Question: What powers do you want Alternate animations for?




Originally Posted by Siberian_Spring View Post
This this THIS... something other than throwing random objects, please.
Throw random teammate?



Originally Posted by Shadow_Raptor View Post
New animations for Dual Pistols Bump Bump
Already? That was fast.



Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
Already? That was fast.

People have been asking for new pistols animations since the animations were revealed. A lot of folks would prefer a more straightforward shooting set, rather than the acrobatics we have now.

I personally like the current animations, but I built a character suited to them.



Originally Posted by Gearsinger View Post
People have been asking for new pistols animations since the animations were revealed. A lot of folks would prefer a more straightforward shooting set, rather than the acrobatics we have now.

I personally like the current animations, but I built a character suited to them.
So would it be totally hipster of me to ask for new pole staff animations now, or just douchy?



Peacebringers and warshades should get there color changers..

and the corresponding powers should have the same animation change like the other AT'S

IE solar flare, get the footstomp change..

IS gets a change.. and so on so forth

Iron-Blade 50kat/invul Iron Ascension 50trifpb Cinder Reborn 50fire/kin Zaha'doom 50triws Cindered Stones 50fire/ston ColdFusion 35 ice/rad Iron Ash 50 Fir/WP
Iron Wind km/regen Iron Static elec/reg Psy Entity 50 psy/dev Iron-Assassin 50 nin/nin



Anyone know if any current devs even look at this thread anymore, since Castle is gone? Just curious. I'll still throw out my thoughts, but I wanted to know.

Current alternate animations that are in game need to be ported to every applicable attack. The footstomp animation is used by many powers, and they should all be able to punch the ground if they want for that power (be it a peacebringer, earth controller, etc.). Same things for all the punches in game. Still not sure how the alternate Fire Breath animation was not given to melee sets that also use Fire Breath. Basically, this is just a request to make use of what you have already done: spread the love to all sets with those animations.

Now that we have some more variety in punches and ranged attacks, the next biggest issue is weapon animations. I really cannot play any broadsword or battle axe characters because their animations are too similar to what Fiery Aura and War Mace have (and I have characters with those sets already). Any attacks using weapons really need some variety to look and work better. This really should be the next priority of animations, to my mind, as it affects so many sets, rather than just one on its own.

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Shame this is so long, so ignore if this has already been mentioned.

Electric Blast: Give us some powerful crackling lightning (like the cabal have, and like lightning storm has. I feel less like a lightning wielding god of a hero and more like a low power electric fence line.

"Fascinating. I'm not bored at all, I swear." -Kikuchiyo



Granite Armor - For the love of all that is holy, allow us to customize granite armor. It's the only armor in the stone set that you can't change and is a real theme-killer.



I'd like to see an alternate animation for Blind from the Illusion set. Using your hand as the source of bright light instead of your eyes. So a one hand lifted or shoved forward with the light flash emanating from the hand. Great for magic or tech themes!

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When I first speculated Eagle's Claw of the Martial Arts set, I envisioned a backflip kick. Ironic–I got a jumping spinning back kick AND THEN a back flip! Could you take the backflip kick into consideration please?

Also there could be alternate animations for Pool Powers such as a more Ninja smoke bomb-oriented form of Teleport, or maybe the same waves that come from the Medicine device instead coming from one's hands? Perhaps even some updated animations for Fighting, Presence(the powers that cause fear), or Jump Kick and Acrobatics from Leaping. Thanks.

Certa salute vitae.
(Latin for, 'Fight to preserve life.')



Anything and everything from the Traps set. It's so thematically binding.



Granite armor
Different illusion pets



2-handed stance for sword, mace and axe - and of course this may have to make those weapon slight bigger to fit into both hands. This has been mentioned before. But still want to bring it up again. 2-handed animations are already in existence: like stone/heavy mallet and Ghost Slaying Axe. It is just a matter of porting those animations over. Shield users might have to make do with the old one-handed version.

But this is something interesting: remove 'rooting' from the power animations altogether. Probably not moving at full speed. May be some kind of slow directional movement while attacking. For example, it is allowed to actually step slightly forward after, say, a stone mallet attack or Swoop. Just a thought. It feels a bit more natural that way.

Oh and of course different MM pets looks. Apart from Demons, all other pets look really dated... Stand a robot next to one of those from Praetoria and you will know what I mean. I suppose they can come in sets: look a set of 6 classic look for option 1; a set of new look for option 2; and so on. These options can be chosen in the power colouring page.

And yes, what is happening to Granite Armour? I thought there will be options to keep the costume visible instead of wear that big chuck of identical, identity stripping, stone suit? While on the subject, do something about Ice Armour as well. The best we can do is to use dark colour to make it slightly less visible. Can we please have a more modern look (for both sets) or make those identical square-shaped armour invisible?

