Superman and Co*'s Ragdoll Effect.
....and this is what always got me with the whole Lois Lane romance/marriage.
How does he have relations with his wife??!
I mean, on Valentine's day the medics and police department are called to their apartment because Lois Lane apparently blew her brains out....but strangely, no gun powder residue, nor even a shotgun to be found ANYWHERE!!! Hmmm.
Mr. True Shot.
Level 53: Arrows/Devices/Munitions Blaster
....and hopeless Science-Natzi.

ANARCHY = A Society that does not need government
114. Ahrouns do not appreciate my particular brand of humour, so I should stop bleaching bulls-eyes in their fur.
Obviously Superman and other superheroes generate a force field to protect the people they are helping or their criminal victims from severe harm. It is part of the superhero starter kit. Otherwise superheroes would have a ton of lawsuits against them.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
Check out Larry Niven's "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex" essay from 1971.
Ooh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a *real* useful invention.
Obviously Superman and other superheroes generate a force field to protect the people they are helping or their criminal victims from severe harm. It is part of the superhero starter kit. Otherwise superheroes would have a ton of lawsuits against them.
A world made of cardboard.
I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.
Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered
Part of this issue can be addressed by a sort of handwave about involuntary movements (biological functions, sneezing, etc) not using his full strength because HEY LOOK OVER THERE. Sure, for we normal humans those muscles seem to contract about as hard as they can, but his biology is after all not human, so all bets are off.
The remainder of the explanation is that superman DOES have such a level of self-control, and that's part of what makes him a hero. 'Parallel Universe' storylines sometimes feature Supermen who lost control, and the consequences thereof.
If he takes super whizes, wouldn't Clark Kent and the Daily Planet have the highest plumbing bills in the city? Every time he pees he'd destroy the toilet/urinal. And possibly the wall/floor it was mounted on. And god help the people on the floor below if he gets a bit constipated...
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch
If he takes super whizes, wouldn't Clark Kent and the Daily Planet have the highest plumbing bills in the city? Every time he pees he'd destroy the toilet/urinal. And possibly the wall/floor it was mounted on. And god help the people on the floor below if he gets a bit constipated...
I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.
Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered
There are a few ways to explain this, one is.. It's comic books!
Also keep in mind that most modern versions of superman have his powers slowly starting to develop after puberty or at least slowly building to the point where he was mentally old enough to be able to control himself around others.
Then we also have to consider that at his core Superman is vastly different from humans in all aspects except his physical appearance and some biological requirments. He looks human, he acts human, but in reality even his thought processes are different then us..afterall There's no way a normal human brain would be able to keep up with all of the things he has and can do at the speeds and levels he does. Think of how fast the flash has to process information when he's using his speed, then add all of the other things a being like SUperman also has to keep control of when doing the same thing.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius
I imagine most super strong characters first learn how to regain their fine motor skills. It could also be that they have an instinctive human-level threshold that the know that they exceed when operating at super human levels.
"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."
"Precise muscle control."
- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405
I have the sudden urge to quote Brodie Bruce from Mallrats but it'd probably get moderated for it.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

As for the whole relations with Lois thing: Red Sun Lamp.
In one of the old genre magazines (Fangoria or an SF-based one) there was an excellent article that postulated that Superman's powers were psionic, and that his weakness to Kryptonite was psychosomatic.
Strength/Invulnerability/Flight/Breath = Telekinesis
Senses = Clairvoyance
In any case, it's pretty obvious that it's not muscles made out of cellulose that allow you to punch through a bank vault.
Story Arcs I created:
Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!
Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!
Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!
Actually in one of the origins of Conner Kent. When Cadmus scientists were analyzing Superman's body after his battle with Doomsday. They noticed that it was generating an invisible energy field. Cadmus scientists believed this is what allowed Superman to left a building over his head and not have it fall around him. Superman unknowingly was using this invisible energy. Taking a sample of the energy, they bonded it with Conner, and thus his tactile telekinesis were born.
Many people speculated he decided to do this after giving the same power to Gladiator of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard back during his Fantastic Four run.
Too many alts to list.
Global name: @k26dp
Why do people assume it's hard for Superman to pull his punches or handle people?
Do you do everything at full strength? Well neither does Superman. He just happens to have a higher threshold if he's ACTUALLY trying but his 'normal' range is pretty much the same as ours.
If I was picking something it's natural for me to do it with the minimum amount of force, not the maximum. This is why I don't end up throwing things about with wilful abandon, regardless of weight or size. Every living organism has evolved to do things with the minimum amount of effort because this is the best way to survive.
This is how I do it for Kumi, my super strong hero. Their involuntary reactions are the same strength as a regular humans, but the potential for stronger things is there. She didn't even KNOW she had superstrength until events conspired to give her the chance to actually try that hard.
