Question: What powers do you want Alternate animations for?




For phantom army... how about an option to summon an illusionary random set of 3 random critters from the game... based on the level you are. So if you're in the 40 to 50 range you could summon 3 mix and match illusions that could be say ... a carnie strongman and mushroom guy from DE and a ruralu eyeball or something. All still doing the same illusionary damage they do now... but have their attacks look like the would from the mob copied.

If you're say level 6 the mobs could be from clockwork or skulls or anything... just something to add variety instead of the same old goons every time ... thinking an illusionist would have a little more creativity after all.



There's one animation that really irritates me, the one that you do for Air Superiority while flying. You do a two handed downward smash, fine, but when flying you also do a strange squatting motion as you do it where your legs fly out to the sides. You also get this animation when applying the radiation debuffs (again only when flying). It looks very silly on my flying female characters.

For Power Customisation, I wish you could change the colour of the quills/toxic goo that spines exude. I've tried playing a cyborg spines/ using the Metal customisation set and a demon spines/ using the Crystal set and deleted them both as the blurpy green toxic stuff just doesn't look right.

Also I'd like to be able to customise Pool Powers' colours -it's possible for Incarnate powers- so why can't my dark corr have murky black hasten, etc.?



It's already been said many times but.... hasten.

Eagle's claw. Yes I know there are already two animations to choose from. I don't like either, they both look silly and prevent me from rolling a MA/ character (oh look, I'm being selfish).

HEATs and VEATs powers, mostly Peacebrigners and Warshades. The eye-beam is a no-go for me and the glowing eyes while Shadow Cloaked is just weird (since, obviously, my character doesn't have glowing eyes).

Also some of the stealth powers, like Shadow Cloak, who completely hide your character (having a more faded-like version would be nice).



Originally Posted by Paj View Post
There's one, and only one alternate animation I want.

Bane - Build Up - Can I please have the Arachnos Rifle as an option here.
I vote for this also! I made a VEAT Huntsman, and the redrawing bugs meeee!



i would like to disable the transformations on Khelds.....

i like the other forms powers (and weaknesses) but it's soooo limiting for character concept. i usually don't want to be a squid or a lobster, if i could have the same powers, without the look of the other forms, that would be great. you would still "transform", still gain the pluses and minuses of the "form", but you would still look like your human form. this would work well with the "fx in pvp only" option. not sure if anybody would agree on this with me, but it has kept me from playing a kheld for the last 4 years.

Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.

screw your joke, i want "FREEM"



Warshade's Shadow Cloak. I want to see my toon again!



Assault Rifle: have the option to shoot with the buttstock against the shoulder instead of shooting from the waist.



Originally Posted by Traegus View Post
i would like to disable the transformations on Khelds.....

i like the other forms powers (and weaknesses) but it's soooo limiting for character concept. i usually don't want to be a squid or a lobster, if i could have the same powers, without the look of the other forms, that would be great. you would still "transform", still gain the pluses and minuses of the "form", but you would still look like your human form. this would work well with the "fx in pvp only" option. not sure if anybody would agree on this with me, but it has kept me from playing a kheld for the last 4 years.
A little far out there, but (to slightly modify/add on to this idea) how about only transforming part of the character?

My add-on: In Nova transform the lower half of the toon to the "tentacles," and in Dwarf, transform the hands into the "crab claws," and in the case of Dwarf Flare, turn the lower portion of legs into the Dwarf legs.

Seven years of heroism. Seven years of friendships. Seven years of saving the world. Seven years of virtuous selflessness.

You will return, for you are the mighty City of Paragon, the City of Heroes.



Originally Posted by Neutrino_Siphon View Post
A little far out there, but (to slightly modify/add on to this idea) how about only transforming part of the character?

My add-on: In Nova transform the lower half of the toon to the "tentacles," and in Dwarf, transform the hands into the "crab claws," and in the case of Dwarf Flare, turn the lower portion of legs into the Dwarf legs.

but that would require alternate animations, which is more work. not that i think it's a bad idea, i kinda like it, but my suggestion would; 1. fix my issues with Khelds, and 2. require no new animations, as all the attacks from those two forms could use existing animations.

i just can't get past the floating squid thing..... it kills my #&%$ game, man
heck, i don't even know if the calls for kheld buffs are legit, i can't make it to level 20 on a Kheld

Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.

screw your joke, i want "FREEM"



Would it be too much to have arrows coming out of guns for TA characters? It would be great for characters who wanted to do Assault Riffle or Dual Pistols and Trick Arrows.

@Nurse Donna
You can find me on Infinity, Exalted, Liberty and sometimes on Virtue or Freedom



Originally Posted by Crab Nebula View Post
I want an alternate animation for this

i would hate you for that, but the link for "chocolate rain" was right next to the vid...... can't be mad after watching that, always makes me cry laughing.

Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.

screw your joke, i want "FREEM"



To have the option to change the standard standing pose automatically into certain kinds of emotes, like Hero Stance 1, one of the beasty emote, crouching or drinking tea. The same applies to the current Hover pose as well. It looks really cool with Villain 2 emote while hovering but often the emote got reset when Hasten is on auto or someone cast as shield on you.

Essentially alternative animations/emotes for standing and hovering.



At the moment the swining powers look VERY clunky. Axe and Mace I can understand the need to make them swing like this... but a broadsword was usually not swung around like a meat cleaver.



Sorta applies to the alt animations questions:
I would like a toggle so that I can not see the ice / fire / dark buffs (like ice shield, fire shield) cast on me. I spend a lot of time getting the costumes just right, but spend most of the time with the look buried under ice or flames (these shields make it hard to see the screen sometimes too, particularly the fire ones).

