



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I dunno...Green Latern has a few things going for it...

GL is human.

GL is being played by Ryan Reynolds.

GL looks to be a big actiony special effects movie.

I don't think the general movie going public really knows of Chris Hemsworth (sp?) the actor, just yet. Personally I thought he did an awesome job, but he lack name recognition.

RR on the other hand...he may not be one of the big HUGE names, but he's more known for sure.

Of course if the movie sucks (I'll see it anyways I'm sure) well then...but I really don't think it will be that bad.
Of course, some of that can hold against it... I personally dislike Ryan Reynolds in the few roles I've seen him in (and I hate his acting in any preview I have seen), and he seems to be the same Ryan Reynolds in the GL role as he is in every other movie I have seen him in.

Not sure about Hemsworth, but I doubt he has been very "Thor" in most of his roles.

And I dunno... Thor seems a very different superhero movie compared to others out there (just in background, etc.), whereas GL just seems... more of the same, at least from previews I have seen.

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The first X-Men movie made $296 million (foreign and domestic) over it's entire theatrical run.

Thor just made that much in less than two weeks.

I think it's gonna do ok.

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Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
The first X-Men movie made $296 million (foreign and domestic) over it's entire theatrical run.

Thor just made that much in less than two weeks.

I think it's gonna do ok.
I think box office expectations for successful superhero movies may have been raised since the new Spider-Man and Batman movie franchises came out, though.

- CaptainFoamerang

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I enjoyed it. My friend that was with me is a Thor fanatic and completely picked it apart which was a tad annoying, but a good movie overall IMO.



I liked this movie. I have no knowledge of the Thor comics, other than knowing that there are Thor comics. I do have a passing understanding of Norse mythology from a couple classes I took years ago, but I suspect Marvel was pretty liberal with their take on things from the get go, so I didn't expect this movie to be super accurate.

That said I really enjoyed it. I felt some of the character stuff, Loki's motivations, Thor's transformation, were a little too subtle, and some of that could have been made a little more convincing... That said, none of it was so out of the blue or un-explainable as to jar me or make me roll my eyes.

Special effects were good, I loved seeing Thor in action, seemed very powerful. Even some good eye candy with Kat Denning and Portman around, the girl who played sif was pretty cute too.

All in all, fun movie. Though I was wondering, did they actually reference the guy with the Bow as Hawkeye? There was some noise near me during that part, I didn't hear if they actually mentioned his name.

Loving the increased involvement from SHIELD in these movies, loved the teaser at the end. I was surprised that in the showing I went to, at least 80% of the audience left the moment the credits started, even my GF was like "What, have these people never seen a Marvel Movie?"

I'm curious though, I could kind of gauge from the other Super Hero movies, how accurate or not they are to the comic since I've read the comics, but I've never picked up an Issue of thor. Was this one at all accurate to the books?

(I haven't read this whole thread so sorry if that question has been answered.)

Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
and also Super 8 (which seems like an ET remake except ET is POed).
I laughed when I read this, for weeks since this trailer has been showing up more often I've been saying... "So Spielberg remade ET for adults..."

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



I liked the movie. I thought Hemsworth made a great Thor, and the cuts back and forth between Midgard and Asgard were handled fairly well. It would have been very easy for the movie to become muddled in trying to portray the story in 2 vastly separate locations, but it managed pretty well IMHO.

My wife, who is not a comic book fan and has never read an issue of Thor in her life, also thought it was good. I asked her if she had any trouble following the story, and she said no, it was all perfectly clear to her. Heh, for a change SHE is the one who wants to go see it again on the big screen.



Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
I was wondering, did they actually reference the guy with the Bow as Hawkeye? There was some noise near me during that part, I didn't hear if they actually mentioned his name.
Agent Coulson didn't call him Hawkeye, but said (paraphrasing): "Barton, get out there." Hawkeye's "real" name is Clint Barton, and he passes by all the other weapons to choose a bow, so....



Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
Agent Coulson didn't call him Hawkeye, but said (paraphrasing): "Barton, get out there." Hawkeye's "real" name is Clint Barton, and he passes by all the other weapons to choose a bow, so....
Also, they've already confirmed the actor is playing Hawkeye in the Avengers movie.

- CaptainFoamerang

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Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
Also, they've already confirmed the actor is playing Hawkeye in the Avengers movie.
Well, go ahead with the *easy* answer, why dontcha?



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I dunno...Green Latern has a few things going for it...

GL is human.

GL is being played by Ryan Reynolds.

GL looks to be a big actiony special effects movie.

I don't think the general movie going public really knows of Chris Hemsworth (sp?) the actor, just yet. Personally I thought he did an awesome job, but he lack name recognition.

