



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
True and it still had competition from Fast Five.

I figure it's going to dive 50% next week. And I'd like to see a sequal
If I remember right, Tom Hiddleson's said he's signed with Marvel for 3 movies, one of which is Avengers. Good odds the 3rd will be a Thor sequel.



Originally Posted by Yomo_Kimyata View Post
I think I am in the minority here from most people, but I thought it was Thorrible(tm).
What was wrong with it?

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Overall I think they did a good job of translating the characters to the screen. They didn't mention in it the movie, but Hogun is (I think) the sole survivor of his people, who were conquered by a Genghis Khan-type guy, essentially Asian analogues to the Norse gods.
I do not know the Thor comic at all, but it's worth noting that there is a crossover in Norse mythology and folklore with Eastern peoples. Atli (Attila the Hun) features prominently in the Neibelingenleid (sp?), as an invader from the east. Not sure how much Marvel borrowed from that to come up with the character, but the connection is there.

I'll have to check this movie out when I can... maybe as a matinee, or when it comes to DVD... don't go to too many movies in the theater lately. Definitely going to go 2D for it: 3D has never seemed worth it.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I'd like to see a real sequal, but wonder if they can or will, as I'm not sure if it will be a big of a hit as Iron Man was.
Well, according to Box Office Mojo Thor's worldwide ticket sales have exceeded its budget already. Not exactly a smashing success, but if it continues to even do 'ok' for the next little bit I'd say a sequel is looking fairly good.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
Well, according to Box Office Mojo Thor's worldwide ticket sales have exceeded its budget already. Not exactly a smashing success, but if it continues to even do 'ok' for the next little bit I'd say a sequel is looking fairly good.
Also, remember that the success of the Avengers film can factor into their decision to greenlight a sequel. And it's going to be really, really hard for that movie not to be a success.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
What was wrong with it?
I'm kind of a tough critic, but I thought the story was a little disappointing to comic fans and didn't stand well on its own for those who aren't comic fans and wanted to see a stand-alone action movie. I would have liked to see character development that really wasn't there, and the continuity was meh at best. I also thought the special effects were awful and looked like they were cobbled together from a couple of movies from the last ten years. I half expected to see a quick cameo of Jar-Jar Binks as Beta Ray Bill.

But like I said, I am a tough critic. I'd give it a C+. YMMV.

(For reference: to me, Iron Man was an A+, Spider-Man an A-, Iron Man 2 a B+, Ang Lee's Hulk a C-, Ed Norton's Hulk a B+. I couldn't bring myself to watch Ghost Rider.)

Looking forward to Captain America though!

Ooh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a *real* useful invention.




What'd you give Spider-Man 2 and Batman Begins, Yomo?

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
Nice build



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
Well, if others weren't seeing it as too dark then I'll have to try a different theater next time.
A friend of mine in Cincinnati reported that the 2D film was too dark there, too. He could barely see the first part of the film. I'm starting to wonder if there was a bad batch of prints sent out. It's easier to believe one lab's incompetence rather than so many really lazy and/or cheap theatre managers.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
One thing that the casting director really nailed was the kid version of both Thor and Loki. They really looked amazingly similar to the adults, which is a hard thing to pull off.
100% agreed. Great observation.

Ooh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a *real* useful invention.



I loved how near the end, to keep Loki from going anywhere, Thor just laid Mjollnir on his chest.



So far we have four Marvel-made movies.

My ratings out of 5 stars:

Iron Man - 5
Thor - 4
Iron Man 2, The Incredible Hulk - 3.5 stars

Anticipating Captain America, I keep mentally doing my own Viewer's Cut of all the movies interspliced according to their overlapping timelines.

Opening sequence of Thor - 900 AD
Captain America - 1941-42ish
Howard Stark's stuff from Iron Man 2 - 1970
Iron Man
Iron Man 2 opening with Vanko
Iron Man stinger
The Incredible Hulk opening
Iron Man 2 up to Coulson leaving for New Mexico (6 months after IM end/Vanko)
Thor in New Mexico
The Incredible Hulk
Iron Man 2 after Coulson returns
Hulk stinger
Thor stinger
The Avengers

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



"I am the god of... SPOILERS!!!"

Three guess what Chester thought of the movie.

