Discussion: Issue 20: Incarnates




I'm excited about getting 2 new trials for high-levels characters *and* 2 new task forces for mid-level characters. Although my account lapsed a few times over the first 2 years of City of Heroes,
I have remained subscribed since the launch of City of Villains due to the stories crafted in the City of Heroes Universe (even if I needed to sidestep a plothole or two).

With that said, continue the good work of providing a little something for characters of all levels with each issue. As can be seen in this thread alone, you clearly won't please everyone.
I do feel confident that you are working to provide options for most players, and I appreciate the times in which the Dev team seeks to be more transparent about your programming goals. Please continue to do so. I'm looking forward to i20 on Live!

Veridian Dynamics. Mistakes. We all make them. But sometimes mistakes lead to great discoveries. Mistakes are how we learn and grow... so we can do amazing things.
When you think about it, shouldn't you be thanking us for making mistakes? Veridian Dynamics. We're sorry. You're welcome.



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
A confusing and inexplicable plot twist does not suddenly turn a confusing and inexplicable plot point into a clever one.
Penelope Yin calls Tyrant "the Shadow Lord" - which might just be an evil sounding name, or it could be a hint that Tyrant is just a shadow of something else

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Perhaps the Well has gone mad because it's been taken over by Rualruu, who is going to use Tyrant to break the Shadow Shard prison?
And Rularuu was tricked into doing so by Nemesis?



Originally Posted by Haterade View Post
Since there wasn't anything mentioned about the next incarnate slot in the issue called Incarnates, I won't jump to conclusions but I will say:

IF there isn't anything in this issue about it, ima be very disappointed.
Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
But... when the only new non-Incarnate content is two TFs I have to say I'm utterly underwhelmed. As a technical and gameplay challenge TFs can be fun, but as story experiences they fail completely.
Yeah, this is about par for the course. Too little incarnate content.... too much incarnate content.... You really can't make everyone happy.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Wait, there's story in this game outside of Praetoria?



Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
"Pretty likely" is not the same as "confirmed to drop".
Given past performance of the developer team, I can imagine that the drop rate of Threads, assuming they do drop, will be along the same ratio as conversions; For every ten shards that drop, three threads might.
So either way, you're screwed if you try to convert shards to threads. Plus at 10/6 every twenty hours, it will take you 133 DAYS to get one Very rare.
Lack of finalism is the only hope I have about that stuff at the moment. I really, really
want to believe that the devs don't want to push LOL RAID so much, that they'd give
non-raiders the shaft that badly. But with the way the marketing people seem be taking
over the game lately, I'm not honestly so confident, yet am reserving judgement until the
issue actually launches and we get what we get.

If it stays like that though...well, yeah. I don't pay to play City of Raiders, and unless
there's something else absolutely amazing that they haven't announced yet to excite
me, it would be a subscription-cancelling dealbreaker finally. If I essentially get told to
get lost if I don't enjoy all this large-team activity, I'll do as they tell me.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It's a Well of the Furies plot.
Hmm... that really doesn't have the same ring to it as "It's a Nemesis plot".

"It's a Well plot"? "It's a WotF plot"? Hmm... we'll make it work.



Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
Well, hopefully these costs that people are mentioning get changed to something rational.
True, but it's likely that they will lose a lot of subs before they do. I never thought I would consider stop playing over of a new issue, but for some irrational reason it starting to look like I will.

Not just because I prefer solo play, but the fact they keep trying to allay people’s fears by saying “don’t worry there will be solo path as well”, then come out with these ridiculous systems where yes “technically” you can solo, but it will take you months to get anywhere. I can only think that they assume that people will see this (solo for six months, or group and get the same advancement in two hours) and start grouping more, and yes that’s true for some players. I myself have done more TFs the last three week then I’ve done in the last 6 years (and I apologise to those teams where I had no idea what I was doing).

Then there is the mention of using ridiculous amounts of Inf in the advancement. Yes, 2B Inf may not be much for some, but for most “solo” or “casual” players (and please don’t get hang up on the terms) that’s a hell of lot Inf they will never get. I’ve played for 6 years and the total amount of Inf I’ve gain would be less then 1.5B (and yes that’s a complete guess). Offcourse there is one way I could get more Inf in a hurry… start grouping and doing TFs more… and around and around we go.

I can understand they are worry about people exploiting the system and getting Incarnate advancement faster using the Solo method then via teaming. But the very people that are likely to use the Solo path to their advantage are not the true “solo” players. Why disadvantage everyone for what a few will do? Surely something like a increase drop rate but also a maximum number on the number of Shards/Threads etc per hour would be a better method of control?

