Storage for Sale - Who's going to buy?
Doubt I will buy any. I only fill up on salvage, which is because its a chore to clear up.
On the other hand, if the sold recipe storage for super groups I would be slapping down the readies!
This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04
Account wide, and permanent... ok, 20 extra enhancement slots would come in VERY handy!
About 40 for 20 extra enhancement storage. (30 total)
Realistically, it's MUCH cheaper than buying a bunch of respecs.
Thinking about it more, this is a LOT of value. FINALLY some bit of relief on respec!
It's all overpriced IMO. The enhancement trays might just end up being the lesser of evils at some point if I need to pull out a lot of enhancements from a build, so I might be forced to spring for that eventually. The rest seem to be greatly overvalued.
Enhancemnet trays: never purchased a respec in game or via store, 0 interest.
Salvage: some use, on the characters that need it I already have 80 slots so maybe 1 additional purchase, but at 10 bucks checking my self respect at the door would be a problem
Vault space: Worthless
Auction house: Very nice, allows me to use fewer characters to do the same amount of marketing. That said I already have a horde of dedicated marketeers and can't spend the inf I have fast enough
Edit: Now extra inf storage, that would be something
The extra enhancement trays would be wonderful for respecs, if you are switching out one set of enhancements for another.
But even that, as a valuable QoL, is not worth 4 months of points.
Market space: pretty good, as you can stack many items in these. That said, the other means of earning extra space is far more preferable than 2 months' worth of points.
Recipes/Salvage: Less useful, but still handy. Fewer times you need to empty your pockets, meaning less market/vendor dump breaks. Again, though, the other means of earning extra space is far more preferable than 2 months' worth of points.
Vault space: Inopportune to access, with a set limit. Yay. Least valuable offering, and for a price that is equal to the others.
The only pricepoints I would start to consider spending at:
Enhancement Trays (10 extra) - 400 points/$5, Max 2
Salvage (10 extra) - 200 points/$2.50, Max 10
Recipes (5 extra) - 200 points/$2.50, Max 6
Vault (10 extra) - 200 points/$2.50, Max 6
Auction House (5 extra) - 200 points/$2.50, Max 6
I wish they could make a Vault that could store anything, then I would pay for it. Extra enhancement slot has its worth. I usually delete cheaper salvage and recipes.
I will probably purchase some extra Enhancement storage and Market slots. I tend to do a lot of high-volume marketeering so both of those are valuable to me. Enhancement storage simply means I can do larger crafting runs at once (which is especially useful while working on Field Crafter) and more market slots means I can either do the same amount on fewer characters or I don't need to check my marketeers as often. I might also purchase some recipe space since that does tend to fill up during play.
I really like the idea of building up all of my inventory slots. I will probably buy the enhancements, recipes, and salvage at some point. I do think the prices are a bit high. But since I plan to stay VIP and I get the free points monthly, it's just something to work towards. I like the idea of holding like 50 recipes and being able to hold enough salvage to craft them all. I can use my (will be newly acquired) /auctionhouse for 20 and then have room for the other 30 in my trays. Will be so useful for respecs, new builds, and going for field crafter.
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
In order of shininess, for me, it's "market slots, recipe slots, enhancement slots."
I'm unlikely to pay for the extra enhancement tray ($20 is a bit steep), but maybe 5 market slots and 5 recipe slots.
Edit: $20 is a bit steep FOR MY PLAYSTYLE. I'm not saying it is or isn't overpriced, just I don't need it that much.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
I gotta admit, the extra enhancement trays are looking mighty tempting. The price may be slightly high, but considering that there is no other way to increase enhancement storage, and it is a universal, one-time, purchase.... maybe.
- Garielle
I bet I wind up buying all of it. Maybe not the vault, never actually opened a vault ever.
All of it. Every damn thing. I plan on buying a metric ton of PPs right off the bat so as to earn bonus Reward Tokens, and this is how I'll likely use a lot of them. I love the idea of increased storage on my toons.
Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server) /
StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here
The various items are of varying cost, capacity, and maximum number purchasable. I can't log in from work, so this is from memory:
Enhancement Trays (10 extra) - 1600 points/$20, Max 2 Salvage (10 extra) - 800 points/$10, Max 10 Recipes (5 extra) - 800 points/$10, Max 6 Vault (5 extra) - 800 points/$10, Max 6 Auction House (5 extra) - 800 points/$10, Max 6 All purchases are account-wide. |
Recipes for example. Do you mean that for 800 points (or by spending $10 to purchase 800 points) I can get five additional recipe slots? The "Max 6" is what confuses me. I can't imagine they would allow us to buy this six time for the ability to carry an extra 30 recipes per character, account-wide.
