Question: What powers do you want Alternate animations for?




Can't believe I forgot this, but the 'tarzan' animation used for some armor toggles, like 'integration' is ill-fitting on some characters.

Assasin animation that is less-squatting, more striking. if indeed the character must 'go low,' make it more of the one leg back 'ninja run' low than the squatting stance.

Dual pistols: the animations are sleek, but a less active range of animation would be good for some characters. Heavily armored, older, old-west etc. characters look odd doing the gun-kata dances. Might they be boring? maybe. But people would be choosing to be boring.



Partially already existing animations (and sounds) I'd like to have accessible to players:

Thermal Radiation - Abyssal - currently used by the Ember Demon. There's already Abyssal Reconstruction for Warmth, Abyssal Mending for Cauterize, and Ember Shield for Fire Shield.

Energy Blast - Light Blast - currenlty used by Legacy of Light mobs, very similar looks (though recolored) but with new sounds. The powers they currently have are Light Bolt, Light Blast, Torrent of Light and Light Explosion, still need equivalents for Energy Push, Burst, Sniper Blast and Nova.

Energy Manipulation - Fist of Light - currently only one power, Fist of Light, but I for one would love to see this expanded, because I am fond of the sound.

Energy Blast - Force Blast - currently used by the PPD, there's quite a few powers between them. Bolt, Blast, Torrent, Explosive all have direct equivalents. There's also Force Wave (which could stand for Burst or Push).

Energy Melee/Manipulation - Force Gauntlet Because I love the CRACK sound of PPD/TEST melee.

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PPD & Resistance Epic Archetypes



Oh, not sure if color customization goes under this, but...

The shockwaves that accompany the T9 attack in melee weapon sets. Broadsword, War Mace, Battle Axe. Please let us color them. Right now Axe is yellow, Mace is blue and Sword is red. I want my character with a purple Vanguard Sword to shoot purple shockwaves with it. Let us recolor them.



I think Power Pools need some love in general, but since you asked:

Medicine-- would be nice to have a non-tech, perhaps magic-based, animation option

Teleport-- I've always thought a darker, smokier version was needed for villainous types... alternatively, I've always thought a cool alternative to tp using the same power activation is to allow burrowing: the "tp" target would always have to be on the ground; upon activation, the toon digs down into the ground and disappears; the toon pops out of the ground at the chosen location, and so on (to make this really different, make the power slower than tp, but the toon is untouchable while in transit, being underground)

Super Speed-- incorporate the crouch and lean of ninja run to make the animation more realistic, maybe add some of those cool new "motion ghosts" like we see in the DP animations to denote speed... for that matter, how about a motor cycle option?

Super Jump-- why not allow the mid-air flip of ninja run for some pizzazz?

Leadership-- again, villains shouldn't have a cute fanfare when activating these powers-- Soldiers of Arachnos seem to have alternatives that make more sense

Flight-- allow a rocket pack option so less "super" powered toons can stay true to their concept without sacrificing the enhanceable nature of the power versus taking a raptor pack, or being costume-restricted by having rocket boots just to justify their ability to fly

I love that you're asking

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The chest beating animation like the one on /regen's Integration. It looks retarded as hell on anything other than a HUGE SMASH guy



I want to say Blaster's Devices Gun Drone . But then on further thinking, you can still attack while the gun drone is summoned and that a holdable chain-gun would not work.
But on a second though, why not have the character place a mounted gun instead of a floating one? Its just an idea I'd like to mention..

Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
CoH players are stupid and incompetent compared to WoW players.
As was said in Gran Torino, "Your world is nothing more than all the tiny things you've left behind", let CoH be one of those things. Don't forget, forgive.



I'd love to see a Shield Melee set, but in stead of that, howabout alternate animations for the melee sets that are paired with Shield Defense where the shield is used to deliver the attacks. I'm mainly thinking about Super Strength here, but it could be used for many of the attacks for many of the sets. Hurl = throwing the shield would be awesome!




Originally Posted by War-Nugget View Post
I want to say Blaster's Devices Gun Drone . But then on further thinking, you can still attack while the gun drone is summoned and that a holdable chain-gun would not work.
But on a second though, why not have the character place a mounted gun instead of a floating one? Its just an idea I'd like to mention..
I hate the gun drone. A placeable, automated, chain-gun turret would be awesome. I'm thinking with a damage like Automatic Fire from the AR set. I guess that really isn't an alternate animation though; more like an alternate power.

Originally Posted by Rigel_Kent View Post
Since forum search tells me about 16 people have already requested crossbow animations for trick arrow and/or archery in this thread, I'll just briefly make it 17, and leave it at that.
Let's make it 18, but I'm going to suggest that the wrist crossbow that the Joinin use from the Ninja Mastermind set use be made available.




Originally Posted by Forefinger_ View Post
I hate the gun drone. A placeable, automated, chain-gun turret would be awesome. I'm thinking with a damage like Automatic Fire from the AR set. I guess that really isn't an alternate animation though; more like an alternate power.
That's what it used to be. And it sucked.

As for my request: Armblades for Dual Blades. As used by Victoria androids, complete with the new and awesome sounds they use.

What shall claim a Sky Kings' Ransom?

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Originally Posted by Legion_of_One View Post
Medicine-- would be nice to have a non-tech, perhaps magic-based, animation option



Originally Posted by Legion_of_One View Post
I think Power Pools need some love in general, but since you asked:

Medicine-- would be nice to have a non-tech, perhaps magic-based, animation option

Teleport-- I've always thought a darker, smokier version was needed for villainous types... alternatively, I've always thought a cool alternative to tp using the same power activation is to allow burrowing: the "tp" target would always have to be on the ground; upon activation, the toon digs down into the ground and disappears; the toon pops out of the ground at the chosen location, and so on (to make this really different, make the power slower than tp, but the toon is untouchable while in transit, being underground)

Super Speed-- incorporate the crouch and lean of ninja run to make the animation more realistic, maybe add some of those cool new "motion ghosts" like we see in the DP animations to denote speed... for that matter, how about a motor cycle option?

Super Jump-- why not allow the mid-air flip of ninja run for some pizzazz?

Leadership-- again, villains shouldn't have a cute fanfare when activating these powers-- Soldiers of Arachnos seem to have alternatives that make more sense

Flight-- allow a rocket pack option so less "super" powered toons can stay true to their concept without sacrificing the enhanceable nature of the power versus taking a raptor pack, or being costume-restricted by having rocket boots just to justify their ability to fly

I love that you're asking

50 Claws/Regen Scrap, 50 Energy/Energy Blaster, 50 SS/Invuln Tanker, 50 Robot/Traps MasterMind, 50 Fire/Kin Controller, 50 Ninja/Ninja Stalker, 50 Elec/Shield Brute, 50 Elec/Time Controller



I'm not exactly sure what you could do vs. what we currently have, but some different animations for Claws would be super cool.

And alternate for Hasten. Option to have no effect at all would be super.


The Trust



Originally Posted by Legion_of_One View Post
I think Power Pools need some love in general, but since you asked:

Medicine-- would be nice to have a non-tech, perhaps magic-based, animation option

Teleport-- I've always thought a darker, smokier version was needed for villainous types... alternatively, I've always thought a cool alternative to tp using the same power activation is to allow burrowing: the "tp" target would always have to be on the ground; upon activation, the toon digs down into the ground and disappears; the toon pops out of the ground at the chosen location, and so on (to make this really different, make the power slower than tp, but the toon is untouchable while in transit, being underground)

Super Speed-- incorporate the crouch and lean of ninja run to make the animation more realistic, maybe add some of those cool new "motion ghosts" like we see in the DP animations to denote speed... for that matter, how about a motor cycle option?