I also understand that to “Solo” I don’t need the new Incarnate advancement, but call it a irrational fear or whatever I still want to advance, no one wants to be the poor kid that always misses out.

And finally I also realise that all these stated figures may just be taken out of thin air and all just a big joke, we can only hope.

I’ll just have to try and hang in there and maybe stop reading the forums will help.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, you're getting the same in I20 - they just call themselves loyalists instead of 5th Column
No, sweetie, I'm not. i15 put Nazis on the streets for me to run up to and punch. i20 is not putting Loyalists on the streets for me to run up to and punch.

Also, Loyalists aren't Nazis. Punching electronic representations of real-life evil people is far more enjoyable and satisfying than punching electronic representations of made-up cardboard evil people.



Originally Posted by Badaxe View Post
Then there is the mention of using ridiculous amounts of Inf in the advancement. Yes, 2B Inf may not be much for some, but for most “solo” or “casual” players (and please don’t get hang up on the terms) that’s a hell of lot Inf they will never get. I’ve played for 6 years and the total amount of Inf I’ve gain would be less then 1.5B (and yes that’s a complete guess).
Yeah, that cost bugs me as well. Yes, I know marketeering I "could" do XYZ and be a billionaire in a week - but it's a part of the game I have no honest interest in.

Looking at my CIT info, across two accounts, I have:
Influence 2,209,049,370
Infamy 1,063,860,029
That's the combined total across 279 characters, over two accounts.

It's stuff like that that gets me into "concerned about the direction" posts - but I'll still wait and see. If the Incarnate system is like other stuff they've added, they'll have their big rush, then it'll fizzle out, they'll add something else four issues after and it'll be forgotten about. *shrug*

... I hate being that cynical about a game (and dev team) I've enjoyed so long, but that's where I am now.



Leagues: Issue 20 introduces Leagues to City of Heroes®. Now, characters can form or join groups of up to 48 characters.

1 Good idea but i thought limit was 50 in a zone event. Also with other MMos calling their sg leagues wouldnt it be better to call it something else? might get sued or something.
Maybe call it
Battlion (sorry poor spelling) or special force
overall good job on new issue i just wish there was something for bases.

2 I like the two new task forces great idea, but im wondering any new content for praetoria lvl 20-40 besides task forces. Im guessing u can run the task force every night if u really want but theres more story in running arcs.

3 any plan for Epic arctype for praetorians?

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Originally Posted by Puppycrusader View Post
If I essentially get told to
get lost if I don't enjoy all this large-team activity, I'll do as they tell me.
I didn't see the bit in the I20 overview where they said they were going to remove the 7 years of solo content already in the game.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



The well was made by Nemsis and sent back in time.



Originally Posted by Symar View Post
Wait, there's story in this game outside of Praetoria?
At least until they retcon it into a Praetorian/Well of the Furies plot.

Oh wait, since the Well is responsible for superpowers....then no. There is no story in this game outside of Praetoria.

Originally Posted by Badaxe View Post
Not just because I prefer solo play, but the fact they keep trying to allay people’s fears by saying “don’t worry there will be solo path as well”, then come out with these ridiculous systems where yes “technically” you can solo, but it will take you months to get anywhere.
It's starting to look a lot like that one Infected in RV.

Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
The well was made by Nemsis and sent back in time.
Nemesis is Marcus Cole from the future.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



For the first time since I came back to the game 3 years ago, a new issue's features are announced and I could not care less. It's also the first time I'm feeling burned out on the game and a new issue announcement isn't getting me revitalized to play.

What this new issue does do for me is solidify what began with creating a new universe to play in for GR - that the gulf between the direction this game is being taken in, and what I personally find to be enjoyable about the game, is growing wider with every issue.

I20 sounds good for those who like TFs and the endgame. It would have been nice if they had put something in for the rest of us.

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Perhaps the Well has gone mad because it's been taken over by Rualruu, who is going to use Tyrant to break the Shadow Shard prison?
Here's my prediction: some time in the future villains will try to release Rularuu from his prison in order to use him as a weapon against Praetoria and Tyrant. Heroes will be allowed to tag along on this scheme to potentially destroy a world, just like villains had to tag along on schemes to protect it before. Darrin Wade or someone like him will be the contact.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
Here's my prediction: some time in the future villains will try to release Rularuu from his prison in order to use him as a weapon against Praetoria and Tyrant. Heroes will be allowed to tag along on this scheme to potentially destroy a world, just like villains had to tag along on schemes to protect it before. Darrin Wade or someone like him will be the contact.
Not gonna happen
All co-op content has to be heroic, otherwise it's not going to be co-cop

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



The more and more I learn about Issue 20, the less interested I get.
I've already decided the incarnate system just isn't for me. I already have a hard enough time keeping up with all the various forms of currency already in game as is and I really, really dislike large scale raiding and grinding...


