



Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
Just was thinking tonight that is it bothering anyone yet that half the Avengers they will have in the movie are basicly un and/or underpowered heroes?

I mean they will have Hulk and Thor, obviously both very powerful. Then you add in ironman who though no powers i guess the suit becomes the balancing act there. But then its Capt A(super powered but within somewhat basic means) Black Widow(unpowered) and Hawkeye(unpowered).

It just seems like they run the risk of having characters with either to much power or to little for whatever they put in front of them.
They're just being faithful (well, faithful for a movie) to the comics.
The Avengers have always been like that...granted this isn't exactly the original lineup (Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, Antman/Giantman/whatever the hell Hank Pym's calling himself today, and the Wasp). Hulk splits in the second issue, Cap joined in the 4th, Hawkeye in the 16th and Black Widow not until #111

Anyways, they've always been a rather mixed bag of power levels and and skill sets.

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



Saw it, loved it. Great film, most impressed. Marvel Studios still has a perfect record in my eyes.

Roll on Captain America!

Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
It just seems like they run the risk of having characters with either to much power or to little for whatever they put in front of them.
The traditional way of sorting this out is to have a threat that is multi-powered too. That way yo can have the strong guys paired of with the strong enemies and the weaker guys with the weaker.



Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
Just was thinking tonight that is it bothering anyone yet that half the Avengers they will have in the movie are basicly un and/or underpowered heroes?

I mean they will have Hulk and Thor, obviously both very powerful. Then you add in ironman who though no powers i guess the suit becomes the balancing act there. But then its Capt A(super powered but within somewhat basic means) Black Widow(unpowered) and Hawkeye(unpowered).

It just seems like they run the risk of having characters with either to much power or to little for whatever they put in front of them.
That's going to come down to what the story is really about in Avengers. Something I found myself thinking about after seeing Thor was, if this movie had been about whether or not Thor could beat up the bad guys it would have been horrible. He's just too powerful to base a story around whether or not he can kick butt, but at the same time you can't really depower him without screwing up so much of what made him awesome. You can do that with Spider-Man or Cap or even Hulk or Superman (since they have obvious weaknesses that can be exploited), but not Thor. So the trick is to make the story about something other than whether the hero is tough enough to beat up the villain. Thor did a great job of that; at no point are we seriously in doubt over whether Thor can win a fight, either he's human and can't do jack or he's an Asgardian and can take basically anything that gets thrown at him. They had to create a story about characters and the world they inhabit rather than about punching, and it worked. If Marvel does the same with Avengers, they'll be golden no matter how much disparity there is between the characters' powers.



Saw it Friday night. It's a bit formulaic, but still very enjoyable. Excellent casting.

If BRIAN BLESSED were younger he'd have been perfect to play Volstagg.

Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!

Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



Overall the movie was good.

As was mentioned, not enough time spent on earth. Thor's transformation from arrogant to humble was too abrupt. They could have added another 30 minutes to the movie and I wouldn't have minded at all if it had been spent on that aspect of the story.

My wife, who knows nothing about the comics, really wanted to see more of his relationship with the Warriors Three, and I agree it would have been nice.

Way too much time spent on Loki and Odin's relationship. Yes, it sets up Avengers, but this is supposed to be Thor's movie, and was distracting in general and honestly I didn't care. I just wanted the story to get back to Thor learning humility.

I felt there was too much emphasis on comedy, and not enough on Thor's sheer badassness. It almost felt like Thor and Loki's personalities got switched. Loki was always dead serious and Thor was the jokester, when it should have been the other way around.

I REALLY loved how they portrayed Thor's hammer spinning. That made the movie for me.



The wife and I both loved it. So very very VERY much looking foreward to both Captain America, and The Avengers.



Lightning Rod

"I am certain that all CoX will be humbled by the might of the Lightning Rod." -Lady_Sadako



I liked it, though I probably would have liked it more not in 3D. Thor in 3D is pointless and didn't add anything other than eyestrain. I liked Renner's cameo, even if there wasn't much to it. The pacing was a little off, like there should have been more movie. I think the score on Rotten Tomatoes is pretty much bang on (78% atm).

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
The Red Skull has been notorious for using a Cosmic Cube against Captain America, but perhaps the most infamous use of it was when THANOS of TITAN gained the cube back in the old Captain Mar-Vell days. His wish was simple: to become one with the universe and thus become god. The cube apparently used all its power and Thanos cast the cube aside. HE was now one with the universe and apparently didn't need the cube anymore. However even as the heroes fought him, Mar-Vell's cosmic awareness divined THANOS' weakness and he smashed the cube. This restored reality and apparently killed Thanos. Thanos would later return with 5 of the Soul Gems and energies he siphoned from Adam Warlock's soul gem to create a synthetic gem to destroy stars. The gems were dispersed, Warlock was killed by Thanos and arose and turned Thanos to stone.

