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  1. Ugh, well that stinks. Looks like I'll be calling Dell to see what type of motherboard I have and see if a 64 bit CPU upgrade is possible.

    Thanks to you both for the information. Much appreciated.
  2. This should be a simple technical question for most, but I'm being forgetful and thickheaded today so please excuse the simple question(s).

    I'm currently running Windows XP on a 32 bit processor. My understanding is that the max addressable RAM for Windows XP is 4GB. To get anything larger, I need to get to a new version of Windows. I'm considering ponying up the money for Windows 7 Home and believe that should allow me to up the max addressable RAM to 32GB? And that is not affected by the 32 versus 64 bit processor.

    Is all of that correct?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    The part you missed:
    Why yes I did miss that part. Thank you!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    The 50% booster gives you a temporary power that lets you give the same 50% boost to another character.
    But it doesn't give the 50% boost the character you claimed it on?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mazey View Post
    No it isn't. It's the same amount of direct cash, yes, but you yourself just listed a whole load of problems that exist in actually giving the money back, and none of those problems exist in giving the player-base an extra day instead.
    Yeah, it has a few of its own problems, but those are much lesser than the problems involved in actually giving money back.

    You can call it monetary compensation if you want, but the vast majority of people use that phrase to distinguish between when a company gives out part of their product as compensation, and when a company gives out actual cash.
    If I get a free amount of anything, let it be a day of game time, a free month of HBO from my cable provider, a free day of service from my ISP, that is monetary compensation. It's money I'm not spending, and it is money they are spending to provide me that service. It would have been money I would have otherwise spent, so I "got that money back", so to speak. That's how I see it as monetary compensation. I understand what you are trying to say, but I disagree.

    Originally Posted by Mazey View Post
    The only people who've brought up monetary compensation are your crowd.
    The argument is not for NCSoft to do anything that would have transaction costs, the argument is that they do something that they have full control over themselves.
    Not that I don't agree with Hyperstrike's position, but we are all posting our own opinions on our own accord, thank you very much.

    Perhaps we all jumped to that type of conclusion because historically that is the most requested type of compensation that always get's asked for when game outages occur. These people either want their time back (which costs the company money if they hand out free play time to VIP's) or they want money back (which, obviously, costs money). You can't fault anyone on that since that is always what is asked in return. If these people always asked for cakes or pies sent to their home as compensation, then we'd likely be having that conversation instead.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mazey View Post
    Why are you (and others) talking about monetary compensation?
    Yes, that has a whole load of problems, and absolutely wouldn't be worth it.

    Which is why the suggestion was nothing to do with that, and was instead a suggestion that accounts be given a extra day of game time, to inspire loyalty.

    As I've already said, no NCSoft don't owe us anything, that doesn't mean it isn't good business sense to give it anyway.
    What do you call an extra day of game time? Money compensation. If my monthly billing cycle ends on April 18th, but you make it end on April 19th, you've paid for me to have an extra day. Dollars and cents, that is identical to paying back (in my example) $37,500 to all subscribing customers the "day" they lost.

    And again, how do you extend that to free/premium players? You can't, since they don't pay a cent in the first place.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CinnderScot View Post
    Almost every time there is unexpected downtime in CoH an argument quickly ensues on the forums between the folks who think we should get game time back for the time we were unable to play and those who say this is an unrealistic expectation. I have stayed out of the discussion because I think both sides of the argument have merit. But another MMO that is still rather new just gave subscribers a free day to make up for an unexpected downtime following a major release. I wonder if other MMOs may start to follow their lead...

    I don't want to start another flame war, but I'd like to know what people think about this* in a civil, constructive discussion. Have other MMOs done such things before now, or does this set a precedent?
    As Forbin noted up thread, it is not only an unrealistic expectation, it is explicitly noted in the EULA (that thing you sign each and every time you login to the game) that we do not get this kind of compensation. So, right there, this argument is blown out of the water as the company has already acknowledged this fact and summarily said "you will receive and should expect nothing from these downtimes."

