Failing to be impressed




Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Anyone who thinks City of Villains had level 1-50 content must have bought it after Issue 7 came out, which was over seven months after CoV released.
Yes I forgot that. I should have been more thorough in my response.

CoV $50-$60 dollars at launch vs GR Expansion $30.

1-40 levels vs 1-20 levels. Half the levels for half the price. Seems fair to me.

7 new zones vs 4 new zones. Half the zones for half the price again very fair.

1 unique archetype added (Masterminds) vs no new archetype. not a big deal.

4 new MM powersets (Merc, Ninjas, Necro, Bots) vs 4 new powersets (DP, DS, KM, EC)

Missions adjustment - CoV didn't have mission adjustment when it launched.

AE access - CoV didn't have AE access when it launched either.

SG/VG access - Your characters have to leave Praetoria at level 20. SG's are unnecessary at this point.

No paper/radio missions - GR doesn't need them.

No Mayhem/Safeguard missions - CoV didn't have Mayhem missions until Issue 7 was released (7 months after release) and Heroes didn't have Safeguard missions until Issue 8.

(thus no temp powers) - You can buy a temp jetpack travel power from the market for pocket inf. and you can get a temp teleport from the market for 10,000 even.

Clumsy contact mechanics - Translation: impatiently clicking thru the windows without paying attention to what they say can't be done in GR. Sorry but I don't see that as a bad thing.



Originally Posted by ViralShard View Post
I'm confused by this. What to you would qualify as a new world then? By that reasoning I could argue that any new zone at all is just a repaint of what we already have. So what needs to be done to make it "new" then? We just got beautifully crafted new zones that made full use of and were designed with Ultra Mode in mind, a new mechanic just recently released. This gives an updated feel to CoXs graphics, I feel that qualifies as a new world.
Oh yes, Ultra Mode. I forgot about this. Maybe because I have it turned off, and have had to set many of my Advanced settings down, so that I was not constantly rubber-banding in just solo missions, otherwise in groups. I still have some lag issues and a lot longer mission load times than before I downloaded GR, but if you are going to tell me to upgrade my comp, my comp has been upgraded 3 or 4 times since I bought my original CoH, and I'm no longer in a financial situation to casually upgrade it.

Originally Posted by ViralShard View Post
At the risk of sounding disingenuous I find this an immpressive feat as by completeing missions by defeating anything in my path and not making an effort to completely clear a map, I found my self at level 4 by the end of mission two.
With this character I accidentally picked to not go into the tutorial, because this is my norm when I play a hero character. This was my second character because I'd built an Elc Dom which I deleted right after the rescue mission, because the sound of that set was getting on my nerves. This meant that I'd already been through the tutorial, so I decided to go with it.

In the rescue the cops mission I found all three Lt's and the Sergeant before I reached the middle of the mission map. As a potential resistance I felt it was bad to kill resistance fighters that I did not need to. In the last mission as a potential but not yet resistance fighter I felt it was stupid to kill cops I did not need to. Note, this is a RPMMOG and it's just as valid for me to RP my characters as it is for you to not do so. I completed this mission at lvl 3, almost lvl 4, but I did not know that this was my last mission from this contact.

Originally Posted by ViralShard View Post
A new player starting a hero has access to 5 ATs. A new player starting a villain has access to 5 ATs. A new player starting a praetorian has access to all 10 ATs, the freedom to experience what both sides have to offer in an entirely new world.
I was unaware a new player could purchase CoH and CoV separately still, so I went to the NCsoft Store and you sure can. But why in a hells would a new player do so, when for the same price you get two worlds to play in (Architect or GvE ), and some nifty extras. As for a new world, to a new player who purchases the Architect or GvE for 20 bucks less than GR, CoH and CoV are new worlds.

Something else, the things I listed that are missing from GR I feel are good things, that a new player should be able to enjoy from 1 to 20. I think it was wrong to not include them in GR, and in my opinion unprofessional not to include them.

Note, "I feel", "I think", "my opinion", as well as "I'm unimpressed", are emotional responses that I own. The things I listed are facts of GR, how I interpret them are emotional though. ViralShard you spent a lot of time telling me why my emotional responses to GR are not valid, because they do not jive with yours, but you did not list any facts about GR that I had not already listed. Your emotional responses to GR are not valid to me in this context, because you did not shell out 30 bucks for my GR, I did.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Well right here is your problem. It's not the devs fault that you didn't buy CoV when it was released. The fact that you waited until the price dropped until it was almost half of what it cost on release is beyond their control. If you wanted to pay a comparable price for Going Rogue you should have waited just like you did with CoV.

When CoV was released the direct download was $50. bucks and the boxed Collector's DVD Edition was $60. bucks. There's no way you paid $35. for it when it was released, and you can't complain about the prices each cost when you get one out of the bargain bin and the other fresh of the shelf the day it comes out.
Hells, I'd forgotten that I had pre-orderd the CoV DVD version, so I did pay 60 bucks, instead of 50. I did get DVDs when CDs were the norm, and I did get that nifty clicket figurine which was totally extra in my opinion. Well worth the extra 10 bucks, at that time.

Now as to my math. I'm going to drop the price I paid for CoV to 50 So here's my math:

50 - first free month @ 15 = 35 for CoV.
30 - no free month @ 0 = 30 for GR.
I chose to not add the cost of this month to the cost of GR, but if I add that, then I have paid 45 bucks for GR, while only paying 35 bucks for CoV.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Anyone who thinks City of Villains had level 1-50 content must have bought it after Issue 7 came out, which was over seven months after CoV released.
You are right Arcanaville. My bad as well.



Originally Posted by Jeuraud View Post
Oh yes, Ultra Mode. I forgot about this. Maybe because I have it turned off, and have had to set many of my Advanced settings down, so that I was not constantly rubber-banding in just solo missions, otherwise in groups. I still have some lag issues and a lot longer mission load times than before I downloaded GR, but if you are going to tell me to upgrade my comp, my comp has been upgraded 3 or 4 times since I bought my original CoH, and I'm no longer in a financial situation to casually upgrade it.
Ultra Mode wasn't a part of Going Rogue, though, and was part of Issue 18.

I was unaware a new player could purchase CoH and CoV separately still, so I went to the NCsoft Store and you sure can. But why in a hells would a new player do so, when for the same price you get two worlds to play in (Architect or GvE ), and some nifty extras. As for a new world, to a new player who purchases the Architect or GvE for 20 bucks less than GR, CoH and CoV are new worlds.
However, buying either City of Heroes or City of Villains by itself automatically nets you the other side.

and I did get that nifty clicket figurine which was totally extra in my opinion.
HeroClix. [/Nitpick]



Originally Posted by Jeuraud View Post
Hells, I'd forgotten that I had pre-orderd the CoV DVD version, so I did pay 60 bucks, instead of 50. I did get DVDs when CDs were the norm, and I did get that nifty clicket figurine which was totally extra in my opinion. Well worth the extra 10 bucks, at that time.

Now as to my math. I'm going to drop the price I paid for CoV to 50 So here's my math:

50 - first free month @ 15 = 35 for CoV.
30 - no free month @ 0 = 30 for GR.
I chose to not add the cost of this month to the cost of GR, but if I add that, then I have paid 45 bucks for GR, while only paying 35 bucks for CoV.

If I may make an observation, I think it's unfair to use the free month as a comparison between the two products. The people that chose to pre-purchase were told up front that they would be giving up their free month in exchange for early access to Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning. We were able to get access to brand new power-sets up to 6 months before the people that chose to wait until August.

The people that chose to wait got their free month with their purchase of the GR complete edition, and the people that chose to deal with that nightmare company Gamestop got their additional perks as well.



Overall, really enjoying Going Rogue there is one annoying niggle though...

Originally when Dual Pistols was released for those who pre-paid for Going Rogue the devs said the reason for the lack of any kind of Unlockable Pistols was due to the fact that all the unlockables would be featured in Going Rogue...