RR on the other hand...he may not be one of the big HUGE names, but he's more known for sure.

Of course if the movie sucks (I'll see it anyways I'm sure) well then...but I really don't think it will be that bad.
My point was trying to be that at 150 million thor will pull a profit off for its studio based probably exclusively on its comic book fan base of movie goers and what little it might pull in from the general movie going audience.

Where a movie like Green Lantern at 200+ million will be much more reliant on getting that main stream audience. And yes a main stream actor and boy toy like Ryan Renoylds im sure will help that with getting girl friends willing to go see it and such. But when you see the previews and see the planets and aliens and glowie green suits IMO for a mainstream audience that likes big robots beating the **** out of each other in bad camera angles and slo-mo of bad actresses running with bouncing breasts, green lantern is less likely to pull in main stream audiences unless it just gets outstanding reviews.

Basicly just Green Lantern and a movie like it at its budget level is much more of a risk then Thor even though you could say both characters have equal rep with comic fans and obscurity with non-comic fans.



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Of course, some of that can hold against it... I personally dislike Ryan Reynolds in the few roles I've seen him in (and I hate his acting in any preview I have seen), and he seems to be the same Ryan Reynolds in the GL role as he is in every other movie I have seen him in.

Not sure about Hemsworth, but I doubt he has been very "Thor" in most of his roles.

And I dunno... Thor seems a very different superhero movie compared to others out there (just in background, etc.), whereas GL just seems... more of the same, at least from previews I have seen.
You make a good point. And yes, RR plays himself alot, but that works for lots of actors.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
My wife, who is not a comic book fan and has never read an issue of Thor in her life, also thought it was good. I asked her if she had any trouble following the story, and she said no, it was all perfectly clear to her. Heh, for a change SHE is the one who wants to go see it again on the big screen.
I had the same experience. I know three women who had zero interest in it until they saw the trailers and thought, "Hey, intriguing." And they all enjoyed it immensely. I see a lot more positive word-of-mouth from women than men, actually.

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Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
I'm curious though, I could kind of gauge from the other Super Hero movies, how accurate or not they are to the comic since I've read the comics, but I've never picked up an Issue of thor. Was this one at all accurate to the books?

(I haven't read this whole thread so sorry if that question has been answered.)
It has been answered, but I'll do it again.

Overall, the movie is extremely faithful to the comics. Like Iron Man, they changed some minor things and used the best bits from various sources. At the time IM came out, Adi Granov's design of the armor was the coolest out there, so they adapted that version for film, and it works beautifully. However, they managed to have their cake and eat it, too, by having Stark's first cave-made armor resemble the original Iron Man suit. Jarvis became an AI rather than a person, but that makes more sense in the 20th century for a tech wizard like Tony Stark.

Similarly, Straczynski's reboot of Thor has beats that they used for the film (hammer falling in the American Southwest, Thor ending up in a small town -- although in Oklahoma rather New Mexico), but like IM, they used Olivier Copiel's redesign of Thor's outfit and extrapolated everyone else's from it. A very good idea, in my opinion, because Thor has never looked cooler. Asgard and all the characters there were true to the comic book versions, although obviously less time could be spent on some than others. The reason Thor was exiled is the same as in the comic. The only major change was that "Donald Blake" was just a temporary alias of Thor's rather than Thor's actual secret identity. Like Jarvis, though, I think that was a better choice.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



What GL doesn't have going for it, like Thor, is a chunk of the movie in CGI land with lots of CGI critters. If the weak part for Thor was Asgard, not sure how the Oa scenes will be received by the critics.

As for Ryan Reynolds, I think the Hollywood group think was;

A) Test pilots are cocky bastards.

B) Think of an actor who plays cocky bastards that looks like he can fit in a fighter jet and still looks good in spandex (which thankfully eliminated Seth Rogen).

C) Won't cost a lot if the movie does well enough for sequels.

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Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
It has been answered, but I'll do it again.

Overall, the movie is extremely faithful to the comics. Like Iron Man, they changed some minor things and used the best bits from various sources. At the time IM came out, Adi Granov's design of the armor was the coolest out there, so they adapted that version for film, and it works beautifully. However, they managed to have their cake and eat it, too, by having Stark's first cave-made armor resemble the original Iron Man suit. Jarvis became an AI rather than a person, but that makes more sense in the 20th century for a tech wizard like Tony Stark.

