



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I'd like to see a real sequal, but wonder if they can or will, as I'm not sure if it will be a big of a hit as Iron Man was.
It made almost $160 million worldwide in it's first day. You don't walk away from a money train like that.

EDIT: Now that I say that, it's been out elsewhere before Friday so that helps in the big numbers. Still, $300 million likely isn't asking too much and that's without DVD sales.



Originally Posted by Storm1984 View Post
The Cary Elwes lookalike was Fandral the Dashing, the oddly placed Asian dude was Hogun the Grim, and of course their overweight friend was Volstagg the Valiant. Although I was hoping he would have been a bit more overweight. I agree with the earlier post that John Rhys-Davies would have been perfect for the role of Volstagg if he were a bit younger.
Hogun played by an Asian guy isn't that odd. The comics Hogun dresses like a ****** (and looks like Charles Bronson), you know.

Fun Facts: Brian Blessed was originally slated to play Odin. And Zach Levi ("Chuck") was originally going to play Fandral!

EDIT: Okay, it's very weird that the forums censored that word. Is Mongolian better?



Originally Posted by Fasttrack View Post
Saddened that the Asgardians and Frost Giants are now advanced extra terrestrials and not actual gods and giants, respectively, as I remember in the comic.
See i thought it was a natural extension from the comics. it always seemed to me that in the Marvel universe that all the other gods and monsters were just more or less advanced life forms.



Went to the matinee showing of this yesterday afternoon (1:40pm)....while I agree that the movie had a crap ton of trailers at the beginning (I think they do that for almost every movie that may pull in a huge box office for the first weekend), I was getting to the point were I wanted the movie to start. Was getting a little annoyed by all the talkative kids that were brought to the movie by their folks/babysitters...started thinking why the hell would you bring a 5 year old to a movie that more than likely they wont understand..... Also I refuse to watch any movie in 3d, personally I dont need to feel like Im interacting with the movie to feel satiated.

Onto the movie itself.....I liked the movie, although folks opinion of it somewhat mirror my own in that it wasnt the best movie I have ever watched, however it was by far not the worst (Intercessor is THE WORST movie I have ever had the msfortune to watch). I did like what the one girl called Mjolner (meow meow...or at least thats what it sounded like she said)....funny stuff. Was glad to see Hawkeye in it and when he went to "select" his weapon he chose his bow lol! The last guy that Thor fought at the SHIELD facility I thought was Luke Cage at first...then I realized that no it would have been a more drawn out battle.....

In regards to Loki...he is the trickster god is he not? SO everything that he says and does you have to take with a grain of salt, because you never truly know his real motivations for doing something.

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

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We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
It made almost $160 million worldwide in it's first day. You don't walk away from a money train like that.

EDIT: Now that I say that, it's been out elsewhere before Friday so that helps in the big numbers. Still, $300 million likely isn't asking too much and that's without DVD sales.
Nice Though, they have walked away from 300 million movies before (Superman comes to mind), but here's hoping!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Sevenpenny View Post
Went to the matinee showing of this yesterday afternoon (1:40pm)....while I agree that the movie had a crap ton of trailers at the beginning (I think they do that for almost every movie that may pull in a huge box office for the first weekend), I was getting to the point were I wanted the movie to start. Was getting a little annoyed by all the talkative kids that were brought to the movie by their folks/babysitters...started thinking why the hell would you bring a 5 year old to a movie that more than likely they wont understand..... Also I refuse to watch any movie in 3d, personally I dont need to feel like Im interacting with the movie to feel satiated.
You went to a a mantinee, a really early one at that (not the last mantinee of the day), this is prime time for parents to bring the talkative bunch to the movies. so no sympathy for you on that part.

As for Loki, I thought a lot of what he said explained it. He only let the Frost giants in at first as a prank on Thor's day of being declared King. Of course, then he found out the truth about himself, and his pranks quit becoming pranks and more treachery brought on by "WTF I'm Adopted?!" sibling rivalry.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Fasttrack View Post
Just saw it today and thought it was good. Visual F/X was impressive and I liked the score.