...Going Rogue gets released and there is zero, zip, nadda unlockable weapons for Dual Pistols or ANY weapon set.

For Assault Rifle you could have both the standard Resistance assault rifle and the Heavy Barrel one.

Dual Pistols could have the Resistance Energy Pistols and a whole host of other things that got suggested in BaB 'Dual Pistol suggestion' topic but instead nothing.

Dual blades and Claws could use the new armblades that both IVy and Nightstar use.



Regarding Ultra Mode - the only two settings I don't currently use on my 2-year old rig are the advanced shadow and occlusion ones, because those can drop my current framerates of 15-20FPS down to the single digits. If I crank them all the way up, I am basically watching a slideshow, and ping rises from 150 or so, to 300ish. That said, the game still looks pretty good, and a little better, actually, than it did when I stopped playing at the end of 2008.

AMD 5200+ Black
4GB 800MHz RAM
Nvidia 8600GT 512MB
26" monitor, 1900x1200

We will see more improvements over time, incidentally, but a lot of groundwork has been laid out at this point.



They Redone all the old Content that have to do with Preatoria, Maria Jenkins, Tina Macintyre, even a couple of Mission of Unai got remade. There four long Story Arcs to do in Preatoria for Example Warden and The Crusader Arc of Resistance. There is also Cop, So in my book I am Very Impressed in GR.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Originally Posted by Jeuraud View Post
Oh yes, Ultra Mode. I forgot about this. Maybe because I have it turned off, and have had to set many of my Advanced settings down, so that I was not constantly rubber-banding in just solo missions, otherwise in groups. I still have some lag issues and a lot longer mission load times than before I downloaded GR, but if you are going to tell me to upgrade my comp, my comp has been upgraded 3 or 4 times since I bought my original CoH, and I'm no longer in a financial situation to casually upgrade it.
I can empathize with your financial situation, however because one either chooses not to or is unable to experience content doesn't make the content not so.

With this character I accidentally picked to not go into the tutorial, because this is my norm when I play a hero character. This was my second character because I'd built an Elc Dom which I deleted right after the rescue mission, because the sound of that set was getting on my nerves. This meant that I'd already been through the tutorial, so I decided to go with it.

In the rescue the cops mission I found all three Lt's and the Sergeant before I reached the middle of the mission map. As a potential resistance I felt it was bad to kill resistance fighters that I did not need to. In the last mission as a potential but not yet resistance fighter I felt it was stupid to kill cops I did not need to. Note, this is a RPMMOG and it's just as valid for me to RP my characters as it is for you to not do so. I completed this mission at lvl 3, almost lvl 4, but I did not know that this was my last mission from this contact.
And actions have consequences, this was yours. You chose to RP a certain way, nothing wrong with that at all. However, because of that choice you are unable to continue along the contact chain. Could there be more content? Should there be? Yes, always, more content is a good thing. Is the current level of content a flaw or a problem? I don't think it is.

I was unaware a new player could purchase CoH and CoV separately still, so I went to the NCsoft Store and you sure can. But why in a hells would a new player do so, when for the same price you get two worlds to play in (Architect or GvE ), and some nifty extras. As for a new world, to a new player who purchases the Architect or GvE for 20 bucks less than GR, CoH and CoV are new worlds.
I feel you've missed my point, let me clarify. You brought up that the lack of new ATs was a disappointment to you. I gave that a remedy to this is that praetoria gives unrestricted access to all legacy ATs. Perhaps the failing to convey this was mine.

Something else, the things I listed that are missing from GR I feel are good things, that a new player should be able to enjoy from 1 to 20. I think it was wrong to not include them in GR, and in my opinion unprofessional not to include them.
I disagree that it was 'wrong' and I certainly disagree that it was unprofessional.

Note, "I feel", "I think", "my opinion", as well as "I'm unimpressed", are emotional responses that I own. The things I listed are facts of GR, how I interpret them are emotional though. ViralShard you spent a lot of time telling me why my emotional responses to GR are not valid, because they do not jive with yours, but you did not list any facts about GR that I had not already listed. Your emotional responses to GR are not valid to me in this context, because you did not shell out 30 bucks for my GR, I did.
Emphasis mine.
A couple of your 'facts' actually aren't.