    Now, this other MMO is not the first to do such a thing, and I'm sure won't be the last. But, these should be viewed as outliers, exceptions to the rule. These should not be viewed as the norm? Why? The amount we pay as a monthly subscription does not allow for these sorts of measures to happen. You want guaranteed 100% up-time or compensation for it? Ok, you got it... but you're monthly fee will need to go up as well. Why? Well to ensure 100% up-time, those servers we need to play on need to be mirrored, such that if something were to occur, (for example) Freedom can fall back to Freedom-backup seamlessly. Also, all that character data needs to be backed up by the second to these mirror servers. Those new servers need maintenance, parts, etc. That money adds up over time. And who is going to be paying for that server? Yup, you, the subscriber. Be careful what you are asking for.

    I've been here since launch, and I've been impacted once, maybe twice, by "lengthy" unexpected down time. Sure, we have unexpected down times that may only last 20 minutes. I don't count those. In 20 minutes, I've barely shifted in my seat and I'm back in the game. So, I'm willing to say CoH has maintained a 99% uptime over those years. In my life for such a thing, 99% uptime and 100% uptime are indistinguishable.

    I do think this lends a bit of weight to the idea that we are entitled to something back for outage time, since at least one MMO has apparently agreed with that concept, but I don't plan to ragequit if it doesn't happen.
    It lends no weight, as we are not entitled to anything back. The company says so, and we agree to it. You agree to it, each time to log on. But, let's put it in a different perspective...

    I'd willing to guess that the average VIP player is a monthly subscriber, so they're paying $14.99/month. Let's average out a year to 30.417 days per month, getting us down to paying just under 50 cents per day for access to the game. Key words there: access to the game, whatever that entails. Per hour? We're talking 2 cents. 2 ... whole ... cents, per hour. Now, again, I've been playing since launch, and if CoH has gone offline for more than an 8 hour publish stint, I don't recall it. And those were expected downtimes for game upgrades. You're talking about being reimbursed for unexpected downtimes, and we're only paying 16 whole cents for known ones when they do infrequently occur.

    Now, let's say it does happen. CoH decides to reimburse us a whole day for whatever reason. That's 50 cents, which can't even buy you a can of soda these days. I'll take a wild stab that there's 75,000 paying VIP subscriptions out there, so CoH is going to reimburse $37,500 USD. To do that, they'll need to get marketing involved, their accounting people, support to ensure the money goes through, further support if it doesn't get done properly for all 75,000 people, charge backs to credit cards, or vouchers if people paid using time cards... you know what, keep my 50 cents. It would be much easier, and that $37,500 can be used for more hardware to keep from whatever happened to cause the downtime from happening again. I'll sleep pretty good knowing my 50 cents helped to outfit their data center with new tech so that the 8,000 people playing while I'm sleeping had a good experience.

    And we didn't even talk about reimbursing free or premium players. How do you reimburse them? They don't pay a subscription, so there is no paid time lost. Maybe the ones that had invention licenses or something running you could extend out for a day, but that surely won't get everyone. Give them a 50 cent Paragon Market voucher? Er, wait, that would be a 40 Paragon Point voucher. Can you buy even one costume part for 40PP? That's actually a real question, as I haven't really looked for individual pieces in the market and have not much knowledge on their costs.

    Finally, to put it in one last ridiculous vantage point, the next time you are at your local gas station/7-11/etc., and you've paid for your bag of chips and you get your 14 cents in change back... when you look at that donation container for your spare change, remember that CoH was down for 7 hours this month. Sorry "Random Society for Finding a Cure For Something", you got bills to pay.

    A lot of this post seemed to be directed as the person writing the original post. While sarcastic, it was definitely not directed at said person. It was directed at this argument, which comes up more often than it should, and I find it increasingly ridiculous each time it comes up.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
    Casa del Turgenevo (click image for full size)

    That... that is a very pretty office. Not sure if it's the blinds that do the trick or what, but kudos on that space.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Justice29 View Post
    PS...I NEED that desk, ZWill!!
    That's an IKEA desk if I'm not mistaken. I had the same model desk from a few years ago when the legs were bolted on differently. During a recent IKEA trip, I noticed the same model desk but it had a different leg configuration like in Zwil's screenshot.

    If I'm right, I can say with utmost confidence that the desk is without a doubt the heaviest piece of furniture I've ever lifted.
  10. Thank you all for the feedback!

