Question: What powers do you want Alternate animations for?







Tornado, maybe make it a bit more like Water Spout or Scirocco's Tornado



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
One of the projects we are working on is to create more alternate animations for various powers. The animators asked me which powers I wanted to have this applied to and rather than simply come up with a list myself, I thought it would be interesting to open the discussion to you the fans.

Powers with Alternate Animations will still have nearly the exact same Animation Lengths, so this thread is not about creating shorter animations for various powers.

So, let's hear it! Tired of doing Backflips with Eviscerate? Sick of beating your chest like Tarzan? Eyebeams not your cup of tea? Tell us about it!
I'd really like new power animations for Claws and Katana.

Ever since Dual Blades, as well as Dual Pistols, have come out (two very fluent flowing sets), both Katana and Claws look rather "clunky" and "akward" to be honest. Personally, even BEFORE DB, I've always thought that Katana and Claws should be alot "smoother" on it's animations.

If the dev's could somehow figure out a way to smooth out those animations and make them "flow" better with eachother, I'd be a happy camper.

I'd like to see different power animations for Broadsword as well, because man is that set boring as ever....good set...but WAY too boring for me to ever get into...



This isn't really an animation issue, it's more of an F/X issue, but I'd love to be able to pick a different look for Ice shields and Ice armor. Something that's more aura-ish instead of "I'm a huge pile of ice cubes".

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1. I would like to see new graphics for Granite. They should be able to add Stone shoulder pads, Stone helmet, Stone gloves, Stone Belt, etc... to make your granite look different than the rest.

2. I want to see an open hand claws animation. Tired of the knuckle popping claws.

3. I would like to see archery have a crossbow animation.

4. I have a fire/mm blaster named Hot Head and I would like to see fire blasts from the head like Psi.

5. I would like to see Spines have an Icicle animation since scrappers and stalkers dont have access to ice melee.

6. I would like the have different animation for Kheldian attack powers.

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Originally Posted by Big_Soto View Post
1. I would like to see new graphics for Granite. They should be able to add Stone shoulder pads, Stone helmet, Stone gloves, Stone Belt, etc... to make your granite look different than the rest.
This has been discussed many times before, but I'd still like to see this readdressed, and Kheldian Nova/Dwarf forms as well.

If we can't customize the model that we turn into, is there some way to add something we CAN customize? Again, shoulders, head, gloves, on the Granite. Or as I suggested, "eddies" of colored energy flowing in the Nova/Dwarf form. That way the base model always looks the same but we can make our forms look a little different.

There's still the old suggestion BaBs made about "put together the Granite form from parts fitted over the (invisible) human model". I don't know if that was discarded because it wouldn't work, or enough people said that they didn't want it.



An option to have all blasts come from either the eyes, mouth and chest?

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How about alternating animations? One or two or even three animations for one power, then alternating between them. For example, for Broadsword - Headsplitter, there can be a back hand or a forehand swing; or a single hand hit or a both hand hit. Alternating between them makes fighting sequence more interesting to watch.

Alternative movement animations would be nice too. I always want some of my characters to float like a Mu without the trouble of taking hover (hover mimicks it but sometimes the fly mechanism is just not themetically necessary anyway).

Also, adding inertia/momentum into the moment animations (e.g. sprinting, ninja running, SS, SJ) would be indeed very welcoming too. Fly has inertia in the form of a gliding stop. I always wonder why the others don't have something similar.

Introducing different alternating 'en-garde' and taunt animations would be very good too.

I suppose a 6-year-old animation system does need some updating to make it more fluid and dynamic - and perhaps life like.

In fact, just thought of it: how about customerisable animations? Perhaps a simple example would be having a number of different blast animations that are adaptable to all the non-weapon using blasts (e.g. left hand blast, right hand blast, arm holding still blast, arm pushing forward blast, both hands blast, both arm holding still blast). For example, a Fire Blast blaster can use a left-hand blast to shoot Flares, then right-arm-holding-still to do Fire Blast, then both hands to Fire Ball, etc. Players could arrange a left-right-left-right sequence for their blasts. Or a one-arm Fire Blaster who shoot only from the right (perhaps a robotic) palm. Or a pyro-psychic who generates fire blast by putting both hands next to the temples (a bit like Dominate from Mind Control).

Like colour taintable powers, players can choose from an option list what sort of animation to assign to each power at the Tailor. Some of those blasting animations are already in existence. The idea is to generalise them so the players can choose what sort of animations should go with the powers and theme of the character.

It suddenly opens up a wider possibility of character customerisation and more personal game play experience.



I want the alternate animation for Greater Fire Sword to be Falcon Punch.

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Originally Posted by Durien View Post
Teleport, the animation on this is perfectly fine for many concpets and INCREDIBLY silly for others. I really like the travel poor but only a couple of my people like sticking both arms way up in the air.
The current Teleportation animation needs to go. Or at least makes it more sleek and stylish: I think staying animationless and suddenly disappearing and reappearing in the target location will do the trick nicely - and perhaps better suited for the general preception for the comic-style teleportation.



Originally Posted by Angelic_EU View Post
How about alternating animations? One or two or even three animations for one power, then alternating between them. For example, for Broadsword - Headsplitter, there can be a back hand or a forehand swing; or a single hand hit or a both hand hit. Alternating between them makes fighting sequence more interesting to watch.

Alternative movement animations would be nice too. I always want some of my characters to float like a Mu without the trouble of taking hover (hover mimicks it but sometimes the fly mechanism is just not themetically necessary anyway).

Also, adding inertia/momentum into the moment animations (e.g. sprinting, ninja running, SS, SJ) would be indeed very welcoming too. Fly has inertia in the form of a gliding stop. I always wonder why the others don't have something similar.

Introducing different alternating 'en-garde' and taunt animations would be very good too.

I suppose a 6-year-old animation system does need some updating to make it more fluid and dynamic - and perhaps life like.

In fact, just thought of it: how about customerisable animations? Perhaps a simple example would be having a number of different blast animations that are adaptable to all the non-weapon using blasts (e.g. left hand blast, right hand blast, arm holding still blast, arm pushing forward blast, both hands blast, both arm holding still blast). For example, a Fire Blast blaster can use a left-hand blast to shoot Flares, then right-arm-holding-still to do Fire Blast, then both hands to Fire Ball, etc. Players could arrange a left-right-left-right sequence for their blasts. Or a one-arm Fire Blaster who shoot only from the right (perhaps a robotic) palm. Or a pyro-psychic who generates fire blast by putting both hands next to the temples (a bit like Dominate from Mind Control).

Like colour taintable powers, players can choose from an option list what sort of animation to assign to each power at the Tailor. Some of those blasting animations are already in existence. The idea is to generalise them so the players can choose what sort of animations should go with the powers and theme of the character.

It suddenly opens up a wider possibility of character customerisation and more personal game play experience.
That sounds nice, but the animation time will have to be adjusted for each power . . . or the animation times will have to be standardized for each kind of blast. The work involved may not be justified by the benefits.

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Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
That sounds nice, but the animation time will have to be adjusted for each power . . . or the animation times will have to be standardized for each kind of blast. The work involved may not be justified by the benefits.
In fact, there are some identical or almost identical animation with different casting times in existence already. Whatever you are saying is not necessary. Just need to organise them and make them assignable to different powers of the players choosing.



Originally Posted by Angelic_EU View Post
For example, a Fire Blast blaster can use a left-hand blast to shoot Flares, then right-arm-holding-still to do Fire Blast, then both hands to Fire Ball, etc. Players could arrange a left-right-left-right sequence for their blasts. Or a one-arm Fire Blaster who shoot only from the right (perhaps a robotic) palm. Or a pyro-psychic who generates fire blast by putting both hands next to the temples (a bit like Dominate from Mind Control).
did u think of that cause of me?



I don't know if this has been said, but I would like to have alternate animations for Super Reflexes. Less 'bob and weave'...on activation... Perhaps a more straight-laced 'I am faster than you and I know it'. Ya know... A zen kinda of deal. Standing straight up, yet relaxed.



