The ballad of Boxer Burns
I logged in to find I bought all the Ancient Artifacts, both at 1,000 and at a 100 inf
There were only 19 left, and the sell price was between 25k and 55k
I discovered I could sort the salvage by #for sell, thinking I may not hate the new (for me) interface so much. Now I just need to make a cheat sheet with all the badges and all the recipes with all the salvage listed on it. I decided to put 10 of the Ancient Artifacts back up for sell. If I can sell them at 40k each, I would have a nicer nest egg. With the prices on common salvage much higher than I remember them being, I'm going to need more inf for this.
Later, after some playing around with the market, jumping on a high level character, making about 80 tickets in 5 minutes and then turning those into salvage of which I sent a couple of spell scrolls to my new character, I've figured out one thing. Praetoria is not a good place for me to be a comman IO maker. I don't have a base, no AE for tickets / cheap salvage, and everything is nice and spread out.
So I'm going to have to go with flipping for now. I flipped the 26 Ancient Artifacts I had managed to buy and now have 954,238 inf.
This all happened over about 8 hours, about 1/3 of which I was online for. I'll have to start time stamping these. I also picked up the Vendor badge.
Global is @honcho
On Champion
Living Coal LV 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Nature Boy LV 41 Earth/Kin Cont
Great Wacko LV 34 Robot/FF MM
plus many alts
Day 3 went well, continuing to flip salvage, now up to 4,867,489 inf. Will have to look into flipping larger items, or crafting and selling IOs, now that I have some more starter cash. I also need to work on getting to level 10 for more salvage and recipe storage.
I picked up the scrounger, and salesman badges, I decied to use scrounger as my badge title, it just seemed appropriate.
Global is @honcho
On Champion
Living Coal LV 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Nature Boy LV 41 Earth/Kin Cont
Great Wacko LV 34 Robot/FF MM
plus many alts
I'd be surprised if those level 10 enhancements were moneymakers. 15's or 20's or 25's are much more likely [I don't know the current market for any generics]. Flipping salvage for starters is good- or pulling level 50's off and selling them to a store for the VERY early stages.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Also, once you get field crafter (which is what you could put some of that nest egg into) you'll have a lot more recipes/salvage spaces and be able to craft on the go. I was very annoyed that the university and the trading post in Praetoria were about half a mile apart. Even on SS and ninja run character it was almost more time consuming running back and forth, then it was buying up the salvage to craft with.
I made it to level 7, picked up tradesman badge, and got up to 5,265,276 inf.
Now that I have more slots I got greedy and have all my slots tied up in buying partial stacks of AA, so I can't sell the ones I have already bought. I killed the smallest buy slot, so I can have at least one group up for sale. Need to make sure I leave some free slots for selling with from now on to avoid that problem.
To Arbegla, yea, the run in Praetoria is a pain, I plan to get Field Crafter on him, but I think I'll wait till I have moved on to blueside or redside, and gotten into a SG after level 20 to do it.
Global is @honcho
On Champion
Living Coal LV 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Nature Boy LV 41 Earth/Kin Cont
Great Wacko LV 34 Robot/FF MM
plus many alts
Also, once you get field crafter (which is what you could put some of that nest egg into) you'll have a lot more recipes/salvage spaces and be able to craft on the go. I was very annoyed that the university and the trading post in Praetoria were about half a mile apart. Even on SS and ninja run character it was almost more time consuming running back and forth, then it was buying up the salvage to craft with.
I took 10 million influence and turned it into 2 2 billion in 2 weeks. Let's see if you can manage that.
I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.
And to think you coulda started with 1 inf and turned it into 2.2 billion in 15 days. Another opportunity missed...
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
its alright, I dont do that consistently either
I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.
I just want to point out that, if you are a high enough veteran level, you can use the /auctionhouse command from anywhere in the game. It wasn't noted in your OP what vet month you are on, but your forum Join Date is March of 2004 so, if you have paid up all your time from then till now, you should have that vet reward power. I love not having to physically go to the auction house any longer.
If you are not that high of a vet level yet, well, then I apologize for teasing you. :P
Main Character: Ice/Storm/Ice Controller (Justice, 1340 badges)
/auctionhouse is going to be one of the first vet reward i unlock with the new system...
That and the self rez..
/auctionhouse is going to be one of the first vet reward i unlock with the new system...
That and the self rez.. |

Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server) /
StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here
Since I last wrote, I got to level 10 running with my static team, sold all the AAs I had bought, bringing me up to 10,150,179 inf.