Does Max 6 mean that each additional recipe slot is 160 points and you can spend 960 points to get a maximum of 6 extra slots?
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
I haven't gone into the VIP Beta yet, but your list above confuses me.
Recipes for example. Do you mean that for 800 points (or by spending $10 to purchase 800 points) I can get five additional recipe slots? The "Max 6" is what confuses me. I can't imagine they would allow us to buy this six time for the ability to carry an extra 30 recipes per character, account-wide. Does Max 6 mean that each additional recipe slot is 160 points and you can spend 960 points to get a maximum of 6 extra slots? |
Thank goodness my credit cards are paid off. I see a large outflow of money in my future.
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
While I agree that all the prices are a bit hight, Enhancement Trays and Auction Slots are practically an auto-buy for me. Recipe and Salvage storage would be nice, depending on final prices. I have to agree that for most people the Vault slots are truly the least valuable, but I'm getting /Vault in about 10 days now, so for me its just more Salvage storage- still, I have to question why it costs twice as much and is limited to a total of +30 slots, as opposed to +100 on-person salvage (if I'm reading you correctly).
I'm not likely to blow a bunch of cash on anything immediately, but all of thse would me invaluable when going for Field Crafter, as I tend to do. Not to mention how useful theyd be to a character in Praetoria who lacks access to a SG Base for storage purposes (thankfully, I'll never have to start in Praetoria again once Freedom launches)
If I'm reading you correctly, this is whats availible?
Enhancement Trays: Max +20
Salvage: Max +100
Recipes: Max +30
Vault: Max +30
Auction House (5 extra) - 800 points/$10, Max +30

In order of shininess, for me, it's "market slots, recipe slots, enhancement slots."
Like Roderick, I stop whatever I am doing when my recipes fill up. Unlike Roderick, I do store stuff on the market, particularly salvage pre-crafting binges, and I'm a moderate volume seller. 5 slots is 50 items if you can 10-stack them, meaning one market slot has more value to me than 10 salvage, just because it's either potentially 10 items or an extra listing/bid. Enhancement trays I don't care about in normal play, but they could "pay for themselves" in a virtual sense the next time I need to rip a bunch of stuff off of a character. (In fact, I have a huge store of valuable Hami-Os locked in alternate builds on at least two characters, and the enhancer slots would make tearing those off much easier.)
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
Ignoring the desire for more storage at the moment, if your only reason for buying the points right away is reward tokens, have you considered a multi-month subscription? You get all your Rewards up front (though Points are still monthly), and even if you're already on a multi-month, you can pay early through PayPal. That's what I'll be doing to get myself to T9 as soon after release as possible.

And the only reason for buying that many isn't the Reward Tokens -- it's also all the cool shiny new stuff those PPs will buy me.
Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server) /
StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here
With the "VIP Beta", everyone with an active subscription has access to the Beta Server, but non-subscribers don't. So I'm not really sure if the NDA applies here. If it does, please move this thread to the Beta Forums rather than deleting it, mods. Thanks!
With that out of the way: I was among the many that crashed the gates of VIP/Open Beta today. Unlike many others who headed straight for the new shinies like powersets, I headed for the not-so-shiny, but very desireable leak from Comic-Con: The purchasable Enhancement Trays. I wasn't very surprised, but was pleased to find out that there's other storage available too. Aside: I was concerned, based on the Devs' previous stance concerning unslotting Enhancements via respec, that we'd only have access to one tray during a respec. This is not the case; we can use all the trays we have unlocked, and potentially pull up to 30 enhancements off a character per respec. The various items are of varying cost, capacity, and maximum number purchasable. I can't log in from work, so this is from memory: Enhancement Trays (10 extra) - 1600 points/$20, Max 2 Salvage (10 extra) - 800 points/$10, Max 10 Recipes (5 extra) - 800 points/$10, Max 6 Vault (5 extra) - 800 points/$10, Max 6 Auction House (5 extra) - 800 points/$10, Max 6 All purchases are account-wide. So, I was looking it over, and trying to determine the value of each to me. Enhancements: I always slot IOs, even before I use sets. Enhancement drops are essentially vendor bait, and I really don't notice or care if my enhancement tray fills while playing. It will be nice to be able to craft multiple full sets without stopping to slot them in between, but the real value will be in respecs. As stated above, these will allow me to pull three respecs of IOs off a character for each respec used. Value: I feel that this one is close to the right mark. After all, there may be less respecs purchased as a result of this. I will eventually pick up both of these, though I might save up points rather than paying cash. Recipes: Recipes are the opposite of enhancenments when it comes to drops. When I get the "Recipes Full!" pop up, I stop what I'm doing and delete crap, mail stuff to myself, or whatever else I need to do to free space. I've even stopped mid-fight ("Hey guys? I'm gonna stop killing you for a minute. No, go ahead, keep doing your thing, I'm not going anywhere" *starts rummaging through backpack*) to make sure that I don't miss out on any potential purples. Value: I'm uncertain about this one. I want all the slots, but at $2/recipe, it seems a bit steep. Drop it to 400 points, and I'll be all over this. At the current price, I'll get them eventually - possibly via free points. Salvage: Salvage, I treat much like SOs - when I fill up, I eventually get to the market and dump it. If I look in my salvage window and see that I have 21 Kinetic Weapons, I'll probably delete the stack, but I won't put more effort into saving room for "the good stuff" than that - the best salvage drops are easily obtained cheaply through the market and AE vendor. Value: Low, to me. I do go out of my way to unlock all the Salvage space I can in-game, even spending Vanguard Merits on the Salvage Sack. But that gets me to 80 slots. I'd likely only buy them at 200 points/10 slots, and then, only if I had nothing else I wanted. Vault space: Salvage space that can only be accessed when at a special building or in your base. Essentially becomes additional bag space if you have /vault, but that's a T8 reward. It also costs the same amount, for half the slots. Value: None whatsoever. No matter what the price, I would not purchase these slots. However, if the Vault were changed so that it could hold anything - Enhancements, Recipes, Salvage, Inspirations, whatever! - I'd suddenly place a lot more value on these slots and the /vault command. Still, I'd be unlikely to pay more than 400 points/5 slots if I were even willing to pay that. Market Slots: I don't store things on the market. I have personal SGs with plenty of bins; I don't need the market for storage. I'm not particularly patient either. I pay buy it now prices, and list most things for 1. So my market slots empty as fast as they fill. I don't tend to marketeer either - I make a lot just playing the game, so when I decide to slot out a character, I usually can without having to find the money. However, it annoys the crap out of me when my salvage window isn't empty yet, but my market slots are full. Value: I'm OK with $10/5 slots for these, but I'd buy the Enhancement trays long before these, and probably the recipe slots too. And there's no way I'd buy all the slots. I'll never need 30+ market slots on a level 1 character. Right now, if Freedom went live with these prices and you bought all the inventory increases, you'd be looking at $300 or all your free points for 5 years. I can't say for sure if I think these prices will drop. If they were all halved, it would still be $150 (or more than a 1 year subscription, or 10 months paid a month at a time), or all the points included with your subscription for 2.5 years (2 years, 2 months for a T9 VIP). Some of you are probably looking at these numbers screaming "TAKE MY MONEY!" while trying to cram your credit card into the CD tray. Others are shaking their head thinking "No pancaking way", even to the halved prices. What about you? What would you buy? What would you buy, if the price drops. What would you never think of buying? And why? *If I've remembered any of the above prices or limits wrong, or erred in any of the math I did in my head, let me know, and I'll correct it ASAP. Thanks! |
I'll be spending my VIP points on upping my storage
All except the vault, which I never use.
Enhancements first, then recipes and salvage and finally AH.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
Sounds good... and I'm loving the account wide part.. what it comes down to is this...
these are not mandatory... so buy them if you need or want them. it's like the Name change token for $10 bucks... I'm sure more than few people saw that and said NFW i'm buying those... once again buy them if you need or want them all in all I think it's a cool idea
and I'm pretty sure farmers will love this... I know I do
It's better to save the Mystery, than surrender to the secret...
In the general scheme of things, storage space ranks pretty low in "things I want to spend my VIP points on", but if I ever find there are no new powersets or costume pieces that interest me, I might be interested.
Oddly enough, I'd probably go for the Vault first, because all of my alts everywhere tend to squirrel away midlevel Uncommons and Rares in their Vaults "just in case I need them". A second Enhancement tray would be next, and after that, I dunno.

Character index
With the "VIP Beta", everyone with an active subscription has access to the Beta Server, but non-subscribers don't. So I'm not really sure if the NDA applies here. If it does, please move this thread to the Beta Forums rather than deleting it, mods. Thanks!