This is how I do it for Kumi, my super strong hero. Their involuntary reactions are the same strength as a regular humans, but the potential for stronger things is there. She didn't even KNOW she had superstrength until events conspired to give her the chance to actually try that hard.
Never knew he had that kind of strength because he never had to push beyond the "normal limits".
This is also why "willpower" fits his concept so perfectly.
Why do people assume it's hard for Superman to pull his punches or handle people?
Do you do everything at full strength? Well neither does Superman. He just happens to have a higher threshold if he's ACTUALLY trying but his 'normal' range is pretty much the same as ours. If I was picking something it's natural for me to do it with the minimum amount of force, not the maximum. This is why I don't end up throwing things about with wilful abandon, regardless of weight or size. Every living organism has evolved to do things with the minimum amount of effort because this is the best way to survive. This is how I do it for Kumi, my super strong hero. Their involuntary reactions are the same strength as a regular humans, but the potential for stronger things is there. She didn't even KNOW she had superstrength until events conspired to give her the chance to actually try that hard. |
Mains - Freedom: Croatoa - 50 Fire/Psi Dom, Grandville - 50 SS/Elec Brute, Dark-Astoria - 50 Dark/Fire Scrapper, Pearline - 50 Spines/Regen Scrapper, Caffeine Girl - 50 Earth/Kin Troller
Actually, Pre-FP Conner was very susceptible to K-nite.
Robin (Tim) used it against him the first time they met (World Finest III) when Poison Ivy possesed Kon. Made him sick as a dog and had his insides on fire.
Oh and Superman's "bio-kinetic aura," as it was called, was the inspiration for Cadmus to give Superboy his Tactile Telekinesis. they had to simulate kryptonians abilities (flight, superstrength, invulnerability) since it was impossible to clone Superman, at the time.
There's a thread elsewhere about the ragdoll's gone mad on some baddies, where their heads are twisted to impossible (unless their necks were broken) positions.
) And we know that he got the better of Doomsday, and many other uberpowerful beings.
To which I pointed out quite frankly... with all the stuff that the Heroes (and Villains, and Rogues and Vigilantes, but let's stick with Heroes) can do, it's rather impossible to think there WON'T be some broken necks. I say, let the ragdoll grotesqueness continue, but that's just me, and for that other thread.
But it did bring up an interesting set of thoughts, and it culminated in this:
How tired Superman must be of pulling his punches, right?
I mean, here is, in his Lore, the most powerful being on Earth. And almost in the Universe, sans a select few. You can take two giant slabs of depeleted uranium (if you could get enough of it), place him in between them, then violently throw them at him with the force of 10 nuclear bombs behind them (not discussing physics here, btw, just go with it)
He'd get sandwiched in between... and escape, UNSCATHED.
He can have a multi-ton train roll over his back and not get one scratch. He can have a bullet shot into his *EYE, and it bounces off. His HAIR can be cut one at a time with bolt cutters, and even then, it doesn't want to be cut.
And that's just his resistance. His power? Off the chart. He can literally move mountains. He can cut the rock through, pick it up, and plonk it onto a volcano to stop it from erupting (not discussing the pressures that would cause it to blow up again, so what is the point, and besides Superman 4 sucked.
If it weren't for Kryptonite, the Universe should frackin' *tremble* at the mention of Kal-El... well, and the Yellow Sun power charging... which seems to be forgotten when he visits other worlds.
So when it comes to dealing with us punky humans... I mean... literally speaking... he would break any one of us in half without thinking about it. Just holding someones arm might entail that arm being accidentally amputated, if it weren't crushed into becoming a singularity first. And trying to stop one from running? Since Superman could effectively become a brick wall, and the resistance thereto, the dude running would either have arms ripped off, or be so much paste when he ran into Supes.
My point is... the fine motor controls that Superman would need to just *interact* with us pesky humans, and our fragile equipment, by the way...
"Man, you see happened to Clark's typewriter? Crazy... What I don't understand is how it got punched through his desk and 6 floors. Lucky nobody was in the copy room when it happened..."
This was due to Superman sneezing by the way. And think of that! If he sneezed and forgot to cover his mouth... people would DIE. His violent expectoration would impale everyone in the range of the cone, and that range would not be short. I'm surprised that Johnathan and Martha made it to his 5th birthday...
Which brings me to how impossible it would have been for the Kents to keep the kid secret. Every baby does it, that whole "oops, the little tyke peed before I could get that diaper on." would wind up being an investigation into just how Johnathan or Martha wound up dying from what appear to be wounds inflicted with a waterjet... The cops find the kid... "Oh, look, cute kid... zOMG MY FINGER'S CRUSHED!!!"
And off to Area 51 he went.
Come to think of it, he couldn't even have worn diapers, what would have been the point?
Anyway. Those were some of the thoughts I had. Being superpowered must be incredibly tiring in trying to 'blend in', I think. And dang near impossible until you were... oh... 17, maybe, when the adolescent urges to BE SOMEONE quit being the driving force.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012