My plan for now it too keep 5 stacks of AA running, that should net me about 2 million a day. I also need to look for bigger income opportunities.
Global is @honcho
On Champion
Living Coal LV 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Nature Boy LV 41 Earth/Kin Cont
Great Wacko LV 34 Robot/FF MM
plus many alts
I just want to point out that, if you are a high enough veteran level, you can use the /auctionhouse command from anywhere in the game. It wasn't noted in your OP what vet month you are on, but your forum Join Date is March of 2004 so, if you have paid up all your time from then till now, you should have that vet reward power. I love not having to physically go to the auction house any longer.
If you are not that high of a vet level yet, well, then I apologize for teasing you. :P |
I'm down to 25k, having bought some set recipes. I was only able to craft one of them, hopefully it will sell for around 10 million, which will give me the inf to buy more rare salvage so I can craft the rest of them.
I have a couple of lv 50s floating around on other servers, I think I'm going to take my old fire/fire tanker, and have him make a 1 man SG base, just to fill it with salvage storage bins. He can them make lowish long term bids on rare salvage, and do ticket runs. The idea is that he acts like a lending library for rare (maybe the others also) salvage. Anyone done this? If so, how did it work out for you?
I was looking over all my characters. and all of them have the same problem. The have a bunch of recipies, and a bunch of misc salvage, and I have no idea why. Some of it I bought to flip, some of it I bought to craft with, some of it is just random drops from when I was playing the character. I think the complexity of the game times the number of characters I have has passed what my middle aged brain is capable of keeping up with. I'm going to have to focus, and start keeping notes if I'm going to be able to keep up with it all.
Global is @honcho
On Champion
Living Coal LV 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Nature Boy LV 41 Earth/Kin Cont
Great Wacko LV 34 Robot/FF MM
plus many alts
I'm not sure if you know this already, but you can email yourself money from any toon on any server. Since you already had that 50, you could've emailed your Prae toon some starter cash instead of flipping from scratch.
I have my own base for salvage but the salvage I keep are the ones that tend to fluctuate in price and rare drops. But if you work on a niche, it is much easier to just bid on the salvage for a few recipes on one character and craft when all the bids fill.
"I'm going to have to focus, and start keeping notes if I'm going to be able to keep up with it all. " You can send email to the specific character you're on with notes about what you're doing if it helps you keep track. Or use the proverbial Back Of The Envelope.
(I only have two dedicated marketeers, although other characters start making a little inf for personal use and get carried away from time to time.)
Also: you're down to 25K? if you need small amounts of cash in a hurry (" a couple hundred K so I can craft this recipe" kinda cash) you can buy level 50 set recipes for 100 inf or so and run them to a vendor (5000 inf profit each.) If you're in Paragon City, the Kings Row setup is a pretty short flight. It's boring and annoying to do for more than 50K or so.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
When I got on today my set IO had sold for 10 million, leaving me at 9,275,504 inf. I bought 15 (out of 20)of the set IO recipes I had bids out for. Each of those should sell for around 10 million. I aslo bought 37 more Ancient Artifacts, which should make me a couple of million there.
I'm not sure if you know this already, but you can email yourself money from any toon on any server. Since you already had that 50, you could've emailed your Prae toon some starter cash instead of flipping from scratch.
I have my own base for salvage but the salvage I keep are the ones that tend to fluctuate in price and rare drops. But if you work on a niche, it is much easier to just bid on the salvage for a few recipes on one character and craft when all the bids fill. |
"I'm going to have to focus, and start keeping notes if I'm going to be able to keep up with it all. " You can send email to the specific character you're on with notes about what you're doing if it helps you keep track. Or use the proverbial Back Of The Envelope.
(I only have two dedicated marketeers, although other characters start making a little inf for personal use and get carried away from time to time.) Also: you're down to 25K? if you need small amounts of cash in a hurry (" a couple hundred K so I can craft this recipe" kinda cash) you can buy level 50 set recipes for 100 inf or so and run them to a vendor (5000 inf profit each.) If you're in Paragon City, the Kings Row setup is a pretty short flight. It's boring and annoying to do for more than 50K or so. |
I was just down to 25k because I had all my inf invested in buying stuff. If I had miscalculated and ended up with a crafted IO and short on inf to post it, I would have done something like what you suggested. I however would have started with the lv 50 SOs. I used to be able to buy them cheaply, and they sell for 200k to 400k each.
