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  1. Ok, ok! I lied, I died. ;P

    Still, it's nice to have such sturdiness at such low level.

    Was thinking about SoulDrain and OpressiveGloom.
    Tough and Weave too. Gonna have to slot for +recov!

    Traps/Dark = Yummy
  2. Defender Traps/DarkBlast
    A powerset combo that tickles me dark purple.

    Soloing, lvl 25, and I cannot die! 30% Def to all is just sooo yummy.

    Add to that the -tohit of dark, yowza!

    Not the fastest kill, but the tentacles with procs are yummy
    Did I mention yummy?

    So much fun just had to be shared.
  3. Account wide, and permanent... ok, 20 extra enhancement slots would come in VERY handy!

    About 40€ for 20 extra enhancement storage. (30 total)
    Realistically, it's MUCH cheaper than buying a bunch of respecs.

    Thinking about it more, this is a LOT of value. FINALLY some bit of relief on respec!
  4. Soulbound BU is WAY better than the Gaussians.
    Gausians is basically a waste. 5% chance? naw.

    Even Achilles is better. -res for more damage for ALL your pets.

    This isn't on the boards anywhere, just from personal conversations with a friend that does a LOT of Masterminding.

  5. Hey guys, you won't see it in your normal combat attributes window.

    To see procs in pets at work, monitor:

    "pet healing delivered"

    Achilles, Lady Grey and Soulbound BU are confirmed.
    (credit goes to Dante for this invaluable testing method)

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nemu_ View Post
    Just to add on to the pile of builds. Here's one with aid self:


    The lack of hasten does make it lose a bit of the "super expensive" luster, and yeah, I took a crazy pill and used stealth.
    It's mid level exemp friendly, you have all your bonuses by level 30, and you also have access to aid self.
    This thread: condensed info and helpful attitudinal.
    Scrappers helping Scrappers across the longitudinal.

    I really like the very different ideas floating around here.
    Nemu provides a perfect example; Same powersets, same basic goals,
    but a very different variant. (lovin' the mid-level performance!)

    I've saved all these builds for future reference,
    and Nemu, yours I have dubbed: Fire-Shield-Unlimited-AidS

    Looking forward to more intelligent discussion.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SkeetSkeet View Post
    Check out the test server. The current update there has the game running at a lower (Normal, lowered from Above Normal) priority that may fix your issues.
    Actually, I just checked, and my LIVE game is running at BelowNormal priority!
    If the game was running at AboveNormal, that would answer a LOT of qestions, but mine (live) is running at a LOWERED priority.

    You said it was lowered on Test to 'normal'. Is your live game really running at AboveNormal priority?

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Flea_Mark_Evil View Post
    Ah, I was beginning to suspect it's me but it isn't. I too have been having insane delay's when alting to other windows or menus, so I suspect this may be a linked issue.

    Summary Time

    Input Delay/Lag

    For ATI cards: Run services.msc, disable the ATI Hotkey Poller.
    For others: Get as much data as you can, logs, scans, the works and send them in to support - sorry guys.

    Ventrilo/Teamspeak/Skype issues

    Change the priority of the program to AboveAverage or High. Note that with this you will have to do it each and EVERY time you load the program up for it work. Particularly annoying with Ventrilo.
    Small Update:
    for me, hitting CTRL+ESC pulls up the windows menu / taskbar much faster now.
    Also less trouble alt-tabbing.
    I'm not sure what patch did it, or if it was something I changed on my system.
    Anyone else see this clear up at all?

    TeamSpeak is still funky.
    I have to run the TS Server at AboveAverage Priority.
    One of my friends needed to run the CLIENT at high priority
    (TS2 client has an option for this in-program)

    Note: I am not running any hotkey pollers of any type.

    SIGH... Has anyone sent in a support request?
    If I get an answer for my problem I'll be sure to post it here.

