



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
It has been answered, but I'll do it again.

Overall, the movie is extremely faithful to the comics. Like Iron Man, they changed some minor things and used the best bits from various sources. At the time IM came out, Adi Granov's design of the armor was the coolest out there, so they adapted that version for film, and it works beautifully. However, they managed to have their cake and eat it, too, by having Stark's first cave-made armor resemble the original Iron Man suit. Jarvis became an AI rather than a person, but that makes more sense in the 20th century for a tech wizard like Tony Stark.

Similarly, Straczynski's reboot of Thor has beats that they used for the film (hammer falling in the American Southwest, Thor ending up in a small town -- although in Oklahoma rather New Mexico), but like IM, they used Olivier Copiel's redesign of Thor's outfit and extrapolated everyone else's from it. A very good idea, in my opinion, because Thor has never looked cooler. Asgard and all the characters there were true to the comic book versions, although obviously less time could be spent on some than others. The reason Thor was exiled is the same as in the comic. The only major change was that "Donald Blake" was just a temporary alias of Thor's rather than Thor's actual secret identity. Like Jarvis, though, I think that was a better choice.
Another point should be made that about 10-12 years ago Marvel created an alternate universe of comics called the Ultimate line. A fair amount of what we've seen in the Marvel produced movies - IM, IM2 the Hulk reboot, and Thor has been taken from the Ultimate universe. Most notable is Nick Fury being Samuel L Jackson as he is in the Ultimate universe rather than a white WW2 veteran like he is in the original Marvel Universe.

Other things they adapted from the Ultimate U - Bruce Banner becoming the Hulk as a result of trying to develop a Super Soldier serum, Hawkeye being a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent... and I'm sure there are many others, but I'm drawing a blank right now, and besides I'm not super familiar with the Ultimate U.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Of course for those who enjoy Baysplosion action films enjoyed all the SMASH fighting scenes, it was great (which still explains why those same people still think X-Men 3 was the best movie of the trilogy).
No, people who like kickass superhero action enjoyed all the SMASH fighting scenes. And no one thinks X-Men 3 was the best movie of the trilogy. Anyone who claims to is messing with your head.



Originally Posted by Warp_Factor View Post
No, people who like kickass superhero action enjoyed all the SMASH fighting scenes. And no one thinks X-Men 3 was the best movie of the trilogy. Anyone who claims to is messing with your head.
I don't consider X3 to be the best of the three. I do however love X3 just because I never get enough of Iceman icing up!

I hate some of the characters they use. Psylocke wasn't Psylocke! I refuse to accept that was the Psylocke we all know and love!

And for those of you who don't love Psylocke...well...

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
Another point should be made that about 10-12 years ago Marvel created an alternate universe of comics called the Ultimate line. A fair amount of what we've seen in the Marvel produced movies - IM, IM2 the Hulk reboot, and Thor has been taken from the Ultimate universe. Most notable is Nick Fury being Samuel L Jackson as he is in the Ultimate universe rather than a white WW2 veteran like he is in the original Marvel Universe.

Other things they adapted from the Ultimate U - Bruce Banner becoming the Hulk as a result of trying to develop a Super Soldier serum, Hawkeye being a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent... and I'm sure there are many others, but I'm drawing a blank right now, and besides I'm not super familiar with the Ultimate U.
Nick Fury in the Ultimate universe is the same as in the regular 616 universe, he's just Samuel L. Jackson instead of Clint Eastwood. Everything else is the same, including his WWII backstory. Hawkeye and Hulk are the only other carry-overs from the UU. I didn't see anything from UU in Thor, because the UU Thor is a terrible character and they rightfully ignored it.

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I never get enough of Iceman icing up!
I gotta agree, that was one of the coolest scenes in the movie. I really wanted to see more Iceman action, such as surfing on a ribbon of ice he's shooting from his hands.

Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I didn't see anything from UU in Thor, because the UU Thor is a terrible character and they rightfully ignored it.
I agree with this 100,000,000% (+ - 99,999,900%).



Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
Or...maybe they were following (loosely) the origin story in the comics, and Thor also needs to have some connection to Earth for that little Avengers thing.
Or may be you missed what point I was driving at. There's been enough liberties taken during the movie they could easily done an all asgard movie and save the Earth stuff for the Avengers. It wasn't like Asgard was above defending the Earth.(which was why Donald Blake found his hammer in the comics, so Thor could protect the Earth from Aliens invading.) Theres tons of different ways it could gone down and been done well...I just was liking all butt kicking on Asgard and was really point I was making .

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Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
I gotta agree, that was one of the coolest scenes in the movie. I really wanted to see more Iceman action, such as surfing on a ribbon of ice he's shooting from his hands...

X-Men 2 and X-Men 3 really lacked one thing:

More Awesome Colossus action!