"Mostly just a repainted world."
This is wrong. Praetoria features 4 new zones, 6 if you count the 3 instances of the underground as one, which I do. These zones were built from the ground up heavily influenced by the inclusion of Ultra Mode. Much development time went into designing and building a world we have never seen before. They were not revamps of exsisting zones or reskins. Implementing the reflection tech into the sky scrappers of Steel Canyon, that would be a repainted world. The Hollows or Fautline revamp, I present those as examples of a repainted world. The only way I could see Praetoria as a repainted world is in the most literal sense possible: It's part of the game and it looks different too.

"No novel power sets."
/ˈnɒvəl/ [nov-uhl]
of a new kind; different from anything seen or known before: a novel idea.

Those four powersets are new they each introduce a new mechanic of some sort we didn't have access to. I've never seen or known them before so I will claim that they are novel.

"The small number of missions that allow you to complete all of the contacts missions and not being at level to pass on to next contact (Completed all of the starter missions at level 3.)."
I feel this is subjective as my personal experience was that the contacts were leveled perfectly

I have more that I see as either wrong or subjective opinions but I just wanted to get the point across that not all of what you said was fact.

Now, your emotional responses are you own, I do not have the prerogative nor ability to tell someone how they should feel. You are disappointed or unimpressed and that it is fine; clearly we disagree and I doubt I can change that feeling. However, I do take issue with what you proclaim as fact as most are subjective and fed by anecdotale observation and others are mistaken. Some of your points I even concede to and agree with but I feel you are unfairly misrepresenting the content of the expansion.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
1-40 levels vs 1-20 levels. Half the levels for half the price. Seems fair to me.
The issue isn't price, it's value. Lvl 1 - 20 are the quickest lvls to get through in CoH/V and for some people are the least enjoyable due to the lack of travel powers until late and then issues relating to stamina / endurance and attack chains.

I feel I got much greater value from CoV than I can see in GoRo, despite paying twice as much for it. In fact, I even feel I got more value out of some of the Booster packs, which cost less than GoRo, because the features appealed to me more.



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
The issue isn't price, it's value. Lvl 1 - 20 are the quickest lvls to get through in CoH/V and for some people are the least enjoyable due to the lack of travel powers until late and then issues relating to stamina / endurance and attack chains.

I feel I got much greater value from CoV than I can see in GoRo, despite paying twice as much for it. In fact, I even feel I got more value out of some of the Booster packs, which cost less than GoRo, because the features appealed to me more.
Which is why I said, "Seems fair to me." I made it abundantly clear that what I said was my opinion, not anyone else's. The only time I said anything was completely fair to everyone was in regards to the number of zones that were added. There I did not qualify it as my opinion.

As you your self have said some people don't like the lower levels. Well some is not all. That means some people like the lower levels and still others are simply meh about the whole thing.



I, personally, have always loved the lowbie game. I think some of the struggling in Praetoria may have to do with the fact that people rush through that period so quickly that they've forgotten how to actually play at that level any more.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
I, personally, have always loved the lowbie game. I think some of the struggling in Praetoria may have to do with the fact that people rush through that period so quickly that they've forgotten how to actually play at that level any more.
You have no idea how much I agree with this statement.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
I, personally, have always loved the lowbie game. I think some of the struggling in Praetoria may have to do with the fact that people rush through that period so quickly that they've forgotten how to actually play at that level any more.
Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
You have no idea how much I agree with this statement.
Me too. Seriously. There's not much I enjoy more than starting out. Figuring out what is and isn't going to work for me for any given character.

Praetoria is a kick in the pants to a lot of people who've decided that 1-20 is "a grind" (LOL a grind that if you team you can literally walk through it in ONE long play session). You are meant to actually READ the text, ENJOY the story. Not just blast through everything in sight.

