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  1. Check out Larry Niven's "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex" essay from 1971.
  2. Sorry, meaning that since I have an annoying tendency to go for months away, I 'm curious as to how many of my open orders got filled.

    All of them? I can't possibly hope that I can craft them all and make inf. Can I ?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
    I've noticed that there are no P.Shifter +End proc recipes up for sale at Wentworth's, but plenty of folks bidding on them. I find it somewhat amusing that the L21 recipe sells for in excess of 100mil, while a L22 sells for about 1/4th that amount.

    Which leads me to ask this: is there any way to specify a lower level recipe "purchase" from the Fort Trident box using Hero Merits? It only seems to offer current_level+3 recipes.
    True dat. What's the last 5 time-wise for L21 v L22?
  4. I somehow envision this as a mash up of the 1990 movie Robot Jox and the 1987 NES video game Mike Tyson's Punch Out!!
  5. Yomo_Kimyata


    So, resistance is futile?
  6. Yomo_Kimyata

    Why LotG?

    I think it is price imprinting. People have established a number in their heads of what the value is (based on history, mostly I would guess), and are willing to make that "fair" number their first bid. I don't think very many people bid creep anymore.
  7. Yomo_Kimyata

    BS vs WM vs Axe?

    I've taken all three to 50 on either a scrapper or a brute. Most of the differences have already been covered above, but one thing to keep in mind with WM v axe is that if your mobs are below your level or knockback prone, axe scatters them with knockback, but WM tosses them in the air with knockup.

    BS is extremely satisfying, both in orange numbers and sound effects.
  8. I have a few bings and I can't see using them any time soon. Let me aggregate and I think I can match. It's not like I use it.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MeanNVicious View Post
    No it was a contest. A challenge was made and accepted. The gauntlet was thrown down etc. What you are referring to is an "actual measured test". Now looking back, if you combined all the crazy 88 "official" or main SG's on each of the servers and totaled them all up, what does that come up to ? And how close did I come to that number ? I think I did my part in the inf burning empire. In fact I think i'm first citizen

    As I said, you were impressive. You apparently burned a lot of inf, which is awesome. Now, if you want to win an inf-burning contest, then we can set one up for you and anyone else who wants to measure themselves by that standard!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MeanNVicious View Post
    Done that - won that contest. Took it to the level beyond winning in fact.
    Although you were impressive, that wasn't a contest. No, a contest would be X people start a SG. 48 hours later we judge X players on their prestige.
  11. The only real way to win any epeen contest based on inf is through a inf-to-prestige burning competition!
  12. Yomo_Kimyata

    wont sell

    It's pretty trivial to test -- I haven't tried it in a few months but I doubt the mechanics have changed. But I noticed it when I put some salvage for sale at 1 inf, and despite there being outstanding bids (by definition at one or higher) my offers joined the queue rather than sold instantly, which I had thought to be impossible! Later I was able to replicate it from the opposite side (One character locks the market at one. I log onto another character and offer at one. It does not sell to the bid, but joins the sell queue.) I'm pretty sure I bugged it when I first figured it out, but it seems to be a mostly harmless glitch, since it only seems to occur when a single character has both bids and offers at 1 inf. I used it when I was working on sales badges to guarantee that I would be first in queue to sell things at one.

    Give it a shot and let me know if it has changed!
  13. Yomo_Kimyata

    wont sell

    Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
    Your example is broken and potentially slightly confusing, in that if there are 22 outstanding bids there's no way to list something for 1 and have it not sell instantly.
    Technically there is, but it is a seldom seen and hardly relevant bug. If one person "locks" a market at 1 (where he is bidding and offering on the same item with the same character) and there were no outstanding bids at the time, the "locker" is first in queue to buy at 1, and first to queue to sell at 1, but cannot buy his own merchandise. If someone else now comes in and offers to sell at 1, rather than selling to the "locker", it goes into the queue behind the locker's offer -- he can't buy yours because his are first in line, and he is not allowed to buy his. That's how it worked a few months ago -- no idea if they fixed it or not.
  14. You are a monster!

    Now, what's this about something you did in the marketplace?
  15. To the OP's OP: I've got no problems with it whatsoever. To the OP's subsequent posts, I'm not sure what point you are making (or even if you are making one!). Rules change in this game all the time, I'm guessing because the makers of the game want to keep it balanced and entertaining for as many people as possible. ED was not popular back way back when, but in retrospect the rule change made the game much stronger and was in my opinion a primary reason the game has made it this far!