Saddened that the Asgardians and Frost Giants are now advanced extra terrestrials and not actual gods and giants, respectively, as I remember in the comic. But if they're going to go with that new twist, then they did a good job of convincing me (I could tell from the trailers that was what they were intending to do, so I went in with an open mind).

I still prefer my frost giants 15-20 feet tall, but Jotunheim was nicely depicted as dark and lifeless and Asgard's splendor was definitely spot on.

Seeing Thor let fly his hammer upon a frost giant's face with its expectant return to his hand gave me a woody (sorry, ladies, but it did).

Chris Hemsworth and Anthony Hopkins were exceptional in their roles. Was a nice surprise seeing Hemsworth, a new actor (to me), do so well but I knew Hopkins would deliver in his role.

Loved seeing J. Michael Stracynski's cameo (first guy on scene of Thor's hammer, in the red pick-up truck) - love his work with Babylon 5, although I've only recently in the last few years have become aware of his writing for several comics, obviously Thor being one of them. I stopped collecting comics about 15 years ago.

Stan Lee's cameo was enjoyable as well. Wish I knew what Walt Simonson looks like in real life so I could find out if he had a cameo. His artwork and writing is what I enjoyed most of my Thor reading, back in the day.

Only thing I missed was Baldur the Brave. Was he in the movie at all and I somehow completely missed him?
Walt Simonson was in the movie, his cameo is when the camera focuses on him near the end of the movie at the Asgardian feast/celebration. Graying beard/mustache, receding hairline, camera's on him for about 30 seconds.



Also take note of the two Marvel movie references in the dialogue:

The Destroyer arrives and an agent asks Coulson "is that one of Stark's designs?" Coulson "I don't know, he doesn't tell me anything"

Or when Jane Foster's fellow scientist (memory cramp on character name) mentions that he knows of shield and how a colleague of his who is an expert on gamma rays disappeared after SHIELD contacted him......



So I say Thor today and I thought it was good. Not great, but good. I think it's possible I saw/read too many "really awesome" reviews and set myself a bit too much. I tried not to but...maybe it set in a bit.

I would have liked to see a bit more drawn out fight between Loki/Thor but...*shrugs*

Oh and spoilers but...


So what was that 'ultimate energy' cube thingy at the end of the credits? It didn't ring a bell with me....

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Originally Posted by DocPhotonic View Post
(1) Apparently, the filmmakers wanted the movie to appeal more to a young female demographic, and so they shoehorned a really unnecessary, cutesy boy-meets-girl subplot onto the movie (a la Spider-man). Quite frankly, I hated this part of the movie. It slowed down the movie when it really needed more superpowered action. I was starting to feel like I was watching a chick flick.
For what it's worth, that bit is straight from the comics.

The only major thing they really altered from the comics -- which was a good thing in my opinion -- was that Dr. Donald Blake really *is* Thor. Sometimes it's Thor suffering from a sort of Odin-induced amnesia, sometimes it's a split personality and sometimes they are actually two different people sharing a body. I MUCH preferred the film's take on that.

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Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
So I say Thor today and I thought it was good. Not great, but good. I think it's possible I saw/read too many "really awesome" reviews and set myself a bit too much. I tried not to but...maybe it set in a bit.

I would have liked to see a bit more drawn out fight between Loki/Thor but...*shrugs*

Oh and spoilers but...


So what was that 'ultimate energy' cube thingy at the end of the credits? It didn't ring a bell with me....
Highlight to read more easily. That was one of the most powerful items in the Marvel Universe: the reality-altering Cosmic Cube.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Just got back from seeing it. Good, solid, enjoyable film. The scenes of Asgard were great, loved the art direction. Very funny as well. The whole advanced alien race concept worked for me. Two thumbs up.