THanos would return years later in the Silver Surfer and create the infinity gauntlet

Other cubes would be created since. lost me...

I appreciate the backstory though I just don't know who Thanos is and all that (never read comics). At first when you said Thanos I thought you were talking about The Beyonder (only 'god like' being that I remember in any Spider-Man's cartoons in the 90s of course ).

The cosmic cube is essentially a cosmic version of Aladdin's lamp. Whoever wields the cube can have just about anything he wants and do whatever they want.
There we go, that's what I like; short and sweet! hehe....

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I really enjoyed it but thought it was too dark.

I don't mean dark as in mood but as in lighting. Most of the movie took place at night and even when they would be in well lit rooms you could look around and see 3/4 of the screen was darkness and shadows.

The majority of the action scenes were in darkness too so you got to see Thor in action but the action was blurry. Jotunheim was practically pitch black. And even when he fought the destroyer in broad daylight it was only light until he regained his power. At which point they took the fight to the inside of a dark tornado where you could sort of see that he was whirling his hammer.

And I didn't see the movie in 3d either which would have made it even darker.

But other than that I had no complaints at all. The warriors three and Sif were near perfect.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
I really enjoyed it but thought it was too dark.

I don't mean dark as in mood but as in lighting. Most of the movie took place at night and even when they would be in well lit rooms you could look around and see 3/4 of the screen was darkness and shadows.

The majority of the action scenes were in darkness too so you got to see Thor in action but the action was blurry. Jotunheim was practically pitch black. And even when he fought the destroyer in broad daylight it was only light until he regained his power. At which point they took the fight to the inside of a dark tornado where you could sort of see that he was whirling his hammer.

And I didn't see the movie in 3d either which would have made it even darker.

But other than that I had no complaints at all. The warriors three and Sif were near perfect.
I mostly was fine with the lighting, but at the end of his fight with the Destroyer and in the opening sequence with the war with the frost giants, I have to agree. My friend and I actually showed up a couple minutes late and had to find seats during that first scene, and we literally couldn't see anything around us in the theater. It was just dumb luck that we found decent seats without accidentally groping or sitting on someone. :P This was 3d, so in 2d it might not have been so bad.



I saw it in 2D and didn't have a problem with the lighting at all. Maybe it was a 3D thing.

You'd think they'd take that into consideration and brighting those sort of scenes.



pure suckage.

Sorry. But having waited for this movie since the first time I picked up a Thor comic, all I can say is that.

How disappointing.




Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
I really enjoyed it but thought it was too dark.

I don't mean dark as in mood but as in lighting. Most of the movie took place at night and even when they would be in well lit rooms you could look around and see 3/4 of the screen was darkness and shadows.

The majority of the action scenes were in darkness too so you got to see Thor in action but the action was blurry. Jotunheim was practically pitch black. And even when he fought the destroyer in broad daylight it was only light until he regained his power. At which point they took the fight to the inside of a dark tornado where you could sort of see that he was whirling his hammer.

And I didn't see the movie in 3d either which would have made it even darker.

But other than that I had no complaints at all. The warriors three and Sif were near perfect.

I saw it in 3D (not my first choice, but that's what was available when I was ale to go) and had no issue whatsoever with the lighting. I suspect it was more to do with the theatre. Having worked as a movie theater manager, I know that some of them will play the movies with the light intensity on the projectors turned down to save themselves a few bucks. A number of times when I found a movie too dark, it was because of this, not because of the movie itself.

Est sularis oth Mithas



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
I really enjoyed it but thought it was too dark.

I don't mean dark as in mood but as in lighting. Most of the movie took place at night and even when they would be in well lit rooms you could look around and see 3/4 of the screen was darkness and shadows.

The majority of the action scenes were in darkness too so you got to see Thor in action but the action was blurry. Jotunheim was practically pitch black. And even when he fought the destroyer in broad daylight it was only light until he regained his power. At which point they took the fight to the inside of a dark tornado where you could sort of see that he was whirling his hammer.

And I didn't see the movie in 3d either which would have made it even darker.

But other than that I had no complaints at all. The warriors three and Sif were near perfect.
Saw it twice in 3D (love the movie with both viewings BTW), once in Digital Real 3D and another time in IMAX 3D. The darkness you experienced, I saw only in Digital Real 3D. IMAX 3D was much brighter, plus didn't have the contrast problems with Read 3D that causes characters to look like Cardboard cutouts when they are bright colored against a dark background.