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Well I heard that while Asgards walking down the street looked campy and the Midgard story was essentially a "fish out of water" story, the other worldness of Asgard and Jotunheim was too different (and too dark in the case of Jotunheim, too CGI shiny for Asgard) for the casual comic fan.

Of course for those who enjoy Baysplosion action films enjoyed all the SMASH fighting scenes, it was great (which still explains why those same people still think X-Men 3 was the best movie of the trilogy).
It depends on the critic. It sounded like Michael Phillips of the Chicago Tribune liked the earth segment of the film much more (but more for it characters and humor than anything else), while I have heard others gush about the look of Asgard. But of course, Michael Phillips also compared the cold of Jutenheim with the University of Minnesota Duluth campus, even though Duluth had the same temps and weather as Chicago the day he put out that review.

Critics aren't always perfect, of course. I generally like Roger Ebert, but he seems to be one of those that can't see the pros of the Thor movie that I have read from other critics like Roeper and Phillips. *shrugs*

Frankly, it probably also depends on if the projectors and visuals were bright/clear enough for the CGI stuff, as people have noted in this thread as well.

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decent movie Thor was...but the ending was quite abrupt and missing the 3rd act imo.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
decent movie Thor was...but the ending was quite abrupt and missing the 3rd act imo.
Huh? I'm pretty sure the third act was Thor discovering humility and then rushing off to save Asgard and Jotunheim from Loki. There wasn't really anything abrupt about it either, since the third act roughly starts with Loki "relieving" Heimdall of his duties and sending the Destroyer to Earth. The finish is naturally that touching moment where Thor hammers away Bifrost leading to him and Loki hanging for life and limb from Odin's hand and Loki decides to give up. The third act is there, sorry you missed it.

I saw the movie back on Monday and loved every moment of it.



Originally Posted by Mothers_Love View Post
Stuff in Odin's Vault.

Breakdown for those only reading these forums:

Eternal Flame (top, left) – Mystical flame that cannot be extinguished. It was stolen from Surtur by Odin, Vili, and Ve Borson at the dawn of time so that Surtur could not light his sword and bring about Ragnarok.
Infinity Gauntlet (right) – The Infinity Gauntlet was designed to hold six of the ‘soul gems’, better known as the Infinity Gems. When used in combination their already impressive powers made the wearer nearly invincible.
Warlock’s Eye (bottom, center) – A powerful, mystical weapon used unsuccessfully against Odin, Thor and the Warriors Three during an invasion of Asgard.
Twilight Sword (not pictured) – Created by Surtur using the energy of the exploding home galaxy of the Korbinites, it was intended to set the universe afire. Later used as a power source by Loki & Morgan Le Fay.
Orb of Agamotto (top,left center) – A scrying crystal ball used by Doctor Strange for clairvoyance. It has been known to open gateways between dimensions
Tablet of Life & Time (top, right center) – On the tablet was a biochemical formula for a serum, the so-called Lifeline Formula, which could rejuvinate, heal and grant its user the chance to reach the full evolutionary potential of its race turning the user into an immortal near omnipotent being.

Go Team Venture!



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
Other things they adapted from the Ultimate U - Bruce Banner becoming the Hulk as a result of trying to develop a Super Soldier serum,
I've watched the new Hulk movie several times, and I can't remember any part of it that says his accident was due to trying to develop the Super Soldier Serum.

Abomination got created from combining Hulk's DNA with the Super Soldier serum the general had on hand, but I am certain that they never said Banner was working on Super Soldier Serum in the movie.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
I've watched the new Hulk movie several times, and I can't remember any part of it that says his accident was due to trying to develop the Super Soldier Serum.

Abomination got created from combining Hulk's DNA with the Super Soldier serum the general had on hand, but I am certain that they never said Banner was working on Super Soldier Serum in the movie.
I thought Ross said something about Banner's work being related to increasing resistance to radiation? Seems like something that they'd fund a team to look into while other teams work on other aspects of improving the Super Soldier program without anyone having the big picture.

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Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
I've watched the new Hulk movie several times, and I can't remember any part of it that says his accident was due to trying to develop the Super Soldier Serum.

Abomination got created from combining Hulk's DNA with the Super Soldier serum the general had on hand, but I am certain that they never said Banner was working on Super Soldier Serum in the movie.
Listen again to the speech Ross gives Blonsky. Banner may not have been directly trying to recreate the effects of the super-soldier serum, but his research was on the same (or at least a similar) track to what the military was working on. At least, that was why the military was interested in his work.

There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



Originally Posted by Psylenz View Post
I will be honest, I got a lump in my throat at a certain part of the movie, and I am not going to share where, but I would hazard a guess, most Thor fans wouldn't have choked up at the same point.
Aw come on, you can't go that far and not tell us!

