Most influence at a time?
The only real way to win any epeen contest based on inf is through a inf-to-prestige burning competition!
Ooh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a *real* useful invention.
I assume based on things I have seen that I am no where near the wealthiest person in the game and at the moment I have the following:
125B in liquid inf
200B in IOs stored in bases (which won't be able to be converted quickly as some are illiquid or I will drop the price significantly but this is assuming I sell them at current mkt price -- or off mkt price in many cases).
50B (rough estimate of what I'd bring back if I shut down all marketeering immediately -- outstanding bids, etc).
I assume some are much wealthier because of some of the inf-to-prestige machines I've seen functioning and how quickly they work.
As of earlier today I have 21 billion and change in liquid inf and probably another 50 million or so in stuff for sale, but I'm a bit player on the market scene. I'd have a billion more, but I gave it to a friend. My rather unambitious marketing brings in a little over a billion a week on average, more if I get lucky at the ticket claim guy or really get in the groove and do some extra farming runs. But a usual day is 9000 tickets turned into 200-300 million in sales overnight and I usually skip farming on weekends.
This week my output's in the toilet because of computer issues and Thursday's server outage. I had enough time to go and do what I needed to do to make my usual bank, but that time would have had to come out of my regular playing time and I didn't want to give it up, though I have in the past when I felt more like farming than running trials.
@Exabecquerel | 50s:
1 corr (fire/kin), 1 widow (tuna), 3 MM (bots/ff, demons/dark, demons/traps), 2 brutes (ss/wp, kin/sr)
1 def (kin/dp), 2 trollers (fire/rad, earth/storm), 2 scrappers (spines/dark, kat/sr)
I probably have about 20 billion cash on hand at any given time, and about the same in IOs in my base. I know several people have burned more than that in a single session. >.>

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
Public declarations of wealth are a crass affection of the nouveau riche.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
Public declarations of wealth are a crass affection of the nouveau riche.
Or paying someone to do it.
I consider myself comfortably middle upper class at 2 or 3 billion a week. I burn it off frequently in accordance with modern forestry techniques,though.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Public declarations of wealth are a crass affection of the nouveau riche.
Edit: tbph, I used to *dream* about something like /ah to speed up what I was doing, so I should take advantage now, methinks.
I quit counting once i hit 100 bill. 1 Trill is my goal though. I wont count again till i think im getting close.
Im rich because you trust the previous 5 bids!!
My market signature is the highest bid!!!!
16B socked away in empty bids on one toon another 5B in bids on my MM.
I'd guess about 25B Liquid right now.
*shrugs* More than enough.
I'm fairly low, only 12-25b on hand at a time. I've burned around 140b on guardian and 30b on freedom, which if extrapolated over the last 10 months is about 3-4b a week. I dont operate at that level consistently though, those numbers are just an average.
I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.
8 billion in inf right now on various alts
35 crafted purples stashed in the base (From 'junky' ones to damage set triples) - call it 8 billion here. (so average of 225 sale price, I may well be under estimating, I haven't follwed the purple pricing for a while)
A dozen LotGs + rech, a bin full of various level 50 IOs crafted
Call it another billion.
17 ish estimated.
Not silly rich, more than enough to rebuild anyone I have a mind to.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
Roughly 22B inf in liquid cash spread around 12 characters, 10 of whom are level 50. All 10 of those 50s are richly IO'd - essentially "done" barring major changes that would make me respec them. So that 22B is pure opportunity to outfit someone else.
I know that's a pretty modest hoard, and it was most certainly built quite a lot more slowly than many folks who frequent the this forum would have done. That's because I tend not to use "pure" marketeering to earn cash. I mostly just play a lot and sell loot I don't want.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
11b in inf
10 crafted lotgs
4 crafted numina and 4 crafted miracle procs
5 piece(each) of stun/pbaoe/hold/ranged/immob purple set
2 glad armor procs
I do not play the market at all. I do not AE FARM. I just play my aoe heavy toons and run tips daily at x8 with bosses on. Usually I hoard my purples for upcomming projects and when i reach 2/5 of the set I purchase the rest then just stash it until I have need for it.
