



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
It's not the Eye of Agamotto, actually. It's too large for's actually Odin's eye. In the mythology, he sacrificed his eye to gain a greater foresight to be the ruler of Asgard and it went on to be a creature of its own. I believe that is what that is.

The movie showed he lost his eye in battle with the Frost Giants, I believe that was the "eye of Asgard" a potent mystical weapon.



I really wish we'd gotten more than the one scene of Thor wearing his helmet. (Seriously, it looks awesome!) All of the Asgardian costumes and such actually look really good, in fact, even when walking down a street on Earth. Sif and the Warriors Three striding through town looking for Thor was a bit silly, but never so much that it took me out of the movie; it was just fun!

And one aspect that I'm immensely grateful to the creators of this movie for... it's a completely self-contained story while still leaving open the possibility for more. Even though we know Thor's coming back for The Avengers, the movie isn't written as though it expects future projects involving the characters and continuing the story, which is something that a lot of burgeoning wannabe film franchises fail at (Jumper or Push, anyone?). There are no dangling plot threads by the end. If there were no sequels or other Avengers-related projects, I think Thor would still stand well on its own.

There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



I very much dug it. I go waaaay back with Thor, it was #224 (fighting the Destroyer) that made me a comics fan in the first place. So, as a lifelong fan, I thought the movie delivered.

Some fun easter eggs, like a travel billboard that said "Journey into mystery". As ever, stay after the credits!

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



Had a very good time watching Thor. I agree about the 3D adding very little to the film. I intend on seeing it again, and I'll be seeing it in regular 2D for comparison.

My review follows most of what has been said here: Good, self-contained story; spectacular visual effects; the costumes looked real but also not-of-this-Earth, as they should have; it found a nice balance between the campy-ness of the comic book universe, and the realism that is required in making such a film. I very much enjoyed it!

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
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Just saw it today and thought it was good. Visual F/X was impressive and I liked the score.

Saddened that the Asgardians and Frost Giants are now advanced extra terrestrials and not actual gods and giants, respectively, as I remember in the comic. But if they're going to go with that new twist, then they did a good job of convincing me (I could tell from the trailers that was what they were intending to do, so I went in with an open mind).

I still prefer my frost giants 15-20 feet tall, but Jotunheim was nicely depicted as dark and lifeless and Asgard's splendor was definitely spot on.

Seeing Thor let fly his hammer upon a frost giant's face with its expectant return to his hand gave me a woody (sorry, ladies, but it did).

Chris Hemsworth and Anthony Hopkins were exceptional in their roles. Was a nice surprise seeing Hemsworth, a new actor (to me), do so well but I knew Hopkins would deliver in his role.

Loved seeing J. Michael Stracynski's cameo (first guy on scene of Thor's hammer, in the red pick-up truck) - love his work with Babylon 5, although I've only recently in the last few years have become aware of his writing for several comics, obviously Thor being one of them. I stopped collecting comics about 15 years ago.

Stan Lee's cameo was enjoyable as well. Wish I knew what Walt Simonson looks like in real life so I could find out if he had a cameo. His artwork and writing is what I enjoyed most of my Thor reading, back in the day.

Only thing I missed was Baldur the Brave. Was he in the movie at all and I somehow completely missed him?



Originally Posted by Red_Giant View Post
That isn't rubbing it in.

Telling you I'm going to see it today in 3D IMAX is rubbing it in...

Meh, I don't care for 3D so you can have it.

I'll be seeing it tom. in beautiful 2D.

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I saw it in reg-D and thought it looked terrific. It was both epic and very funny ("I want a horse!") and the set design was truly spectacular. I was wondering how they were going to do the rainbow bridge, which has always struck me as slightly silly, but they pulled that off magnificently. It was cool and interesting, and you could see how ancient people would describe it as such. I agree with Winterminal that the costumes were awesome. Loki, especially, since his costume has always looked the most ridiculous to me. The Destroyer did not disappoint, after that teaser bit from last summer. They took the comics and really turned them up to 11.

There seemed to be a lot left out, so I'm looking forward to a Director's Cut. I think Thor needs a bit more time on Earth in order to truly earn his humility, but overall I can't complain with how jam-packed it was. Loki is a tough character to write, and that part was handled beautifully. I assume that was Straczynski's influence, since his take on Loki has been my favorite thus far.

