1834 -
Honestly, my EA Brute is one of my more survivable ones. Sure, the set needs more work to feel 'strong', but it's doable. The old buff to typed defense set bonuses really helped the set out a lot, since softcapping Smashing/Lethal isn't really difficult if you're willing to spend some (not too much) inf. Keep in mind that EA also comes with its own, really spammable Endurance drain power, so grabbing Weave shouldn't hurt your overall stamina. My own EA runs all the armor powers (including the stealth), Combat Jumping, Tough and Weave. Tough stacks together with that passive S/L resistance power to help alleviate the 'splat' factor whenever something punches through your defenses.
Another reason EA is less popular than, say, SR, is because it has less Defense Debuff Resistance. Granted, this is a bit of an unfair comparison, as SR is practically immune to it. On the flipside, SR has no utility, whereas EA has stealth and and endurance drain.
On that note, EA is for a Brute that focuses more on damage dealing than tanking. The stealth does not suppress in combat, meaning your agro range will always be tiny as long as it's on, and you lack a true taunt aura, even though Energy Drain has a taunt effect built into it.
Personally, I don't think the powerset is -bad-. It just takes a bit of effort to get the most out of it, compared to sets like, say, Willpower.
Also, it has one of the best Godmode/Tier 9 powers in the game. Overload is fun stuff. -
By the way, how noticeable is the -DMG on Kinetic Melee? Especially against AVs and such, but also against regular mobs.
So, my brother and I have a concept duo. He's a Sonic/Sonic Defender, I'm a Sonic/Sonic Tanker. Both are Technology and use special powered armor suits to produce these effects. Now, obviously Tankers don't actually have Sonic powersets, but I've been using Invulnerability and Super Strength as substitutes, the latter being inspired by CoV's Goldbrickers in Cap au Diable, who use Super Strength animations/FX in melee, and whose powers are named along the lines of "Sonic Punch".
(I skipped Hurl because it didn't fit the concept.)
However, now we have Kinetic Melee. It does not only Smashing damage, but also partial Energy damage. It still has knockdown/stun, like SS. It has small shockwaves when you attack stuff, but so does SS. And it makes funky fzzhhh pweoo noises, somewhat similar to several Sonic Blast powers. It'd also give me a ranged attack.
So, I'm wondering - should I reroll Invul/KM? How good is Kinetic Melee on Tankers? How does it compare to Super Strength? If you were to make a Sonic Melee concept, would you pick Super Strength or Kinetic Melee? Why? -
Wrong forum section. Seems I can't delete it either.
Boosters should totally add a Badge for each one.
It's not like there aren't other badges you can buy for real money, such as Agent of Order/Chaos. Or, technically speaking, all of the Praetorian badges. -
If there's one thing in the game right now that needs to become an Ascended Glitch, this has got to be it.
C'mon, devs, give us some Freakmobiles! Put them in the Freakshow portion of Crey's Folly whenever you get around to revamping it. -
He's not using Blaster powers anymore? When did that happen?
I'm actually considering deleting my Dark/Energy Brute, at level 45, and rerolling him as Kinetic Melee. His concept is that of a touch-based energy vampire (think the Wraith from Stargate: Atlantis), and I used Dark Melee because it has two 'drain' type powers - Siphon Life and Soul Drain - and Negative Energy damage would work out as energy being drained from the target. (Because -energy = negative energy, get it?)
Now, Kinetic Melee has a Siphon Power ability as well, and the FX go together well with Energy Aura, but I'm wondering which would fit the concept better... Hm. Switching to KM would also relieve me of the trouble of explaining how draining someone's energy makes tentacles manifest around their legs.
Thoughts? Rerolling a level 45 toon is no big deal for me, gives me something new to play again. Just wondering which fits better. -
What, not even Lockdown? I love it if only because it actually gives me a visual indicator that PGT is even doing anything.
Tactics needs to be toggled for the proc to work.
It rolls a proc chance when you activate the toggle, and every 10 seconds of toggle activity after that.
I'd go for Assault, myself, if you don't plan on getting both. A chance to proc a short-duration damage buff every 10 seconds is uncontrollable and unreliable. If you're as unlucky as me, it'll proc continuously when you're standing at Wentworth's and barely ever proc in combat at all. -
This is not the problem. The problem involves Dual Builds: If build 1 is a Crab, then build 2 will have the backpack even if build 2 has no Crab powers.
Respeccing build 1 out of Crab would remove the backpack, yes, but what if people want to have one build as a Crab and another as a Bane or Huntsman without an unusable backpack? That's what people are upset about -
Huh. I'm finding it a tiny bit difficult to be excited for Stamina in Forms. I've never even wanted Stamina on my 'Shade because of how awesome Stygian Circle is. Instant Rest after each spawn - who needs Stamina?
Now, Swift and Hurdle for Dwarf Form is something I can be excited for. -
I'm roughly 80% certain that Bodyguard Mode DOES take into account YOUR resistances and DOES NOT take into account YOUR PETS' resistances.
Oh, not sure if color customization goes under this, but...
The shockwaves that accompany the T9 attack in melee weapon sets. Broadsword, War Mace, Battle Axe. Please let us color them. Right now Axe is yellow, Mace is blue and Sword is red. I want my character with a purple Vanguard Sword to shoot purple shockwaves with it. Let us recolor them. -
I've done this before power customization. My Invul/SS Tanker is actually Sonic/Sonic, the melee portion inspired by the Goldbrickers in Cap au Diable who actually use Super Strength attacks renamed to Sonic ones (check the debuff tooltips).
Yes, the Bane Spider Build Up draws the Bane Spider Mace, just like how Broadsword's Build Up draws the Broadsword.
I deleted a level 50 Crab Spider just because I wanted to change his body type from Male to Huge. Fast-forward to now where we can change body types at a tailor. He's 50 again by now anyway, though.
I also deleted a level 45 Bots/Traps/Mu MM because I got bored with Traps. I rerolled him as a Bots/Force Field.
He's currently level 44 Bots/Traps/Mu again, after realizing my mistake.
And then I deleted a level 50 Spines/Fire Scrapper after unlocking Warshades with him, but-...
Wait, no, I don't regret that one because unlocking Warshades was the only reason I ever even created him. Carry on. -
Both Glycerine and HeroStats are refusing to validate about 100ish of my badges on the City Info Tracker site. At first I thought I had gone through the settitle binds too fast, but even manually setting them won't get them to be validated even after the program reportedly sends the info to the tracker site.
Anyone else had this issue lately? -
The globals are more awesome than you'd think, both on paper and in practice.
How about a total revamp instead? Currently, Defense sets are just plain unfun to play if you're not softcapped (or even if you're softcapped but karma hates you). A nerf would make them unfun period.