After you've got 4 or 5 Praetorians under your belt, running through both Resistance and Loyalist arcs, I can see skipping through bits. But... The stories are THAT good, that I wouldn't skip it for the world.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I don't enjoy solo play till about level 8 or 12.

Teaming I enjoy up till a new power set comes out that makes me reroll (on my main that has not happened yet so indefinitely for emp/rad).

I'm about to roll an evil evil praetorian as soon as I figure out what hero AT I want it to be.

I've got nothing of value to add but I like to type.



I remembered my point...I fully empathize with soloists not getting much out of Pretoria if they don't like playing characters who haven't started coming into there powers.



I liked CoV so much that, except for 2 or 3 months, I've played mostly redside. By comparison GR is underwhelming. It may serve altitis sufferers well, but will likely wear thin with very few repetitions for me. Yes, it lays the groundwork for future content, but it feels skimpy and it took so long to get this far. Level 20-50 content for Praetoria may be years away.

I19 will supposedly deliver on other content that has languished for years, dealing with the various time travel/invasion storylines. I guess I've gotten tired of waiting so long for story progression. GR may not be enough to keep my sub going. It also doesn't help that inactive accounts were given a free month, while the loyal customers who pre-purchased GR got bupkus. Yeah, the early access to DP and DS didn't compensate in my mind.



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
The issue isn't price, it's value. Lvl 1 - 20 are the quickest lvls to get through in CoH/V and for some people are the least enjoyable due to the lack of travel powers until late and then issues relating to stamina / endurance and attack chains.
I'll agree with this much. Honestly I don't see why GR didn't stretch to 1-30, the level ranges of the last two zones are surprisingly small (6 and 4-5 levels or so?).

Tis weird. I'm loving GR, but I'm just rather surprised by that decision having seen how much work went into each zone (coupled with the fact that I've generally been levelling so fast I haven't even made it through a single morality mission yet, I get to the end of the 2nd or 3rd contact and I've actually outlevelled the rest and don't get referred to the next one).



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
(coupled with the fact that I've generally been levelling so fast I haven't even made it through a single morality mission yet, I get to the end of the 2nd or 3rd contact and I've actually outlevelled the rest and don't get referred to the next one).
You need to faceplant more

The debt that my first Praetorian accumulated (and very little street combat since I used hover a lot) meant she only just dinged 19 at the end of the Neutropolis arcs, so I had to street sweep to 20, since I didn't want to spoil the other paths as I'm saving them for my next alts.

That's on a blaster though. Debt is a blaster inherent.

I can see myself revisiting GR's 1-20 game often. For starters I have at last another 3 alts to run through the different paths, and thats 20-30 hours of play for each of them. Then there will be eventually be heroic alts that require a villain AT from level 1; villain alts that require heroic ATs in the same way; alts with Praetorian back stories; or simply alts who start in Praetoria because it's a change of pace from blueside or redside.



Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
You need to faceplant more

The debt that my first Praetorian accumulated (and very little street combat since I used hover a lot) meant she only just dinged 19 at the end of the Neutropolis arcs, so I had to street sweep to 20, since I didn't want to spoil the other paths as I'm saving them for my next alts.

That's on a blaster though. Debt is a blaster inherent.

I can see myself revisiting GR's 1-20 game often. For starters I have at last another 3 alts to run through the different paths, and thats 20-30 hours of play for each of them. Then there will be eventually be heroic alts that require a villain AT from level 1; villain alts that require heroic ATs in the same way; alts with Praetorian back stories; or simply alts who start in Praetoria because it's a change of pace from blueside or redside.
Actually I remember, I did two of Hatchets missions yesterday as a duo, so a marginally increased rate of levelling there which probably caused it. I'm on the third zone and doing it exclusively solo so I'll see how that goes for him (although I joined a PuG for one mission yesterday. Damn it! Although that provided it's own merriment by way of a Loyalist Demon MM Teamie who conned as an enemy to us and got irate because his silly demons kept wandering into range of my broadsword).

My Fire/Dark Corrupter hasn't actually done ANY of her own missions at all and she's level 15, she's too irresistible to PuGs (purely my own fault of course).