Super Jump-- why not allow the mid-air flip of ninja run for some pizzazz?

Leadership-- again, villains shouldn't have a cute fanfare when activating these powers-- Soldiers of Arachnos seem to have alternatives that make more sense

Flight-- allow a rocket pack option so less "super" powered toons can stay true to their concept without sacrificing the enhanceable nature of the power versus taking a raptor pack, or being costume-restricted by having rocket boots just to justify their ability to fly

I love that you're asking

Ooo...these suggestions are awesome. I second these. err.. I guess I 3rd them...


The Trust



If it hasn't been mentioned already, an alternative animation for Jacob's Ladder would be great. The current animation for it isn't really very animated; a rip from martial arts or kinetic melee with an electric effect would be fantastic.



Personally, I would love alternate animations for the Ice Blast power set.

For example, I have always wanted to make a glass mage. While power customization has helped with this concept, I would love the ability to remove the snow flakes from my attacks.

I was reminded of this while fighting Silver Mantis today. One of her ranged attacks is a single, needle like metal spike. When hit with it, the status icon underneath my HUD was that of ice bolt.

I would love to be able to change my ice blasts to look like metal or at least glass. It would open up a whole lot of concepts I've got kicking around. Plus, I want to shoot metal spikes into people, without having my body covered in those spikes. (I could do this with spines, but the melee centric nature of the set doesn't fit with my concept, and thorn assault is a pain for me due to redraw.)




Make like an exo-skeleton or something, instead of turning into a giant rock why not use the effect of just stones forming completely around your body, not going over any powers just recoloring them to a Granite color.
Do the first half of the Positron arc, fighting your clones you see they are like you but a shadowy-black. I'd like that, but instead a solid Granite color. Just cause you get bored of looking at a running mountain.

Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
CoH players are stupid and incompetent compared to WoW players.
As was said in Gran Torino, "Your world is nothing more than all the tiny things you've left behind", let CoH be one of those things. Don't forget, forgive.



I could probably think of one or 2 off hand.

Dunno that anyone has mentioned anything along the same line but...

Fire Breath. Except it comes out of your butt. Flaming Power Poots FTW. (sorry...too much Johnny Test)

While not currently in the engine right now...Super Speed and Super Jump. While perhaps not necessarily in the way of Ninja Run, some alternate anims for these two beyond the standard run and jump animations would be awesome. Though i personally wouldn't complain if SS got the NR running animation and SJ got the jumping animation of NR as i actually like BOTH of them.

Even though the set just debuted, i'd like to see some alternates for Kinetic Melee. I understand that the set is effectively the "hand-based attack Martial Arts" i wouldn't mind seeing a few kicks tossed into the mix. That has always been one of my biggest attachments to the MA set itself is that it was kick-based. Before the Martial Arts Booster pack, my MA/Regen Scrapper Ninja T (yes...Mr. T in ninja form) took fly for travel and pre-req'd with air superiority. Which is a pretty good attack for pool power, it ruined my "all-kick" style. When the alternate MA anims hit, i actually did swap out a few here and there on different costumes to alter both the look and feel of the toon. To do that with KM too would be sweet. Besides, while i like most of the animations for KM...concentrated strike is just horrible. Big circles...BIG CIRCLES! I'm supposed to be building up for a whopper of an attack...not doing spirit fingers! "Gimme and O! Gimme another O!"

That's about it...for now.

Oh yeah...

It's probably been mentioned already (didn't dig through all of this thread) and...if it has...i second it...if not. Alternate animations for Dual Blades in the form of Stabbing/Piercing to be more in line with weapons like rapiers. Some of the weapon skins, rapiers in specific, are more geared towards stabbing/piercing than slashing. Most of the attacks in the set would lend themselves pretty easily to this style of attack, save for maybe typhoon's edge and Vengeful Strike as the tend to lean towards spins and sweeping arcs. But 1000 Cuts could easily be morphed into 1000 stabs (actually, created an NPC in a RP game i play that had a technique called Gatling Stab...which was simply dozens of high speed stab attacks with his sword).

