533 -
Gah, now I have to add Beta to my watch list. My poor PC will be running hot with several CoH instances running...
I'll be on Beta as Villassom, Bio brute. -
I'll be on Voltez Y, brute, but can switch to support:
Whight Daisy, cold corr
Avsolut Zer0, rad corr -
OMW (home). I'll be logging on Kiyoshiii
Elec/Shield/SoulM brute, Voltez Y, 50+3. I have tried SS/Inv, Staff/WP, Dark/Dark, TW/Bio, SS/Stone, Elec/Stone and Elec/Elec. I have an SS/Shield brute, Lady PMS Avenger, but I don't like the rage crash. For me, the shield brutes hold up well to the punishment of DA. Against Talons of Vengeance and the Banished Pantheon, the shield brutes seem to survive better.
A close runner-up is TW/Bio, Villassom. She is a runner-up, because even with Defensive adaptation, the Talons and Pantheon eventually eat thru her defenses before she can kill them all. Despite this, I recommend brute lovers to hop onto Beta and try out Bio armor.
Quote:I like BU+LR+SD too. Many dead things.Grimred, ElM/SD/Mu. Lighting Rod and Shield Charge is still one of my favorite 1-2 attacks in the game.... Thunderstike with a Force Feedback proc works out well to get BU/LR/SD recharged at a faster rate.
I have 2 FF procs slotted: Thunderstrike + Thunderclap. I've seen as high as 200+% rech. -
Pending traffic conditions, (and the absence of an overturned trailer...) I'll be on Kiyoshiii.
Just for fun, I decided to challenge my multitasking skillz. Since Freedom gave access to old trial accounts, I prepped them upand did the lowbie villain SFs.
Team consists of brute, controller and 2 MMs.
Silver Mantis
Since we were near, we stomped on Adamastor.
Ice Mistral
Mort Kal
The toughest parts were the missions that had big maps and narrow corridors. It slowed me down since the MMs kept getting stuck. -
I won't be able to make it tonite.
I won't be able to make it tonite
Whight Daisy sonic/cold corr+3, but due to work schedule, I can only make it home by 6 PM. So I'll join if you have room.
I'll be there on my corr, Avsolut Zer0
For the VIPs playing on Beta that want hybrid on their 50s, I'd like to get a show of hands for a hybrid farm and/or itrials this saturday, 10/20. Please reply with:
Toon name:
Times available: (please include timezone, ie, PT, CT, ET etc)
I'll be on the beta server around 10 am PT - ? -
I have old trial accnts and made toons with them on the beta server. Here's what I did:
Buy for free from Paragon market:
- invention license
- IO sets, costumes etc
- super packs
- For the kiddies, I suggest getting the rocket board and carpet travel powers for them. If playing together, get the team transporter on each account.
- buy recipes not in Paragon market. Only 1 inf
- buy salvage, only 1 inf
- buy ATOs
For trading between prem and vip toons, made supergroup. On main accnt, on a throwaway toon, put 2 bil, copy toon to beta. Convert 2 bil to prestige. In base, buy enhancement table and put IOs from superpacks there. Prems can't trade, but they can put salvage and IOs in base storage.
Prems can't buy enh converters, so vendor/delete unwanted ATOs or place in base. Altho Empy Mike allows prems to buy Emp Merits, they can't use any incarnate power. The power is grayed out. -
I'm reluctant to invest time in any MMO now. CoH fed my cosplay fetish and saved me hours of sewing and making costumes. In 30 mins, I can crank out a cat boy or pirate chef and go to town terrorizing citizens. Even though I can preserve their memory in a screencap, it's not the same when I'm not controlling them.
CO comes close in terms of costumes, but I can't stand their game mechanics. To me, a Champion is much much weaker than a CoH villain. Heck, a lvl 20 Champion can get killed by a lvl 15 mob. And as someone else mentioned before CO can go away whenever business goes bad.
I plan to keep in touch with the community, until I can find something that folks can play together but still retain access to their creations. -
Depending on the time and day the weekend of 9/29-9/30, I can try to be there for the next attempt. I can bring a cold/rad corr +3 or sonic/cold +3. Let me know which is preferrable.
When is the next run? I need to schedule car maintenance during the weekend. If I get there, I'll be on Avsolut0, cold/rad corr +3. I also have a sonic/cold corr +3. I think the rad corr would be better to bring, but if I am mistaken, please let me know.
Thanks to those who joined! I'll be running these for badges and merits. Next set will be:
Mortimer Kal
Ice Mistral
I'm not sure which weekend yet, so I'll have a separate post with the date. -
For any villains out there, I'm running 3 strikeforces this Sunday, 9/9 starting at 10 AM PT.
Approximate start times:
10 AM - Op Renault, Sharkhead, lvl 30+
11 AM - Tarikoss, Cap A, lvl 15+
12 PM - Silver Mantis, Sharkhead, 25+
If there is interest, I will run any respec.
If you would like to reserve a spot, reply with the name of your villain or your global. I will be on Ace Railgun. I'll be recruiting in the LFG chan and global chans also. -
Welcome back Rose!
I usually monitor channels TFsMissionsraids, RF2009. Leaders also broadcast in the Looking for Group channel. What I usually do is make a separate tab and put the TFsMissionsraids, RF2009, Help and Looking for Group there. I remove Looking for Group and Help from the global tab so I don't have to see random chatter when I'm concentrating. -
Mr. Ted won't be able to make it since I'm in Las Vegas at the moment. Have fun!
Mr Ted won't be able to come due to RL workload.
Happy B-day Jiminy! -
Mr Ted won't be able to make it this week.
Mr Ted won't be able to make it today
I'll catch y'all next week.
I've decided to run the marathon on Sunday, 5/20. If the turn out is good, I'll try to schedule it more. I'll recruit for the SFs in the following global channels:
Global VIP Network
Help (hey, it's sorta global too...)
This area is reserved for status of the completed or on-going SFs.
I'll be on Ace Railgun to lead the lowbie SFs.
10:30 AM Renault started
12:00 PM Renault ended. Big delay due to Nemesis spawning in Nerva during the longbow hunt mission. Had to wait for event to finish.
12:30 PM Tarikoss started.
1:20 PM Tarikoss done, lunch break
2:00 PM Forming Silver Mantis
3:30 PM Silver M done. Recruiting for Mort Kal.
3:50 PM Low turnout, so decided to do SSA 1 and 2 instead.
----- -
To give folks an idea of when the SFs will start, here's a tentative schedule.
Times are listed Pacific Time / Eastern Time
10 - 11 AM / 1 PM - 2 PM : Op Renault
11 - 12 PM / 2 PM - 3 PM : Tarikoss
12 - 1 PM / 3 PM - 4 PM : Silver Mantis
1 - 1:30 PM / 4 - 4:30 Mortimer Kal
30 min break
2 - 3 PM / 5 - 6 PM : Ice Mistral
3 - 4 PM / 6 - 7 PM : LRSF
4 - 5 PM / 7 - 8 PM : Barracuda (also this week's WST)
Folks are free to join all, or 1 SF or select SFs. If you would like to join, just let me know which ones so I can send reminders before the start time.
Toon name / global:
If joining LRSF or Barracuda:
AT: (needed for team balancing)
SF list:
@Hex, based on the schedule, I will probably running Silver Mantis or Mortimer K around 3 PM ET, so if you come home by then, you are welcome to join. -
Wow! Pretty cool! Just curious, what program do you use for video capture?