    One thing I really don't understand is why you care at all about how much you spent on your build versus what someone else did, or about how squishy you are versus they are in PvE. We are all on the same side, and we're not keeping score again each other, right? Or am I missing something important?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eric Nelson View Post
    Guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.
    I never agreed to that! PM sent.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eric Nelson View Post
    I really don't think there's much of a mystery to it at all -- it's pure human laziness. I buy pre-crafted virtually always, specifically because I want to grab, slot and go without being bothered to micro-manage my toon to the extent of crafting (I happily craft when selling, however). I think there are a lot of people in that boat -- fake play virtual money that's already incredibly easy to get really doesn't compare to being able to jump right back into the fray sporting your new shiny.
    I don't quite buy into that argument. I think a lot of people throw it out due to braggadocio ("inf means nothing to me, lol!"), but it it were true, then you would always be buying my sole crafted offerings for whatever price I was selling it at, since it is all play money after all.

    To OP, I'm thinking about the best way to do this. I don't want to just give you some numbers to bid (which may not be the best numbers) but I'd rather help you better understand the market process. Let me think about it for a bit!

    edit: someone just bought a Confuse/Endurance for 1.3 bn. Sadly it was not mine. Too lazy to post screenshot.
  18. I was in LA on business all weekend. I've come to the conclusion that the entertainment industry is like the sausage business -- I like the end product, but I'd rather not know how it is made.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
    That sounded high when I first read it, but looking at the market I realize why: I only looked at recipes when I was making my initial offers... there is an enormous price discrepancy between recipes and enhancements (over double for the same slots in some cases). I can't even begin to imagine why since the crafting costs on a bad day will be 8 mil, tops, but, there you have it.
    I agree that it is a mystery for the ages why enhancements usually trade for significantly more than their component pieces, but they do. that's also generally why there is usually a higher supply of crafted purples than purple recipes available on the market. The prices I quoted you were basically offer-side, and the nice-face discount was for the amount I would save on posting fees (although you really do have a nice face).

    Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
    I think it would be mutually beneficial if you were to go ahead and shoot for the best price you can get on Wentworths and I hope to do the same with some low bids on the recipes. Thank you though for the offer.
    You're welcome. Oh, no doubt, lowballing recipes is definitely the way for you to go if you have the time to put into it. If you want, I'd be happy to give some advice on bid points that would be likely to fill.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post

    Commentary aside, if you want to make a counteroffer on anything I'd be happy to hear it.
    Sure I'll bite.

    I have the Confuse C/R and the A/R for you in enhancement form (easier to store). I was holding on to them until my elec/thermal troller turned 50 but he is agony to level. Looking at the market, I would expect to sell them for a total of 250mm within a day, but I'll give you the nice face discount ("Hey, you've got a nice face!") and sell them to you for 225mm.
  21. Part of it is probably a price difference, but I would think mostly that it is a flaw in the barter system. You are looking for someone who has the five pieces you want and who wants the five pieces you have and who thinks the deal is a fair/good/great one. Out of 50 (or over 100now I think) views that isn't surprising that you have no takers yet. Also, I would think that someone who wants to purple an immob set but doesn't have a hold set to purple as well (or who has a spare set of hold purps) aren't very common.

    Personally, I would just try to use the marketplace, but I can see how getting quick execution on selling one set and buying another might cost you more than 700mm extra, but I think if you did it smartly you could probably get it done as an even trade, but it might take longer than you would like. Good luck!
  22. I will probably spring for the enhancement slots, simply because it will make respeccing easier. I still have health and stamina (and not the inherent kind) on most of my characters because I hate respeccing just that much.
  23. 1. The real game in the market is in figuring out how to sell things in relationship to your competitors. Buying is SO much easier than selling.
    2. Yep, good observation.
    3. Not enough data for me to judge. I'm sure you'll end up doing just fine!
  24. I did something similar on a elec/ice dominator (I figured the elec would help with endurance issues and ice had the best AoE at low levels), but a brute is probably your best bet. My takeaway was that there are about 5 recipes that are worthwhile in the 10-15 range, but the turnover is kind of slow, so I ended up just making markets and crafting in those recipes. That was a while ago, so the profit may be better now!
  25. Unpossible. No one can eat their own weight in hamburgers in 30 days. Wait, is this one of those situations where my internal dialogue overwrites what someone else is saying?