...Oh, and I forget to mention; Best Stan Lee cameo ever.

"Did it work?"

^^ (yeah thats a spoilery link btw, don't click if you haven't seen it).



I'd give this movie a good solid 7/10 rating. Not perfect, but better than other comic book movies I've seen. For instance I don't think it was as good as Iron Man 1, but I do think it was better than Iron Man 2. Basically for me it exists in that weird place where I don't think it was as good as other recent "origin" movies but it was better than many of their sequels.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
I really enjoyed it but thought it was too dark.

I don't mean dark as in mood but as in lighting. Most of the movie took place at night and even when they would be in well lit rooms you could look around and see 3/4 of the screen was darkness and shadows.

The majority of the action scenes were in darkness too so you got to see Thor in action but the action was blurry. Jotunheim was practically pitch black. And even when he fought the destroyer in broad daylight it was only light until he regained his power. At which point they took the fight to the inside of a dark tornado where you could sort of see that he was whirling his hammer.

And I didn't see the movie in 3d either which would have made it even darker.

But other than that I had no complaints at all. The warriors three and Sif were near perfect.
It sounds like your theater needs to change its projector bulb.

Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!

Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post lost me...

I appreciate the backstory though I just don't know who Thanos is and all that (never read comics). At first when you said Thanos I thought you were talking about The Beyonder (only 'god like' being that I remember in any Spider-Man's cartoons in the 90s of course ).

There we go, that's what I like; short and sweet! hehe....
Thanos is basically Marvel's version of DC's Darkseid. He is mainly known as a nihilist, worships death and for a time was the lover of the personification of Death itself. His first great scheme was to get the Cosmic Cube and use it the way he did and became one with the universe, hence he became god. Captain Mar-Vell divined Thanos' weakness and shattered the cube, thus defeating him.

After recovering from that defeat he came back with the soul gems to destroy the stars one by one to regain the affection of Death. He was stopped when Adam Warlock arose from the dead (or rather his soul gem) and turned Thanos to stone. Warlock returned to the Soul Gem and stayed there for years with his friends, knowing peace at last.

Soon after that, Captain Mar-Vell would perish from cancer and then Drax the Destroyer would also be slain. That pretty much ended Marvel's cosmic tales of that era.

In the 90's Jim Starlin takes over the Silver Surfer series and beings back his creation; THANOS. Death restores Thanos to right a universal imbalance in that there are more beings alive in the universe now then have ever died and Death needs Thanos' unique abilities for destruction to correct this problem. He comes back, stronger then ever and the Surfer is the one meant to lead the charge against him. Thanos now knows the true nature of the soul gems, and realizes they are best called the Infinity Gems and gathers them to form the Infinity Gauntlet, total control over souls, minds, time space, reality and power. Far greater then the Cosmic Cube ever gave him.



Originally Posted by Desmodos View Post

Vulnerable characters make a movie.
...and this is what I loved about the Avengers comics(1970's-early 90's). Big or small, high powered or low powered it didnt matter...they see a need/challenge and stepped up!

Now abck to Thor...loved it! I saw it 10am Sunday morning in the Imax and it was pretty packed...almost the entire crowd stayed thru the credits



$66 million this weekend! Thor is a success! Woo!



Well, if others weren't seeing it as too dark then I'll have to try a different theater next time.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Saw it earlier and found it to be pretty good. When my biggest problem with the movie is that Volstagg wasn't rotund enough, I'd say they did a pretty good job.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
$66 million this weekend! Thor is a success! Woo!
Was hoping for it to be bigger success myself.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Was hoping for it to be bigger success myself.
Don't forget, it's been out a while overseas too. Total revenues thus far are 241 million. So it's already made back production costs + 60%. Unless something goes terribly wrong, it'll hit 300 mil easily.

The film's major problems are that there's a metric BUTTLOAD (as opposed to those strange Imperial BUTTLOADs) of highly competitive films coming out in the next 4-ish weeks.

Pirates of the Caribbean
Green Lantern
Then next month, Captain America.

So it's basically got two more weeks to go big or go home.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Don't forget, it's been out a while overseas too. Total revenues thus far are 241 million. So it's already made back production costs + 60%. Unless something goes terribly wrong, it'll hit 300 mil easily.

The film's major problems are that there's a metric BUTTLOAD (as opposed to those strange Imperial BUTTLOADs) of highly competitive films coming out in the next 4-ish weeks.

Pirates of the Caribbean
Green Lantern
Then next month, Captain America.

So it's basically got two more weeks to go big or go home.
True and it still had competition from Fast Five.

I figure it's going to dive 50% next week. And I'd like to see a sequal

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection