Powers that really don't make sense




First off, this ISN'T a call to change any powers. There's approximately zero-percent chance of that happening, and I'm not even sure if I'd want them changed anyway.

But, just for discussion purposes, what powers really bother you on a "this doesn't make any sense" level?

For me, the big ones are the "stealth" powers that should be doing just about anything other than providing stealth.

Steamy Mist, Cloak of Darkness, Smoke Grenade

When a big fog bank suddenly rolls through the office building or when everything goes completely dark or when a giant cloud of smoke suddenly fills the room, you'd think the enemy would be going "uh-oh, we've got company" rather than blithely standing there . . .

As a "well what would you do with these powers", I'd make Steamy Mist and Cloak of Darkness a PBAoE -ToHit DeBuff and also provide a +Defense Buff to you and teammates.

(You're hard to see/target so the +Def and anyone actually caught in the cloud has trouble seeing out/through it so the -ToHit)

For Smoke Grenade, I'd just to a bigger -ToHit DeBuff and drop the -Perception (SG's "stealth" effect) or even leave both, but drop the "no aggro" effect.

So, anyone else have any powers that just bother them on a gut level?

6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
Hello, my name is Soulwind and I have Alt-Itis.



Concentrated strike.

*I'm waving my hands in a circle I'm waving my hands WHAM*
I see no concentration there :-|



I don't know, in the COH world, I can't see people getting any more worried about a cloud bank showing up inside a building than they would be about seeing a light drizzle outside. "It's one of those Storm defender types. Seriously, do they EVER think about the rest of us?"

That said, yeah, many of the powers you've already mentioned, some of my friends and I will end up joking about the NPCs just not caring. Or not reacting to one of their buddies running by on fire, or coated in ice, or with a giant arrow or spine sticking out of them.

Then there's Placate. "Oh, no, sorry, I didn't just stab you from behind.. no, really, I slipped. Big misunderstanding. We're good? Thanks, knew you'd be understanding about it." *stab again.*



I agree with the logic! I also agree that they probably shouldn't be changed.

Practically all powers apply an excessive amount of force to be considered heroic (lucky villains). When I see arrows, or spines sticking out of an enemy that's still fighting, I chuckle. I can hack away at entry-level gang members with a gigantic sword, and they... keep... fighting!

Practically nothing makes sense in this game from reality's perspective. I think that's why some people just can't get into games in general. There are mechanics and tropes we all expect that normies just can't wrap their heads around.



I'd say they're just visible representations of powers for gaming purposes. Like for example, with hasten, your hands get covered with glowing energy, but I'd think thats just so the player can see hasten is activated, whereas enemies aren't actually seeing the glowing hands and thinking 'man that dude is fast, he's got glowie hands'.



Foot Stomp on an awning or an electrical wire or similarly insubstantial substrate.

Parry. If I parry this guy in front of me, those guys over there can't hit me with ranged lethal attacks....but if there's no one in front of me in melee, I can't get the bonus to ranged lethal attacks and those guys can hit me after all.

Aggro range in general. I can stand in plain view 80 feet away and set off a gun, a thunderclap, a sonic scream...even a Warburg nuclear missile strike and the guys don't notice me?

The unfortunate accident of design that Storm Summoning, generally speaking, works much better indoors.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



My take on Steamy Mist, Smoke Grenade, and so forth, is that while you KNOW someone is in the area, generating a cloud, you don't know WHERE he is. So while the caster has given away his presence, he hasn't given away his location.

Logically, the enemies should be alerted, and should start looking around for the source of the cloudbank, but unfortunately, the game doesn't work that way. A foe cannot begin moving or taking action until he SEES you, and from that moment he will ALWAYS see you no matter how good your stealth is. So he can zero in on you from the other side of the room. There is no "look around and see if you can find the player".

There's a lot of other things the game doesn't support, for instance, when you dodge, you should flip and move around your target, and when you use Placate you should change position rather than just stand there. But the game never "forces" you to move, except through the Teleport function. And that's why Shield Charge has to be implemented as a Teleport.

Somewhat along the same lines, I've also always thought Jump Kick should actually be a jump kick, like Eagle's Claw, but jumping forward. And Air Superiority, it really doesn't make sense for it to have nothing to do with flying. I always thought it would be neat if you "flew at" the target, like a flying charge.



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
Concentrated strike.

*I'm waving my hands in a circle I'm waving my hands WHAM*
I see no concentration there :-|
Concentration doesn't necessarily mean you have to sit down and meditate

and lolz waving hands http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6Z-mtUSEWE



It's a game so I don't care about anything like this as long as I have fun playing the game.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
... I can't believe I'm the first person to mention Healing Flames.
The whole Thermal set.

I'm going to heal you... BY SETTING YOU ON FIRE! And then protect you from further damage. BY SETTING YOU ON FIRE! I can make you deal more damage. BY SETTING YOU ON FIRE! (Well, actually that might work... )

Or, my Cold Domination friend can protect you by freezing you solid.



All that powers me less than the Pulling tactic.

"Hmmm, Bob's been shot! Eh, we'll let him deal with it on his own."

"Wow, now Marcus has been shot. I'm sure he can take care of it on his own."

"Hey Dave's been shot! You and you with me! Ummm...the rest of you continue to ignore all of us beeing shot!"

Blaster: "Damn, bad pull!"

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Everything in Trick Arrow - You've been hit by a yard long pointy stick travelling at 300 feet per second. It should hurt.

