Dev Chat Highlight, June 23




Originally Posted by Amanita View Post
I'm a little disappointed that polearm/staff melee isn't the powerset mentioned. But titan weapons still sounds cool, although I would like to see a few realistic weapon models thrown in with the huge anime-style swords and other weapons. Perhaps a true zwiehander or two handed claymore? Perhaps make one of those the "vanguard version" with glowing blade?

Perhaps give us something like this?

Or this?

Or how about this? Anyone think an oversized glowing Vanguard version would rock?

Bear in mind that these weapons ARE considerably bigger than the hand-and-a-half swords that the current broadsword set uses.
Throwing in some more lifelike huge blades along with the great big anime/hulk-style stuff would definitely give us more options- those who want the hulk look can have it, while those who want something a little more realistic can have some goodies too.
I would agree heavily with this. Plus it gives me more hope to make an AE mob of NOTHING BUT SWORDSMEN/WOMEN!!!

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Gatecrasher View Post
If the following has been mentioned yet, my apologies:

I'm throwing my hat in for one very important big-weapon request: Longbow/Arachnos trooper. Just lug the dude around by the ankle, then when it's clobbering time, wheeeeeee!

Later on,
Or at least the torn off arm from one of the various giant robots in game!



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
To be honest though I'm unsure if a scythe would be well served by the same sort of animations that have to be used for a big-honking-sword and an axe. Maybe that's just my mental image of them though.
Animations for a scythe would have to be different or they risk looking very strange. I still want a scythe power set though. Looked cool with with a very limited move set in .Hack//GU, the Devs here should be able to make something really wicked

Then, perhaps your butt cheeks will relinquish their grip on your chin." -The_Zekiran



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
Diabolique's Tower is, in part, inspired by the building from the end of Ghostbusters.
Ha! I knew it!

Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Looking at the preview pics, this one of "Diabolique Tower" gives me a strong Ghostbusters vibe.

"Gozer the Gozerian, Gozer the Destructor is here!"

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
I want a board with a nail in it.
Your superior intellect is no match for my puny weapons!



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
I want a board with a nail in it.
Too bad. You get a sword with swords in it instead.

Originally Posted by NeoSaturn View Post

Don't forget about a tech version.

Also, don't forget about a Vanguard version.

Tech support IRL, CLR/DRU/MED/WHM/PRI/DEF. Hmm, I sense a pattern...
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A few of my alts



Originally Posted by concreteshift View Post
Then maybe how about Korvus, in a "western" comic from "Marvel" in a very popular title, namely the X-Men


If you're argument is that Marvel, DC and western comics don't use gigantic swords or characters use "realistic" weaponry it's a very bad argument.
To be fair, the giant weapon phase of Marvel's history is about the time the comics took a nose dive IMO. Not necessarily because of the giant weapons--but the association is not a good one for me.

And IMO Cable is such a fail character, I'd love to see him and most of the 1990's retconned out of existence.




Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
To be fair, the giant weapon phase of Marvel's history is about the time the comics took a nose dive IMO. Not necessarily because of the giant weapons--but the association is not a good one for me.

And IMO Cable is such a fail character, I'd love to see him and most of the 1990's retconned out of existence.

O.O No taking away Deadpool!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by james_joyce View Post
Kind of a shame. Could have made a great control set, with the best pet ever, now that we have doppelganger technology.

But I'm sure it's still great.
I'm still hoping that they keep the doppelganger tech for allowing pets from other sets to be element-clones of the character. Like, Fire Control could summon 3 fire duplicates of themself, but they always have a fiery aura while Illusion could summon phantom versions of themself (both Phantom Army and Phantasm) which follow the scheme for decoys.

I'm looking forward to the two-handed set, EVEN IF IT WILL BE LETHAL DAMAGE and feeling totally gimped at high levels, haha. XD

As for Serene Sorceress - ooh, will she have any links to Primal Earth's Apex? The man spent YEARS in solo missions in Praetoria, according to his new bio, so maybe we'll find out along the way what he did in Praetoria?

From paragonwiki on his comic bio - "War Witch comforted him, saying to take heart, as a new War Witch may look to him for guidance in the future" - HINT HINT?

Ideon's Paragonwiki page
Member of Paragon/Rogue Knights
Arc: 60092 - Supa Rumble in the Park
"Keep living the dream, and never let any jerk tell you what to do."
-- High-Roller



Originally Posted by Ideon View Post
I'm still hoping that they keep the doppelganger tech for allowing pets from other sets to be element-clones of the character. Like, Fire Control could summon 3 fire duplicates of themself, but they always have a fiery aura while Illusion could summon phantom versions of themself (both Phantom Army and Phantasm) which follow the scheme for decoys.
I always thought this was a good idea.

No need for the clones to have the exact powers of the original toon.

Illusion, they could still go around with PA/Phantom Army powers, just look like whatever costume you're wearing.

Same for any of the pets.

I'd love it for some of the Lore Pets as well.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I always thought this was a good idea.

No need for the clones to have the exact powers of the original toon.

Illusion, they could still go around with PA/Phantom Army powers, just look like whatever costume you're wearing.

Same for any of the pets.

I'd love it for some of the Lore Pets as well.
Yeah basically, they only copy the player's costume, their powers still remain as pet powers (in the example, Fire doppelgangers get brawl and enhanced speed, and Decoy doppelgangers get their illusion psychic attacks of fake element swords or fake physical attacks).

Ideon's Paragonwiki page
Member of Paragon/Rogue Knights
Arc: 60092 - Supa Rumble in the Park
"Keep living the dream, and never let any jerk tell you what to do."
-- High-Roller