With that out of the way: I was among the many that crashed the gates of VIP/Open Beta today. Unlike many others who headed straight for the new shinies like powersets, I headed for the not-so-shiny, but very desireable leak from Comic-Con: The purchasable Enhancement Trays. I wasn't very surprised, but was pleased to find out that there's other storage available too.
Aside: I was concerned, based on the Devs' previous stance concerning unslotting Enhancements via respec, that we'd only have access to one tray during a respec. This is not the case; we can use all the trays we have unlocked, and potentially pull up to 30 enhancements off a character per respec.
The various items are of varying cost, capacity, and maximum number purchasable. I can't log in from work, so this is from memory:
Enhancement Trays (10 extra) - 1600 points/$20, Max 2
Salvage (10 extra) - 800 points/$10, Max 10
Recipes (5 extra) - 800 points/$10, Max 10
Vault (5 extra) - 400 points/$5, Max 6
Auction House (5 extra) - 800 points/$10, Max 6
All purchases are account-wide.
So, I was looking it over, and trying to determine the value of each to me.
Enhancements: I always slot IOs, even before I use sets. Enhancement drops are essentially vendor bait, and I really don't notice or care if my enhancement tray fills while playing. It will be nice to be able to craft multiple full sets without stopping to slot them in between, but the real value will be in respecs. As stated above, these will allow me to pull three respecs of IOs off a character for each respec used.
Value: I feel that this one is close to the right mark. After all, there may be less respecs purchased as a result of this. I will eventually pick up both of these, though I might save up points rather than paying cash.
Recipes: Recipes are the opposite of enhancenments when it comes to drops. When I get the "Recipes Full!" pop up, I stop what I'm doing and delete crap, mail stuff to myself, or whatever else I need to do to free space. I've even stopped mid-fight ("Hey guys? I'm gonna stop killing you for a minute. No, go ahead, keep doing your thing, I'm not going anywhere" *starts rummaging through backpack*) to make sure that I don't miss out on any potential purples.
Value: I'm uncertain about this one. I want all the slots, but at $2/recipe, it seems a bit steep. Drop it to 400 points, and I'll be all over this. At the current price, I'll get them eventually - possibly via free points.
Salvage: Salvage, I treat much like SOs - when I fill up, I eventually get to the market and dump it. If I look in my salvage window and see that I have 21 Kinetic Weapons, I'll probably delete the stack, but I won't put more effort into saving room for "the good stuff" than that - the best salvage drops are easily obtained cheaply through the market and AE vendor.
Value: Low, to me. I do go out of my way to unlock all the Salvage space I can in-game, even spending Vanguard Merits on the Salvage Sack. But that gets me to 80 slots. I'd likely only buy them at 200 points/10 slots, and then, only if I had nothing else I wanted.
Vault space: Salvage space that can only be accessed when at a special building or in your base. Essentially becomes additional bag space if you have /vault, but that's a T8 reward. It also costs the same amount, for half the slots.
Value: None whatsoever. No matter what the price, I would not purchase these slots. However, if the Vault were changed so that it could hold anything - Enhancements, Recipes, Salvage, Inspirations, whatever! - I'd suddenly place a lot more value on these slots and the /vault command. Still, I'd be unlikely to pay more than 400 points/5 slots if I were even willing to pay that.
Market Slots: I don't store things on the market. I have personal SGs with plenty of bins; I don't need the market for storage. I'm not particularly patient either. I pay buy it now prices, and list most things for 1. So my market slots empty as fast as they fill. I don't tend to marketeer either - I make a lot just playing the game, so when I decide to slot out a character, I usually can without having to find the money. However, it annoys the crap out of me when my salvage window isn't empty yet, but my market slots are full.
Value: I'm OK with $10/5 slots for these, but I'd buy the Enhancement trays long before these, and probably the recipe slots too. And there's no way I'd buy all the slots. I'll never need 30+ market slots on a level 1 character.
Right now, if Freedom went live with these prices and you bought all the inventory increases, you'd be looking at $300 or all your free points for 5 years. I can't say for sure if I think these prices will drop. If they were all halved, it would still be $150 (or more than a 1 year subscription, or 10 months paid a month at a time), or all the points included with your subscription for 2.5 years (2 years, 2 months for a T9 VIP). Some of you are probably looking at these numbers screaming "TAKE MY MONEY!" while trying to cram your credit card into the CD tray. Others are shaking their head thinking "No pancaking way", even to the halved prices.
What about you? What would you buy? What would you buy, if the price drops. What would you never think of buying? And why?
*If I've remembered any of the above prices or limits wrong, or erred in any of the math I did in my head, let me know, and I'll correct it ASAP. Thanks!