Accelerate Metabolism - Why isn't anyone concerned over the effect speeding the metabolism up by 30% has on the aging process?



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post

Parry. If I parry this guy in front of me, those guys over there can't hit me with ranged lethal attacks....but if there's no one in front of me in melee, I can't get the bonus to ranged lethal attacks and those guys can hit me after all.
I always thought of it as maneuvering the guy in melee with me into a position to block incoming fire from his buddies. The classic "human shield".

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Then there's Placate. "Oh, no, sorry, I didn't just stab you from behind.. no, really, I slipped. Big misunderstanding. We're good? Thanks, knew you'd be understanding about it." *stab again.*
Any excuse to link to this comic is a good excuse.

It is a crying shame that Ian doesn't do CoH jokes anymore. Then again after some of the characters he had generic'd, maybe that's not such a bad thing.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



The aggro cap. Similar to what BrandX was saying.

OMG its SuperVillianDudeMan. Lets all get 'em.... Well execpt for you guys. No no its ok we got it. But if 4 of us drop then 4 and only 4 of you can start fighting. The rest of you just stand there and watch.

Cooldown on rest.

Ok I need to take a break...... Ok off to fighting...... Wow that was a draining fight. I need to rest again. Oh wait I am not quite ready yet to do nothing. Guess Ill have to sit here doing nothing while I wait to sit there and do nothing more efficently.

Any AOE attack. How the hell does that giant fierball know who is its friend or foe?



Originally Posted by Edana View Post
Everything in Trick Arrow - You've been hit by a yard long pointy stick travelling at 300 feet per second. It should hurt.

Accelerate Metabolism - Why isn't anyone concerned over the effect speeding the metabolism up by 30% has on the aging process?
For TA based on the game text yes. But I can imagine a proximity sensor that goes off close to the target to release the expanding ball of whatever onto the target.

As far as AM, I am puzzled by the heal in the rad set as well. Never really heard of good radiation.



Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
For TA based on the game text yes. But I can imagine a proximity sensor that goes off close to the target to release the expanding ball of whatever onto the target.

As far as AM, I am puzzled by the heal in the rad set as well. Never really heard of good radiation.
Radiotherapy is the closest I can think of and even that is basically just targetted killing of stuff you don't want to be there.

Heals in general are a bit odd though, "I burn you back to health." from thermal, "I feel your pain, now get up." from empathy and "You think it hurts now?!" from pain dom.



Sonic Resonance.

I would imagine if someone were screaming really loudly at me, it would bother me more than help me.


I love how all the mercs are holding huge guns and then decide, "hey, maybe I should run up and PUNCH this giant menacing robot/beast/sorcerer/etc... who needs a gun?"

The fact that Sonic Cage, and other enemy phase powers can't be shut off.

"Oh, sorry guys. I put this guy in a cage and I realize I control all aspects of sound and the manipulation of sound waves, but we just have to... ummm... wait for it to end."



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
The whole Thermal set.

I'm going to heal you... BY SETTING YOU ON FIRE! And then protect you from further damage. BY SETTING YOU ON FIRE! I can make you deal more damage. BY SETTING YOU ON FIRE! (Well, actually that might work... )

Or, my Cold Domination friend can protect you by freezing you solid.
I lol'ed.

Placate is the big one for me. I just can't deal with it.

"Watch my hand... and I... disappear!"

*Stabbity, stabbity, stabbity...*

"Jedi mind trick works every time..."

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



The entire Dual Pistols powerset.



lol !

very funny all

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Let the floodgates open

Focus and Shockwave. I have no idea how my claws character can knock people over from 40 feet away using his claws. They're great powers, but why this set gets ranged attacks is beyond me. This bugged me enough to start a thread on it once.

Kinetics - I still don't know what this powerset is meant to represent. Its partly power absorption (Siphons and Fulcrum Shift), partly superspeed (the only way to get unsupressed speed in combat), allows you to increase ally's density and heal them?
Transfusion's enemy-based AoE heal that can miss is probably the most mysterious. No idea what's going on when I use that.

Radiation Emission is kind of similar. Very useful set, but I've never explained it as a character using radioactivity to do all that. Reality altering like the Scarlet Witch of Mad Jim Jaspers maybe, but not radiation. This set also fits Element Lad style transmutation quite nicely if paired with Ice or Earth control.

I also agree that Sonic Resonance is a wierd set if you try to explain it as sound-based. "Solid sound" like Klaw from Marvel comics never really made sense much. Its a good set for matter manipulation of some kind like Firestorm from the JLA maybe.

Drain Psyche is a bit odd for a set that is almost all telepathy, but I guess the +Regen can be thought of as mentally easing pain rather than bullet holes closing up like Wolverine.

On a similar note, the defence powers that increase with enemies around you. Why do Invulnerable characters get more accurate? And why does Willpower make you heal more quickly? They're great game mechanics though, and your character doesn't have to be aware of it in a "Ha! These enemies are easing my wounds!" or "Finally! I can hit that Rikti Drone thanks to the other 9 guys piling on me!" way.



Controller and Dominator pets.

Also, 02 Burst.



Originally Posted by Edana View Post
Accelerate Metabolism - Why isn't anyone concerned over the effect speeding the metabolism up by 30% has on the aging process?
Hah; I have a Rad/Rad corruptor whose description says that she carefully doesn't mention to her "allies" that her radiation based buffs & heals cause cancer and impotence.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth