Villain SF Marathon
I would certainly join any/all of these I could. Unfortunately, I can't make the times you posted since I have to work until 3 EST each of those days, but I would be happy to be a late addition if you have the space. I'd prefer 5/19 over 5/20, but truthfully I can swing either, just late.
@Sir Hextor
To give folks an idea of when the SFs will start, here's a tentative schedule.
Times are listed Pacific Time / Eastern Time
10 - 11 AM / 1 PM - 2 PM : Op Renault
11 - 12 PM / 2 PM - 3 PM : Tarikoss
12 - 1 PM / 3 PM - 4 PM : Silver Mantis
1 - 1:30 PM / 4 - 4:30 Mortimer Kal
30 min break
2 - 3 PM / 5 - 6 PM : Ice Mistral
3 - 4 PM / 6 - 7 PM : LRSF
4 - 5 PM / 7 - 8 PM : Barracuda (also this week's WST)
Folks are free to join all, or 1 SF or select SFs. If you would like to join, just let me know which ones so I can send reminders before the start time.
Toon name / global:
If joining LRSF or Barracuda:
AT: (needed for team balancing)
SF list:
@Hex, based on the schedule, I will probably running Silver Mantis or Mortimer K around 3 PM ET, so if you come home by then, you are welcome to join.
I've decided to run the marathon on Sunday, 5/20. If the turn out is good, I'll try to schedule it more. I'll recruit for the SFs in the following global channels:
Global VIP Network
Help (hey, it's sorta global too...)
This area is reserved for status of the completed or on-going SFs.
I'll be on Ace Railgun to lead the lowbie SFs.
10:30 AM Renault started
12:00 PM Renault ended. Big delay due to Nemesis spawning in Nerva during the longbow hunt mission. Had to wait for event to finish.
12:30 PM Tarikoss started.
1:20 PM Tarikoss done, lunch break
2:00 PM Forming Silver Mantis
3:30 PM Silver M done. Recruiting for Mort Kal.
3:50 PM Low turnout, so decided to do SSA 1 and 2 instead.
Hi All,
I'd like to gauge interest in a SF Marathon on either Sat (5/19) or Sun (5/20), starting around 10 AM Pacific time. I will run the SFs for merits / badges, so no kill alls unless required. The SF list is:
Op Renault
Silver Mantis
Mortimer Kal
Ice Mistral
On request:
If you are interested, please reply and indicate which day is more suitable for you.