Question: What powers do you want Alternate animations for?





Storm - Tornado could be your character twirling their hands around, like someone talking with their hands while saying mix or tornado. Some options besides the stand up like an X with your arms spread wide... could be some more castery type, and/or equipment based animations.

In general I'd like to see animations that can speak to origins: tech based, cast spell, chi-fu kinds thing etc.

I could see fire blaster doing all sorts of casts with a fire staff or sword, or burnign hands.

I just hate the squeeze your head to get the power out type animations (metalism)... could be a cold stare with energy running up and down the caster followed by eye beams or something.

I like DW sword, could add some variety though. I like DW guns so far, though I have not leveled very high. I would like to see more of a blaster type gun for the set though, a few futuristic options.

Fire control could use some work.... right now many of the animations are subtle, could make some over the top options for holds/stuns to balance it out.



Two-handed animations for Broadsword when attacking would be nice. The character simply applies their other hand onto the pommel of the sword when attacking and removes it when done.

Hack: Raise sword for a overhead swing with both hands.
Slash: Quick diagonal slash from bottom right to upper left with both hands
Slice: Similar to above but a horizontal line
Parry: Wielding the sword with both hands to 'push' away the enemy (only in animation, no knockback)
Confront: Rest the sword on both shoulders with a 'Hmph!' sound (that's right, alt sound instead of the 'Ahhh~' one, haha)
Whirling Sword: Rip off Link from Legend of Zelda with his Whirling Blade move.
Disembowel: Step back and lunge forward to plant the sword into the belly of humanoid enemies. Attack comes from low to high, to explain the knockup attack, haha
Head Splitter: Character focuses to apply extra strength to double handed swing similar to a baseball bat, but with a sword, explaining the knockdown.

Katana/Ninja Blade needs single handed animations too!

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Arc: 60092 - Supa Rumble in the Park
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-- High-Roller



Originally Posted by Gehnen View Post
Considering how split the community is on Dual Pistols... the set needs options for less "Gun-Fu", and more "realistic" shooting. I'm sure that will be one heck of a challenge to make interesting normal animations with the same animation time.
I've seen this one a lot, the complaint. I do like the Gun Fu but I guess I can see where it'd get annoying either constantly or just because of character design.

I want updates on almost all melee. Katana and DB (and I huff to admit, Kin Melee) are fine. The rest needs updating, badly. Most of them are far too generic and uninspired after the third or fourth viewing.

So, as far as non-melee goes, I'd like to see "Aura / Rings" be an option for some things. Heals, I get tired of the healing rings. The "wind-up" part of some power animations (the Ha-Do of the Hadouken) would be awesome to see revised. Flares that come out of eyes, or something, that wouldn't be too hard to rig up with the existing resources.

Range has a lot more interchangeability in terms of how it can look while animated, but I still say melee variety has to be higher priority.



After playing a Dark/Dark Tanker I thought of something else I'd like that may have been mentioned:

Shadow Maul - I'd like a bit less "Punch" and a bit more "Tentacles of Doom"



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
One of the projects we are working on is to create more alternate animations for various powers. The animators asked me which powers I wanted to have this applied to and rather than simply come up with a list myself, I thought it would be interesting to open the discussion to you the fans.

Powers with Alternate Animations will still have nearly the exact same Animation Lengths, so this thread is not about creating shorter animations for various powers.

So, let's hear it! Tired of doing Backflips with Eviscerate? Sick of beating your chest like Tarzan? Eyebeams not your cup of tea? Tell us about it!

Oh and.... We HATES the animation for hasten. Loves the power, HATES the stupid glowie hands that clash with EVERYTHING. I'd even be happy having hasten have no animation.

The cone blast for Nova form for Keldans, if you miss everything as happens it looks like your doing nothing but hovering there, like to see something happen even if its an obvious dud.

Force bubble could be spiced up.... it is a tier 9 power after all, it should look impressive. I may respec back to repell though.

In general I like the electric sets, like for my stalker. Jacobs ladder could be more like an arc between two wires. (like a jacob's ladder).

I'd like to see alternate models for all the pets in the game, robots, fire imps, etc.