    In regards to Taskmaster Gabriel, I'm not entirely sure I understand how he works. Does he give you a mission that you need to keep in your mission list while you complete all the other arcs? And you have to complete all the DA arcs in a single week? Lastly, what defines "a week"?
  11. Eventually someone had to ask this question, and after floundering around the forums a bit I could not find it asked elsewhere, so figured I'd do it.

    I have a character that I play that does not regularly team, so therefore doesn't do any iTrials. The new DA content has really helped with opening up his Incarnate abilities, but I'm sorely lacking in the iComponent department. I understand that you can run one DA arc every 20 hours for a chance at an iComponent and am looking for the easiest arc available. I've run them all but none really stood out to me as easier than the others, but my attention to detail is sometimes lacking.

    I appreciate any and all feedback. Thanks in advance!
  12. Thanks everyone for the replies. Appreciate the help!
  13. Just checking, as I've never been in this situation before. Can Vigilante's/Rogue's play the SSA's, or do you need to be full Hero/Villain alignment to play through them? Does it matter if the character was previously one side or the other when they played through the previous arcs?

    Thanks in advance!
  14. Before Issue 22, DA was a useful spot for generating tips; lowest level range and most Banished spawns had at least one boss in it. Easy pickings and very quick to generate 3 tips. But, now with Issue 22 live, not so easy any longer.

    So, question to the masses, where do you go now for your tip generating hero side? Crey's seems like an ok place, but it is well off the beaten path. Any other suggestions?

    Thanks in advance!
  15. I ran some of the repeatable Villain DA missions today and they did not pan out as I thought they would. I wanted to get my understanding of them straight before posting here.

    Firstly, I received Incarnate XP when defeating enemies in the missions. However, I don't see any progress in my Incarnate Abilities tab. I'm still at 0% for each after completing two of the missions set at +0/x1. My question here, is the amount of iXP you receive so low that it will take a lot for the progress meter to move? Just for note, I am completely OK with this, I just need to understand what I'm seeing.

    Second, upon completing the first mission I received an award table for Incarnate Threads, Reward Merits, or Super Inspirations. I thought there would be an option for Incarnate Components? Or, is that reward table only part of the story arcs in the new DA content?

    Lastly, I have read the repeatable missions referred to as "dailies", in that you can only run them once per day. I had assumed this meant that each mission handed out by the contact could only be run once per day for the maximum reward. What I see though is that I can only run one mission from the repeatable contact for the maximum reward, and then any subsequent mission only gives me the "1 incarnate thread" reward table. Is that correct, in that it doesn't matter what mission I pick from them, it will only be the first one I pick?

    Thanks in advance!
  16. Thanks everyone! I was able to find the two hostages in the arcs before getting to the Dream Doctor.
  17. Both of these new badges require that you save the named person once in the new DA before meeting them at the end of the Dream Doctor's story arc. My question is, from someone who hasn't run all the new DA content yet, how do you save them in DA before doing the Dream Doctor's mission(s)? Are there other missions to do where you save them? And if you don't save them before doing the Dream Doctor's arc, are you permanently never able to get these badges?

    Thanks in advance!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
    Leave it to us players to find the inevitable loophole in the story.
    Except in the Valentine's mission from Duncan, there isn't a loophole. As Venture noted above, they tied that off with "[...]some souls don't want to return to the living [...]", paraphrased. That comes from the mission interaction text with The Conduit contact hero side, also not sure what the villain side has going for it.

    So, no loophole there. Who's to say Duncan/Liberty didn't try it already and Statesman didn't come back? Maybe he's truly happy in the afterlife and doesn't want to return. Also, we can't assume he'd come back as "Statesman." Wade stole his powers before toasting him, so it's likely coming back to the living would bring him back as good 'ol Marcus Cole.