There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



I saw it Tuesday. I was blown away. Thor is better than "with great power comes great responsibility". Thor was better than, "I'm batman. I'm batman". I can't compare it unfavorably to any DC movie, any of the Superman movies. And, risking banishment by the sci fi geeks, Thor was better than, "I love you." "I know." at least episode 4 when there are nearly infinite blaster shots and no one in the rescue party is injured. About X-men? Please, not in the same ... realm

It was good on a character level. It was good on an acting level. It was decent ( I am not a Marvel comic book fanboy) on staying true to the Marvel lore. It was very good at tying into the norse mythology that I have retained. I think the writing excelled in bringing the audience to dramatic climaxes, and I was left feeling, how high is the roller-coaster going this time? I think the film dealt with literary themes in a manner unparalleled to date by superhero films. I will be honest, I got a lump in my throat at a certain part of the movie, and I am not going to share where, but I would hazard a guess, most Thor fans wouldn't have choked up at the same point.

At any rate, it's worth a matinee. We saw it in 2-D because I am recovering from eye surgery and am able to see out of only one eye at this time.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I figure it's going to dive 50% next week. And I'd like to see a sequal
Kevin Feige has said in an interview that both Thor and Captain America have been greenlit for sequels. In fact they were so confident of the success they were actually given the go-ahead before the first films were released. He has said he sees both of those franchises spawning multiple films as seperate franchises outside the framework of The Avengers™.

Black Panther's Wakanda is referenced in Iron Man 2 and twice now Feige has said that Dr.Strange is up for the live action treatment, only this time he said the Dr.Strange film would aim to portray magic as mysticism magic, not the Thor route of Technology so advanced it looks like magic.



Originally Posted by Mothers_Love View Post
Kevin Feige has said in an interview that both Thor and Captain America have been greenlit for sequels. In fact they were so confident of the success they were actually given the go-ahead before the first films were released. He has said he sees both of those franchises spawning multiple films as seperate franchises outside the framework of The Avengers™.

Black Panther's Wakanda is referenced in Iron Man 2 and twice now Feige has said that Dr.Strange is up for the live action treatment, only this time he said the Dr.Strange film would aim to portray magic as mysticism magic, not the Thor route of Technology so advanced it looks like magic.
Well then! \o/ YAY!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I give it 3/5. I really think it was a missed opportunity. There should have been 10 minutes less time in Asgard and more in Midgard/Earth so that we could have a more convincing redemption and more scenes with Ms. Portman. Also asking K. Brannagh to direct for 3D is really playing against his strengths.



Originally Posted by Chazzmatazz View Post
I give it 3/5. I really think it was a missed opportunity. There should have been 10 minutes less time in Asgard and more in Midgard/Earth so that we could have a more convincing redemption and more scenes with Ms. Portman.
Yes, my thoughts exactly. The Earth part of the movie felt rushed, and Thor's redemption and relationship with Jane Foster didn't feel as developed as they could've been. Other than that, I quite liked it.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



I do agree, it was such a good story thate they could have made it longer like some of the epic Lord the Ring trilogy movies.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Was hoping for it to be bigger success myself.
Well i think that is the good part of marvel's new attitude.

I mean with crappy movies costing well over 200 million to make these days, I seem to recall both Thor and Capt A are budgeted somewhere around 150 million. So 66 million north america plus world wide release tickets, plus DVDs and its easy to see Thor well into the profitable range for disney/marvel.

I personally would much rather have good movies and a franchise running of them, then a great movie that seems to expensive to warrent a sequel because of production costs. Comic movies are still a closet business. Yes some cross over and go mainstream but for every Batman Begins there seems to be a Daredevil. And a character like Thor who is popular to comic fans yes, doesnt have the same cross over appeal to get a 300 million dollar budget and expect to earn it back.

Green Lantern for instance is rumored to cost over 200 million dollars and i think will suffer the same issues at Thor in that its a primarily base appeal will be mostly just comic fans and more mainstream people might choose more mainstream looking movies to go to rather then one that though might be truish to the comics looks more fanciful then they would otherwise see. And in the summer viewing season when your not really going more then 2-3 weeks before a new release is pumped out (sometimes more like 1 week) having the higher budget will only work against the measured success of your movie.

I personally would rather marvel keep making movies the quality of Thor and making money then risk 300+ million and decide that movies just are not worth taking a risk on anything but an Xmen or Spiderman movie.