A long standing and somewhat controversial issue of weapon drawing and redrawing animation: is it necessary? After drawing something from behind, can the 'En Guard' position stay until, say, it is interrupted by an emote or a not weapon-wielding power?

Teleportation is another one I can think off. There is really no need to spread the arms every time. Just simply disappear and reappear will do just fine.

I do like the movement of Beast Run very much. Too bad that with Super Speed and Super Jump, the Beast Run animation is no longer available. Likewise with Ninja Run. Can something be done to keep the Run animations while superspeeding or jumping?



I havent read the whole thread but I want the "Breath of X" type animation for Tenebrous Tentacles. Like, I'd love my Rad/Dark to make a breathing animation just like Bile Spray or Frost Breath or something like that, but with a dark effect. It would look so awesome to breathe a black mist out and then have the tenebrous tentacles animation damaging/entangling the enemy. Sweet.

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Hasten. Fire in the hands for EVERYONE?!



Originally Posted by Angelic_EU View Post
A long standing and somewhat controversial issue of weapon drawing and redrawing animation: is it necessary? After drawing something from behind, can the 'En Guard' position stay until, say, it is interrupted by an emote or a not weapon-wielding power?

Teleportation is another one I can think off. There is really no need to spread the arms every time. Just simply disappear and reappear will do just fine.

I do like the movement of Beast Run very much. Too bad that with Super Speed and Super Jump, the Beast Run animation is no longer available. Likewise with Ninja Run. Can something be done to keep the Run animations while superspeeding or jumping?
These 3 are also important to me




If Eviscerate got a non-jumpy animaton then Stone Armor Brutes would be allowed to take the powerset I believe. Also, the jump looks really tacky for people with wings.

Whining about everything since 2006.

Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:



I want Martial Arts animations ported to Electric Melee (and all the elemental melee sets that have the same animation time)

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Originally Posted by Quino View Post
Hasten. Fire in the hands for EVERYONE?!
Been waiting since they started customization for this one thing. Every character I have takes Hasten (since it's such a game changing power), so every character has to deal with glowing hands regardless of all other customization/theme. It really just kinda seems silly after awhile to always have orange glowing hands.

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Just let us turn off the graphics of some powers, just that would make me happy, because everything in Leadership annoys me and the fact that ALL stone tanks look exactly the same, hasten graphics = fail, and my decoys look like people who just teleported from watching "Sweatin to the Oldies".

Quills - Why why why after all the cool new looks of spines do the quills
have that ridiculous nasty pea soup green nastyness trailing the
quills the power itself is ok just let me make the quills match
everything else on my costume.

Blazing Aura - tone it down? The sound I hear in my sleep

Healing flames - just seems wierd little dancing flames having a good old
time - give me some HEALING FLAMES!



Originally Posted by Prophetsrage View Post
Just let us turn off the graphics of some powers, just that would make me happy, because everything in Leadership annoys me and the fact that ALL stone tanks look exactly the same, hasten graphics = fail, and my decoys look like people who just teleported from watching "Sweatin to the Oldies".
As soon as I found out I could turn off the graphics to invul I was there!
Still get that glow when I do rage and hasten, and yes, there should be an off option.

Regarding animations, well I have the new SS animations and the flight ones. I would like the option to set it so that the game randomly alternates the animation .. so one time I'm hitting the ground with my fist with "footstomp" and the next time I do it, maybe it would be the original stamping the ground effect.

It would just keep the animatuions a bit fresher and lively for me.

Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

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Originally Posted by Psyte View Post
I almost hate to ask for this, but for the non-weaponed ranged attacks? Pretty much all of them. No, no, I'm not expect (or necessarily) asking for all new animations for all of them, but if the various sets can use (modified for animation) animations from the other sets, that'd be super-nice.

If we can get alternate graphics as well, or use the graphics from other sets (as available), that'd be even better. I would simply love to be able to pick a set for how it works, then make it look like another set for how it looks. A further separation between looks and function.
2nd this... I pick sets based on appearances as much as usability... but find myself extremely limited since the animations often bore me. Since so many power sets already share animations... if you had a block of say 1 second animations and a block of 1.67 second etc ... and you had choices between at least 3 to pick and choose from... that would be AWESOME. Keep some unique to certain sets for sure... but having more options on how I look (the most important part for me of the game) would open up a whole mess o fun for me.

Also second the -sword requests and the ability to set a weapon for sonic/radiation/energy blast etc would be awesome... I find myself drawn to energy more than any other blaster set just cause it has the best graphics... but could see myself trying out a energy blaster blaster etc. And second the alt energy graphics that are more like pure energy than the bubbly part (some of the praetorian graphics looked really cool to me).

Different punchy animations would rock... really sorta tired of the overhanded attack animations (both standing and jumping)... and better punches for martial arts for more of the powers would be nice (was working on a power customization and still found myself with all kicks).