  9. I've had similar issues with TeamSpeak. Very frustrating!

    Running WinXP Pro, on a somewhat older machine. I have a TeamSpeak server and client running on this same machine that I game with.

    On first running I17 (with TS client running) all game sounds were very erratic. Looping, skipping etc. Very strange. I changed the TeamSpeak client to use DirectSound instead of Wave and that cleared up my game sounds, BUT... TeamSpeak STILL did not work right!
    Only when the TS client window was up and had focus did it work correctly. As soon as CoH had focus (doing anything in-game), the voice chat was intermittent, random and very glitchy. Our VITAL (to us anyway) voice chat was completely USELESS!

    Workaround: I did something very similar to Athalusis.
    In the windows Task Manager I changed the TeamSpeak SERVER priority to AboveAverage (not High). This allowed us to use TS voice chat again.
    (Be aware! Higher priority is not always better. You can set a service / program's priority so high that nothing else has a chance to run correctly.)

    Also, since I17, IN-GAME, when I press CTRL+ESC to pull up the windows Start Menu (to access the task tray, or start other programs) it takes FOREVER... from 30 seconds up to 2 minutes!! Normally it comes up instantly. I have a feeling this has some relevance.

    Objective Opinion time:
    This is a HUGE issue. What other game interferes with audio and / or keyboard input in such a way? None that I know of! This will cause all sorts of problems if it isn't fixed. No game has any business demanding FULL CONTROL of all input / output like this.

    Hope this helps in some way.
  10. How about charging at least the vendor buyback price for emailing goodies across an account? That would eat up a little bit of inf.

    Many good ideas here. I wonder if the Devs really see this as a problem? Hopefully they'll look into it eventually.

  11. This game needs useful ways to destroy inf. It has been written many times. Anyone that thinks about it seriously for 2 seconds will agree.

    Maybe this is an old idea, it's such a good one that it most likely has been posted before:
    Transferring inf between toons on the same account.
    I have a scrapper on (server1) with a bazillion inf, I want to transfer some to a blaster on same (server1).
    Same server, same faction, what would be a fair 'cut' for the transfer? 10% I'd say, same as our market fees.
    for a different server, say another 5%?
    different FACTION. (hero -- villain) add another whopping 10%?

    People would do this, wouldn't they? I know I would.
    Say I want to transfer 2billion from a hero to a villain on a different server.
    base transfer rate 10%
    + different server 5%
    + different faction 10%
    That's 25% of 2 billion sunk into the Great Null.

    Maybe the cross faction transfer % wold have to be more, but the option would be a good thing at alomst any rate. I have a feeling it WOULD be used.

    Oh great Dev/Null, take my inf
    In the name of Eeeebil; I do implore.
    20 percent or 50 percent,
    metaphysical toilet, the flush we adore!

  12. Right on. Many thanks for the confirmation.
    I use to love math. Came very easy. Don't ask me to spell anything without a dictionary though

    But wow, it's been a while. I guess a couple brain cells lived through them old college days. ha ha.

    If she starts asking about Isosceles Rhombuses I'll give up and just take her for ice cream. Yipes.

    Anyway, thanks again. Saved my reputation. Here's some for you.

  13. This is not quite on topic here, but I know a lot of you are VERY good at math, and quite a few at figuring out probabilities.

    If someone could check my logic here, or even point me to where I can find out, I (and my pesky niece!) would be most grateful.

    Probability problem

    ½ probability of A, = 0.5
    1/3 probability of B = 0.3333 (Repeating)
    ¼ probability of C. = 0.25

    (1) A and B will both be successful? =
    0.5 x 0.3333 = 0.167 16.7%
    (2) A, B and C will all be successful? =
    0.5 x 0.3333 x 0.25 = 0.042 4.2%
    (3) None will be successful? =
    (how I did this is reverse the probability for each set, then multiply. Not sure this is right)
    0.5 x 0.6666 x 0.75 = 0.25 25%

    It's been a long time since school, now my niece is asking me about this stuff... Please you math gurus, help me save the day!

