me that those where the images. Let's just say I'm not a fan.



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
-Dr. Aeon rewrote the introductory Ouroburos arcs
Please, please, please let this be solely to update them to take into account the Coming Storm that has now arrived and not to completly retcon Ouroboros to fit the insipid Well storyline.

And 20-24? *Facepalm*

And yet, free to try tailor pieces, epic, insanely large weapons, more crazy cool stuff to drool over...

You really know how to give and take in one sitting don't you?

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
Off hand it seems a little more video-game/manga ish to me than comic book exactly, but in any case it sounds like the mechanic will be a lot of fun. I have to say, the railroad crossing sign is fantastic.

Also I'm admittedly not as 'up' on comic books as I was ages back, but I really seem to recall more characters who fought with a staff than ones who fought with giant swords.
Manga ARE comics. Just not Western ones. And at least as popular as superheroes.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
Please, please, please let this be solely to update them to take into account the Coming Storm that has now arrived and not to completly retcon Ouroboros to fit the insipid Well storyline.
I believe its more to do with replacing the missions that flashback to the old tutorials.

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Originally Posted by bjooks View Post
Yup. And it makes me suspect that some organizational improvements for the costume creator will be included with this issue, as well.

Would so love to see this happen

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
I believe its more to do with replacing the missions that flashback to the old tutorials.
Ah, thank you. I hope they're still available. I quite like the intro to Ouro as it is.

Hey, do you think if we flashbacked to Ouroboros using Ouroboros we could create a time paradox?

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Manga ARE comics. Just not Western ones. And at least as popular as superheroes.
But this is a western developed superhero MMO. Yes, they made a eastern version that went away. It still comes across as watching a scene from a Renaissance film and watching a guy in a space suit walk in.



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
There's another Arena in Talos, so the Galaxy one is expendable.
Well, it was for low level players to try out PvP, so there should still be one available for them.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
But this is a western developed superhero MMO. Yes, they made a eastern version that went away. It still comes across as watching a scene from a Renaissance film and watching a guy in a space suit walk in.
So what do you do when you come across a character with a medieval knight or samurai concept? Those things aren't any more part of the "traditional" western superhero genre than giant anime swords.

I hereby propose we lobby for the removal of shoulder kittens and anime hair from the game.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Fantastic news!

Titan weapons looks like a brute's dream come true. Momentum and fury should work together quite nicely.

The new zone's level range looks a bit odd. From the screenshots, it feels like there's way too much awesome for that level range. You really want to make lvl 20 to 24 in Paragon or in the Isles look terrible now!

[COLOR=darkorchid]Nebulhym's AE Arcs: Try them now![/COLOR]
# 12647: Of feathers and fur...[COLOR=yellow]Winner of [B]The American Legion[/B]'s January 2011 AE Author Contest![/COLOR]
# 292389: From Tartarus with love...
# 459592: Interdimensional Headache



Ooh, another thought.

I wonder how the momentum speeding up of animations is achieved? If its tech that can actually speed up/slow down animations on the fly (probably isn't, but hey, we can dream) then that could mean come very cool effects for time manipulation.

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
You must have missed that, they definitely said 20-24.

Tutorial: Done.
Atlas Park & Galaxy City: Done.
That's a very small level range for a zone. I'd expect something like 20 to 30 or 35



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Staff melee boring? Imagination fail. Pole vault, burly brawl, good stuff like that.
Maybe if things exploded when the staff hit 'em. (Doesn't some French superhero in Marvel comics do that?) Otherwise, it's just some guy swinging a stick with long animation times. But hey, if they ever add it, that's great. It's better to have more options, and just because it's not my thing doesn't mean it shouldn't exist.



Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
Ooh, another thought.