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Originally Posted by Deacon_NA View Post
As ever, stay after the credits!
I'm quite surprised they went there. I mean, that really ups the ante for the Marvel Universe. I wonder if that's what The Avengers will be about?

I was left thinking that it will be cool in five years' time, once they get these films out, to release an "Epic Cut" of the films that are all intertwined, arranged by timeline. So when Colson goes off to New Mexico in Iron Man 2, we cut to the stuff that happens there. Wouldn't that make for an awesome TV miniseries event?

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Saw it this morning. I thought it was alot better then i was hoping.

First i like that they didnt just gloss over the asgardian parts in favor of a quick back story with his punishment. It did alot more for the story to have that all shown. The earth bound part has some definate camp to it, and the romance was all but brief and superficial.

I think they did a good job tying it into ironman 2. And really thought the comments about Stark were funny when the destroyer shows up. The ending credit scene is i guess probably the first forshadowing to the avengers movie. But frankly it worries me that they are going to have to make a threat suitable for Thor and the Hulk to deal with that will continue to give more earthly characters like hawkeye, Capt A, and Ironman something worthwhile to do.

My only large complaint, was the costumes. At first i thought they looked really good when all the characters were in Asgard. However when Thors buddies came to earth, what i thought was armor and such really kinda came off looking like foamy klingon armor from the star trek movies and TV shows. But it was brief and forgivable.

Overall i enjoyed it alot. I think the story was engaging (even if parts didnt stick to traditional thor lore) i think the characters all worked out well as they needed to and it was a fun ride.



I too thought the costumes were great in Asgard but on Earth, looked like cosplay.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



Good, not great. The 3D adds virtually nothing; save a few bucks and see it 2D. Special effects: very good. Destroyer: very cool. Loki: good. Hemsworth was very good as was Hopkins (as always). Idris Elba is always supercool and awesome. Portman's character and story didn't really do it for me nor did the chemistry between her character and Thor. The Asgard stuff was much better than the Earth portions, but it is a nice set up for future Marvel stuff.


@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
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I totally enjoyed it. I would have liked a somewhat longer fight with the Destroyer, but I still thought it was well-done. I was extremely happy to see Thor flying as I had assumed they'd leave that out.

As for the aliens vs. deities debate... they did refer to them somewhat as aliens, but Odin made some kind of reference to the dawn of time, (don't remember the exact line), which gave me the impression of Asgard as ancient and mythical. They did refer to the characters as gods on more than one occasion and Thor detailing Yggdrasil put it all into the realm of mythology for me. I had been worried about this point, but came away happy. I was alo pleased that they showed Thor as freaking powerful and not just "as strong as a dozen men" or something.

Also spotted the golden apples of Idun.

I consider it worth the ridiculous admission price and would even see it again.

Est sularis oth Mithas



It was about as good as the first Iron Man, with similar strengths and weaknesses. I look forward to watching Thor fight the Midgard Serpent in the next one.

- CaptainFoamerang

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First I will echo the statements to see it in 2D.

Went with all my family and my dad turned to be at the end of the credits and said "So the only 3D is the credits?"

It really felt like that was it

My best sum up for it, is it's an origin movie. I was expecting a bit more action (if you're looking for action, you will probably be better served seeing Fast Five), but the acting I thought was really good.

I'd like to see a real sequal, but wonder if they can or will, as I'm not sure if it will be a big of a hit as Iron Man was.

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Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
Good, not great. The 3D adds virtually nothing; save a few bucks and see it 2D. Special effects: very good. Destroyer: very cool. Loki: good. Hemsworth was very good as was Hopkins (as always). Idris Elba is always supercool and awesome. Portman's character and story didn't really do it for me nor did the chemistry between her character and Thor. The Asgard stuff was much better than the Earth portions, but it is a nice set up for future Marvel stuff.

Working on the assumption that one can have the choice between 2 and 3D. I didn't.

Found the 3D to be really distracting. Not just the glasses, but the 3D itself. It's not bad 3D, just...I don't know. Didn't help that the 3D centric scenes were pretty visually dark.

Kept thinking that was Hawkeye up in the crane, but don't know enough about archers in the Marvelverse to know for sure.

Liked the semi-running joke about Thor getting KO'd. Especially his reactions.

