Question: What powers do you want Alternate animations for?




Not even an animation change... for mace mastery you can pick your mace design... but it's all (which makes sense) Maces from arachnos.

How bout for magic origin or people who just don't mesh well with the mace can we have the choice to use the blackwand wand as an option in picking which mace we use in the costume editor?

If it removed the redraw from switching between the vet reward power and say poisonous ray that would be totally groovy... and takes very little coding on your part.



Concentrated Strike.

In general I really like the KM animations/gfx and sound effects, but an alternate to the over the top leaning back hand waving that is CS would be pretty sweet.

Maybe a more subtle option? A gathering of power ending in one of those iron fist/stomp the ground style strikes?



Bright colour scheme for, say, Dark Miasma. And dark colour for the MM version of /Traps. I want my /Dark MM look as though she is floating on clouds and I want to colour my MM's FFG in all black so it the bubble effect won't show up (at the moment corr and def versions can do that).

And yes please, different skins for the MM's pets.



More options to reduce/remove effects from powers.

This is incredibly cheap to implement in terms of resources, as it requires no new animations, and returns control of the look of their toon to the player. It always strikes me as a shame that the character designer gives you such amazing freedom to get a character the way you want, and then your power set and ally buffs take it all away by burying the costume under a dozen different flashing lights.

If there's a PvP balance issue then it should be possible to disable low/no effects sets in PvP zones. I don't pvp so I don't know how important identifying specific powers is, but I'm assuming it might be.

Seeing as nearly everyone has access to customisable cosmetic aura options, I'm kind of surprised toggle powers even need animations. Once you have half a dozen toggles running the whole lot blends into a undifferentiated glowing lump anyway. I'd much rather be able to set the entire set to "no effects" and then put in a single aura that works with the costume at the tailor.

Some powers just look horrible with certain costumes - fire shield/plasma shield for example look horrific on my scrapper because he's a huge body type in armour and big trousers - so parts of his costume sticks out through the shield effects and it just looks a mess.

An option for the damage auras that don't have geometric perfect circles pulsing out from your character would be nice. I don't need to see when my aura pulses, or the exact extent of its range. I'd rather something a bit more chaotic. Admittedly the electric armour damage aura graphics I think are great - except for the big perfect circle round the edge.

Teleport, please yes give some alternate animations for this. Even no animation and a gradual fading away would be a nice alternative to chest thumping.


Originally Posted by CrashPositron View Post
Sorta applies to the alt animations questions:
I would like a toggle so that I can not see the ice / fire / dark buffs (like ice shield, fire shield) cast on me. I spend a lot of time getting the costumes just right, but spend most of the time with the look buried under ice or flames (these shields make it hard to see the screen sometimes too, particularly the fire ones).

If popular demand is allowing folks to set whether or not they take the speed buffed effect from the Kinetics buff (which is an excellent fix for AoE buffing, good work!) then can't we set how buffs on our toons are displayed graphically? I'm with CrashPositron in that I'd love to be able to disable buff graphic effects so you can actually see you character.



I have to agree that it would be wonderful to have a few weapons for non-weapon sets. I would adore having a few staffs, and guns. I have been hoping for a ray gun now since issue 2. . .

I like the looks of KM, but the power set is kind of weak so perhaps giving its animations as an alternate to a couple power sets. I am thinking Energy Assault, and Energy Blast?



For Sonic blasts, would like to see an emanation point from the body. Energy blast from wrists, or eyes.



For Martial Arts, I'd like to see the Cobra Strike able to be replaced with a Muay-Thai knee strike.

I'd also like to see alternate versions of the Kheldians' Nova and Dwarf forms.

Virtue Roleplayer!
Skyway Bulldozer Level 50 SS/Invuln/Mace Brute
Maximus Leo Level 50 Sword/Invuln Scrapper
Mr. Tiny Tiger Level 49 Invuln/SS Tanker
Cage-Match Level 45 MA/Will Scrapper



How about some options for Thorny Assault that don't involve full-body spikes? I've got a character idea that what the set *sounds* like (pulling sharp plant bits out of nowhere and throwing them) would be great for, but the spiky bits all over just doesn't work.