Originally Posted by Desmodos View Post
That's the same dilemma of every "team comic book." Hence all the jokes about Batman being on the Justice League, yet he's considered one of the big three. It always boils down to how well they are portrayed. Consider how much buzz Hawkeye generated in this thread, yet he didn't actually do anything in the movie. Same as Black Widow in Iron Man, sure she beat a few thugs, small potatoes in the over scheme of that movie, yet those scenes stood out.

Vulnerable characters make a movie.
Well I for one was more intrested in Black Widow swinging around me with her thighs around me head then the fight, but hey thats just me.

Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
This is why you rarely see an entire team doing one task, or taking on one threat. They pick the people that have necessary skills, unless the world's about to snuff it, then it's all hands on deck.
And I would agree with this, but now we have to do a 2 hour movie, package it move a plot along. I dont think they are gonna have time to have each character fulfill a plot point specificly geared to their skill set like a story arc in a comic does. And if they do, lets say they need Widow to break into a secure location and steal the doomsday device plans, the interwebs will just fill up with links to posts like "why couldnt thor just swoop in break through the wall and steal the plans rather then having a redhead acrobatic display?"

I am not saying i dont like teams, im just saying this really IMO is going to be the first time seeing on screen, live actors, a team with this kinda of power disparity. That IMO was one thing they did well in the Xmen movies was basicly to keep most the team members at some kinda of equal useful level where one isnt outshining the rest of the team other then by choice of having to have wolverine in like every scene.



Originally Posted by Chazzmatazz View Post
I give it 3/5. I really think it was a missed opportunity. There should have been 10 minutes less time in Asgard and more in Midgard/Earth so that we could have a more convincing redemption and more scenes with Ms. Portman. Also asking K. Brannagh to direct for 3D is really playing against his strengths.
A few critics rather agree with that, and seemed to like the middle earth stuff more than the action things. Although, some of that seemed to stem either from the dim due to 3D stuff, or whatever was wrong with some projector copies. I worry a bit about how well lit my theater (unless I wait for DVD) will have things lit for the darker areas, but hopefully it will be okay.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
Well i think that is the good part of marvel's new attitude.

I mean with crappy movies costing well over 200 million to make these days, I seem to recall both Thor and Capt A are budgeted somewhere around 150 million. So 66 million north america plus world wide release tickets, plus DVDs and its easy to see Thor well into the profitable range for disney/marvel.

I personally would much rather have good movies and a franchise running of them, then a great movie that seems to expensive to warrent a sequel because of production costs. Comic movies are still a closet business. Yes some cross over and go mainstream but for every Batman Begins there seems to be a Daredevil. And a character like Thor who is popular to comic fans yes, doesnt have the same cross over appeal to get a 300 million dollar budget and expect to earn it back.

Green Lantern for instance is rumored to cost over 200 million dollars and i think will suffer the same issues at Thor in that its a primarily base appeal will be mostly just comic fans and more mainstream people might choose more mainstream looking movies to go to rather then one that though might be truish to the comics looks more fanciful then they would otherwise see. And in the summer viewing season when your not really going more then 2-3 weeks before a new release is pumped out (sometimes more like 1 week) having the higher budget will only work against the measured success of your movie.

I personally would rather marvel keep making movies the quality of Thor and making money then risk 300+ million and decide that movies just are not worth taking a risk on anything but an Xmen or Spiderman movie.
I dunno...Green Latern has a few things going for it...

GL is human.

GL is being played by Ryan Reynolds.

GL looks to be a big actiony special effects movie.

I don't think the general movie going public really knows of Chris Hemsworth (sp?) the actor, just yet. Personally I thought he did an awesome job, but he lack name recognition.

RR on the other hand...he may not be one of the big HUGE names, but he's more known for sure.

Of course if the movie sucks (I'll see it anyways I'm sure) well then...but I really don't think it will be that bad.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
I mean with crappy movies costing well over 200 million to make these days, I seem to recall both Thor and Capt A are budgeted somewhere around 150 million. So 66 million north america plus world wide release tickets, plus DVDs and its easy to see Thor well into the profitable range for disney/marvel.
As I mentioned earlier, Thor is quite possibly already profitable. Sure it's only made 76.5 million here stateside, but at the same time it's also made 189 million in foreign ticket sales. So at the moment its ticket sales have made over 100 million beyond its stated budget.

Now I don't know what percentage of a film's reported totals go back to the studio and what percentage goes to other things (like the theater), but I'd be surprised if it wasn't already profitable at this point.

Source: Box Office Mojo

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812