Question: What powers do you want Alternate animations for?




Originally Posted by Eden's Fall View Post
As much as I would love for there to be an option for a flying character to have a permanent jetpack as a costume option, I know that I have better luck getting Santa to bring me the Easter Bunny for Christmas than I have in getting that wish fulfilled.
Don't be so sure about that.



I was watching Push the other day and came to the scene where the two Movers were fighting hand to hand. I absolutely love how they use their abilities to make their punches have more impact. It looked like they formed a field around their fists, but it only showed when a hit landed. It's was like a supernatural street fight.




Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
In the past they have turned down that request, but now I think it is possible.
Might be a bit hard due to how hands are animated, I guess. Mynx and Bobcat should probably have long claws from fingertips, but in-game, they're given the legacy hero claws (aka Wolverine, haha).

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Medicine Pool - Magic or Psychic -"laying on of hands would be cool"
Blaster Animations - Staff. Staff could be a whole new animation set. Imagine throwing energy bolts, swinging it around to form a blazing circle around you that is a shield. Slamming it into the ground to create a earthquake (damage, knockback/stun), both hands over your head for some major "explosion". Raise staff in the air and it grabs a thrunderbolt from the air and then slam it into the ground to cause an earthquake or force an the electricity into the ground which travels across the ground to all enemies in an AOE attack. It roots them to the ground in an electrical siezure.
Your crane kick is a side kick (yes I study Martial arts). Do a jumping front kick. Just go to a dojo and ask for a demo of cool looking kicks. You got a few perfect, but your axe kick looks awkward.
Magic glowing bracers would be cool. More bracers for costumes would be cool. Oh, please can we have a real trenchcoat?

Alternate animations for taunt. /e howl would be a great one.
One of your animations for costume change where you kneel down and all kinds of energy gets released would be a great animation for for a nova blast; kneel down, energy pools and you stand and scream and BOOM. "Did I miss anyone?" ;-)

Thanks for asking,



I definitely wouldn't mind seeing the Gun-Drone get an alternate summon pet, one that doesn't look as terribly goofy and off-balance as the current one. Something that looks sort of like the Warhammer 40k Tau drones would be neat.

I would say alternate animations for many weapon sets would be cool. I'd also love to see a power-armor inspired Assault-Rifle animation set, but that would change everything so much it's probably more feasible to just make it a new power set.

A magic style animation set for many the current ranged attacks would be neat. You could use the runes and glyph type symbols during animation sequences. I'd love to see the symbols from the tarot power used during combat, for example. You can sort of accomplish this with runes combat-auras at the moment, but a full version would be cool.

Some "Animation Proliferation" would also be really nice. Just make certain animations with similar animation times available across power sets.

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Originally Posted by Castle View Post
One of the projects we are working on is to create more alternate animations for various powers. The animators asked me which powers I wanted to have this applied to and rather than simply come up with a list myself, I thought it would be interesting to open the discussion to you the fans.

Powers with Alternate Animations will still have nearly the exact same Animation Lengths, so this thread is not about creating shorter animations for various powers.

So, let's hear it! Tired of doing Backflips with Eviscerate? Sick of beating your chest like Tarzan? Eyebeams not your cup of tea? Tell us about it!
Traps/Gadgets....Different looks for the traps in themes.

Magical Traps (runes, voodoo masks/short totem poles/idols that spit stuff or fire things from their eyes/mouths, glowing ground sigils with sparklies coming off them, floating skulls/runes/ruularuish-eyeball for seeker drones etc..)

High Tech Traps (strange riktiish devices or odd crey tech. Stuff that looks way more advanced then current traps)

Organic Traps (similar to plant mastery type stuff, odd orchid flowers that spit stuff, small crystalline structures, mushroom-puffballs that spray poison gases, bee swarms for seeker drones etc..)

Power Pools I want to see the power pools that are thematic get the standard looks that exist now as alternate choices and the ones that don't have choices, where choices would make sense, to get choices.


Stone Mastery gets the crystal and lava options along with being color-able.

Aid Self/Other/stimulant/resuscitate gets arcane/super-high-tech versions of the tricorder and an option without a tricorder.

Flight gets jetpacks that turn on/off when fly/hover is turned on/off
Jetpack styles that we rarely see like the goldbrickers or longbow not the same tired old ones that are used for almost every temp power out there, though I suppose those should be included for the fans of the Skyraiders.

Flight gets glowing rings/sigils that trail magical fire from the feet/hands or some sort of runed/magical jetpack. Same on/off deal when flying/hovering.

Fire Mastery/Ice Mastery/etc... gets the ability to be colored

Super-speed gets the ability to turn off the sparky graphic, gets a flame graphic, gets an icy graphic and a no graphic at all option etc..same with hasten.

Fighting Pool: Alternate punch/kick animation that doesn't cause weapon redraw like TA-brawl, Katana-Brawl and SD-Brawl. Tough gets that new alternate anim instead of ME TARZAN.

On A Related Note: Make Widow Claws so they can get different visual looks like every other claw user gets.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



I want good options for the Ice blaster. Not the hand swishing crap that we got with I19.

Otherwise I've been pretty happy at what we've been given. I guess alternate animations for Katana wouldn't be bad.

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To beat a dead horse and not flip through 40 pages:

SoA animations and coloration. Don't care about the backpack being stuck, I like it. Just wanna change the colors of the beams and possibly have a few alternate animations.



I think it would be fantastic if Widows/Fortunatas got the same alternate animations that psychic blast got...

I mean essentially, our offensive pool for fortunata is EXACTLY the same as psychic blast/psychic assault and mental manipulation, I think we should be allowed to change the animations. pwease?

Magisterum- 50+3 Fortunata--Virtue

Lukerion- 33 Emp/Rad Defender--Virtue
Noah Heartily- 34 SS/SD brute- Virtue
Mika Heartily- 50+1 Fire/MM blaster-Virtue



Specifically, Dark Melee as a whole. I absolutely love Dark Melee, but the "cloud of darkness" that surrounds your fists just...isn't appealing. It's too big, and just looks like splattered ink.



Martial Arts. The current animation looks rather dull and drastically lacking in the wow factor. Even the moves in old school 70's Kung Fu cinema look better. For cinematic prettiness, maybe add some John Woo flair or Yuen Woo-Ping styled choreography to it.



2 of the rad debuffs have an animation where, if you're on the ground, you kind of lunge forward and slam your hands towards the ground... this animation is great as long as you're not flying and wearing a skirt... Would be nice to have an alt animation that looks less stupid while airborne.



Blast Sets: Energy Blasts, Fire Blasts, Assault Rifle, etc
I'd like to see every blast set of this type have a single hand animation and add a new costume part "Arm Cannons". I've always wanted to make a robot like the 5th Column and Council. Yes, we'd see a giant surge in Mega Man clones, but I want to make a robot firing an arm cannon dangit!

I would especially like this on an Assault Rifle blaster. As it is now, the only weapon that makes sense firing buckshot, flamethrowers, regular rounds, rockets, cyrogenic freeze blasts, etc is the UGLY Legacy Assault Rifle (AKA The Super Soaker) and the Redding Rifle which requries you to get merits and can only be accessed late-game. I am more readily accepting of "suspense of disbelif" with an arm cannon like Clockwork have. This would, of course, entail changing all "Drawn Weapon" animations and be more trouble than its worth probably for arm cannons, but I'd like to see it.

Classic Powerset Revamp
There is a GIANT discrepency between old powerset animations and new ones. Broadsword, Axe Melee, and Mace Melee bear all the same animations for goodness sake! We need some new styles of bashing, slicing, and hacking out foes to death for essetic purposes if nothing else.

Blasting Set Nuke Animations
Why not do a fist punch into the ground instead of exploding your body outwards? It could work.

Epic AT Customization
Now that Arachnos can switch over, let us suppliment our Crab Backpacks with something more Heroic. Vanguard Crabpacks anyone? I can understand getting a few spiderlings and reprogramming them for heroic purposes, but teleporting in Arachnos bombs? We might want to have the option to change that to a PPD bomb or something.

Kheldians should also be allowed to recolor a bit too IMO.