    While I do agree that the whole "Statesman dying" story is a bunch of rubbish, at least the story here attempts to tie off any loose ends of "well if we can bring back Recluse's main squeeze, why can't we bring back the States?"
  19. If you run the DFB with only 4 people, the Vahz AV is downgraded to an EB. Can you still get this badge if you perform all the requirements but the Vahz is an EB instead of an AV?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AresSupreme View Post
    I see the problem. I should have said "trials" not itrials. I have just grown to call all trials itrials but i'm referring moreso to the trial format.
    Well that is one problem with folks understanding the suggestion, but you've openly been referring to the "trials" as incarnate trials, not iTrials, in most of your posts in this suggestion:
    Originally Posted by AresSupreme View Post
    Without removing the current method it would be nice to have an alternative, which never hurt anyone. I personally don't see why anyone would be opposed to it. The thought came to mind recently when I ran an accolade team and thought "hmm, this system seems very dated" and it is. I mean , the old tfs are tedious. Look at citadel same exact map over and over and over. Id rather have to complete all incarnate trials than those extremely dull tfs. Itrials are fun and forgive me for playing a game for fun, I realize thats just not the case for some people. Also having itrials as an alternative still allows lowbies to obtain the accolades.
    So, is your suggestion now to allow existing non-incarnate trials/task forces to count for doing the accolade requirements? I think you need to restate the purpose of this suggestion as it has been lost in the confusion.

    Originally Posted by AresSupreme View Post
    An appropriate analogy would be to get them in a different method involving PVP and taking a similar amount of time. Is it possible to make a suggestion without 30 people making assumptions founded in nothing as i never said the trials would take less effort or time.
    Two topics to tackle here:
    1) I think the original PvP analogy is correct, assuming he based his thoughts on allowing incarnate trials to count for non-incarnate accolade requirements as was originally posted. Getting PvP badges for doing non-PvP content is a perfect analogy to this; you were suggesting to allow incarnate content count towards completion of non-incarnate accolades. Seems spot on to me.

    2) Our assumptions are based off of your posts and information you are providing us on your suggestion. If we are leaping to conclusions that are incorrect, we are getting that from you. Your suggestion needs to be clear and concise. It doesn't have to be bullet-proof, but it has to put us all on the right track to understanding what your suggestion entails.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    I can't deal with anything more than about 10B or so. It's just so monumentally unwieldy--and when you already own everything you want or could need...what do you do with it?
    Prestige conversion is what I do. Yeah, the conversion rate is terrible, but if the influence is doing nothing anyways, might as well use it for something.
  22. flipside


    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    If you check the Dev Digest, you should be able to find a post or two from Posi a couple weeks ago confirming this.

    Statesman will remain in the game as-is for the time being. Phasing technology will NOT be used on him; he will remain there for everyone, and then will be removed for everyone. He will be removed from all missions, task forces, and the game world, with someone replacing him where needed (most people assume Hero One or Ms. Liberty will be replacing him). All badges related to him (such as for fighting him in Recluse's Victory) will have their requirements updated. The changes will all go live with the release of Issue 23.
    I still believe this was a terrible decision. I understand it's a lot of work to get everything changed over, but do it all at the same time so it at least makes sense in the game world. If that has to wait while you make all those changes, then it has to wait. Quality sometimes is better than quantity.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    Thanks for some good info Zombie...

    I've not heard of those other /commands so to confirm I'm thinking in the right direction - if I get a toon set up with everything the way I want it and then do /wdwsave /chatsave /bindsave and /optionsave then every subsequent toon I make only needs me to repeat with the relevant /xyzload to get them all configured the way I like?
    This is correct. I do this for every new character and never have to change everything once the files are loaded. One thing to always remember is that when you leave a global channel, it doesn't update those saved files. If you then start another character and load your files, you'll join that global channel again.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    The OP is taking way too much heat here, imo. I notice that's a common thing when people make suggestions on this board- It somehow seems to offend people who disagree.
    Just speaking for myself here, but I'm not offended at all, but I do disagree with the suggestion being made. I have responded with what I feel is wrong with the suggestion, and pointed out flaws and inconsistencies in the OP's idea. That is all. If that is being seen as offensive or harsh, I did not mean it as such. Tones never travel well across the internet.
  25. My one and only SoA is a Bane named "Bane Op Not Sure". See the movie Idiocracy for more details.

    For those that know the movie, every time I enter a mission with a group I have a keybind for: "Why me? Every time Lord Recluse says 'Lead, follow, or get out of the way', I get out of the way!"