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



Different attacks for Dual Blades. Like the poster above me states with more stabbity stab animations. My stalker feels really wierd swinging daggers like you would longswords...

The fire blade that the Oni uses for Katana, Ninja Blade, Dual Blades and Broadsword. I don't want any elemental damage, just the skin. Pretty please. With sugar!

No one pays attention to me, cause I listen to the voices in my head.



Originally Posted by War-Nugget View Post

Make like an exo-skeleton or something, instead of turning into a giant rock why not use the effect of just stones forming completely around your body, not going over any powers just recoloring them to a Granite color.
Do the first half of the Positron arc, fighting your clones you see they are like you but a shadowy-black. I'd like that, but instead a solid Granite color. Just cause you get bored of looking at a running mountain.
The last time this was brought up they mentioned they could not do this new granite AND keep the old granite, and a lot of people like the old granite(I personally am against anything that doesn't turn me into a giant golem, you can make that giant golem customizable but no getting rid of it!).

Also anything that uses the greater fire sword/headsplitter animation, I think that's literally the only animation in the game that I think just plain looks bad and not limited.



Not sure anyone has mentioned it or not but how about giving Dark Melee a Ghost Widow look? As it is now, even color tinted DM is kind of boring.



Ok, starting with the things I've already seen in here and more or less just want to give +1 votes or whatever to:

Non-tech medicine pool, check.
No FX and/or ninja run animations for superspeed, check.
Less flashy dual pistols (More western, pulp, etc. Less Gun Kata.), check.
Sword and non-sword animations for every power in fire and ice melee, check. (Breath of fire perhaps not so much...)
Weapons for current non-weapon sets (Shooting fire from wands and such), check.
Claws eviscerate sans backflip, check. (Ditto spines ripper)
Regen sans tarzan animation, check.

And onward to a couple of things of my own, that were possibly mentioned in the pages I skipped over cause it's 4am and I don't want to read it all...

First, spines. Can we get an option to not have the spines automatically sprout all over the character even though most of the attacks don't use them? Maybe your guy just shoots them out of his forearms and doesn't need to be covered in spikes all the time. Though what you'd do with quills I dunno... spine burst could be the character spins around firing spines in all directions, like hail of bullets except shorter and with spines. Constant damage aura is a little harder though. But that's why the guys at Paragon are being paid to develop the game and I'm just some guy on a forum spouting half-baked ideas.

Second, an option to disable the FX on flight too. Peacebringers possibly exempt, but the normal pool flight looks a bit silly on a character with wings or rocket boots and they still have the slightly glowing hands and feet for no apparent reason.

I'm pretty sure I had another one too, but it seems to have vanished while I was typing up the others. *shrug*

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



Female thugs, mercs, whatever. Female mastermind minions. Even if it's randomized like the Illusionist decoys, even if people are dumb and have to be reported for using them "inappropriately", we need them. It's not fair that MMs can *only* have male henchmen.

There's a "you are getting sleeeepy...veeeeerry sleeeeeeepy..." animation in Illusion Control. Pretty sure it's Deceive. Please please please can we get a less campy version of this?

And ditto on being able to have alternate-hand attacks in general. What if I want a toon who is left-handed?

Also, weapons scaling OR the ability to pick smaller weapons. My female toons often have to deal with their weapons clipping through their arms, esp. with Assault Rifle, because the smallest weapon I could find is still enormous for a 5'6" woman-and that's on the TALL end of my characters. My 4-foot tall toons look ridiculous.

Edit: For Fire Sword, Fire Sword Circle, etc., I think that maybe a punch with the fist enveloped in fire, ice, etc. and trailing that element is an awesome idea. I don't know who suggested it first but that. Definitely that. The Circle ones could be a a spinning ground punch thing and then the regular Sword ones could be just a regular punch.

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