Similarly, Straczynski's reboot of Thor has beats that they used for the film (hammer falling in the American Southwest, Thor ending up in a small town -- although in Oklahoma rather New Mexico), but like IM, they used Olivier Copiel's redesign of Thor's outfit and extrapolated everyone else's from it. A very good idea, in my opinion, because Thor has never looked cooler. Asgard and all the characters there were true to the comic book versions, although obviously less time could be spent on some than others. The reason Thor was exiled is the same as in the comic. The only major change was that "Donald Blake" was just a temporary alias of Thor's rather than Thor's actual secret identity. Like Jarvis, though, I think that was a better choice.
Good to know! Were Darcy and that other girl (portman's character) in the comic as well?

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
Agent Coulson didn't call him Hawkeye, but said (paraphrasing): "Barton, get out there." Hawkeye's "real" name is Clint Barton, and he passes by all the other weapons to choose a bow, so....
The moment I saw him reach for the bow, I said to myself "Hawkeye?" Which earned a curious glance from my GF sitting next to me in the theatre. But admittedly I was more a DC kid than a Marvel kid so some of this stuff I don't know, like his real name being Barton. I also didn't hear it when he said Barton, some one was coughing or something, cuz I specifically got annoyed when I missed the name, but had I heard it I wouldn't have known.

Was Hawkeye always a SHIELD agent? I thought he was sort of his own guy...

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
Good to know! Were Darcy and that other girl (portman's character) in the comic as well?
Jane Foster was in the comics. She was in the medical field not a scientist. Thor's human ID was Donald Blake a doctor, so they crossed paths as in both his forms. Darcy was added for the film far as I know along with the new backstory for Jane.

As for the extra scene at the end of the credits....Said device was shown in pictures with the Red Skull for upcoming cap film. Why fury mentions it being part of myth and history.

Was Hawkeye always a SHIELD agent? I thought he was sort of his own guy...
No, Hawkeye was originally a villain/circus member who turned to a hero in comics. I doubt they'll bother going into that backstory for the Avengers movie.

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
What GL doesn't have going for it, like Thor, is a chunk of the movie in CGI land with lots of CGI critters. If the weak part for Thor was Asgard, not sure how the Oa scenes will be received by the critics.

As for Ryan Reynolds, I think the Hollywood group think was;

A) Test pilots are cocky bastards.

B) Think of an actor who plays cocky bastards that looks like he can fit in a fighter jet and still looks good in spandex (which thankfully eliminated Seth Rogen).

C) Won't cost a lot if the movie does well enough for sequels.
Ryan Reynolds would have been a great Wally West. Hal Jordan? Not so much.

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
What GL doesn't have going for it, like Thor, is a chunk of the movie in CGI land with lots of CGI critters. If the weak part for Thor was Asgard, not sure how the Oa scenes will be received by the critics.

As for Ryan Reynolds, I think the Hollywood group think was;

A) Test pilots are cocky bastards.

B) Think of an actor who plays cocky bastards that looks like he can fit in a fighter jet and still looks good in spandex (which thankfully eliminated Seth Rogen).

C) Won't cost a lot if the movie does well enough for sequels.
Wait...the weak part of Thor was Asgard? o.O I thought Asgard was awesome!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
Ryan Reynolds would have been a great Wally West. Hal Jordan? Not so much.
he can still play both ;o



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Wait...the weak part of Thor was Asgard? o.O I thought Asgard was awesome!
Uh, yeah. Most critics and movie goers have said the earth stuff was what was weak and that the Asgard stuff was really good.



Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
Uh, yeah. Most critics and movie goers have said the earth stuff was what was weak and that the Asgard stuff was really good.
Yeah I could have just watched an entire film of Thor beating up frost giants or them showing Odin and his posse take them down rather than an abridged version. I get they wanted include some earth time to make the story have some grounding points for the general public though.

Ryan Reynolds would have been a great Wally West. Hal Jordan? Not so much.
I tend to agree. He'll probably toss around his same snark he always does as nearly every character he plays. (which why Deadpool was a much better fit than Hannibal King.)

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Well I heard that while Asgards walking down the street looked campy and the Midgard story was essentially a "fish out of water" story, the other worldness of Asgard and Jotunheim was too different (and too dark in the case of Jotunheim, too CGI shiny for Asgard) for the casual comic fan.

Of course for those who enjoy Baysplosion action films enjoyed all the SMASH fighting scenes, it was great (which still explains why those same people still think X-Men 3 was the best movie of the trilogy).

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Originally Posted by Lastjustice View Post
Yeah I could have just watched an entire film of Thor beating up frost giants or them showing Odin and his posse take them down rather than an abridged version. I get they wanted include some earth time to make the story have some grounding points for the general public though.
Or...maybe they were following (loosely) the origin story in the comics, and Thor also needs to have some connection to Earth for that little Avengers thing.