The 11b and 10 lotgs I got from just running baf/lambda daily on 2 toons for the past couple of weeks. turned astrals to lotgs or kinetic combats and by the time i had enough empyreans for the glad I was swimming in inf from all the astrals turned into recipes and the super insps sold too.
I know im not "rich" but I consider my "wealth" pretty good for the type of playstyle that I run. no ae ticket farming and no ah flipping.
Can't even really say any more. Probably the highest I've ever had on hand was around 12-15B. Now, I doubt I have more than 5-6. Part of my problem is I started giving away inf and valuable IOs to people. Sent about 400M straight inf gives and another 1.2-1.5B market-value (buy-it-na0!) worth of IOs last month. I have more than I need to buy what I want for my characters. I keep making inf on the market and then sending it to others (often new players, but sometimes not). My inability to keep my inf to myself precludes me from coming anywhere close to winning epeen display competitions.
"if the market were religion Fulmens would be Moses and you'd be L. Ron Hubbard. " --Nethergoat to eryq2
The economy is not broken. The players are
I try to keep liquid around 15-20 bill (atm about 18)
in bins in base about another 20-25 bill depending on market (all purples and pvp ios)
If i start to get over these numbers i burn it or purple out a toon i dont even play. Which at the moment i have 15 purpled out and pvpiod toons of which i play 5.
Thats another thing i have 35 toons all iod. I only play 5 regularly. So if i needed to liquidate I couldnt put a number on it but in the 100s of billions.
I even stopped making new ones. I may make a new one in Freedom. I played them on beta and i liked the new sets i have seen. SO that will put a dent in the inf.
Ooh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a *real* useful invention.
Although you were impressive, that wasn't a contest. No, a contest would be X people start a SG. 48 hours later we judge X players on their prestige.

Over the hills and through the woods.
I'm impressed with all these numbers..
I have maybe 2 billion from purple IOs stashed at Wentworth.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:
No it was a contest. A challenge was made and accepted. The gauntlet was thrown down etc. What you are referring to is an "actual measured test". Now looking back, if you combined all the crazy 88 "official" or main SG's on each of the servers and totaled them all up, what does that come up to ? And how close did I come to that number ? I think I did my part in the inf burning empire. In fact I think i'm first citizen
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I've goaded a lot of people into doing things but if you add up all the inf I've personally burned, it's not much over 100 billion.
That's right,I did this for like two years and someone pulled up next to me in an HOUR.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
I've goaded a lot of people into doing things but if you add up all the inf I've personally burned, it's not much over 100 billion.
That's right,I did this for like two years and someone pulled up next to me in an HOUR. ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR THE NEW GUY! |
No it was a contest. A challenge was made and accepted. The gauntlet was thrown down etc. What you are referring to is an "actual measured test". Now looking back, if you combined all the crazy 88 "official" or main SG's on each of the servers and totaled them all up, what does that come up to ? And how close did I come to that number ? I think I did my part in the inf burning empire. In fact I think i'm first citizen
![]() |
As I said, you were impressive. You apparently burned a lot of inf, which is awesome. Now, if you want to win an inf-burning contest, then we can set one up for you and anyone else who wants to measure themselves by that standard!
Ooh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a *real* useful invention.
Just curious - who's had the most influence at once?
Counting liquid cash, bids, and items for sale at near base value. (ie, if you listed a LotG for 2B, then counting that at lowish market value, not 2B)
Slotted/in use items don't count.
I'm just curious to get some perspective. I had several characters slotted in full purples within an issue of purples coming out, and used to be "extremely rich" back when purples were 100-150m a lot of the time, and I had something like 2-2.5b.
Since returning to the game a bit more, I've been fooling around, especially since /ah became possible, on a couple toons, and have been amazed at how easy it is to rack up 10B+ again.
I saw TopDoc mentioned he had 55B after spending a bunch. What's the most anyone has had (will admit to having had?) on hand?