Failing to be impressed




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I wasn't contesting what you said, Arcana, just expanding on it in a different direction.
Is it weird in my head this was followed by Sam and Arcan making out and groping each other madly.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
While I don't doubt that some people actually do fall under your second example, I think what you usually see happening when people respond to the "I'm Quitting" posts is tough love. A lot of the "ragequitters" are like a 5 year old that is always threatening to run away from home but never does because he just wants attention. So instead of feeding the drama many of us call their bluff and tell them, "Fine so go. Do you need a ride?" We know they aren't gonna leave. They've been here 6 years, and you can't drag them away if you tried.
If you are still posting 3 months after your second "If this doesn't change I'm outta here" post then I switch to "STFU or GTFO". If you say you are going to stop smoking and buy a pack of cigarettes I'm not willing to hear your gripe.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
To use a metaphor, whose fault is it that they chose to open their Christmas presents early and as a result have nothing new to enjoy on Christmas morning? The devs didn't hold a gun to their heads and force them to buy the pre-purchase.
No, but the devs want GoRo to be a special experience that gets people excited about CoH/V. Since the powers were the pre-order bonus, they were no longer 'new' by the time GoRo came along.

The pre-order bonus could have been some emotes or costume pieces - it still would have served as an extra for those who paid their cash early but kept the attraction of new powersets.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
And so what if people DO make threats? So what. For real, so what?
That's been my point from the beginning. So what? Are we all supposed to be held hostage by emotional people waving their subscriptions over our heads? Is NCSoft supposed to? If their bottom line is not being affected, then why would they?

*One group sees the entire playerbase as a large mass of people paying subscriptions, buying boosters etc. So as naturally follows, each one of those people - personally like them or not - is generating money for a game that all of us love, no matter how we might feel about each other on the forums or whereever.
No one is saying that all paying customers don't matter. I'm saying that unless a significant portion of the playerbase is ready to quit over lack of endgame content, then a few very vocal forum posters are unlikely to have any effect on Paragon Studios and their future plans.

You pay a subscription. So do I. So do people you and I like. So do people you and I despise. In the eyes of NCSoft, we're ALL equal. Like it or not.
If that's the case, why do you think NCSoft is going to favor a single player's opinion over another? That's been my point from the start. They made a call on where they believed their resources needed to be focused. They made the expansion with that decision in mind. That decision was likely made taking into account all the factors that we as players can easily see and those that we cannot.

With that in mind, how can you say with any certainty that it was bad for the game? All you can say is that it was bad for your game. And after voicing your opinion you can eiter continue to play in the hopes that they will add what you want soon...or you can not play until they do.

*The second group sees people they dislike as completely disposable: Have an opinion they disagree with? GTFO! They are the self-appointed arbiters of taste, and only people they like and agree with should be allowed to hold subscriptions. I can draw no other inference from the things I see being said.
I'm not saying: 'GTFO'. I'm simply taking a logical look at a situation and telling you to do what makes sense. If you find another game or hobby that entertains you until you want to come back, do you think you're 'cheating' on COX or something? Do you think that people are going point fingers at you and shake their heads at your disloyalty? Wouldn't not doing something that you no longer enjoy be a sensible move?

As to the rest of your post, all I can say is that if someone loses their SG and Global friends over a game change and they want to quit because of that, then I'm assuming they are adults and know full well that the rest of the game hasn't emptied out. There are other players out there.

The thing is that a lot of those people don't come looking for empathy, they come making threats and 'I told you so' finger-pointing arguments. Should they then expect a warm greeting and comfort?

When I left the game for my long break, I just left. I checked back periodically to see where things were but that was that. I enjoyed the hell out of my time playing EVE all sorts of other games until I chose to come back. And I have been here ever since.

When/if I choose to leave again, I will do so without some big fanfare and attention-grab post. I'll fill out the leaving survey for NCSoft and that will be that. Life continues on...



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
To use a metaphor, whose fault is it that they chose to open their Christmas presents early and as a result have nothing new to enjoy on Christmas morning? The devs didn't hold a gun to their heads and force them to buy the pre-purchase.

The same people that are now whining about being bored with DS and DP were the same ones that spent months gleefully running around the zones bragging "Look at me! I'm a special snowflake! I have early access and you don't! When GR goes live I'll have all my 50's ready and you'll still be slogging thru the low levels. Neener! Neener! Neener!"

I'll save my sympathy for the people that actually deserve it.

I couldn't start with GR until September 1st because of one thing or another, so I'm enjoying the experience. I didn't pre-purchase the two powersets because it A) didn't make financial sense and B) I don't have the immature "I need it now!" attitude.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post

I couldn't start with GR until September 1st because of one thing or another, so I'm enjoying the experience. I didn't pre-purchase the two powersets because it A) didn't make financial sense and B) I don't have the immature "I need it now!" attitude.
Heh... and there are those of us who prepurchased and STILL haven't played a DP or demon summoner past level 10....



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
Heh... and there are those of us who prepurchased and STILL haven't played a DP or demon summoner past level 10....
And those of you in that situation aren't complaining that you are bored of the sets already. You haven't really started them yet.



too much silliness in this thread to address individually.

I'll just say that GR succeeded in bringing in a crapton of new players and those players make the (seemingly perpetual) disenchantment of certain ancient vets largely irrelevant.

GR was designed and sold as an enticement to new players to check out CoH. While there is stuff in there for longtime vets, we aren't the target demographic of this particular update.

