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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    Nah, 2 minutes to Midnight....
    Then they kill you in the ...... woods?..... womb?........ never really payed close attention to the lyrics at this point
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quinzel View Post
    Dont you need to log in the servers to get to the costume creator in the first place?
    Last I knew this was correct.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    lmao, good stuff.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
    Oh WELL PLAYED sir! Well played!

    Anybody else think "happy air sounds" sounds like "SQUEE!" or is that just me?
    After they added in that character (can't recall the name) "happy air sounds" does make me think "hoorb"
  5. MortisEques

    False Hope

    Originally Posted by TargetOne View Post
    Better to have false hope, than to have no hope at all.
    This is very true. I actually kind of miss the days when I had hope, life is a hell of a lot more depressing now than back then.
  6. MortisEques

    Where are you?

    Added. Had to use purple, hero or villain depending on my mood
  7. Didn't really know anyone but what the hell why not.
    Facebook: Daniel Garcia II
    Now that I think about it my name is probably fairly common.... profile pic:

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amanita View Post
    I was there on Virtue as Anlek'Toh. I think I buzzed Samuraiko when we did that bit of filming
    Cant wait to see the video when its done. Managed to get in on it. least im fairly sure Criaga is on Virtue........ crap, now i need to double check.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
    This thread currently has fewer views than codes by a huge margin. What'll be frustrating is for late arrivals who dig through the posts trying to find those last few valid codes because so many people are going bottom or middle first.
    Good point about late comers. Code I used was: 34FQ-F97N-CZBB-5GZT-STUE

    Just in case anyone looks at the rest of the posts before trying codes
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ScavGraphics View Post
    Used 358S-Q8AX-NDLA-JS7Y-NVZ7 ganged from the middle.
    Thanks for the gift!
    Just snagged mine from the middle of the first list on my first try, nice
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    Yeah Crabs are awesome. I've got all of the pet powers perma on mine so I have a small army of mechanical spiders following me around .
    In the process of doing the same thing with my Crab although her spiders aren't perma yet, currently call it mini-MM mode

    There any must have powers to get the spiders perma?

    Edit: My Crab also uses fly for travel and I love the moving arms. Makes it looking like she is crawling her way through the air.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    I don't mind crashing nukes & have barely played any incarnate stuff so nothing to say on that front, but I always enjoyed Steelclaw's lists. Always at least amusing, frequently quite funny, periodically hilarious & possessed of an inimitable style that was instantly recognizable and always brought a smile to my face- a rarity on internet forums of any stripe.

    As an irascible sort not prone to holding my tongue, I find it genuinely surprising that anyone (ANYONE) would be so put off by them they'd go out of their way to assail their author & drive him into retirement. Pretty lame.

    Steel, I say %#$& the haters & let your list flag fly.
    Anybody mouths off, /ignore.
    My guess is you won't be missing much.
    What this guy said. I'll admit that there have been a couple lists that I didn't find very funny, but my sense of humor tends to change a lot. With that said I frequently clicked on threads that were started by you simply because the bulk of your lists were funny as hell. Don't let some snot nosed brats (just a guess) with no sense of humor force you to quit making lists.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
    "Puny god."
    Hehe, thanks. All I was able to catch was the god part. As soon as this hits DVD/BR I'm going to have to get it.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Demobot View Post


    Hulk thrashing Loki around like a ragdoll was the single most satisfying scene I've ever watched in any movie, ever.
    Also went to a midnight showing and this was probably my favorite scene in the movie. One sec Loki is on screen calling Hulk (of all the people to say this to....) a bug, and then he just isn't standing there anymore o.O Of course the theater broke out in laughter as soon as we saw where Loki went

    One question though.... due to all the laughter I didn't catch what Hulk said after he was done introducing Loki to the floor. Anyone able to tell me what he said?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    We have sober people on our server? Where?! Kill the beasts! <burp!>
    .... glad i wandered out of the Pinn server a while ago now, don't need more things trying to kill me.

    On a serious note Pinn was a nice server. Had a blast getting two of my MMs to 50 there. Hmm... maybe I should dust them off and start working on the incarnate stuff for them..... I don't care for drinking but where did I hide the vodka again??

    Also hell no for merging servers.
  16. ..... Now I am really getting tired of waiting for the next season to start..... need more Who!!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ketch View Post
    The change to Assassin Strike is enough to warrant people respec'ing into it. It's a pretty major shift for the power.
    o.O There are Stalkers that don't take AS? Odd...
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
    My vote goes for more advertisement. The biggest issue with CoH and more players is that I never hear about CoH. Ever. I don't see commercials, I don't see ads on websites, I don't read about it in the paper. Occasionally I'll see a review or something... when I get directed to it from these forums. The biggest obstacle to getting players is actually getting players to see that this game exists, and is a viable option for their free time.
    I don't know what websites you frequent but I have seen CoH banner ads on various websites and from time to time I see something CoH related while watching Big Bang Theory. So in one form or another there is "something" out there, but I honestly wouldn't mind seeing a commercial like I do for the.... "competition" heh.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    Given that their apparent goal was to snag themselves the Doctor, it would have made no sense to ally with the Nazis.

    They can conceive of such emotions, but they hate them.

    It took an A-Team minute. Also: Prop planes in space are awesome.

    Because it was awesome.

    Because even Daleks have to bow to the universal rule that you can defeat anything with the power of Love and/or Friendship.
    Short answer: Because it is the kind of stuff that, while being corny as hell, is still amusing and enjoyable.... at least to some of us.

    Edit: I frequently roll my eyes at some of the action or dialog in the show but I enjoy every moment of it.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ridia View Post
    Sorry, lol added it in
    Not trying to be rude but I don't see the point of your suggestion. Unless they are running something that doesn't have a minimum lvl I already see players stating the lvl range for whatever mission/trial/TF they are getting a team together for, so what you are suggesting is already used by most people who bother to form teams.

    If I misunderstood your suggestion, my bad just ignore what I said. If not.... this is probably something that you should point out in game over broadcast because there are a number of people that don't bother with the forums and wont see your suggestion anyway.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ridia View Post
    pretty cool. Tried it today for the first time and the end is pretty hardcore compared to DFB. Def gonna take over the waiting list of players wanting to run DFBs.
    I have one question..... where is the suggestion or idea?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    some annoying schmuck on the surround sound in back of you flapping his yap while taking progressively larger chunks of money out of your wallet every season?
    I believe this is called having a child, so the cost could vary wildly from person to person.
  23. I make a lot of characters and focus on whichever feels the most fun at the time. Because of this I have characters covering all lvl ranges spread among the servers, but only 4 lvl 50s.
  24. MortisEques

    Xmas Geek Swag?

    Didn't get much this year. Most of the focus was getting presents for the kids and not the adults, which made sense.

    I got an IOU for a Transformer later...... need to start thinking about who I'm going to add to the beginning my collection.....

    Also got some pajama pants.
  25. MortisEques

    C'mon Newb!

    First newb moment for me was seeing a mob with a pretty color name, can't remember if it was red or purple, and thinking "I can take it." Not my best idea with a new low lvl blaster.

    The tram door almost got me, but then I backed up and noticed the main door.

    hmm.... now that I think about it moment number one still happens..... should stop trying to be a scrapper with everything.