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Originally Posted by Storm1984 View Post
The Cary Elwes lookalike was Fandral the Dashing, the oddly placed Asian dude was Hogun the Grim, and of course their overweight friend was Volstagg the Valiant. Although I was hoping he would have been a bit more overweight. I agree with the earlier post that John Rhys-Davies would have been perfect for the role of Volstagg if he were a bit younger.
Overall I think they did a good job of translating the characters to the screen. They didn't mention in it the movie, but Hogun is (I think) the sole survivor of his people, who were conquered by a Genghis Khan-type guy, essentially Asian analogues to the Norse gods.

A picture from the Wikipedia article on Hogun the Grim.

Originally Posted by Warp_Factor View Post
That said, this movie kicked my @$$. Such an awesome cast, I had no idea who Tom Hiddleson was before and now he's one of my favorite villain actors. Someone should cast him for a Bond movie, he's plays a colossal a-hole so well it's ridiculous.
There's always a moment when an actor sort of impinges upon your awareness, and for me that was when Hiddleston was opposite Branagh in the TV series Wallander.

The more I reflect on it, the more impressed I am by Loki's part. That's an incredibly subtle and difficult part to write *and* to perform, but they made it seem effortless. My only major gripe is that Loki's character arc was done so well that by comparison Thor felt slighted. I remember that role more for its comic relief than for the overall arc. The Loki part was most similar to Tony Stark in the first Iron Man, while Thor felt less detailed, like Obadiah Stane.

Considering that Loki is the prime motivator for the Avengers coming together, it's probably one of the reasons why they spent so much time getting him right.

One thing that the casting director really nailed was the kid version of both Thor and Loki. They really looked amazingly similar to the adults, which is a hard thing to pull off.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
So I say Thor today and I thought it was good. Not great, but good. I think it's possible I saw/read too many "really awesome" reviews and set myself a bit too much. I tried not to but...maybe it set in a bit.

I would have liked to see a bit more drawn out fight between Loki/Thor but...*shrugs*

Oh and spoilers but...


So what was that 'ultimate energy' cube thingy at the end of the credits? It didn't ring a bell with me....
The Cosmic Cube



Saw it today. I thought it was a very good, but not great, movie. The visuals for Asgard were great. Hopkins made a great Odin. I thought Hemsworth did a nice job as Thor.

The main problem I had was that the story felt rushed. I never saw Loki being mischievious -- he was too serious even before he had a reason to be serious. Thor was on Earth for too short a time . . . too little time for a major conversion of personality, not enough time for the relationship to build.

Not quite as good as Iron Man 1, better than Iron Man 2.

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Just saw it. Loved it. Saw it in a packed theatre, and even with a bunch of kids, everyone was just totally into the movie. (And about 90% stayed past the end credits... and you could tell who all the comic fans were coz when SLJ opens that box, you could HEAR the murmurs of, "aw, s*** is that... no... yes... aw HELL!")

(I thought Darcy was the best scene stealer I've seen in ages - "they took my iPod" - especially with the "meowmeow" joke).

I was stoked that I recognized J Michael Straczynski in his cameo, John was stoked he caught Hawkeye in his (we're both hoping to see him in the Avengers film), we both laughed to see Stan in his cameo...

And YES to Kenneth Branagh sticking with one of his favorite (and mine) film composers, the wonderful Patrick Doyle. YAAAAAHHHAAAAAA!


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Thorougly enjoyed it. Right up there with Iron Man and Spiderman II as my favourite Marvel movies.

And yes, see it in glorious 2D-o-vision, the colour caste and sharpness seen in the print is universally coming back in reviews as being better than the 3D version which reduces all of Asgards high contrast gold scenic decor to a blurry mess.

The redemption and subsequent destroyer fight was epic, and way too short in my opinion, but it really gave you a sense of Thors power. Can't wait for the Blu-ray release which I hope will be around Christmas.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post

Highlight to read more easily. That was one of the most powerful items in the Marvel Universe: the reality-altering Cosmic Cube.
Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
The Cosmic Cube

Thank you both

Doesn't ring a bell with me (never read comics much) but now I can at least wikipedia it

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Just was thinking tonight that is it bothering anyone yet that half the Avengers they will have in the movie are basicly un and/or underpowered heroes?