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ra_Ra View Post
    Power sink is up whenever I need it. Isn't that one of the beauties behind an /electric brute? Just about SS/ anything is going to be end heavy.

    The OP did ask for a Defense/Recharge/To hit build.
    I do believe it. Donno if I'm good enough a player to handle all that recharge.
    That does look like a real monster, can imagine the sheer carnage, just can't imagine me trying to steer it.

    Def/rech/tohit in spades, for sure.

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ardrea View Post
    I still think the market could be set up to better sink out some of the inf supply.

    For instance, I post a Uselessonium salvage for sale at 1inf. Someone buys it for 50000. Why do I get the difference? Sure, it's nice, but the market could keep the difference too; or if that frightens folks, we split it, 50/50.

    This is a joke, right?
  16. How's the endurance on that monster there RaRa?
    Looks like might have some issues? Maybe you rely on PowerSink more than me.

    If you want a defense brute, roll a */SReflex (just joking!)

    Seriously though, ExMachina, both those builds are going to be very expensive,
    donno if it's worth it unless you got billions sitting around.
    But hey, whatever floats yer boat!

    For what it's worth...
    I made a very cheap (500M on the outside) SS/Ela brute that's good enough for me.
    Sapper style; rely on end drain for long fights.
    Run +1/8 solo and he keeps on chuggin' with most foe types.

    Click this DataLink to open the build!

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MythsnWraiths View Post
    This is actualy going to be a Dark/Rad Corruptor...
    Villain!! Arrest him!!

    With Dark blast you get lots of -tohit debuff, not much -def debuff, so some Acc in CCloud would work to your favor.

    Also, the 2 mad cones in Dark blast... they are... cones.
    Not so great for standing in the middle of a mob where teh Cloud can do it's dirtywork. But hey, to each their own!

    On that note... 3 damage procs in TTentacles = FUN.

  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
    The flip side of that is that using Rad Infection, means that for most mobs CC is going to be at the to-hit cap even without any +acc.
    Mine is slotted 3 end re 3 hold right now. I'll be spending some time on getting this character IO-ed out soon.
    I'll be looking to franken slot for end/hold mainly, then add the damage procs.
    Good point there oh mighty Whoorgy one.
    Any -def debuffs / + to-hit buffs going on add very noticeably to the CCloud to-hit rate.
    I wouldn't go that far though; Infection alone won't cap the to-hit.
    Now, CC + Infection + Aim + Irradiate = massively choking mob!
    Not sure what secondary you or the OP is using. YMMV.

    CCloud is for the Defender that likes to play in-close and personal. If not, then CCloud isn't doing much for you.
    That being said, I fully agree with Psylenz, and further... IF you take CCLoud, it's a 6-slotter or nothing.

    The combo of ENDREDUX, Hold and (some) acc is still nice. (IMHO)
    If you can fit a proc or 2 after that, yoowza!

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
    ... I'm not sure how 'domination' idea would work considering defender primaries are already borderline overpowered ...
    I'm not real sure Defender primary values can be moved up any.
    They would never dare buff the best buff/debuff powers in the game.
    A team of 6, or even 4, defenders has almost ridiculous amounts of "steamroll" ability.

    Any change to the current (pathetic) inherent would have to be either equally pathetic, or have a serious downside.

    Defenders have enough buff/debuff, enough damage, enough recharge... Any more of those would make all-defender teams even MORE powerful. Ain't gonna happen.
    They (can) have enough endurance too, but more of it isn't all that significant.

    I like the idea of encouraging the use of blast sets, and also being useful for solo as well as in teams! (poor tankers)

    Regeneration/max HP? That could work. Mez resistance could also be the key. Both would fit well with the "Vigilance" title, but where's the downside?

    Seriously though my 'fendery friends, we are so good as we are, I doubt there there will ever be a change.