I wonder how the momentum speeding up of animations is achieved? If its tech that can actually speed up/slow down animations on the fly (probably isn't, but hey, we can dream) then that could mean come very cool effects for time manipulation.
I'm under the impression that momentum ties into the recharge time of the titan weapons powerset. Each successive hit lowers the recharge time of the powerset down a notch building up to a full assault. Miss, get hit, or run out of End and then you have to start all over again.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
That, is the stupidest thing I have ever seen added to this game.

Agreed. Also, I will double the number of punched kittens for the same reason.

Nope. This game is clearly based on Marvel/DC-styled heroics... with but a rare few exceptions.
Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
I actually thought they were unrelated and just an image to put on there. I wasn't thinking those would actually be them. It slowly dawned on me that those where the images. Let's just say I'm not a fan.

Some will dislike.

Others will really, really like.

I am very much looking forward to making a giant-sword character.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I am very much looking forward to making a giant-sword character.
They should just call the set "Overcompensation Melee"

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
So what do you do when you come across a character with a medieval knight or samurai concept? Those things aren't any more part of the "traditional" western superhero genre than giant anime swords.

I hereby propose we lobby for the removal of shoulder kittens and anime hair from the game.
Now that you say that and I think about it, I've never rolled something that fell into those categories. Medieval knights and samurai are at least realistic. Cloud's sword?

That said, I'll try to get at least a few things up, like this hilarious little peek at some moron ACTUALLY forging an insanely realistic version of the buster sword.

By now any JRPG fan is very familiar with Cloud Strife and his stupidly huge, completely impractical buster sword. I would even go as far as to say that the buster sword is practically synonymous with JRPGs and their (mostly completely accurate) stereotypes. Anyone wondering what wielding a sword that massive would be like will be glad to hear that the fool in the video below actually forged a realistic version of Cloud's iconic blade and, as expected, was completely unable to wield it.

Yep, that's totally the same as a samurai, or knight.



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
But this is a western developed superhero MMO. Yes, they made a eastern version that went away. It still comes across as watching a scene from a Renaissance film and watching a guy in a space suit walk in.
So? It's a game set in America. That doesn't mean the rest of the world doesn't exist. Hard though that may be to imagine.

Besides, why on earth would, say,a giant Iron Golem character wield a tiny toothpick of a sword that looks bloody silly? When he can have a giant, scaled size sword? Or a ravening, failed experiment villain, tearing out a lamp post to smash people with.

It fits just fine, thanks. And some of us are happy for it.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
Now that you say that and I think about it, I've never rolled something that fell into those categories. Medieval knights and samurai are at least realistic. Cloud's sword?

Yep, that's totally the same as a samurai, or knight.

Nightmare deems you invalid.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
I'm under the impression that momentum ties into the recharge time of the titan weapons powerset. Each successive hit lowers the recharge time of the powerset down a notch building up to a full assault. Miss, get hit, or run out of End and then you have to start all over again.
Quoting Positron from the Ustream (about 39:30) in

...When you first attack, it has a very slow ponderous animation...
When you have momentum subsequent attacks will have a faster animation...
Sounds so awesome.

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
That, is the stupidest thing I have ever seen added to this game.

Agreed. Also, I will double the number of punched kittens for the same reason.

Nope. This game is clearly based on Marvel/DC-styled heroics... with but a rare few exceptions.
My only response is - "Then don't make one."

It's MORE options for people to come out with their concepts. And given the whole Freedoom announcement, the more people playing, the more people getting nickel-and-dimed and giving money to PS.

I doubt I'd use them either (aside from the railroad crossing sign - I think I'll make a companion character to Louisville Slaughter,) but I'm not going to complain they're in game. You'll note we don't have "City of Anime" already, or "City of Nero" from adding trenchcoats or any of the other rather silly complaints about costume/weapons. (I wasn't fond of "Overly large compensating for somethign sword/polearm" in Aion, either, where they were far more common - but I didn't complain. And I might just remake, and actually level, this guy.)

In summary - don't like it, don't make it. Nobody's forcing you to.