Question: What powers do you want Alternate animations for?




Would definitely love some alternate animations for some of the travel powers, especially fly and teleport, teleport needs something more magicy.



Siphon Life animation for Twilight Grasp please!



Two-handed War Mace/Broadsword/Battle Axe attacks
Shield in the right hand
No FX in hasten
No FX in all toggles
Powers that come from the head coming from the hands
Diferent arrow for Archery/Trick Arrows (only reason I don't have a char with them)



ok <standard "not sure if this has been mentioned yet" disclaimer>

for blast powers i would like to see (on top of the existing animations which i think are fine for the most part) optional left hand, right hand, eye, both hand blast animations, for just about all the blasts. keep the signature ones of course, but i would like to do and all eye blast guy (NO, not ripping off the weenie in those X books), or have left/right oriented character where i could color the blasts from each hand accordingly (left hand blasts blue, right hand red, you get the picture).

i would like to see more options for controller powers too, but i'm having a hard time explaining what i see in my head......... how about we say, more demonstrative, whole body encompassing animations..... i know that's vague and random... sorry.

and could we please find some way to attach a flypose permanently to a character, without having to do a macro/keybind? i was thinking making it tied to a costume slot, so each costume had a "check box" for which flypose it uses, or something graphically easy like that?

and of course...... POWER POOLS, all of them darnit!!!!
like flight could get an energy trail animation, or fire trail. make a more "ninja run" like super jump that was more acrobatic looking. a less flashy, or even "dark" themed teleport, customizable versions of the sprint animations for SS, that kind of thing.

i also have a long wish list of animations for the taunt/taunt like powers..... but none of them are forum appropriate... so nevermind.

Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.

screw your joke, i want "FREEM"



My big wish for animations would be for the ability to place _any_ animation of an appropriate duration/length in _any_ power.

Alternative themes for Blaster Devices. Two themes that come instantly to mind are Spell Caster (finger-wiggling instead of grenade throwing) and Plant Control (i.e. exploding faerie ring/mushrooms for the trip mines, and a mini-Fly Trap for the Assault Drone).

Medicine pool, animations for magicians... +1

Alternate animation for all the various powers that use the "squeeze my body" animation... far too often it just looks like the character is "dropping a dime" in their suit.



I would absolutely lose my mind with joy if the Patron Power Pool Mace Mastery had it's animations replaced with non-mace versions.

For Example:

Mace Blast would become like Energy Blast's Power Blast attack.
Mace Beam would become like Energy Blast's Sniper Blast attack.
Web Envelope, Cocoon and other web-like powers would become like good old Web Grenade.

And so on. Basically taking the "Mace" out of it.

Edit: addition

I suppose in hindsight, you could ADD the mace animation to the Energy Blast or other sets, sort of the reverse of this, and add some new skins/wands for the spellcasters out there. Guess I was only thinking of myself. Sorry.



I've always hated all of the non-sword attacks in Firey Melee, to the point that I can't play the set. Replace them all, TIA.


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My City Was Gone



More 'brutal' animations for Kinetic Melee. I don't want airy-swishy-swashy arm motions, I want to punch the air in front of me so hard it knocks down an enemy 40 feet away.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
So, let's hear it! Tired of doing Backflips with Eviscerate? Sick of beating your chest like Tarzan? Eyebeams not your cup of tea? Tell us about it!
I would love to have the original Flares animation (the one with you standing like the letter X) again as an optional animation choice.

[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]The #1 True Villain badge collector on Infinity.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]



In addition to the energy mace guy above, I would like most of the 'elemental' blasts to have added gun animations (I.E. give Fire Blast a flamethrower animation, Ice Blast a Cryo Gun animation, Elec Blast a Lightning Gun, etc etc)



Teleport Teleport Teleport Teleport Teleport Teleport Teleport Teleport

that's all i need

Oh and laser pistols

Virtue: Sistah Powah, Afrodizziac, NeutronBlonde,Distortionist,IonMaiden,BlindFaith,M adwoman, Vital Signs,Yzzorrdrex,Diesel Mage, Defend, Glasshouse,Rescue I, Bootytrap, The Experience, AE Virus, Drawback, Daytime, Nighttime, Chamberwraith, Invincible Ink, Monster Mitts, Hex Object, Hexperiment, Frightningbolt, Spooky Deville, Scream Weaver, Cackler, Shocktopus, Ogrekill,Road Hazard,Fahrenhate,Duotherm,Black Lung, Horrorculturalist,Foulmouth,



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Would LOVE to have an alternate to the Incandescent Strike/Thunderstrike/Seismic smash/Total Focus animation where your toon jumps in the air in slow motion and brings both fists down.

Also would love an alternate to the Whirling hands and whirling axe that actually looks like you're dong more than jumping up and attacking the ground in a vicious circular fury. Don't mind it so much for the sword sets, given that the swords are - you know - long enough to reach the enemy when the attack animates.

EDIT - and +1 more vote for the fist animation for solar flare

EDIT(the sequel) - can I haz the chicken dance emote as an alternate for my mind/ controller's mass confusion?
Seconded this one.



Not sure if this was said, but change 'Breath of Fire' and 'Fire Breath' So you could eminate from your hands, like a flame thrower.

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Dual Pistols. Something a little less "nerd-wet-dream-chic" would be great.