I knew Sif, Heimdal, the Rainbow Bridge, Frigg(a) (dunno why, but kept thinking that was Hild for some reason) from the myths, but could not place the Cary Elwes-lookalike and the oddly placed Asian dude. Kinda disappointed I didn't see a Freya anywhere.

Liked how they showed what the Asgardians consider to be Yggdrasil in the credits. That was neat.



the blond and the asian sound like 2 of the warriors three, only missing volstag.

So you mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword; and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?

Dubbed first knight of pep-istan by her majesty Queen Pepcat. first catmonaut to walk onna moon.




Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
but could not place the Cary Elwes-lookalike and the oddly placed Asian dude.
The Cary Elwes lookalike was Fandral the Dashing, the oddly placed Asian dude was Hogun the Grim, and of course their overweight friend was Volstagg the Valiant. Although I was hoping he would have been a bit more overweight. I agree with the earlier post that John Rhys-Davies would have been perfect for the role of Volstagg if he were a bit younger.



Saw it. Enjoyed it totally.

Loved the reference to Gamma radiation, the nod to Donald Blake, and of course the after-credits scene that shows what will likely be the MacGuffin of the Avengers film.

Now, to await Cap'n A!



Just came back, and loved the movie. Had fun, loved spotting the references here and there, and I liked the motives of Loki for doing what he did. I would say that the only thing that bothered me was the first 10 or 15 mins of the film. Don't know if it was me, were I was sitting, but everything was cast in darkness and shadows, kind of hard to tell what was going on. Also if there's a 2D version, see it. There really isn't much that makes this movie 3D worthy.

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Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Kept thinking that was Hawkeye up in the crane, but don't know enough about archers in the Marvelverse to know for sure.
Yep, that was Hawkeye. Agreed more or less about the 3d, too; it didn't really bother me exactly, but it wasn't the best 3d I've seen. I expect I'll see this again in the theater, and if it's in 2d I won't be too upset about it.

That said, this movie kicked my @$$. Such an awesome cast, I had no idea who Tom Hiddleson was before and now he's one of my favorite villain actors. Someone should cast him for a Bond movie, he's plays a colossal a-hole so well it's ridiculous. And they managed to sell me on the crazily elaborate costumes. The biggest gripe I have is that the last fight wasn't as insanely great as the battle in Jotunheim near the beginning, and if that's the worst thing I can think of to say about a movie that had the kind of trainwreck potential this one had (not that I expected it to trainwreck, just saying it really could've if it hadn't been handled well), it's all good.



I saw it today. I thought it was okay, but could have been better. It's worthy of seeing at least once. Here are two problems I had with the film.

(1) Apparently, the filmmakers wanted the movie to appeal more to a young female demographic, and so they shoehorned a really unnecessary, cutesy boy-meets-girl subplot onto the movie (a la Spider-man). Quite frankly, I hated this part of the movie. It slowed down the movie when it really needed more superpowered action. I was starting to feel like I was watching a chick flick.

Also--can I be honest, here?--I really think that Thor was way out of Natalie Portman's character's league. Come on, now. Not only is Natalie Portman not that hot, but her character didn't have a ounce of feminine charm. At all. Her character was an androgynous tomboy. I just couldn't buy into the idea that Thor would fall madly in love with her. Sorry.

So, yeah . . . next time Marvel, more action, plot, and dramatic conflict--and less romantic comedy, please.

(2) Where the heck was Thor's helmet? He was shown wearing it for about ten seconds during the crowning ceremony, but he never wears it again--even when he is expecting to fight a war against the frost giants.



Originally Posted by Deacon_NA View Post
I too thought the costumes were great in Asgard but on Earth, looked like cosplay.
Hence the agents with the "renfaire" line.

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Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I'm quite surprised they went there. I mean, that really ups the ante for the Marvel Universe. I wonder if that's what The Avengers will be about?

The Avengers: It's hip to be square!

As for Coulson, I'm going to watch out for something out of left field. Something is just screaming "LMD!" to me.

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Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
What would be nice is that if in every Marvel movie that features characters that Jack Kirby helped create that we get something more besides his name in the credits "Hulk created by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby". Some character named Kirby that makes an appearance, or Reed of the FF saying there is a disturbance on my sensors, it's in the Kirby nebula or something like that.
Better yet, Richards identifying some unknowable energy structures as "kirby dots".

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