Anything that changes the Psychic/Mental sets. (Mental Mastery, Mental Control, Psionic Assault, etc) ALL of them. I have yet to get anything with any sort of Mental related powerset past level 10, because I find the animations just THAT annoying for the majority of the powers. I'd be happy with either an option for NO visible effects (like some of the armor sets have), or just changing the animations to be more like Subdual, Drain Psyche, and Telekinetic Thrust. The whole vertigo rings blasting from your forehead thing REALLY annoys me. I will also echo the requests for more options overall for the various blast sets. Also, this doesn't really fall into the topic exactly, but I would love for Electric Control to get new sounds. >.>

I pretty much agree with everything I read in this thread... Different animations for Tough/Weave would be nice. On that note, though... My Shield/Dark Tank seems to be broken. In a very good way. The animation for Tough seems to be stuck using the animation and sound for one of the various Taunt effects. It actually looks really good.

Changing Sonic Blast in a manner similar to what I suggested for the Mental sets would be nice, too. Energy, as well. I could handle another option for animations for Kinetics, but that might just be because half my characters use it, and the same animations are getting old.



This may be a little late, and already stated, but with fire blast - would it be possible for the rest of the attacks to be able to come from the mouth like fire breath?

Oh! And it may have been said again, but can we get an option for the powers from sonic attack to actually come from the mouth area, rather than the forehead?

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Two suggestions for Kinetic Melee:

[Burst]: Arms low, start building kinetic energy in yourself. Curl up into a ball in mid-air, then straighten out to release it all in a energy explosion.

[Concentrated Strike]: Ripper's animation. It needs a bit of lengthening, so add some hangtime and another full flip. Build up energy in yourself, then unleash it upon an unlucky target.

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I would really like to see new animations for either broadsword or katana (probably bs, since it's one-handed) to resemble chinese sword fighting styles.

Think Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon or that crazy chick from Soulcaliber.

Wide, sweeping strikes, extended movements, and a lot of sidesteps and thrusts. Parry would be especially awesome, if you look at the parry/counterattack animations from Soulcaliber.



Definately two handed animations for all one hander melee sets. I would play a mace/axe toon in a heartbeat if I could get the stone hammer animations. Same with broadsword.



Basic movement using those of Seer or a Ghoul.

And yes, holding those big weapons with both hands would probably one of the most popular choice. Please make a two-hand scythe option for the Axe set, and I make one instantly!



Originally Posted by TXDragoon View Post
Definately two handed animations for all one hander melee sets. I would play a mace/axe toon in a heartbeat if I could get the stone hammer animations. Same with broadsword.

Sorry for double post and probably already mentioned but I'd really like to see a natural form of Claws as well. I like to use the Monstrous Bare Hands gloves with those sharp fingers but you still have to select a weapon style of claws. Why not just finger claws?



I'd like to get rid of the "fire blast" animation. A fireball is not a baseball pitch!




Nicer if they are hung naturally on the back. Wings are extending too far from the back while resting. And they don't move natural enough - they are stiff solid - while the character is moving. Nicer if they swing like capes or tails. And they don't necessarily need flipping every time the character jumps.

Also, keeping the wings fully extended while flying will look rather cool.

At the moment, wings look like an awkard scaffolding stick out from the back.



Originally Posted by TXDragoon View Post
Sorry for double post and probably already mentioned but I'd really like to see a natural form of Claws as well. I like to use the Monstrous Bare Hands gloves with those sharp fingers but you still have to select a weapon style of claws. Why not just finger claws?
In the past they have turned down that request, but now I think it is possible.






I'd like to see some knees and elbows added to all the different unarmed power sets.



*Sonic Blast



Didn't read through this entire huge thread so apologies if this was already mentioned but:

Something! Anything! For Kheldians.

Lets run down through my checklist:
Power Color Customization added to the game, Kheldians strike one.
Patron Power Pools and Epic Power Pools open up to all ATs, except Kheldians. Strike two.
Alternate Animations for Powers start coming at us, Kheldians strike three.

A bone tossed in our general direction would be nice.