I mean they will have Hulk and Thor, obviously both very powerful. Then you add in ironman who though no powers i guess the suit becomes the balancing act there. But then its Capt A(super powered but within somewhat basic means) Black Widow(unpowered) and Hawkeye(unpowered).

It just seems like they run the risk of having characters with either to much power or to little for whatever they put in front of them.



In a way, that's what makes them more impressive. They get by on skill and cunning more than sheer power. It's all about using what you have most effectively in a given situation. That's not to say that the Hulk or Thor can't be smart or skilled in a fight, but even in the Avengers cartoon Cap points out that Iron Man doesn't really know anything about fighting. He relies almost entirely on his armor to win, more often than not just by being tough enough to take the bad guys' hits long enough to somehow take 'em down and (sometimes barely) manage to walk away. Seriously, watch the Iron Man movies and -- aside from the first scene of him in the Mark III suit where he takes out a whole group of baddies without a scratch -- try to count how many fights have him largely getting smacked around or knocked down pretty badly.

Hawkeye is a pinpoint marksman. Black Widow is an expert in infiltration and espionage. These are skills that might not be as impressive or even necessarily useful in a pitched battle as super-strength or increased durability, but they still help.

There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
Just was thinking tonight that is it bothering anyone yet that half the Avengers they will have in the movie are basicly un and/or underpowered heroes?

I mean they will have Hulk and Thor, obviously both very powerful. Then you add in ironman who though no powers i guess the suit becomes the balancing act there. But then its Capt A(super powered but within somewhat basic means) Black Widow(unpowered) and Hawkeye(unpowered).

It just seems like they run the risk of having characters with either to much power or to little for whatever they put in front of them.

That's the same dilemma of every "team comic book." Hence all the jokes about Batman being on the Justice League, yet he's considered one of the big three. It always boils down to how well they are portrayed. Consider how much buzz Hawkeye generated in this thread, yet he didn't actually do anything in the movie. Same as Black Widow in Iron Man, sure she beat a few thugs, small potatoes in the over scheme of that movie, yet those scenes stood out.

Vulnerable characters make a movie.

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Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
Just was thinking tonight that is it bothering anyone yet that half the Avengers they will have in the movie are basicly un and/or underpowered heroes?

I mean they will have Hulk and Thor, obviously both very powerful. Then you add in ironman who though no powers i guess the suit becomes the balancing act there. But then its Capt A(super powered but within somewhat basic means) Black Widow(unpowered) and Hawkeye(unpowered).

It just seems like they run the risk of having characters with either to much power or to little for whatever they put in front of them.
This is why you rarely see an entire team doing one task, or taking on one threat. They pick the people that have necessary skills, unless the world's about to snuff it, then it's all hands on deck.

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Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
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Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Thank you both

Doesn't ring a bell with me (never read comics much) but now I can at least wikipedia it
The cosmic cube is essentially a cosmic version of Aladdin's lamp. Whoever wields the cube can have just about anything he wants and do whatever they want.

The Red Skull has been notorious for using a Cosmic Cube against Captain America, but perhaps the most infamous use of it was when THANOS of TITAN gained the cube back in the old Captain Mar-Vell days. His wish was simple: to become one with the universe and thus become god. The cube apparently used all its power and Thanos cast the cube aside. HE was now one with the universe and apparently didn't need the cube anymore. However even as the heroes fought him, Mar-Vell's cosmic awareness divined THANOS' weakness and he smashed the cube. This restored reality and apparently killed Thanos. Thanos would later return with 5 of the Soul Gems and energies he siphoned from Adam Warlock's soul gem to create a synthetic gem to destroy stars. The gems were dispersed, Warlock was killed by Thanos and arose and turned Thanos to stone.

THanos would return years later in the Silver Surfer and create the infinity gauntlet

Other cubes would be created since.