Don't know if either I or anyone else has mentioned this, but. I remember a while back when the Flares power in the Fire Blast power set had an animation where the character would put his/her hands in the air while the Flares appeared out of the hands and flew towards the target.

Also add a similar animation where the character 'throws' the flares similar to this video.

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Plant Control

I would like to see the various plant control powers that cause plants to grow up from the ground to be activated with a footstomp animation so as to look like they are an extension of the player characters body.

Example, my Plant Dominator named Forrest Primeval is a human/plant hybrid. He attacks by extruding vines from his body (feet in this case) through the ground, under his prey and up around them to consume them.

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I never use it, but I would if I could use the staggeing animation that a wakie gives me. Then I can stagger around spamming bile spray.



Currently Frozen Aura in Ice Meele has the classic footstomp animation after it was changed a good few issues ago, I'd like to see it have the hand-clap animation as well as an option, because while the stompy-stompy smoke clouds of ice are good, hand clap would feel pretty good for a "freezing anything around you" effect.



Something occurs to me that I should post. With the announcement of the I19 Blast animation changes, there's something I've wanted to be able to do:

Fire all blasts from either just the left hand or just the right hand.

I would actually accept using the same animation six or seven times with different power effects if that's what it takes. I'd even accept using the already existing "cast" animations, as we have one for each hand, though I'd prefer something with a closed fist. Say, Sniper Blast's animation seven times over for Energy Blast.

The reason I ask for this is because I have a Blaster who uses one of those big robotic right arms, and it would REALLY make the character shine if I could have her powers come out of that.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Hello Mr/Ms game developers,

I'd like to throw in a suggestion of my own.

Might you please offer new animations for all the powers in the Traps power set similar to the animation currently in stock for the power Caltrops.

So basically I would like animations for all Trap powers with a similar animation time and style to that of the Caltrops power.

I imagine changes to the Traps power set like the one I proposed would result in the opinion that the set would become overpowered but I stand by my suggestion.

If this means there's no chance in hell for a change like this then that's the way it's going to be.

Thank you.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Something occurs to me that I should post. With the announcement of the I19 Blast animation changes, there's something I've wanted to be able to do:

Fire all blasts from either just the left hand or just the right hand.

I would actually accept using the same animation six or seven times with different power effects if that's what it takes. I'd even accept using the already existing "cast" animations, as we have one for each hand, though I'd prefer something with a closed fist. Say, Sniper Blast's animation seven times over for Energy Blast.

The reason I ask for this is because I have a Blaster who uses one of those big robotic right arms, and it would REALLY make the character shine if I could have her powers come out of that.

Oooh! I like that idea! That sounds good, I'd go for that too!



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Something occurs to me that I should post. With the announcement of the I19 Blast animation changes, there's something I've wanted to be able to do:

Fire all blasts from either just the left hand or just the right hand.

I would actually accept using the same animation six or seven times with different power effects if that's what it takes. I'd even accept using the already existing "cast" animations, as we have one for each hand, though I'd prefer something with a closed fist. Say, Sniper Blast's animation seven times over for Energy Blast.

The reason I ask for this is because I have a Blaster who uses one of those big robotic right arms, and it would REALLY make the character shine if I could have her powers come out of that.
You may be able to approximate this with certain sets, I would think. With careful selection of powers/animations, I would think that most (if not all) of your powers could come from a single hand. But you will not be able to choose which hand.



There's only one power that I can think of that desperately needs a new animation. That power is Barb Swipe from Spines. *shudder*

Seriously, the attack animation is longer than the recharge time for pitiful damage output. Plus, it just looks plain stupid. Change the animation time, or just the animation in general. Either way, just get rid of the awful spaz-attack animation it's currently using.

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Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
I want the alternate animation for Greater Fire Sword to be Falcon Punch.
I know that Fire sword has a lethal component, if not fiery punch, then what about a fiery claw?



How about all forms of sonic powers are blasted out by using some sort of device, equipment or even musical instrument?

Sciences and Tech origin characters can use device and Magic can use a musical instrument.

It would be nice to have Whip/Whipping animations for some of the blast sets.