Even just taking the existing animations and making the full-body spikes invisible would be fine, really.



Sorry if this has been mentioned before....


I would like a finger snap, or salute, or some other simple gesture like that.
I can get close to that with a macro tying an emote to the teleport but its not quite right.

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.




I would like a motorcycle animation for superspeed. (OR temporary power: motorcycle). THen maybe we could have motorcycle races thru the cities instead of costume contests.

Again, ability to make breath or eyebeam powers come out of a hand or other source.

Ability to make any power come out of a device. This would be great for people trying to stick to a natural or technology origin.

Change postures for fly/hover. And as above could show a raptor pack or Hobgoblin flying wing.

Ability to make a katana look like a lightsaber (or will G. Lucas complain?) though thats more of a costume option I guess.



Well I would start with the pool powers. Now the pool powers are old and so are their animations. These days many players I know just stick with Ninja/Beast Run and a rocket pack to get around. I think that animations for some of them should have animations that fit some of the Origins.

Hasten would be nice not to have that pic ruining hand aura and old animation. Maybe a high vibration/shiver kind of movement when it's activated?

Super speed? Let's do something similar! Take that flame thing away (or make it optional) and put more debris like an upgraded dust trail from sprint (How about a running animation more like a track runner for ppl who are closer to the Natural Origin?).

Im pretty sure teleport is covered but I’ll say another animation would be way better there (A cool example could be wrist button for tech/science themed toons).

Fly. *Sigh. Good old Fly (Hate the speed). The animations/poses which were given were pretty good. There are still more that can be added like that Peter Pan style from the movie Hook (arms arc'd back open handed).

I’m kind of stuck on Super Jump. I can only think of really minor changes there as far as poses.

Other Powers:

Dark Melee: There should be elbow and knee strikes in here somewhere. Maybe a kick version to Shadow Maul somewhat like a kick combo. I'm not saying jack Chun Li but she did hers pretty well. Midnight Grasp's animation is the worst for me. DM is such a cool set but its finisher is the least impressive animation wise. You could do so much with animations here, I mean think drop kick, a downward open palm slash as if you were throwing a baseball with a claw, or change it all the way lol! DM feels like it can be an alley brawling set. Get wild with it.

Assassin Moves: Energy Melee, Dark Melee, and Martial Arts should not all have the same animation! Not when ninja blade is going all out with coolness! Same thing with Claws, Elec Melee, and I think Spines. Dark Melee could do a semi-impaling/arm lunge with the fingers straight like in most of those animes nowadays. Let the Pom Poms burst across a thugs upper body/head on both sides like a Hulk/Jax Clap! Martial Arts could have a wicked looking pressure point attack. Claws could have a cross slash that looks to cut you in half/gut you. Elec? Throw an open hand in the air and then slam the ground point black which could summon a mini bolt. With Spines you can get really creative just off the top of my head what about using the rib bones to extend forward for multiple punctures? "Look Ma! No Hands!" How about a simple yet intense reverse roundhouse kick with a spine from the back of the heel?

Lastly (for now), Kick in the fighting pool. That rubber leg needs a tweak lol!

There are tons more but these after playing since Beta are my biggest problems. It's funny how one power in a set will be enough for someone to choose it. Point in case, Eagles Claw back in the old days, everyone and their buddy had a MA/SR (auto power with +rch) toon for that alone sometimes. I think power animations should come out every update/issue.

Thanks for even asking us about what we think! I wish we could send mini drawings of our ideas in or something, and I wish even more to see a lot of our submissions in game! There are tons of cool ideas in this thread and I wish I knew of its existence when it was made.



Colour customerisation for APP and PPP.

Customerisable resting stance (the natural standing animation). Have the option to use, for example, the various Hero/Villain Stance and others theme orienated ones like /e crouch for animal looking characters.