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Actually, that's not what's being said. What's being said is that the endgame content that's available has been run over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and.....rinse and repeat for 6 years.

I've got 45 toons. 22 of them are 50s. It's pretty safe to assume that I'm growing just a bit tired of the "trip to 50"--ESPECIALLY pre-stamina levels.

You can also safely assume that since I regularly play 22 50s, I've run the endgame content until I'm blue in the face and can do it blindfolded with 2 hands tied behind my back (figure of speech--kinda sad that I have to specify that with this audience)...

So, what is someone like me (and at LEAST several other people just in this thread (statistically speaking) looking for?

More endgame content.
Okay, now fast forward a year and a half. Are you sick of that new endgame content that you were begging for yet?

I bet you are.

We've been given endgame content several times already.

"What endgame content?" you ask?

That stuff you're complaining is old and stale. That was endgame content.

Any NEW endgame content will stay fresh and exciting.....for maybe two months tops. Once the quickest, most expedient method of completing it for the reward it offers reaches the masses, it will become just as old and stale as everything else.

The devs decided the move they were going to make was the move designed to give NEW players something to do with the game they just bought. It doesn't make any sense at all to market a game to potential new players and tell them "Oh, you need to get to level 50 before you can do the stuff we did in this expansion."

Sure, they could have done both lowbie content AND endgame content, but I would wager that if they had done that, both bits of content would suck because they rushed through it.

I can't speak for everyone, but I would rather have a smaller amount of GOOD content than a larger amount of pointless crap any day of the week.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Sunpulse View Post
2. Yes.. there is CoP.. which was beaten in 18 minutes by a Victory group. All this way for 18 minutes of fun, a badge and ability to buy more of the same IOs already in game. Tip missions are all right. But they lack substance.
Yes be completed the trial in a relatively short time, but it was fun none the less. Also even though we gave the trial a backhand slap, it is by no means easy and IMO anything much longer would border on frustrating.

I do agree with the overall sentiment I believe you were trying to get to. Understand that no matter how much content is released, some players will "run out" of things to do faster than others. Whether it's because they blaze through new content, or are just not interested in particular new features.

Personally speaking I've only played about 5 times since the GR launch, once for the CoP trial mentioned above, once to create a Praetorian, and three others to take my scrapper to the Isles. The delay in the release coupled with the removal of the Incarnate system did take a lot of the wind out of the sails for me. Fortunately I'm really excited about the system and I'm willing to wait at least to the end of the year. The dev team, over the past few years has come through time and time again, I don't think I19 will be any different.

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
The reality is that, as the devs have noted before, many longtime subscribers don't play their characters all the way to 50. They have the access to the datamining to see what the majority of their players are doing and what they'd probably get the MOST value out of in the expansion.
I have a boat load of toons I haven't played to 50, but that is because I either got tired of the pre-stamina game or I just lost interest in the character concept. I wonder if the devs datamine for how much time these <50 toons are actually participating in in-game activity?

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Mine don't. Only 2 50's in 6 years, and I only break them out during holiday events to farm candy canes and Halloween salvage. The only reason I got those two characters to 50 was to unlock the EAT's. All my other characters get retired before they get to 50 and moved to the Freedom retirement home for discarded characters



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Okay, now fast forward a year and a half. Are you sick of that new endgame content that you were begging for yet?

I bet you are.

We've been given endgame content several times already.

"What endgame content?" you ask?

That stuff you're complaining is old and stale. That was endgame content.
I love you.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



I don't like any of the GR crap, the best stuff they released was free issue 18 stuff and there wasn't a lot of that either.

I know people are gonna be butthurt about my post cause lolCoHfanboys but seriously this game and it's developers have nothing to offer anymore.



Originally Posted by Dawk_Boy View Post
I don't like any of the GR crap, the best stuff they released was free issue 18 stuff and there wasn't a lot of that either.

I know people are gonna be butthurt about my post cause lolCoHfanboys but seriously this game and it's developers have nothing to offer anymore.
If you don't like the content you should probably play another game.