Uzi and Sniper Rifle Animations for Dual Pistols and Assault Rifle
Why give us the option for these weapons if they don't look right at all when using them? Uzis would be a bit easier to rework due to the fact that a few of the animations are already there, but matching the sounds would be rather challenging. It is a real stretch to see a Sniper Rifle firing Full Auto. If you could, rework some animations to match a few of the weapons.



As with the ones you made examples of... yes, I would like to see the Tarzan go away when I click on my Integration toggle... it should be more like build-up or hasten animation in my opinion. But at least I only have to use that once or twice while playing my regen.

However, I recently made a Female Shield/FM tanker, and when I took taunt... holy cow, I was surprised at the taunt scream. It's the same as the integration scream... or extremely close if it isn't the same. It is extremely annoying when being used by a tanker. Hearing it only a few times when powering up Integration is fine.... but a tanker taunts quite often and it's driving me nuts... and I can't change it. The animation itself it okay, just looks like a cat swatting at something, but the scream has to go....please.

Also, please change Clear Mind back to the animation it was before. I don't like the new one looking like Speed Boost but with no sound. And I'm not the only emp that has voiced this opinion.

Thanks for listening Castle.



Since Castle is gone now, I am not sure if this thread is dead now, but I figure I would put in my 2 bits....

I think it would be nice to see blasts shoot out from a hand-held staff or wand, rather than from one's hand, eyes, or mouth. This would be very nice to see on those of our Magic-origin characters.

LRM: Maybe give us the option of having the missile fall from the sky? (sort of like a Satellite strike?)



I would like to see the ability to choose which hand is used for the Melee powers. A right handed Katana wielder in specific. A simple mirror of the existing attacks would be cool.



Trickin/Freerunning animation alternatives for MA example Add the webster as an option for eagles claw
*Also proliferate current ma animations to other melee sets
*Also it would be sweet if weapon sets had the option of firing off the various range attacks as if they were channeled out of said weapon
*Also less redraw please



Originally Posted by Kain Tremere View Post
Specifically, Dark Melee as a whole. I absolutely love Dark Melee, but the "cloud of darkness" that surrounds your fists just...isn't appealing. It's too big, and just looks like splattered ink.
Also has no alternate punch animations at all or any alternate animations for that matter.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



I'd like to see new animations that aren't the same across multiple powers. Not to bi***, but the last round was meh. Having said that, variety is good for everything. I would like to see some of fiery melee changed, like the powerset itself, but could see some changes.



Originally Posted by Angelic_EU View Post
This this THIS... something other than throwing random objects, please.

Siberian Spring-50 (Cold/Rad, Rad/Ice, Ice/Rad, Sh/Ice) - KGB SS8
Chernozem-50 (Ice/MM, Emp/Ice, MA/Regen) - KGB SS8
Wila-50 (Dark/Arch) - KGB SS8
Also: Krassivy Mechtayu-50 (Ill/Rad) - KGB SS8; Ms. Hypatia-50 (Dark/Regen)



Yes alternate animations for controllers. At least an option where I can use the same fist throws for all my holds, or perhaps you set the hand gesturing to alternate arms, like how Brawl isn't always a right hook.

Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome.
Isaac Asimov



Ebon Eye on the Warshades.

It would be great to have the eyebeams not look so... bad. If they looked more like the peacebringer eyebeams (aka easier to see) and perhaps look more like the power bolt ranged attacks the warshade has otherwise, then it would be awesome. I actually respeced out Ebon Eye because it looks too transparent and not nice to look at.

Moncton - 50 PB
Borealys II - 50 Storm/Rad Def.
Capt. United - 47 MA/SR Scr.
Storm Pegasus - 33 Storm/Elec Def.
Diamond Nights - 13 DB/SR Scr.

"Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the presence of fear, yet the will to go on."



New Crippling Axe Kick.

New Punch.

Alternate Weapons for Fire/Ice Sword (axe, hammer, etc.)

For Fire Breath, I'd love to see something similar to the description for the old D&D spell Burning Hands: thumbs together, arms out, and a cone of flame shoots out from the hands.



New animations for Dual Pistols Bump Bump