As far as animations go, jump kick looks stupid, and need more (different) blast animations for fire & energy (although I do like the new arm-wave one, surely someone could come up with an additional one or two). Why does 'Martial Arts' not have any sidehand strikes (karate chops, etc.) ?

How about a puff of smoke alternate animations for the various 'instant heal' powers ?

'Exploding fist' animations for fire/energy/dark scrapper punches.

A minor thing, but Ninja Run: do we have to a flip with every leap and could a side leap involve a 'tuck' (watch a gymnast do a side leap) instead of somehow changing direction in the air ?

Remember the 'Kheld Bug' where the character appearance didn't change but the dwarf and nova powers still worked? I want that as an option! (Maybe with the faint outline of the dwarf or nova around the the character).



Alternate thugs (Skulls or Hellions)
Alternate mercs (Family, because of the assault rifle primary)
Alternate necro (Banished Pantheon)
Alternate bots (Clockwork old and/or new)



Alternate AS animation for NB
You take your position, fire of AS and your character "erases their presence" from all (even the player) all of a sudden a sword is through the enemy(no stabbing motion is seen by anyone) and then your toon reveals too all it was holding the sword the whole time

Originally Posted by CrashPositron View Post
Sorta applies to the alt animations questions:
I would like a toggle so that I can not see the ice / fire / dark buffs (like ice shield, fire shield) cast on me. I spend a lot of time getting the costumes just right, but spend most of the time with the look buried under ice or flames (these shields make it hard to see the screen sometimes too, particularly the fire ones).

As far as animations go, jump kick looks stupid, and need more (different) blast animations for fire & energy (although I do like the new arm-wave one, surely someone could come up with an additional one or two). Why does 'Martial Arts' not have any sidehand strikes (karate chops, etc.) ?

ARemember the 'Kheld Bug' where the character appearance didn't change but the dwarf and nova powers still worked? I want that as an option! (Maybe with the faint outline of the dwarf or nova around the the character).
I'd like that even more so if the Nova form was as big as siege but more "ethereal" than the lore pets



Originally Posted by nytflyr View Post
Alternate thugs (Skulls or Hellions)
Alternate mercs (Family, because of the assault rifle primary)
Alternate necro (Banished Pantheon)
Alternate bots (Clockwork old and/or new)
The way I see it Mercs and Thugs should have access to the same looks and alternates why segregate there? Pirates,PPD and other themes should be fair game hell give those options to necro, ninjas, and demons too

I'd like to see cyborg, powersuit and power armor options for robots myself

I want an alternate animation for brawl, give it the SS effects so it's visually impressive to see. I wouldn't even mind if the alternate animation was tied to the cape mish.



Originally Posted by Gehnen View Post
I'm going to assume Power Pools are out, but Jump Kick looks outright crazy on non spider-hero guys.

Considering how split the community is on Dual Pistols... the set needs options for less "Gun-Fu", and more "realistic" shooting. I'm sure that will be one heck of a challenge to make interesting normal animations with the same animation time.
Could feature realistic aiming. That itself would take as much time as the gun-fu.

Also, /signing the request for alternate MM pets. If you really don't want pimp characters and refuse to use female pets, that's fine, but at least give us the ability to color their outfits with the Power Color Customization or something

As far as something else interesting, I'd like dark Empathy and bright Pain Dom.

We now have near-total alignment fluidity, so I see no reason why these two powersets still need to be segregated.

I also want Earth powersets that don't look like either crumbly sponge or sugar-glass.

Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.



I want Widow animations that are not punches.

More claw attacky and less punchy.

Especially Slash. It needs an alternate animation badly.

Psynder LVL 51 Fire/Fire/Scorpion Blaster
KnightWidow LVL 51 NightWidow
Shiver LVL 50 Ice X3 Dominator
Knight'Shade LVL 47 DP/Dark/NRG Corrupter
Currently Marking Out For: Chris Sabin, Player Dos, Daniel Bryan, Portia Perez, CM Punk



For all power sets paired with claws/thorns/spines/dp/did I miss something power?/etc (basically, every power that incurs a redraw animation), have an alternate animation that includes the paired weapon.

I see that darkest night with dp has this. Why not everything else?

Dark Bard, Zoobait, Debacle
Por vezes d� vontade...
speak american godamnit



I think the melee sets need some real love:

Axe/ Broadsword/ Mace:

Those sets are copies of each other, almost identical. They need identity.
They are crying out for new two hands animations. All games out there got nice animations for axes and swords, these sets are single hand and using same animations along the 3 powersets.
I think they need something powerful.

Elemental melee:


This sets need need elemental swords/mallet options also something different to the total focus animation, I hate that animation and all sets share it.
We should be able to custom sword or punch for each attack.
Imagine Fiery melee, you can use fire sword on all attacks or fire punchs for all attacks o customize each power and mix it up.
The more I think about a energy/dark/electric sword the more I think we need them, so badass!



Granite Armor - lemme change at least the color. An alternate look for granite armor would be nice too.

/traps summon animations. Can I have an animation other than kneeling on the ground and having a trap magically appear? Maybe at the very least alternate with the "pushing buttons on wrist" animation.

Energy transfer - I understand the point of the "new" animation was to nerf the power but it looks like ****. Try again plz. While you're at it pls replace any power that shares the "new" ET animation.

Alternate MM pet skins? Can I make my bots look like clockworks pls?

Incarnate powers that cause fps drops: Don't need new animations for these, but everyone knows which incarnate powers cause framerate drops, everyone also knows that they shouldn't.

Also, can you add the ability to have my character while out of combat stand in the "fighting stance" that /shield toggles on instead of standing at attention like they currently do? The vast majority of my characters would look a lot better if they stood in the way that a /shields running toggles stands.



Various different models for Targeting Drone: some futuristic, some mystical, some others..