Originally Posted by Ironik
I had the same experience. I know three women who had zero interest in it until they saw the trailers and thought, "Hey, intriguing." And they all enjoyed it immensely. I see a lot more positive word-of-mouth from women than men, actually.
I did have the odd feeling of "women are not being insulted in this movie."

Jane Foster is the love interest, but she stays fully clothed, she's a scientist, there are no grotesque sex scenes. Instead, Thor is the one who is the eyecandy. (I was a little bored by the romantic subplot, but considered it obligatory to staying true to the origin.)

Frigga, Odin's wife, might not be a warrior woman like Sif, but when Frost Giants invade her husband's sick chamber, she picks up a sword and kills one. (Curious to note that, in current canon, she's not the mother of either Thor or Loki.)

Sif. Sif. Sif. Looks strong and beautiful. Gets a wonderful Bad *** Moment. And despite the vague love triangle going on between her, Thor and Jane, her feelings are hinted very subtly, without violin strings soap opera.

Jane's companion, Darcy, is not played as annoyingly cutesy little girl or jailbait sexpot. She's just a tagalong who gets the comic lines. (I will forever wonder if Mjolnir has the soul of a kitty cat, now.)

I didn't think the trailer was that good, really--my decision to watch the movie was based more on fangirlism. It's a fun movie, and it wasn't conveyed well enough.

My pet peeve is people who refuse to acknowledge it when I tell them my character has unlimited power. If I rp attack them they are of course disintegrated beyond the ability of any hospital or magic to restore. Yet despite this they refuse to delete their characters and still keep playing them as if nothing happened. ~Mandu, 07-16-2010



Originally Posted by Hazmatter View Post
Listen again to the speech Ross gives Blonsky. Banner may not have been directly trying to recreate the effects of the super-soldier serum, but his research was on the same (or at least a similar) track to what the military was working on. At least, that was why the military was interested in his work.
Banner was doing similar work to create a better soldier that would also be more radiation resistant.

The Super Soldier serum they used on Blonsky was what created Captain America, but when Dr. Erskine was killed by the enemy infiltrator after Steve Rogers was transformed, some of the secrets of the formula died with him as he didn't commit it all to paper, particularly how to stabilize the serum after it is administered so that the subject doesn't mutate or go crazy.



Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
I've watched the new Hulk movie several times, and I can't remember any part of it that says his accident was due to trying to develop the Super Soldier Serum.

Abomination got created from combining Hulk's DNA with the Super Soldier serum the general had on hand, but I am certain that they never said Banner was working on Super Soldier Serum in the movie.
Though it might not have ever been spelled out im pretty sure the idea was that Banner was working on a project that he believed in, but was being maybe secretly backed by the military for their own purposes.

Kinda like he was looking for a way, as someone mentioned, to give people increased resistance to radiation posioning, which had military implications that he didnt fully comprehend at the time.



Took my son to see it who enjoyed it alot, but he asked me a question to which i dont know the answer as i was never huge into Thor comics.

And honestly its pretty obvious question and surprises me i didnt ask it to myself. But in the movie i guess the suggestion is that Odin is passing on the crown to Thor. But if Odin isnt dying then why is he passing on the crown. If he simply gets weak, goes into whatever that sleep chamber is and comes out why is he never not the king? The movie implies that this isnt the first time he has taken part in the "Odin Sleep" or whatever they call it. Just that this is the first time he has waited so long to enter it, and being weakened they dont know how long he will be in it.

Can anyone out their explain this process and i guess the rules of sucession in Asgard? Why would they need a new king if all Odin ever did was to take a nap?



Okay, I'm gonna have to watch Incredible Hulk again so I can remember exactly what was said about Banner's work (not that I need much of an excuse, I love that film).



Originally Posted by Ashtoreth_NA View Post
Aw come on, you can't go that far and not tell us!

I did have the odd feeling of "women are not being insulted in this movie."

Jane Foster is the love interest, but she stays fully clothed, she's a scientist, there are no grotesque sex scenes. Instead, Thor is the one who is the eyecandy. (I was a little bored by the romantic subplot, but considered it obligatory to staying true to the origin.)

Frigga, Odin's wife, might not be a warrior woman like Sif, but when Frost Giants invade her husband's sick chamber, she picks up a sword and kills one. (Curious to note that, in current canon, she's not the mother of either Thor or Loki.)

Sif. Sif. Sif. Looks strong and beautiful. Gets a wonderful Bad *** Moment. And despite the vague love triangle going on between her, Thor and Jane, her feelings are hinted very subtly, without violin strings soap opera.

Jane's companion, Darcy, is not played as annoyingly cutesy little girl or jailbait sexpot. She's just a tagalong who gets the comic lines. (I will forever wonder if Mjolnir has the soul of a kitty cat, now.)