Any suggestions for quick prestige generation? Since my fire/fire tank is going to be the only one in the SG, I need to make it as fast as I can. I'm thinking that I will rerun lv 50 arcs in Ourborous. That way I get prestige, merits, and a chance at purple drops.
Global is @honcho
On Champion
Living Coal LV 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Nature Boy LV 41 Earth/Kin Cont
Great Wacko LV 34 Robot/FF MM
plus many alts
I have a couple of lv 50s floating around on other servers, I think I'm going to take my old fire/fire tanker, and have him make a 1 man SG base, just to fill it with salvage storage bins. He can them make lowish long term bids on rare salvage, and do ticket runs. The idea is that he acts like a lending library for rare (maybe the others also) salvage. Anyone done this? If so, how did it work out for you?
Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304
once you get your influence rolling in, converting that to prestige will get you a solid base quickly.
I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.
When I logged in this morning I had 3,446,149 inf. My big ticket items have not sold, hopefully they willl sell this weekend.
My overnight salvage bids have come in, so I can make anouther set IO, hopefully this one will sell faster.
Global is @honcho
On Champion
Living Coal LV 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Nature Boy LV 41 Earth/Kin Cont
Great Wacko LV 34 Robot/FF MM
plus many alts
When I logged in, and grabbed my inf I had 10,456,214 inf.
I sold one of my IOs, and got the expected 10 million for it. I still have 2 IOs for sell, that have not sold in 3 or 4 days. There have been a good many sells, but mine are apparently priced too high, going to have to relist and take the loss. On the other hand, all my salvage is here, so I can make all the IOs, and post them.
Ok, I have 7 IOs for sell that should sell for around 10 million each, I also have 3 IOs for sell that should sell for around 25 million each.
Global is @honcho
On Champion
Living Coal LV 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Nature Boy LV 41 Earth/Kin Cont
Great Wacko LV 34 Robot/FF MM
plus many alts
I logged in after work, and 4 IOs had sold, bringing me up to 64,254,574 inf. I bought some more of the better selling recipe, and the salvage it needs. I posted the rest of the IOs I had already made, but had not had the inf to post. This leaves me at 39,487,494. Those posting fees hurt.
Right now I'm running into the limit of salvage I can carry. I need to spend some inf crafting lv 25/30 and lv 45/50 common IOs to get the badges, so I get more room. Being able to have more stuff up for sell should make up for any lost time and inf in the craftings.
Global is @honcho
On Champion
Living Coal LV 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Nature Boy LV 41 Earth/Kin Cont
Great Wacko LV 34 Robot/FF MM
plus many alts
I'm still sitting where I was. 10 IOs for sell, none sold. Things I learned from this,
1 people way overbid. If its is selling at 10 mill, most likely the ones getting the sells are pricing thiers at around 6 million. So pricing yours at around 8 or 9 million will just have them sitting there.
2 Dont get too many of one kind, spread out. I've got 18 IOs, all in the same set, all not selling.
3 I'm not very good at marketing, I keep forgetting that for some reason
The plan is to see if I can sell any of the ones I have by Sunday, if not I'm going to send them to other toons, who I am not actively playing, who can leave them on the market till they sell. Then I'll use my 34 million to see if I can do this a little better.
Global is @honcho
On Champion
Living Coal LV 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Nature Boy LV 41 Earth/Kin Cont
Great Wacko LV 34 Robot/FF MM
plus many alts
For any of those of you who vaguily remember me, for boring personal reasons I was gone from the game for about 7 months. So now I'm back and having to relearn and catch up on all the changes. I made a new character, a SS/fire brute in Praetoria, called The Boxer Burns. I'm making a tracking thread to show how he does, especially his marketing, as I ease back into the game.
Day 1:
Got out of turorial, ran aound looking at the pretty new zone. Ran a few missions, beat up some outdoor mobs, got to lv 4. Sprinted over to the next zone to visit the swap meet. No trouble getting there which is good as mobs were all deep purple to me.
Got to swap meet, brought up the new interface, decied I'm not going to like it. Sold my big green and big red insperations, starting him out with 86k to play with.
I bought 6, lv 10 end red recipes for 10inf each. Put up bids for 9 X 100 inf for ancient artifacts, and spell scrolls. Also put in 10 X 1000 bids on same. Going to start out making money common IO crafting. I have 58,542 inf left at this point.
Lets see what day 2 holds in store.
Global is @honcho
On Champion
Living Coal LV 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Nature Boy LV 41 Earth/Kin Cont
Great Wacko LV 34 Robot/FF MM
plus many alts