Still, I'm having plenty of fun with it and so are quite a few other old timers.


The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
Is it weird in my head this was followed by Sam and Arcan making out and groping each other madly.

If you are still posting 3 months after your second "If this doesn't change I'm outta here" post then I switch to "STFU or GTFO". If you say you are going to stop smoking and buy a pack of cigarettes I'm not willing to hear your gripe.
I don't like your GTFO!!!

+1 Troll for me....I win!



I can only speak for me and my friends and family who have subscribed to this game for a long time.
I don't post much on this forum because I, don't personally like the attitude of "kissdevass" or quit.
I cancelled back in the GoingRogue Closed Beta... I haven't renewed my sub, I don't even have to think about that til' February thoe... because I bought the 1 year subscription deal last Feb when they were hyping up GoRo.

When I made my post, I was speaking for myself and my friends who have sat around on FB brainstorming things that would be awesome for this game in our opinions.

I understand that alot of you had fail experiences at other games with their endgame. It's true, other games have sucky endgame.

While you feel that way, I think City of heroes should focus on their strengths for endgame. Give the Raiders raids! Seems like a no brainer to me. Give the Task Force Junkies, taskforces... again no brainer... Focus on long time subscription holders. To me, (us) that seems to be where the money is at.

Hell, instead of making those stupid costume packs why not sell a NEW MAP PACK... That could somehow overwrite existing code in the game and give us some new maps to play on... (tilesets or whatever you call the inside of instanced missions)

@Talon You have always been a *****. I am not cancelled because of you... I am cancelled because I am losing faith.

Have a nice one...



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
You might like I19 and I120 then
PP has never met a single issue she liked.

Strangely, she's always around to complain about them.


The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Dalantia View Post
Eh. Some people I know re-up for a month every new issue, and ultimately don't stick around. That thing the Veteran Rewards was supposed to combat. >_>
Well, it paid off with me.

There was a time after my son was born where I had zero spare time to play and absolutely would have cancelled if not for vet rewards.

I still have very little time to play and vet rewards were one of the arguments in favor of re-upping for a year instead of going month-to-month and probably dropping out a few times between issues.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
too much silliness in this thread to address individually.

I'll just say that GR succeeded in bringing in a crapton of new players and those players make the (seemingly perpetual) disenchantment of certain ancient vets largely irrelevant.

GR was designed and sold as an enticement to new players to check out CoH. While there is stuff in there for longtime vets, we aren't the target demographic of this particular update.

Still, I'm having plenty of fun with it and so are quite a few other old timers.

I just agreed with a Nethergoat post so that probably means we should expect a large scale meteorite bombardment of the Earth.

So...get under a desk or something...



I actually like GR quite a lot (returned for GR after a one years pause).

But two things really annoy me (the first one way more then the second one).

I think that after 51 month playtime, I'm decent at CoH. Sure I'm not a pro, but decent.
Playing a squishy in GR isn't really always fun. Especially those ambushes.
Also you know, beside my mission it says +0 level. That usualy doesn't mean that 90% of the mobs are +1 level (or it shouldn't mean that, but that what I get most of the time).
Why no difficulty setting in GR?

-civilians running around in panic:
Okay I enter a mish. Here they are, loads of civilians running around in panic straight beside the exit. "Uhm guys, here's the exit!" comes to my mind first (I actually said that out load ones which prompted my wife to be laughing at me talking to the monitor).
Why don't they just leave the building? I mean, they programmed this feature in CoV.

Especially with the difficulty the way it is I often experience GR as a rollercoaster between Fun and Frustration (the fun prevails at the moment).

I still don't understand why PS didn't put the difficulty slider in GR. I hope they didn't withhold that just to sell it as a great feature in I19.



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
I just agreed with a Nethergoat post so that probably means we should expect a large scale meteorite bombardment of the Earth.

So...get under a desk or something...
Hiding under a desk only protects you from atomic bombs. Didn't you ever watch the Civil Defense film Duck and Cover?



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
PP has never met a single issue she liked.

Strangely, she's always around to complain about them.

Lies... I liked the issues that came out when Cryptic was running the game.
The best thing that happened since they left was color customization.

If you don't want to read my opinions, block me.
If you chose to read everything like a complaint, then you fail at reading or knowing me at all. Have a nice life.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Lies... I liked the issues that came out when Cryptic was running the game.
The best thing that happened since they left was color customization.
Then you should love how they are doing things over on that other game you have a lifetime sub to.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Lies... I liked the issues that came out when Cryptic was running the game.
Your selective memory is impressive.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
If you chose to read everything like a complaint, then you fail at reading or knowing me at all. Have a nice life.
Oh, I trust everyone knows you by now, hence the lack of surprise in the post you quoted. This is what you do here, and this is what we expect you to do.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Oh, I trust everyone knows you by now, hence the lack of surprise in the post you quoted. This is what you do here, and this is what we expect you to do.
Actually, None of you know me at all. You're all just a bunch of snob-******, who fail to grasp that all I have ever wanted was for this game to succeed. You all continue with your bantor about how you know me, when you don't... you never cared to. It is because of that attitude that I never cared about what any of you have had to say.

I only answer because I am bored atm.

I don't even understand myself why I bother giving people the link to the 7 day subscription to this game. I don't wish any of you on even my worst enemy.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Actually, None of you know me at all.
we all know your forum persona quite well.

And since we're chatting on a forum , not hanging out in your dining room, that gives us a good working understanding of your behaviors and motivations.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone