Discussion: Issue 20: Incarnates




Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
I choose to not understand this.
good choice



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
Well it kinda invalidates the whole this is eternal content thing. Oh here's nearly half the slots in one issue.
Are they actually confirmed for i20? Or is it just some advanced preview/testing stuff?



Well, hopefully these costs that people are mentioning get changed to something rational.



Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
Well, hopefully these costs that people are mentioning get changed to something rational.
Eh, these are positive integers. You can't get any more rational than that :P



Got me on that one.



Where's the mention of the next incarnate slots?



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
I find it odd that they're not in the overview, since they are in the Sneak Peek.
It's a Well of the Furies plot.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



9600 shards to make ONE Very Rare on the other slots?

edit: Faulty math; 3200 shards for ONE Very Rare.

WTF? That's not "slower solo" progress that's "glacial don't even bother soloing come and play our raid setups we put so much time into making them" progress.

And why do we have YET ANOTHER form of currency?

1. Influence/Infamy/Information
2. Vanguard Merits
3. Architect Entertainment Tickets
4. Reward Merits
5. Hero/Villain Merits
6. Incarnate Shards
7. Incarnate Threads

SEVEN different forms of stuff to trade in for other stuff. Are the developers even paying attention? This game IS turning into a grindfest, with each new Issue.
So much for the "casual" gameplay philosophy.



Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
9600 shards to make ONE Very Rare on the other slots?

WTF? That's not "slower solo" progress that's "glacial don't even bother soloing come and play our raid setups we put so much time into making them" progress.
I guess soloers have to be content with Rares only :P

Seriously? OVER 9000!?



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
I guess soloers have to be content with Rares only :P

Seriously? OVER 9000!?
I wonder if the 9000+ is meant as a reference to that meme?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Must.have.more.Issue.20.info.please.devs.thank.you . very.much.k.thx.bai.



One VR = 4 Rares = 16 Uncommons = 960 Threads = 10/3 conversion to shards = 3200 Shards.
So it isn't quite as bad as my earlier faulty calculation, but it's still a horrible conversion rate.

Now, multiply that by five, which seems to be the number of slots unlocked in Issue 20, that's 16,000 Incarnate Shards.

Then, given the developers seem to be adding new forms of "currency" with every "tier" of incarnates, the last three will have another general incarnate component with a horrible conversion rate from Incarnate Threads, and the Omega Slot will likely have the "last" general incarnate component type, with what I could only describe as a "fuggedaboudit" conversion rate that you couldn't manage to complete in five years of play.

The future does not look good at this point.



Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
9600 shards to make ONE Very Rare on the other slots?
You know it's pretty likely that you can get Threads as regular drops in another way to save shards, or get components by doing certain tasks and saving even more time. Using the same basis, a current Alpha very rare costs 488 shards. If Threads drop (even if rarely) from regular stuff then I see it being longer, but still reasonable.

Also, try the 10/6 conversion rate unless you're in a super hurry (and already have 3200 shards to waste??)

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



"Pretty likely" is not the same as "confirmed to drop".
Given past performance of the developer team, I can imagine that the drop rate of Threads, assuming they do drop, will be along the same ratio as conversions; For every ten shards that drop, three threads might.
So either way, you're screwed if you try to convert shards to threads. Plus at 10/6 every twenty hours, it will take you 133 DAYS to get one Very rare.



So far, this is the first issue I haven't seen anything to look forward to in since I started seriously playing. I'm really hoping for news about something else - because you (the dev team) have done a really good job of convincing me that the Incarnate system is not something I'm supposed to be taking part in.

And yes, one issue that has nothing for me is enough to make me stop being a subscriber. Note that "getting to punch Nazis" was all i15 gave to me, and it was enough.



Side-stepping the worrying and rather mind boggling poor design concerns, is anyone else disappointed in the plot they're pushing forward? I could maybe buy into the whole "The Well's gone mad is empowering Cole" idea...but turning Cole into a conqueror of the multiverse? We kind of already have one of those...he's called Rularuu.

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While I might get hit for saying this, but at least its not tradable currencies. Why? Those stupid RMT-farmers/spammers.

And the way I see it - with these conversion rates? I figure that it won't affect soloists so much as folks who've been farming shards like crazy hoping they could get a head-start on the next Slots. That is assuming that Threads can be earned at a sane pace while playing solo.

Now, if all the Incarnate content can drop shards, and each slot gets its own currency that you can also buy with shards? I think, and could well be wrong on this, the expectation is you'll be earning shards from Alpha to Omega, so shards will be that universal filler/substitute when you want something but don't have it. I don't think they expect us to make everything soley from Incarnate shards.

But, until we see open beta and patch notes, can't say for sure (and it could always change - this is a MMO).



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
Side-stepping the worrying and rather mind boggling poor design concerns, is anyone else disappointed in the plot they're pushing forward? I could maybe buy into the whole "The Well's gone mad is empowering Cole" idea...but turning Cole into a conqueror of the multiverse? We kind of already have one of those...he's called Rularuu.
Not really, but then I've never really gone into the Shadow Shard much. Besides, when you look at comics how many different villains are working toward the same goal? There's room for competition when it comes to conquering the world/multiverse, and if they don't join up, they might end up fighting each other (which leads to other story possibilities - "enemy of my enemy" and all that).



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
Side-stepping the worrying and rather mind boggling poor design concerns, is anyone else disappointed in the plot they're pushing forward? I could maybe buy into the whole "The Well's gone mad is empowering Cole" idea...but turning Cole into a conqueror of the multiverse? We kind of already have one of those...he's called Rularuu.
Plot is a big complaint in the BAF thread, so no you are not alone. And Rularuu probably has far more potential for epic build up, but I am willing to see where this story line is taken by the dev team towards its culmination.



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
It costs 20 threads for a common component and 60 threads for an uncommon component, you need all 4 uncommons to make a rare component. You need 4 rares to make a Very rare component.
If each new Incarnate ability requires yet another new type of loot, we're going to end up neck-deep in Incarnate Shards, Incarnate Threads, Incarnate Chains, Incarnate Bits, Incarnate Cheese Wedges, Incarnate Subatomic Particles.....

.... I suddenly feel a Steelclaw list approaching......



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
Note that "getting to punch Nazis" was all i15 gave to me, and it was enough.
Well, you're getting the same in I20 - they just call themselves loyalists instead of 5th Column

Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
is anyone else disappointed in the plot they're pushing forward? I could maybe buy into the whole "The Well's gone mad is empowering Cole" idea...but turning Cole into a conqueror of the multiverse? We kind of already have one of those...he's called Rularuu.
Perhaps the Well has gone mad because it's been taken over by Rualruu, who is going to use Tyrant to break the Shadow Shard prison?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Flooding with more Praetorian content. Yay. <---- sarcasm!

I really hope there are significant additions made to the costume creator. We were teased with the IDF suit months ago and they haven't put it out.

Honestly, the theme of this game over the last several issues is pretty...well...not my thing. I think someone said it before - let there be diversification!



The well has "gone" mad? Are we assuming this wasn't a short trip, or what?
(Side note: All the old enhancements would mention "Strength of..." or "Wisdom of..." or "insight of...", never once did any of them mention sanity. Just saying. :P)

I love the badge news. I'm eagerly awaiting some kind of acknowledgment of the promised facepalm emotes next.

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