This has probably all been said, but there are so many pages now. Consider these votes, not suggestions:

1. Aid Self, obviously
2. Some new hammers for stone and new swords for fire melee. There's huge scope here, and I can't believe pasting in some new models would be that hard
3. I know this isn't what you're talking about but... how about a few new models for granite and rooted's "boots"?
4. Any animation that involves pounding on one's chest

The cake is a lie! The cake is a lie!



Oh, can Fire Melee get access to the Oni's (Mastermind Ninjas) fire katana, too?



Alternate objects for use with Flight would be nice, such as

broomsticks for witches (need sidesaddle for females)
magic carpet for Arabian

Since I imagine there is little desire on the part of BaBs and crew to make new fighting animations for all of these, I'd suggest they go away when a fight starts or else transition to supporting whatever current animation is used for fighting while flying.



The power effect all players stare most at powers, no doubt. So if devs want to improve the basic feeling of the game, one place where they could add alot with low effort is here. Make the travel experience more fun and smooth. Ideas for this could be more randomness in travel animation, abit more situational awereness in animation (diving or decenting when flying, jump landings and take offs, depending on surfaces and surrounding obstacles, Superjumpers fall when missing ledge/hitting walls, superspeeders lean forwards/backwards depending on elevation of terrain). ALot of this is prob extremly hard to make, but im sure slight changes that make traveling feeling abit more like toon is actually struggelig and living while moving, and small enhances to the mini-game i normally play when traviling, superjumping, trying to hit ledges and stuff would be warmly welcomed.

Another idea for improvement is transition from normal move to travel power move. Like when getting into your car fastning seatbelt, adjusting mirror, turning on engine, the anticipation for some action builds. Feeling your now in travel mode and you gonna do it superhero style.

*im not called Hallstorm!! im hailstorm, ggrrr!!!*



these may have been metioned in 33 pages already but:

- Alternate MM pets. I've always wanted to make a ninja mastermind and never did due to the horrible look of the ONI.
- non-flaming hasten.
- more "giant" weapons... giant swords, giant axes, giant guns...etc.... perhaps put the size of the weapon on a slider.

I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.



Please oh please oh please oh please....


Let us have a "minimal effects" option for Ice Armor/shields. I want to look more like Ice man circa 1990s than the walking snowcone Ice man circa 1960s. Make it sort of like the metallic skin look, only somewhat transparent. Hell, even give us a transparency slider like we have for windows, etc.

Same for frozen fists, etc.

Another option for it is to get rid of the blocking armor and allow for a "misty cover" that looks like frost, with cold mist coming off of it. Either way, the giant blocks of Ice just HAVE to go.

Some characters I have I HATE being buffed by a cold dom because of this, and Ice Armor is an AWESOME tanker set, but the big blocky look just makes it downright difficult to want to play.

I wouldn't mind some changes to thermal buffs, too. Floating rocks seems kind of...lame.


Hurricane...PLEASE let us have a height slider for it. IF you're playing a tall toon teamed with short toons, suddenly the short toons cant see or be seen when the tall one is running hurricane because it is ALWAYS at the same spot on their body. In caves this is especially terrible. If I had a tall toon I'd have the hurricane centered either lower, near my feet, or actually (and more appropriatly) over EVERYONE's head like lightning storm, following me around.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
One of the projects we are working on is to create more alternate animations for various powers. The animators asked me which powers I wanted to have this applied to and rather than simply come up with a list myself, I thought it would be interesting to open the discussion to you the fans.

Powers with Alternate Animations will still have nearly the exact same Animation Lengths, so this thread is not about creating shorter animations for various powers.

So, let's hear it! Tired of doing Backflips with Eviscerate? Sick of beating your chest like Tarzan? Eyebeams not your cup of tea? Tell us about it!
Personally i would like to see just about all the original powers obtain a fresh new look and i really mean fresh, not animations taken from other powers. I understand this would be a long process but it really needs to be done. If i had to choose one i would honestly plead for Martial arts, the second animations given to it is a bit horrific compared to the old ones it had and even more insulting than the ones given to Kinetics melee, there are plenty of exampls of really good martial arts types on the web, if i had to choose one set i would honestly love to plead for MA's animations.



What I'd want the most is that abilities would not interfere with whatever weapon's drawn, and would actually offer an alternate animation compatible with said weapon, ala brawl being turned into a kick if you click it while using twin swords. That would mean for example:

Illusion Control / Trick Arrow - Spectral Wounds being turned into a Spectral Arrow, Blind being turned into a Blind Arrow

Forcefields / Dual Pistol - Force Bolt being turned into a Concussive Shot, Repulsion Bomb being turned into a Repulsion Shot

Assault Rifle / Devices - Web Grenade and Taser being fired from the rifle

Warmace / Whatever / Fire Mastery - Fire Blast being fired from the left (free) hand while the warmace is held on the other hand

... and so on.

Of course, I'm sure it's impraticable, but I know I'd love it



I think we should focus less on defense powers and attack powers and more on T^ravel powers Animation since there are none at the moment and not to many people are really always happy with them.

Different Animation

Flight- like Fire Flight, Electric Flight or turning into pure Electric Energy. Hovering on a boulder or type of Magical Energy Flight form.

Super Speed-Fire Speed, Tunneling, just an Underground Emote, Surfing on lava or a block of Ice, Something that some heroes do to move fast.

Super Jump-other Animations for it

Tp-Shadow Walk, Warm Hole or Black Hole, Turn into a ball of Energy and reappear

I don't no i do think we need different Animation form them

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Dual pistols. Can we please have animations that look a little more natural? What if I have a character who doesn't know gun-fu, but still uses dual pistols?