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by perwira View Post
    (Edited to add: There is no accuracy component in CC, so you'll want to avoid/minimize any IO's with an accuracy component.)
    AFAIK, it has to do a to-hit check, so while you cannot directly slot pure accuracy, sets with an Acc component do make it hit more reliably.

    I haven't tested this for about a year, but I don't think they can change this behavior so ealisy without removing the to-hit check.
    If they HAVE change it, I'd sure like a reference.

  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LostHalo View Post
    No, it won't.

    In-game, it'll float around the global channels, poking its head in, asking "sup gaiz?" for a few weeks to a couple of months, then go to a predictable cycle like the accuracy nerfcalls. Occasionally, there will be a flare-up when you get people that are convinced they're right and "their friend" has had crap drops or some other silliness, kind of like the random people that are still 100% certain each server has its own market. These latter ones are usually reserved for "Legendary PuGs" so the effect should be localized (of course, this doesn't account for people that get confused by wrong information and ask about it, possibly sparking a debate).

    On the forums? It'll probably follow a cycle like the accuracy nerfcalls (after this thread dies down), with a possible wildcard response coming from ignorant people who notice/wonder why their drop rates changed. After that, it just will be in danger of necroequinophiliacs and being used as a localized Internet meme. And in fact, it already is in use.

    Wow, some lovely predictions there. heh heh
    Unfortunately, they are most likely right on the money.

    As long as the drop rates are fixed I'll be a happy camper;
    can ignore the rest of the fallout.
    (Though, the meme IS kinda funny.)

  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    I think you actually made it sound more complicated than it actually is.
    Really? Arg! Could be, could be.
    I was trying to explain it so someone that doesn't even know what a variable is could understand it.

    It doesn't matter, in a month the shins of that misbehaving function will be healed and the whole thing forgotten

  23. I want to give explaining unsigned variables a shot.
    Let's tell a little story:

    You and your best freinds (functions) are in a room (a structure).
    There are other rooms (structures) with other people (other functions)
    You all have access to a common hallway (memory stack)
    with a bunch of little bags (variables) to put marbles in.

    Synapse and pohsyB come into your room and give you some marbles.
    They tell you to go out to the hallway and put the marbles from bag #9,
    plus your marbles, all into bag #23. Then add them all up and return the sum.

    Well, they never told you to empty bag #23 BEFORE adding other marbles.
    (It was an uninitialized variable)

    Fortunately for Synapse and pohsyB, bag #23 was always empty.
    Now comes i16 though, and suddenly other people, from other rooms start adding or taking away random numbers of marbles from that bag #23!

    The sums you are returning become very random, with higher highs and lower lows than ever before. In fact, your sums are so random that overall they average out the same as before, so at first sight it looked like nothing was wrong.

    Then Synapse and pohsyB find out what you've been up to.
    They come in, kick you in the shins, and tell you to empty bag #23 BEFORE adding the other marbles.
    Now everything is right with the world and we all live happily ever after.

  24. Salvage prices always done that daily thing,
    but since i16 there's a major swing...
    downward trend on the very low end,
    and peaks (still) higher than I expected.
    (Please keep in mind, this is all subjective)

    On a time span from sleepy morn' hours in America,
    wee morning hours; nothing on camera.
    Until they (you) wake up all over the land,
    to hit up the market with coffee in hand.
    Again it does swing, when "Ami" prime time stops,
    the Market slows down, and the other shoe drops.

    -Common salvage prices: lows have taken a dive.
    High prices less, keeping profits alive.

    -Rare salvage prices are sinking less drastically.
    Tickets still pay off (I think quite fantastically).

    -Uncommon salvage prices are all over the place.
    Only teh Eebil can keep up with the pace!

    Simply some simpleton's subjective observations.
  25. One of the most infamous Marketeers finally busts a billion.
    Big gratz there NG. It's about time!