The past reasoning was that there were few Kheldians because of the lv 50 unlock requirement. That has since changed, perhaps the quantity of Kheldians has also changed to make throwing them a bone worthwhile.

Lastly, to stay on topic, my vote for alternate animations is, you guessed it, anything for Kheldians, preferably alternate form shapes to pick from, say an extra tank form and an extra blaster form would be swell.

Not quite sure if that falls under alternate power animations, but since forms are powers, and alternate forms would require alternate power animations....

*Edited for spelling and general grammar boo boos*

"All that crap is grey to me, no XP." - Positron 5/15/05 8:36am . . . The world stopped and silence ensued except for the sound of a crying infant off in the distance.

"Everyone needs to chill the hell out." - BackAlleyBrawler 11/13/08 3:26pm . . . Geeks around the world stopped and blinked.



When someone decided to pick up a set like Trick Arrow and Dual Pistols allow them the ability to choose which set they want to their animation to come from. This would cut down on the redraw factor.

Granted DP coming from Trick Arrow might be a bit odd. So for ease factor just make one the Primary. I can not imagine some of those crazy animations from DP being emulated by a Trick Arrow set.

Further it would nice if they offered supersoaker pistols for all those trick arrow effects.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:



Power Siphon from the Kinetic Melee set... the current animation looks like an AOE damage or repel aura. Really makes me want to reroll as a stalker for the regular build up.



new snipe animation for elec. Use just the right hand of the Thunderous Blast animation.



Originally Posted by Ashlocke View Post
Didn't read through this entire huge thread so apologies if this was already mentioned but:

Something! Anything! For Kheldians.

Lets run down through my checklist:
Power Color Customization added to the game, Kheldians strike one.
Patron Power Pools and Epic Power Pools open up to all ATs, except Kheldians. Strike two.
Alternate Animations for Powers start coming at us, Kheldians strike three.

A bone tossed in our general direction would be nice.

The past reasoning was that there were few Kheldians because of the lv 50 unlock requirement. That has since changed, perhaps the quantity of Kheldians has also changed to make throwing them a bone worthwhile.
I am with you 100% on this one. Now, I am not a HUGE Kheldian player, but I do have both a Warshade and a Peacebringer around the mid-to-late 30's. Both are fun, but I am getting so tired of their attack animations and power colors always having to be the same.

While it is partially due to my own OCD issues, I can not play characters whose power colors don't match their costumes. Before power customization, I was constantly making blue-costumed Energy blasters, red-costumed fire blasters/scrappers/etc, and so on. Then power customization came out and I thought "Yes, having the ability to match my costumes and the colors together is great!" In fact, my fire/mental blaster is the one I have the most fun with when it comes to colors (I love her purple and green costume with matching fire).

Then, I get on my Kheldians. Oh, PB will always be in whites and blues. Oh, WS will always be in blacks and purples. Why? Because once the Kheldians were introduced to the game, the devs promptly gave them the finger, forgot about them, and made is so we are forbidden from changing something as simple as what color their powers are.

For being the "epic" archetypes they are touted as being, it seems the devs just stopped caring about them at all.

Now...beyond Kheldians....

Can we please, for the love of all things holy, have the ability to TURN OFF the colors and glow effects of the energy melee and energy manipulation sets?

I LOVE _____/Energy blappers. So much fun to play, so much more interactive than your standard blaster types, but I get so tired of the glowing "pom-poms" every time I activate my powers.

As a case in point: I have an Archery/Energy blaster who is a blast to play. But, the glow from /energy just doesn't fit the natural "Green Arrow" type of character that I am trying to make her be. She is a natural origin blaster, who does not even have a travel power (instead, she keeps the Shadow Shard's jetpack supplier in business, constantly). I'm okay with that. As much as I would love for there to be an option for a flying character to have a permanent jetpack as a costume option, I know that I have better luck getting Santa to bring me the Easter Bunny for Christmas than I have in getting that wish fulfilled. But, it seems wholly reasonable for us to simply be able to turn off the effects on something like Energy Manipulation/Melee.

Please, let us have some options for our natural origin blasters that don't include traps! (Sorry, not a fan of traps, never will be).