I didn't think the trailer was that good, really--my decision to watch the movie was based more on fangirlism. It's a fun movie, and it wasn't conveyed well enough.
And here i thought, Wow what a cool movie about a Thundergod smoting things with his hammer. Thank you for showing me a different point of view.



Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
Took my son to see it who enjoyed it alot, but he asked me a question to which i dont know the answer as i was never huge into Thor comics.

And honestly its pretty obvious question and surprises me i didnt ask it to myself. But in the movie i guess the suggestion is that Odin is passing on the crown to Thor. But if Odin isnt dying then why is he passing on the crown. If he simply gets weak, goes into whatever that sleep chamber is and comes out why is he never not the king? The movie implies that this isnt the first time he has taken part in the "Odin Sleep" or whatever they call it. Just that this is the first time he has waited so long to enter it, and being weakened they dont know how long he will be in it.

Can anyone out their explain this process and i guess the rules of sucession in Asgard? Why would they need a new king if all Odin ever did was to take a nap?
I got the impression that it was supposed to be Odin officially declaring Thor as the heir to the throne in the event of his absence or death. That Thor had proven himself worthy of being recognized as such in his eyes (or eye, ba-dum tssh), annnnnd then immediately proves that he's not ready yet the second the Frost Giant infiltration/attack gets him riled up. Odin does have more than just Thor and Loki as potential heirs, after all; I'm hoping Balder will be introduced in the sequel.

There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
Took my son to see it who enjoyed it alot, but he asked me a question to which i dont know the answer as i was never huge into Thor comics.

And honestly its pretty obvious question and surprises me i didnt ask it to myself. But in the movie i guess the suggestion is that Odin is passing on the crown to Thor. But if Odin isnt dying then why is he passing on the crown. If he simply gets weak, goes into whatever that sleep chamber is and comes out why is he never not the king? The movie implies that this isnt the first time he has taken part in the "Odin Sleep" or whatever they call it. Just that this is the first time he has waited so long to enter it, and being weakened they dont know how long he will be in it.

Can anyone out their explain this process and i guess the rules of sucession in Asgard? Why would they need a new king if all Odin ever did was to take a nap?
Part of what protects Asgard is Odin's power. When he's in Odinsleep, the realm is especially vulnerable to attack, as is he. From what I remember it lasts about a week, and he has to do it about once a year. He has to enter it earlier if he's injured or something like that, and it can last longer than a week if he's put it off too long, or spent too much time away from Asgard.

As far as Asgardian succession, well, they're not immortal (Asgardians are just *really* long-lived, they eventually will die from natural causes, and can be killed), so Odin does need an heir to pass the Odinpower to. I dunno if Thor is supposed to get the power on a temp basis while Odin's napping though...I think he has had it in the comics at one point or another, but I dunno if that was during regular Odinsleep or one of those more extended instances.

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
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"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Huh? I'm pretty sure the third act was Thor discovering humility and then rushing off to save Asgard and Jotunheim from Loki. There wasn't really anything abrupt about it either, since the third act roughly starts with Loki "relieving" Heimdall of his duties and sending the Destroyer to Earth. The finish is naturally that touching moment where Thor hammers away Bifrost leading to him and Loki hanging for life and limb from Odin's hand and Loki decides to give up. The third act is there, sorry you missed it.

I saw the movie back on Monday and loved every moment of it.
that was a failed attempt at a 3rd act ^.^

And yes it ended abruptly with the zooming in on earth peoples and then just going to credits... It seemed like there should have been more after that point and there wasn't



Ouch. Even with positive word-of-mouth, Thor still drops off 64%.

Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
Took my son to see it who enjoyed it alot, but he asked me a question to which i dont know the answer as i was never huge into Thor comics.

And honestly its pretty obvious question and surprises me i didnt ask it to myself. But in the movie i guess the suggestion is that Odin is passing on the crown to Thor. But if Odin isnt dying then why is he passing on the crown. If he simply gets weak, goes into whatever that sleep chamber is and comes out why is he never not the king? The movie implies that this isnt the first time he has taken part in the "Odin Sleep" or whatever they call it. Just that this is the first time he has waited so long to enter it, and being weakened they dont know how long he will be in it.

Can anyone out their explain this process and i guess the rules of sucession in Asgard? Why would they need a new king if all Odin ever did was to take a nap?
Odin periodically goes into the Odinsleep to recharge his power, the Odinforce. I'm pretty sure Odin keeps his power while napping, but if he dies, the power goes to the heir to the throne. In the JMS run, after Ragnarok, Thor is the first one back, and he does have the Odinforce, and he uses it to resurrect everyone but Odin. Thor eventually does go into the, ah, Thorsleep to recharge, but by the end of the arc, he uses up the Odinforce.

Odin gets resurrected finally and gets his full power back, cue the in-process event Fear Itself.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.