I was here for the forum meltdown over ED. I got all worked up in a frenzy with everyone else over it. Hindsight and all, I was wrong. Very wrong. ED stands to me as one of the best improvements to the game to date and we couldn't see it as more than a nerf at the time...

I've spent more money on this game over the past 7 years than I have on any other gaming platform. Ever. There's a reason for that.
I've always had faith in our Dev team. Though I may not be excited about everything they give us, in the end they always end up delivering the goods. Though for the 1st time, I question the direction the game is heading and start to wonder if COH2 would be as epic as I've always imagined, or just a clone of the raidfests flooding the market. I still have faith that WW and crew understand what sets us apart from the others and will come back around once this system is fully realized.
Patience. Over the years I've learned to be patient. Considering ED and GD, I realize I could've left in a tizzy and lost out on years of great times and I'm thankful I was patient. Because in the end they always deliver.

As a final note. To my fellow players who are concerned that this Issue isn't giving us anything. I disagree. Though I may not care for the content or the system, I understand that over the years quite a large sum of our playerbase has been lured away for lack of an endgame.
If by some small measure this system brings them back and I have an even easier time finding teams and start to see Atlas filled with newblood then I consider it to be Full of Win.

Edited to include: I see it going down like this. Tyrant in his lust for power, begins conquest of multiple worlds at the same time. Thinking that if he could control certain sectors that Primal Earth would be easier to conquer.
This spread of power begins to shake the prison holding Rularuu. Who in an instant breaks free and devours said emperor with a mighty gulp. (Thus making the players sick of him being considered Epic happy)
Rularuu, now free and with a full tummy of Incarnate goodness, sets about with his agenda and NOW all the fully prepared Incarnates truly have a threat to deal with.
Oh and Rularuu creates a clone of Tyrant to place back in Praetoria for Shiggles.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Not gonna happen
All co-op content has to be heroic, otherwise it's not going to be co-cop
This pretty much has to be true. Villains will team with heroes because of a mutual threat, but heroes aren't going to team with villains on a quest for unimited powah.

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I didn't see the bit in the I20 overview where they said they were going to remove the 7 years of solo content already in the game.
You miss a lot of things when you willfully misread & skew-interpret posts. Give 'er another try there.



Two new task forces. Two new trials. Sounds great!

I notice that a lot of the people who have said in the past that they hate the incarnate system, hate task forces and hate teaming are complaining about Issue 20. Sorry you don't like to play with others. You're really missing out on a lot of fun.



Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
This pretty much has to be true. Villains will team with heroes because of a mutual threat, but heroes aren't going to team with villains on a quest for unimited powah.
All heroes aren't perfect. There are also vigilantes. And I didn't say it was a quest for "unimited powah" but an attempt to use one powerful multi-versal threat to destroy another. Even some heroes will see the benefit of that.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
The more and more I learn about Issue 20, the less interested I get.
I've already decided the incarnate system just isn't for me. I already have a hard enough time keeping up with all the various forms of currency already in game as is and I really, really dislike large scale raiding and grinding...


I was here for the forum meltdown over ED. I got all worked up in a frenzy with everyone else over it. Hindsight and all, I was wrong. Very wrong. ED stands to me as one of the best improvements to the game to date and we couldn't see it as more than a nerf at the time...

I've spent more money on this game over the past 7 years than I have on any other gaming platform. Ever. There's a reason for that.
I've always had faith in our Dev team. Though I may not be excited about everything they give us, in the end they always end up delivering the goods. Though for the 1st time, I question the direction the game is heading and start to wonder if COH2 would be as epic as I've always imagined, or just a clone of the raidfests flooding the market. I still have faith that WW and crew understand what sets us apart from the others and will come back around once this system is fully realized.
Patience. Over the years I've learned to be patient. Considering ED and GD, I realize I could've left in a tizzy and lost out on years of great times and I'm thankful I was patient. Because in the end they always deliver.

As a final note. To my fellow players who are concerned that this Issue isn't giving us anything. I disagree. Though I may not care for the content or the system, I understand that over the years quite a large sum of our playerbase has been lured away for lack of an endgame.
If by some small measure this system brings them back and I have an even easier time finding teams and start to see Atlas filled with newblood then I consider it to be Full of Win.
You have single handedly summed up my feelings about the i20 announcement. Although I welcome the new Task/Strike Forces, my dislike of Praetoria and the Incarnate system grows the more I learn. So I will just keep going, levelling my old toons, enjoying AE content, enjoying existing arcs and be patient for the love affair with Praetoria to die down.

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The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk